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Mafia: Cosa Infernostra
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Jul 29 2011, 4:54 am
By: lil-Inferno
Pages: 1 2 339 >

Jul 29 2011, 4:54 am lil-Inferno Post #1

Just here for the pie

Mafia: Cosa Infernostra

Welcome to the guessing game of murder, mystery, and statistics. ;o

Players are all in a town that is infiltrated by two warring Mafia families. Dead bodies start turning up and everyone becomes a suspect. There are three main parties and one third party; two Mafia families and the townspeople as well as the cult.

Players receive roles at the start of the game. Roles fall into two alignments: some will be mafia, the majority will be townspeople, and there may be some third party roles independent from everyone else with certain victory conditions. During the night, members of the mafia kill the townspeople, or those of opposing families. The Mafia will know who all the other Mafia are in their family only, but the townspeople have no additional information.

The game is split into two sections, Day and Night. (Game Time, not according to the real world.) The game may start in either section, depending on balance issues.

During the night section, the Mafia strikes. Townspeople may also have actions to perform as part of their special roles as well, which are explained in detail below. There is usually a time-limit imposed on the night phase. If you have powers to use and neglect to do so, too bad, you lose them for that night.
Night ends with a posted report of the killings and various other actions. Killings will include "subtle" clues identifying killers -- or red herrings to throw you off. Clues may be taken from anywhere - anything and everything is fair game. All sorts of information is up for grabs, including usernames, signatures, avatars, profiles, the way the clue is written itself, etc. Generally, some or all clues will be revealed at the end of the game.

-- DAY
Democracy rules by day in form of a vote. All players (Mafia included) gather for a "town meeting" to interpret clues and discuss amongst themselves who might be Mafia. Every player (including Mafia) may place a vote to select a player to be lynched and killed off. Players with special roles should be careful in persuading others to vote without revealing themselves.

Voting Regulations
- Votes must be placed for specific individuals only, no variable voting (ie, not "whatever will create a tie" or "biggest bandwagon").
- Votes must be clear ("I vote X" is always good)... if your vote is ambiguous it may not be counted. Putting bold or italics around your vote is a big help.
- You may not vote for yourself, dead players, or people who are not playing.
- You may abstain and I will factor you in for the day's vote total.
- Once the vote is "decided" (either by majority or time up), someone is lynched and their alignment and role revealed. If there are ties between multiple players after deliberation, both (or all) of the suspects are lynched at my discretion.
- In case of a tie, the player with the FIRST vote cast earlier will be lynched.
- If the Mayor role is in play, the vote for a lynch on the first day is replaced by a general election of the Mayor.

The day and night cycles repeat until one side is victorious.

The town wins when all mafia have been lynched and the cult leader is dead.
The mafia wins when they outnumber the townspeople AND the other Mafia family is completely eliminated. (they would outvote and overpower them.)
The cult wins when both mafia families are dead and they outnumber the town.

** You are allowed to talk to other players through external means. You may encounter (or engage in) deception, conspiracies, and trickery. We take no responsiblity for broken trust and shattered friendships - outside communication takes place at your own risk. Some well-played impersonations can dramatically alter the outcome of the game. :) **

** Regarding death: Once you are killed, you "MAY" talk, but your posts will be deleted if they violate any of the following: (as determined by me)
1. The post is annoying or just not funny.
2. The post may alter the course of the game in any way.
3. They violate any of SEN's rules.
4. I feel like it.

If the game has not started, you may sign up by posting in this thread, PMing me, or otherwise contacting me and I will add you to the list.

You must meet all of the following conditions to play:
1. A non-default avatar is required to play. If you wish to play, make sure you have chosen an original avatar.
2. If you do not intend on playing because you do not receive a special role, please refrain from signing up. Useless and inactive townies ruin the balance and ultimately, the game itself.
3. If you plan on being away from the game for more than 3 days at a time during the game, it is best that you do not play.

If the game has already started, you may request to be added to the list for the next game.
When signing up or while playing, you may request automatic sign-up for future games. If you wish to engage in automatic signups, please tell me so when you sign up. I will not assume that you want it.

Fairly simple. I need as many sign-ups as possible. The more people that sign up, the funner the game should be (and more special roles will be created). There is no maximum amount of players.

If you have any questions, PM me.


Night 0
Day 1 (Mayor Election of Azrael.Wrath & Execution of Cardinal)
Night 1 (Murder of Jack and not much else)
Day 2 (Pardoning of Azrael.Wrath & Executions of TiKels and Aristocrat)
Night 2 (Murders of Wing Zero, Killer2121, and Echo)
Day 3 (Execution of Riney)
Night 3 (Murder of Lingie & Failed zombie attack on Tempz)
Day 4 (Execution of poison_us)
Night 4 (Injury of the broadcast and not much more)
Day 5 (Cult Victory!)

Clue interpretations

A striked out name indicates the person is dead. When the game starts, the types and numbers of each special role present in the game will be posted.

1. Riney (P)*
2. Roy (P)
3. Lingie (P)
4. shadow649 (P)*
5. Azrael.Wrath (P) (Mayor)
6. LoTu)S (P)
7. Tempz (P)
8. Jack (P)
9. Aristocrat (P)
10. Raitaki (P) <-- Winner!
11. Killer2121 (P) * <- (lol banned)
12. Dem0nS1ayer (P)
13. poison_us (P)
14. Cardinal (P)*
15. Echo (P)
16. xAngelSpiritx (P)*
17. Wing Zero (P)*
18. rayNimagi (P)
19. TiKels (P)*
20. Devlin (P)

Over 9000. Your name here :)

* = automatic sign up for future games.

5 of 13 TOWNSPERSON alive. (faction count, including special town-aligned roles. IE, all non-mafia.)

5 of 5 CULT MEMBERS alive.

0 of 3 MAFIA FAMILY 1 alive (Current killing power: 0)

0 of 3 MAFIA FAMILY 2 alive (Current killing power: 0)

0 of 1 BROADCAST alive.

1 of 1 BOONDOCK SAINT alive.

1 of 1 CULT LEADER alive.

0 of 1 DETECTIVE alive.

0 of 1 DOCTOR alive.

0 of 1 ELDER alive.

1 of 1 MAYOR alive.

1 of 2 BODYGUARD alive.

1 of 1 PARDONER alive.

0 of 2 POLICEMAN alive.

1 of 1 PSYCHO alive.


0 of 1 ZOMBIE alive?

Forced 1-game leave: NO ONE!
You end up here by not voting, only voting once, neglecting your role and powers, or otherwise breaking the rules. I did not look through all the pages of the previous game's topic to see who posted how many times. If you feel you were booted for inactivity but was active through posting, send me a PM linking to your posts in the previous game and I will allow you to play.

Sitting out: -
Appears inactive, but may sign up: NO ONE YET!

** ROLES **
(All roles are listed for reference purposes. They may or may not be in use this game.)

TOWNSPERSON - The average, ordinary townsperson. Their limited powers include the power of persuasion, power of intellect (clue interpretation), and power of the vote.
Power: Dodge - Townies in this game are granted the power of "dodge". To use it, they must PM me at night. They will dodge one hit placed on them that night and escape death. This power may only be used once per game. USE IT WISELY.

MAFIA (FAMILY 1) - They've invaded the town, and can send in a hit for one night life on a person of their choice each night.

MAFIA (FAMILY 2) - They've invaded the town, and can send in a hit for one night life on a person of their choice each night.

MAFIA DON - The head of each Mafia family who is revealed at the beginning of the game, but cannot be killed by any means until all other Mafia members of their family are dead. Once killed, it signifies that the Mafia family has fallen, and is out of the game. He cannot send in his own hit unless Killing Spree is announced.
Power: Killing Spree - The Mafia Don announces a killing spree, allowing him to have a hit for the night. Can be used once per game.

BROADCAST -- Broadcasts messages anonymously by PMing the host. He may make one communication per day, which appears with the day post. This communication will be limited to 200 characters, a limit which may not be circumvented via links. (IE, a link to some previous posts in the topic is OK, but linking to a .TXT with more clue interpretations is not.)
Broadcast has two night lives.

BOONDOCK SAINT - Vigilante(s) aligned with the town who gets to kill one person each night based on their own personal suspicions.

DETECTIVE - Each and every night, the detective gets to investigate one player and they learn of that person's alignment and role. The trick is persuading others in their votes when they learn of special role holders.

DOCTOR - Each and every night, the doctor may save one person from death. Should someone attack that person, the doctor will keep them alive. Doctors may protect each other, but may not protect themselves. The mafia may target the same person multiple times to get a kill regardless of a Doctor's protection (ie, kill, save, kill).

ELDER - The Elder wields additional influence on the votes of the town. He is an otherwise normal townie that gets to make a second anonymous vote each day by PMing me. When day ends, the final list of votes will be given with the included Elder votes and the lynching story.

MAYOR - The mayor is elected at the start of the game to "lead" the town. Any player may be elected mayor, including mafia and other special roles. He gains the following powers:
- Additional voting weight during the day varying on number of votes alive. (his normal 1 vote +10% of total potential votes, rounded up)
- May declare EITHER two (2) days of "double lynchings" OR one (1) day of "triple lynching".
- Protection of bodyguards (because his role isn't hidden, making him a target). So long as one or more bodyguards are alive, the mayor may not be targetted at night. (However, he can always be lynched.) If not obvious, he gains the benefits of knowing the identities of his bodyguards (less Mafia suspects).
- Powers can vary from game to game.

BODYGUARD - The bodyguard(s) are randomly selected from normal townspersons after a mayor is elected. So long as at least one bodyguard is alive, the mayor may not be targetted at night. They also gain the benefits of knowing who the other bodyguard(s) are (less Mafia suspects).

PARDONER - The Pardoner can prevent the lynching of one person after votes are tallied. He may only use this power 2 times per game, done so anonymously by PMing me.

PSYCHO - If the Psycho is lynched by the town, he gets to take a player of his choice with him to the grave. If the Psycho is attacked by the mafia, the Psycho dies but the mafia member is "injured", and cannot attack the next night.

THEORETICAL PHYSICIST - Spends the first 2 day/night cycles constructing a time machine. After this, he may reverse time ONE FULL DAY/NIGHT CYCLE. Everything that happened in this time period is undone, except the time machine itself. Mind erasure is also not performed. This may only be used once per game.
Note: This role is hilarious.

ZOMBIE - The night after a Zombie dies (by any method), he may rise from the grave to kill one person of his choice. He may ONLY use this power the night immediately after he dies. Use of the power is optional, and the Zombie will be revealed as a normal Townsperson until AFTER he uses (or chooses not to use) his power.

CULT LEADER - A third party role that is against the Mafia and the Townspeople. Each night the cult leader PMs me the name of a person to request for a recruit. The recruit offer will be forwarded to that person for approval, and the cult leader as well as all current cult members will be revealed to the possible recruit. Upon joining the cult, the player leaves their allegiance with the town but maintains their special role. The cult is a purely political alliance, and has no collective ability apart from votes and members' special roles. The cult leader cannot request a Mafia member for an invite, and if they do so their night action will be negated. If the cult leader is killed the cult will fall apart and all members will return to being members of the town. If the cult leader is elected mayor, all bodyguards will ideologically become cultists, and the cultist status will be anonymous. The cult will win if they outnumber or eliminate the remaining townspeople and both Mafia families are dead.

CULTIST - This is nothing more than an ideological role that can co-exist with a player's existing role. A player obtains this role upon approval of a request by the cult leader. See above for details.

POLICEMAN - The policeman can jail any player of their choice apart from another policeman, negating their night abilities but also protecting them from attacks unless the policeman who jailed them is killed on said night.

I fill the role of "God". I decide tie votes and whatever cases will be necessary. Depending on how I have to crunch the numbers, I may be the collective target of the mafia for the first night. Divine intervention via lightning bolts may occur. If you are not monotheistic, you are now. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

Credit: Dimma Davidoff at the Psychological Department of Moscow State University, for creating the game in the spring of 1986.
Hajjhowe & Triple 6 @ PWA message board.
ToA for bringing mafia to SEN and Maplantis.
Dapperdan for major help along the way.
Mini Moose 2707 for hosting a lot of mafia games at SEN and being a major contributor to the development of the mafia game tradition here and at Maplantis.
Anyone else who ever or helped to run Mafia games on SEN or Maplantis.
DTBK For this epic template that I ruined. for role randomization.

Post has been edited 48 time(s), last time on Aug 22 2011, 8:22 pm by lil-Inferno.

Jul 29 2011, 4:56 am Riney Post #2

Thigh high affectionado

Fuck it Im in

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jul 29 2011, 4:58 am Roy Post #3

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

I'll play if you gratuitously place the mafia credits to the bottom of the OP. Something like:

Credit: Dimma Davidoff at the Psychological Department of Moscow State University, for creating the game in the spring of 1986.
Hajjhowe & Triple 6 @ PWA message board.
ToA for bringing mafia to SEN and Maplantis.
Dapperdan for major help along the way.
Mini Moose 2707 for hosting a lot of mafia games at SEN and being a major contributor to the development of the mafia game tradition here and at Maplantis.
Anyone else who ever or helped to run Mafia games on SEN or Maplantis.
DTBK For this epic template that I ruined. for role randomization.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 29 2011, 5:06 am by Roy.

Jul 29 2011, 4:59 am poison_us Post #4

Back* from the grave

So...because basically nobody cared about forum games for about 3 months, then all of a sudden someone inquires about it, and the general response is "meh, we kinda don't care", of course the next logical approach is to skip the list completely.

Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer

#5 - LoTu)S
#6 - poison_us
#7 - Raitaki
#8 - OlimarAndLouie
#9 - DevliN


Also, EDIT:
Quote from Roy
I'll play if you gratuitously place the mafia credits to the bottom of the OP.
You do realize that you're not really using "gratuitously" correctly?

Jul 29 2011, 5:00 am Roy Post #5

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Roy -- I'd be willing to host another round of Mafia, but that would be unfair to those on the waiting list.
Not guilty.

Quote from poison_us
Quote from Roy
I'll play if you gratuitously place the mafia credits to the bottom of the OP.
You do realize that you're not really using "gratuitously" correctly?
Actually, I was using it to make my potential commitment completely nullified.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 29 2011, 5:06 am by Roy.

Jul 29 2011, 5:02 am Lingie Post #6

I'm in. Lets do this.

Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Jul 29 2011, 5:19 am The_UrChai Post #7

If I am away it should only be for max 1 day. All hotels have wireless internet right? Checked them all. I should be good unless Best western screws up.

What the heck, may as well. Sounds like this is really fun.


Jul 29 2011, 5:59 am Azrael Post #8

Time travel is involved, as requested, so I will participate.

Also, the waiting list doesn't matter, no one was hosting a game or taking the initiative to do so. If this thread hadn't been made, there would not have been a thread made in its place by anyone on the list.

If there is enough interest and activity, I don't see why two Mafia games can't be run concurrently anyways.

Jul 29 2011, 6:59 am DevliN Post #9


Quote from poison_us
So...because basically nobody cared about forum games for about 3 months, then all of a sudden someone inquires about it, and the general response is "meh, we kinda don't care", of course the next logical approach is to skip the list completely.

Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer

#5 - LoTu)S
#6 - poison_us
#7 - Raitaki
#8 - OlimarAndLouie
#9 - DevliN


Also, EDIT:
Quote from Roy
I'll play if you gratuitously place the mafia credits to the bottom of the OP.
You do realize that you're not really using "gratuitously" correctly?
LoTu)S said to skip him, so you should be hosting the next one. Or this one, I guess. :/

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Jul 29 2011, 7:08 am LoTu)S Post #10

Tempting to join...since Az is back...


Jul 29 2011, 7:12 am lil-Inferno Post #11

Just here for the pie

Quote from DevliN
Quote from poison_us
So...because basically nobody cared about forum games for about 3 months, then all of a sudden someone inquires about it, and the general response is "meh, we kinda don't care", of course the next logical approach is to skip the list completely.

Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer

#5 - LoTu)S
#6 - poison_us
#7 - Raitaki
#8 - OlimarAndLouie
#9 - DevliN


Also, EDIT:
Quote from Roy
I'll play if you gratuitously place the mafia credits to the bottom of the OP.
You do realize that you're not really using "gratuitously" correctly?
LoTu)S said to skip him, so you should be hosting the next one. Or this one, I guess. :/
Considering the last one ended months ago and no one seemed to live up to their promises with that list in the first place, fuck that list.

Quote from LoTu)S
Tempting to join...since Az is back...
I'll put you on the list for now.

Also, the cult leader up there may be in play for ultimate lulz.

Jul 29 2011, 7:25 am Tempz Post #12

I'm in however i did note that other mafia games I've played (Not on sen)are much more balanced albeit a little boring since there aren't many interesting roles.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 29 2011, 7:36 am by Tempz.


Jul 29 2011, 7:28 am lil-Inferno Post #13

Just here for the pie

Quote from Tempz
I'm in however i did note that other mafia games I've played (Not on sen)are much more balanced albeit a little boring since there aren't many interesting roles.
Added. I'm trying to balance how interesting it is over how balanced it is. I don't think anything is too rigged as of now.

Jul 29 2011, 10:19 am Tempz Post #14

One of the more funnier games i've played was with a mafia role mechanic called "Mason" or "Cultist" which basically chooses someone every night and if they are town aligned they will now know each other and are town aligned and if they chose mafia the mason dies...
In the group everyone knows everyone else in the group.
This roles really helps to promote communication via pm's...requires more testing in more mafia games but it works and works well thus far.

However they are some twists on this role which is occasionally used for balance issues.

-Each new member in the group gains mason ability (Way op'd unless mafia has some op'd roles) However it requires that the game has at least 20 people
-If they are multiple masons they don't know each other (usually in a large game there is 2 or 3)
-Mason knows players roles as well as alignment or just alignment
-Mason can only use power x amount of times (usually 3)

This role is very similar to some roles on other mafia game sites (usually a werewolf or vampire)


Jul 29 2011, 10:49 am Jack Post #15

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face


In I guess, but you should cut down on the roles. Best mafia games are the ones with like 30 people and 10 roles.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Jul 29 2011, 12:06 pm Voyager7456 Post #16

Responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast

Quote from Jack

In I guess, but you should cut down on the roles. Best mafia games are the ones with like 30 people and 10 roles.

Disregard that. Unique role for EVERY player!

all i am is a contrary canary
but i'm crazy for you
i watched you cradling a tissue box
sneezing and sniffling, you were still a fox

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Jul 29 2011, 1:01 pm Aristocrat Post #17

Quote from lil-Inferno
I don't think anything is too rigged as of now.

Oh boy are you in for a surprise.

Sign me up.


Jul 29 2011, 2:33 pm Raitaki Post #18

I'm in!! :D


Jul 29 2011, 3:26 pm Killer2121 Post #19

the one on starcraft 2 is pretty good o.O ill be in


Jul 29 2011, 3:30 pm Dem0n Post #20

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

in in in in

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[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Oh_Man -- In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky. - I gotta read this ultra, it sounds interesting
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[04:33 pm]
Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
[04:17 pm]
Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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