Site Features
SEN Mission Statement
The Staredit Network (SEN) exists to provide a community for StarCraft and StarCraft 2 mappers, modders, and players. SEN strives to maintain high quality of content and environment, as well as promoting high standards and professionalism. Our community provides an opportunity for both new members and veterans alike to learn, share their work, and develop their skills in StarCraft and StarCraft 2. Quality contributions and creativity are valued at SEN and its community. SEN may be strict and elitist, and members must earn their respect, but it is given where it is deserved.

SEN Survival: Mandatory Reading
    Terms of Service (ToS)     Updated Mar 19 2015 22:03 GMT
    SEN Rules     Updated Mar 19 2015 22:00 GMT

SEN Features
    BBCode Help   BBCode, how [stuff like this] enhances text...   Updated Dec 18 2009 18:25 GMT
    Shoutbox     Updated Apr 13 2015 15:37 GMT
    Who's Who at SEN   Identifying Staff, Member Group Info, etc.   Updated Apr 13 2015 15:39 GMT
    Contributing to SEN   Help SEN to stay alive and well...   Updated Apr 13 2015 15:41 GMT

Account Information
    Suspensions & Severity     Updated Apr 13 2015 15:42 GMT
    Activity and Minerals   Non-serious aspects   Updated Apr 13 2015 15:33 GMT

File Database
    File DB Overall   General concept   Updated Apr 11 2008 3:55 GMT
    Tags   Marker Tags, Standardized Tags, Guidelines   Updated Jul 29 2009 0:52 GMT

    About SEN   A timeline history of SEN.   Updated Jul 16 2017 20:31 GMT
    New ToS (Draft)     Updated Apr 13 2015 16:05 GMT
    Moderation Handbook     Updated Apr 13 2015 16:06 GMT

SEN Docs
    Privacy Policy   What information we collect and what we do with it.   Updated Apr 13 2015 16:08 GMT

[11:23 pm]
NudeRaider -- dumbducky
dumbducky shouted: I found a sneaky way to view some of my coworkers SAT scores and it is shocking
[11:22 pm]
NudeRaider -- dumbducky
dumbducky shouted: I miss forums. Twitter is way more engaging but unless you have a following, nobody talks to you. Reddit is just filled with the stupidest people
well, most active members here are the bots, so not sure if this is an improvement :P
[06:05 pm]
dumbducky -- I found a sneaky way to view some of my coworkers SAT scores and it is shocking
[06:03 pm]
dumbducky -- FaRTy1billion
FaRTy1billion shouted: o, i keep meaning to add things to it but instead don't
Farty does your website work anymore
[06:02 pm]
dumbducky -- I miss forums. Twitter is way more engaging but unless you have a following, nobody talks to you. Reddit is just filled with the stupidest people
[02:32 pm]
Zoan -- :wob:
[02:54 am]
Ultraviolet -- :wob:
[2024-7-25. : 2:39 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- o, i keep meaning to add things to it but instead don't
[2024-7-24. : 11:55 pm]
Roy -- Make that three changes to the wiki in the last month, all three being just edits to user pages.
[2024-7-23. : 2:47 pm]
dumbducky -- Two changes to the wiki in the last month, both are just edits to user pages
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Members Online: Roy, Moose