So let's say you just won the lottery, but being the modest humble individual you are, you have decided to keep only person on staff to help you maintain some facet of your home life. This could be a manservant, a butler, a maid, a gardener, a personal trainer, a personal assistant.....whatever you want. Who do you hire and why?
I'd want a personal chef. I don't mind cleaning or setting my own appointments or yard work. But the thing I have the hardest time putting time aside for is to make really good food that is also healthy and something my boyfriend and I will both eat (ie he eats a lot of pasta and I don't, so it becomes two separate meals sometimes). Someone to help me buy good groceries and pack a good lunch and that sort of thing. Of course, I wouldn't want them to cook all the time; I still enjoy cooking and baking all on me own.
I'd hire some entrepreneur to start a business in which most of the money went to me. That way, I could just do whatever I wanted while still getting money.

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
I feel that would come in the form of a trophy wife
I feel that would come in the form of a trophy wife

I was about to say the same thing. xD
Can I just get an all-in-one? Cleans, cooks, does gardening? I just want to sit and do nothing.
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Go out to eat or order delivery for every meal - no cooking or cleaning dishes.
Live in a hotel room - cleaning services are included.
No need to hire someone; just change your way of life.

If I had to pick, though, I'd like there to be a very knowledgeable intellectual to discuss architectural software design with. I guess that would fall under a mentor?
I'd hire FaRTy as my assistant, as requested.
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.
Can I just get an all-in-one? Cleans, cooks, does gardening? I just want to sit and do nothing.

A 1950's archetypical wife?
Win by luck, lose by skill.
No one, I would probably hire a few friends to do some freelance work for me because they could use the work, but not anything on a permanent basis.
I would stick the money in a savings account and use the interest as spending save for large expenses. I'd probably then spend my time pursuing the same goals I have right now, albeit be slightly closer.
Although, it's possible I would buy up a few properties or local shops I care about and allow them to do business without overhead like heating or electricity, so I would be "hiring" them, so to speak, to keep doing what they love.
I'd hire no one. I would buy a big-ass property away from cities and authorities.
I would open the property to everyone.
People would need to put all their money in our community's "bank account", and they would then be free to join the community!
Everyone shares the bank account.
From there on, let's see how that experiment goes on.
For a really hedonistic and extreme answer to this question: hire someone to wash me while I shower.
Just to clarify, I think the point was, what part of your life would you hire someone to take over for you? The winning the lottery thing was just a backstory so the question made sense. Assume you have to hire someone, and any other ways in which you spend your money are irrelevant.
Personally, I'd probably hire someone whose job was to hire expert teachers. I would name things I was interested in learning or practicing or training in, and that person would find the best experts of that field to teach me.
Everyone shares the bank account.
It'd just take one jackass with a spending problem to ruin that situation
Everyone shares the bank account.
It'd just take one jackass with a spending problem to ruin that situation

I think you do not understand how democracy works.
I'd hire no one. I would buy a big-ass property away from cities and authorities.
I would open the property to everyone.
People would need to put all their money in our community's "bank account", and they would then be free to join the community!
Everyone shares the bank account.
From there on, let's see how that experiment goes on.
We could call it, the Peoples Temple!
TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura -
githubReached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.
Everyone shares the bank account.
It'd just take one jackass with a spending problem to ruin that situation

I think you do not understand how democracy works.
I don't see what that has to do with democracy. If you have a giant bank account that everyone has access to without limits, one person with a spending problem could burn through the entire account.
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo
Everyone shares the bank account.
It'd just take one jackass with a spending problem to ruin that situation

I think you do not understand how democracy works.
I don't see what that has to do with democracy. If you have a giant bank account that everyone has access to without limits, one person with a spending problem could burn through the entire account.
I think he meant everyone gets a say in what the money is spent on.
Everyone shares the bank account.
It'd just take one jackass with a spending problem to ruin that situation

I think you do not understand how democracy works.
I don't see what that has to do with democracy. If you have a giant bank account that everyone has access to without limits, one person with a spending problem could burn through the entire account.
I think he meant everyone gets a say in what the money is spent on.Payne has in the past proven to not have a good grasp on what different political terms mean.
A lawn care service. Swooping in and swooping out like nothing. I still do not know how they do it.
I tend to be out in the yard all day cutting, trimming, mending and collecting. It is tiresome and monotonous.