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poison_us' Clueless Mafia
Dec 27 2012, 1:29 pm
By: poison_us
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Jan 11 2013, 2:16 am Wing Zero Post #161

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I change my vote to abstain

Jan 11 2013, 3:26 am Roy Post #162

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from Wing Zero
A unique role pm for everyone also takes away from the game. When you didn't have screenshots to use you would always ask for a role pm.
When I host, I want to tell a story. When I play, I want to hear a story. There's only so many ways you can dress up Mafia before it gets repetitive, and limiting the writing opportunities for the host just decreases the variety. That's why I like playing it on Sen: the hosts write up a detailed narrative with each game cycle.

In regards to your concern, I've recently started supplying the Mafia with my surplus role PMs, and they're free to use them or make their own based on my writing style. Extra text in a role PM is really not an issue if you provide the Mafia with the resources to make it a non-issue.

Jan 11 2013, 3:47 am Wing Zero Post #163

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

How about a seperate pm unrelated to the persons role?

Jan 11 2013, 4:05 am Riney Post #164

Thigh high affectionado

Its simple, we lynch the batman Azreal

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jan 11 2013, 4:10 am Azrael Post #165

I would but he was banned.

Jan 11 2013, 4:50 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #166

👻 👾 👽 💪

Quote from Azrael
Yeah, that would be a good way for the host to make asking for the text from role PMs irrelevant.
Aren't all of the texts already different? Or am I trusting the slew of screenshots too much?

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Jan 11 2013, 6:00 am Wing Zero Post #167

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Quote from O)FaRTy1billion[MM]
Quote from Azrael
Yeah, that would be a good way for the host to make asking for the text from role PMs irrelevant.
Aren't all of the texts already different? Or am I trusting the slew of screenshots too much?
Thats why people use role pms as proof of honesty. You can usually tell if a pm is another persons writing style.

If they were all the same anyone could claim anything, which is how it should be.

Jan 11 2013, 3:27 pm poison_us Post #168

Back* from the grave

Quote from NudeRaider
Quote from poison_us
Second, and more importantly, I'm allowing it because I am not changing the rules after the game starts for any reason. I would expect you to understand the reasoning behind this without me actually needing to explain it.
I'm not suggesting changing the rules, I'm suggesting ending the game and starting one with better rules. This is not Mafia anymore. This is "hunt the screenshot inconsistencies".
Fair enough. Game's over, nobody wins. Or everyone does, I don't care. Though Nude and Az didn't end it, I did myself when I sent the role PMs. I had (like I do now) a massive headache, was half asleep, and wasn't paying attention. I apologize for wasting everyone's time. Regardless of whatever bullshit behavioral analysis Azrael is trying to reason with, he knows who is mafia.

Player :: Role

Collapse Box

I sent a bad role PM to LoTu)s, including the name of Azrael as Godfather, rather than Aristocrat, the actual one. Again, I apologize, I neglected double-checking and I made a game-ending mistake. I would include the actual role PMs, but there's no point as they only served as identification of the PM belonging exclusively to you, and thus if you had modified your PM. The actual words contained within, aside from the role, served as either filler or as identification.

Good day.

Jan 11 2013, 4:12 pm NudeRaider Post #169

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Azrael
Don't vote Aristocrat, he's not a Mafia. I got his screenshot already, he's confirmed Town.

Quote from poison_us
Player :: Role
LoTu)s :: Mafia
rayNimagi :: Detect
Raitaki :: Townie
Inferno :: Doc
Riney :: Townie
Aristocrat :: Godfather :awesome:
Dem0n :: Mafia
Zycorax :: Townie
Azrael :: Townie
FaRTy1billion :: Townie
Generalpie :: BP
OlimarandLouie :: Doc
Wing Zero :: Townie
Daddywhoo :: Mafia
This could've been interesting. But at least it goes to show how photo editing skill is quite a quite significant factor with this rule allowed.

Jan 11 2013, 4:37 pm Wing Zero Post #170

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo


Jan 11 2013, 5:48 pm rayNimagi Post #171

Roy's name is not on the list.

Also, who's going to host next?

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Jan 11 2013, 5:58 pm Azrael Post #172

Quote from NudeRaider
Quote from Azrael
Don't vote Aristocrat, he's not a Mafia. I got his screenshot already, he's confirmed Town.

Quote from poison_us
Player :: Role
LoTu)s :: Mafia
rayNimagi :: Detect
Raitaki :: Townie
Inferno :: Doc
Riney :: Townie
Aristocrat :: Godfather :awesome:
Dem0n :: Mafia
Zycorax :: Townie
Azrael :: Townie
FaRTy1billion :: Townie
Generalpie :: BP
OlimarandLouie :: Doc
Wing Zero :: Townie
Daddywhoo :: Mafia
This could've been interesting. But at least it goes to show how photo editing skill is quite a quite significant factor with this rule allowed.

Actually, Aristocrat is one of the two Mafia I confirmed via screenshots, the other being Demon.

From a PM I sent Observer yesterday:

Quote from Azrael
Well, I will let you in on something :P I think Aristocrat actually is a Mafia, the Godfather to be exact. When the night starts, I'm going to use the threat of the detective to (hopefully) stop him from using his insta-kill tonight. Then he can get lynched the next day.

The key is to stop him from feeling desperate, I'm hoping that if he thinks I think he's innocent, he won't reveal himself (guaranteeing his lynch) just to get one kill in.

Raitaki and Inferno were my secondary hubs. They knew who all the Mafia were as well. It was over either way.

Thanks to Inferno and Olimar for preventing my death, to Roy for contacting me before the deadline ended, and to Observer for the vest.

Edit: I'm curious, who was the Mafia that didn't submit a hit on the first night?

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jan 11 2013, 6:12 pm by Azrael.

Jan 11 2013, 6:10 pm Fire_Kame Post #173

wth is starcraft

Wait, is this game done?

Am I the next host?

Hell of a thing to followup on :massimo:

Jan 11 2013, 6:11 pm Azrael Post #174

If you want to host then host it up :P No one can have a higher priority than you, since you've never hosted before.

Jan 11 2013, 6:12 pm Fire_Kame Post #175

wth is starcraft

On it.

Jan 11 2013, 6:24 pm Aristocrat Post #176

Quote from Azrael
Edit: I'm curious, who was the Mafia that didn't submit a hit on the first night?
Daddywhoo. And don't act like you figured out the mafia via screenshots; the list was literally spoonfed to you as soon as the game started.


Jan 11 2013, 6:53 pm Azrael Post #177

A PM which I completely overlooked. It was sent right after role PMs went out, and when I logged in all I was concerned with was getting to my role PM as quickly as possible so I could screenshot and upload it.

Don't act like I didn't figure you out. You and Demon submitted clearly doctored screenshots with obvious errors. Demon's PM started on the second line, the first line being "2". He followed up that he'd asked Poison about the 2, and I requested a screenshot of that PM. He sent it to me, however his Inbox and Sent numbers in the new PM had both gone up by 2 (instead of the expected 1). I requested screenshots of his Inbox and Sent folders, and the new screenshots showed he hadn't sent or received any PMs except those to me.

You, Aristocrat, sent me a screenshot in which the word "Townsman" was not colored. It was white. I requested one of your Inbox and Sentbox, since it'd been effective with Demon. You read the PM and then started browsing the forums nonchalantly. I whispered you while you were in the shoutbox, asking you where the screenshots were. You asked "What screenshots?" I repeated the request for your Inbox and Sentbox. You saw the whispers, and logged out. You never sent another PM or whisper again. Pretty obvious.

Daddywhoo was the result of bad luck on his part. I saw Demon constantly "composing or reading a private message" (after I'd already confirmed him), so I opened all the profiles simultaneously. You can probably still see my name recently in every single profile. The only other person "composing or reading a private message" was Daddywhoo. I kept refreshing both profiles, and every minute or two, the timer would reset but the message would stay the same. After about 10 minutes, they both stopped at approximately the same time.

It wasn't until after I'd figured out three Mafia that I stumbled upon the PM again (when I was making the video I posted in the thread). I saw it when I was making the video of my role PM, and hit "Next" while my role PM was open, to show it switching to a different PM and back again. I almost switched back without reading the new PM, but then I was like "wtf is this?"

When I saw that Demon and Daddywhoo were recipients, and Aristocrat was mentioned in the text, I was like "omfg". It not only confirmed my results, but it additionally gave me the last Mafia, who sent the message, LoTu)S. I assumed he had accidentally sent it to the wrong person (which seemed very unlike him), rather than considering poison had given him my name. I was going to have the Vigilante kill LoTu)S, however if I'd known that it was poison's mistake, I'd have pretended I never saw the PM. Luckily it didn't end up being relevant.

Anyways, why did Daddywhoo not submit a hit? He was actively communicating with Demon. Was it done intentionally for some reason?

Jan 11 2013, 6:58 pm Aristocrat Post #178

Quote from Azrael
You, Aristocrat, sent me a screenshot in which the word "Townsperson" was not colored.
poison_us, the host, sent me a role PM in which the word "Godfather" was not colored. Assuming consistency across the role PMs sent by the host, I concluded that it was likely that you had a town-wide alliance of fake-coloring role PMs so you can catch people sending you screenshots with colored names in them, thus I left it white and mentioned it as an error. Your "timing people" strategy exploit is also completely bullshit; after I saw that you were stalking my profile I stopped giving a shit about the game.


Jan 11 2013, 7:26 pm Azrael Post #179

Quote from Aristocrat
poison_us, the host, sent me a role PM in which the word "Godfather" was not colored. Assuming consistency across the role PMs sent by the host, I concluded that it was likely that you had a town-wide alliance of fake-coloring role PMs so you can catch people sending you screenshots with colored names in them, thus I left it white and mentioned it as an error.

That doesn't seem fair to you, to be honest. Your PM should have resembled a town PM well enough for you to fake it.

Quote from Aristocrat
Your "timing people" strategy exploit is also completely bullshit; after I saw that you were stalking my profile I stopped giving a shit about the game.

Yeah, when screenshots are involved there's no effective way for you to counter or prepare for it. In this setting it was game-breaking.

Jan 11 2013, 9:35 pm Vrael Post #180

Remember when Azrael was worried about clues being unfair the other game so he didn't play? And you're forcing people to provide screenshots and shit? LOL


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