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Roy's Mod Mafia: Game 2
Aug 31 2011, 1:58 pm
By: Roy
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Sep 8 2011, 12:54 pm OlimarandLouie Post #121

People love me :D


Sep 8 2011, 3:50 pm Tempz Post #122

A window shatters
He shatters another window.
"Fine, keep your precious windows."
Voyager has a window in the top right of his avatar
single bulb dangling on a string
Voyager also has a light bulb in the top left which i already mentioned.

The irony here is that after he mentioned that there was lighting from his window i looked through the post again and found these possible clues.

I agree with the fool deduction however its most likely olimar...
(Also there was a possible clue about "two dead cops" and "number 6" clues = 6 buttons on oli although this is probaly just coincidence)
I thought it over and i think the investigator should follow Olimar;

Found another bunch of keywords within the paragraph which the index finger was mentioned.

A window shatters. A skinny man walks down Main Street with a baseball bat, smashing a pane every now and again. He walks with a smile on his face, genuinely enjoying the emptiness of the buildings here. His shoes loudly crunch on broken glass, and he continues this pattern even when another person spots him.
"What are you doing?!" The person demands.
"What am I doing?" The skinny man repeats, taking a moment to ponder it. His eyes move towards the sky, and he taps his index finger on his chin, trying to formulate the right (Guy on right side of Oli's avatar) words.
"Who do you think you are?"
"Who do I think I am?"
"What are you, a parrot?" The person grows increasingly aggravated(Guy on right looks angry) with each moment that passes.
"No, I am most certainly not a parrot," the skinny man replies with a grin. "And I cannot answer your questions if you do not give me time to reply." He shatters another window.
"Stop that!" The person says, threatening the skinny man with a closed fist(On Oli's avatar the guy on the right has his right hand closed) .
The skinny man begins laughing (Looks like the guy on right has evil angry smile). "Is this town your treasure? Do you care for it so? Does this hurt you?" He begins to swing the bat again towards a building, but his confronter grabs it mid-swing. The smile drops from the skinny man's face. "Fine, keep your precious windows." He releases his hold of the baseball bat, and walks away.
"You'll be the first to go," the person muttered, still holding the end of the bat.

Post has been edited 8 time(s), last time on Sep 8 2011, 9:19 pm by Tempz.


Sep 9 2011, 2:04 am Roy Post #123

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Night 1

He sat calmly in his chair. It was a normal night, like any other night. People will die tonight, like any other night. He knows this. He planned this. He ordered this.

"Well, isn't this an interesting site?"
"What do you mean?"
"Not too many people are out here at this time of day."
"I could say the same for you," Jack replied. He was standing at the corner of Mafi and Main. Across the street was another man, who seemed pleasantly surprised, despite trying to hide a smile.
"I was just on my way to visit you."
Jack took a small step back. This isn't good. This man... he couldn't be... "I didn't expect to run into you here; shouldn't you be at the bar?"
"Well, actua-" The man paused, processing what Jack had just said. "How did-"
Jack immediately bolted, taking advantage of the opportunity he created.
"Get back here!" The man, now furious, quickly pursued him.

A barroom brawl emerged from a pub not too far from Main. There were five men in the room including the bartender, though only two were actually fighting. One man was passed out, drunk. Another man watched eagerly, thoroughly enjoying the conflict. The bartender was too fearful to intervene.
It was a rather one-sided fight: Azrael.Wrath was effortlessly launching nearby tables and chairs at his opponent, who was already heavily battered. "Get up!" Azrael.Wrath shouted, having exhausted the nearby furniture.
The beaten man used the wall as support to stand, as most of his energy was already pummeled out of him. "Damn, you're pretty strong."
Azrael.Wrath smiled. "Wish I could say the same for you." He moved his hands to grab one end of the bar counter, which was attached to the floor.
"Please, stop this," requested the bartender. "If you want to fight, take it outside!"
Azrael.Wrath had no intention of listening, and the bartender had no intention of directly opposing him. With one solid motion, Azrael.Wrath tore the base of the counter into the air (along with a portion of the floor), leaving a large, gaping hole in the center of the room. He approached the beaten man with the piece of furniture held above his head.
The beaten man reached into his pocket. "Hell, I didn't think I'd need to draw this," he remarked as he pulled out a small handgun. Before Azrael.Wrath could smash the counter onto the man, he placed a full clip of bullets into various parts of Azrael.Wrath's person.

His hands worked quickly. He was in no rush, but he just had to get something productive done before going to sleep. The soft ticking of the hand clock above his head was somewhat of a comfort, as it consistently broke the otherwise silent night. He blinked a few times, seeing spots; an earlier experiment nearly blinded him. Despite this, he kept his eyes wide open and focused on his work.

"End of the line, Jack."
Jack was cornered in an alley between two abandoned buildings. "Yeah, looks that way, doesn't it?"
The man laughed. "It seems a tad stupid to run into a dead-end, even for you."
"It appears that way, doesn't it?"
"What the hell do you mean by that?!" The man shouted. "Why do you keep saying that?!" He raised a gun and pointed it straight at Jack's head. "... Never mind. I would like you to answer one thing for me, though."
"I said no."
"Don't you value your life?"
"Of course I do," Jack replied, "but even if I answer your question, it won't save me. So go ahead and shoot." He momentarily glanced at the roof of one of the buildings. "There's no witnesses here to see you do it."
The man sighed. "Goodbye, Jack."

Day 1 begins. Vote for who you would like to see hanged (Deadline: Saturday 22:00 EDT).

Sep 9 2011, 2:19 am Raitaki Post #124



Sep 9 2011, 2:19 am Riney Post #125

Thigh high affectionado

Quote from Raitaki

Mafia scum! :massimo:

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Sep 9 2011, 2:20 am Lingie Post #126

I vote Raitaki.

Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Sep 9 2011, 2:21 am Riney Post #127

Thigh high affectionado

I vote Raitaki.

Bandwagon go! :awesome:

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Sep 9 2011, 2:22 am Raitaki Post #128

another bronies assault. k.


Sep 9 2011, 2:23 am The_UrChai Post #129

I need a drink... Too bad the bar's closed.


Sep 9 2011, 2:25 am Raitaki Post #130

Quote from name:shadow649
I need a drink... Too bad the bar's closed.


Sep 9 2011, 3:00 am OlimarandLouie Post #131

Quote from Roy
His hands worked quickly. He was in no rush, but he just had to get something productive done before going to sleep. The soft ticking of the hand clock above his head was somewhat of a comfort, as it consistently broke the otherwise silent night. He blinked a few times, seeing spots; an earlier experiment nearly blinded him. Despite this, he kept his eyes wide open and focused on his work.
Why does this phrase stand out to me... hmm...


Sep 9 2011, 3:12 am The_UrChai Post #132

Quote from Roy
an earlier experiment nearly blinded him

Voyagers Avatar. Isn't he the guy from fringe? the scientist who does the experiments...

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 9 2011, 3:17 am by shadow649. Reason: I can't spell okay?


Sep 9 2011, 3:21 am Riney Post #133

Thigh high affectionado

Quote from name:shadow649
Quote from Roy
an earlier experiment nearly blinded him

Voyagers Avatar. Isn't he the guy from fringe? the scientist who does the experiments...

Yep thats Walter

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Sep 9 2011, 3:21 am poison_us Post #134

Back* from the grave

Damn, it appears that roles are not revealed on death.

"Well, isn't this an interesting site?"
Not sure if this is intentional or not, but Tempz has a renowned lack of proper grammar.

"I could say the same for you," Jack replied. He was standing at the corner of Mafi and Main. Across the street was another man, who seemed pleasantly surprised, despite trying to hide a smile.
Maybe the reiteration of Mafi and Main from the N0 post is important? Regardless, trying to hide a smile may be significant.

Jack took a small step back. This isn't good. This man... he couldn't be... "I didn't expect to run into you here; shouldn't you be at the bar?"
"Well, actua-" The man paused, processing what Jack had just said. "How did-"
Jack immediately bolted, taking advantage of the opportunity he created.
"Get back here!" The man, now furious, quickly pursued him.
If I were to bet, I'd say this was Jack's dodge. The quote itself tells me that Jack may be along the right lines, at least as far as any suspicions he may have voiced. Whether this is against Voy or Tempz, I'm not sure, though I'm leaning against Tempz.

Azrael's death scene is largely germane to me, but here are parts I think may be important:
A barroom brawl emerged from a pub not too far from Main. There were five men in the room including the bartender, though only two were actually fighting. One man was passed out, drunk. Another man watched eagerly, thoroughly enjoying the conflict. The bartender was too fearful to intervene.
It was a rather one-sided fight: Azrael.Wrath was effortlessly launching nearby tables and chairs at his opponent, who was already heavily battered. "Get up!" Azrael.Wrath shouted, having exhausted the nearby furniture.
The beaten man used the wall as support to stand, as most of his energy was already pummeled out of him. "Damn, you're pretty strong."
Azrael.Wrath smiled. "Wish I could say the same for you." He moved his hands to grab one end of the bar counter, which was attached to the floor.
"Please, stop this," requested the bartender. "If you want to fight, take it outside!"
Azrael.Wrath had no intention of listening, and the bartender had no intention of directly opposing him. With one solid motion, Azrael.Wrath tore the base of the counter into the air (along with a portion of the floor), leaving a large, gaping hole in the center of the room. He approached the beaten man with the piece of furniture held above his head.
The beaten man reached into his pocket. "Hell, I didn't think I'd need to draw this," he remarked as he pulled out a small handgun. Before Azrael.Wrath could smash the counter onto the man, he placed a full clip of bullets into various parts of Azrael.Wrath's person.
5 men [possibly the mafia roster number (points to Rai)], scared bartender, two fighting, one passed out, and the other enjoying the fight. It sounds almost like the watcher or someone visited Azrael. The way Azrael dies suggests that his opponent was extremely weak and has relied on cheap tricks before. Furthering this, I'd say that the Bartender's fright points to the same person. And finally, the large gaping hole makes me look for empty, or nearly empty, things. Best example thus far, and coincides with every other clue so far: This clan lead by this member.

I vote Rai.

His hands worked quickly. He was in no rush, but he just had to get something productive done before going to sleep. The soft ticking of the hand clock above his head was somewhat of a comfort, as it consistently broke the otherwise silent night. He blinked a few times, seeing spots; an earlier experiment nearly blinded him. Despite this, he kept his eyes wide open and focused on his work.
Ticking clock, wide, focused eyes, prior experiments? If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was me.

I've got absolutely nothing on the final paragraph. I'd guess something along the lines of the building and no witnesses, but as far as I can see, there's nothing that stands out.

Quote from Raitaki
another bronies assault. k.
At first I thought this read brainless assault, but then again the two aren't mutually exclusive.

EDIT: Just noticed, Hellfire has a bit of the 5's as well:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 9 2011, 3:35 am by poison_us.

Sep 9 2011, 3:30 am The_UrChai Post #135

In case I can't get to the internet while in Vancouver. I'll abstain. If I can get to the internet and some more clues have been put out I will vote. Leaning towards poison's analysis (except the one about it being him who was guilty :P )

Scratch that. I better go with my own clue analysis in case I am right and people vote as I do. I vote Voyager

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 9 2011, 3:38 am by shadow649. Reason: new vote.


Sep 9 2011, 3:32 am Raitaki Post #136

So apparently somebody DOES go out of their way to make a clue interpretation post against me this time.

I'm officially somewhat worried, and would like to Abstain.


Sep 9 2011, 3:38 am poison_us Post #137

Back* from the grave

The clue interpretation post wasn't intended to be after you. Regardless, they happened to be against you. I'm not siding with Riney or Lingie, I'm siding with my interpretations of the clues. You're free to try to make some of your own.

Sep 9 2011, 4:07 am Mp)HellFire Post #138

I vote Raitaki.


Sep 9 2011, 4:08 am Voyager7456 Post #139

Responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast

Damn, I was almost certain Jack was Mafia. With the evidence to the contrary, I'll have to vote Raitaki.

EDIT: I think the guy blinded by the experiments might have been me. As people pointed out, he's known for experimentation, and in that post he sounds like the one having something happened to him, not the one targeting other people. Someone could've saved me last night.

all i am is a contrary canary
but i'm crazy for you
i watched you cradling a tissue box
sneezing and sniffling, you were still a fox

Modding Resources: The Necromodicon [WIP] | Mod Night
My Projects: SCFC | ARAI | Excision [WIP] | SCFC2 [BETA] | Robots vs. Humans | Leviathan Wakes [BETA]

Sep 9 2011, 4:24 am Roy Post #140

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Day 1 Voting Progress
Lingie : Raitaki
Riney : Raitaki
poison_us : Raitaki
Mp)HellFire : Raitaki
Voyager : Raitaki (5)
shadow649 : Abstain Voyager7456
Raitaki : Abstain

Currently up for lynching: Raitaki

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