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Kame Mafia: "Kame Classic" Edition II
Jul 15 2013, 6:19 pm
By: Fire_Kame
Pages: < 1 « 7 8 9 10 1112 >

Aug 6 2013, 5:39 am Azrael Post #161

I'll say this, before the Mafia have a chance to respond.

Everyone needs to vote for the same target, in this case Wing Zero.

Anyone who votes for a different target will be investigated.

Anyone who gets online but doesn't vote will be lynched.

Mafia, please cooperate or die. Thank you.

Aug 6 2013, 1:02 pm Sacrieur Post #162

Still Napping

I vote Wing Zero.


Aug 6 2013, 1:15 pm Roy Post #163

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

I vote Wing Zero.

Aug 6 2013, 2:18 pm Wing Zero Post #164

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I vote raitaki for lynch.

Aug 6 2013, 3:09 pm Positively Post #165


Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 6 2013, 3:31 pm by Positively.


Aug 6 2013, 3:10 pm Fire_Kame Post #166

wth is starcraft

If you're dead don't talk in the thread.

Aug 6 2013, 3:11 pm Fire_Kame Post #167

wth is starcraft


Wing Zero -- Raitaki
Sacrieur -- Wing Zero
Roy -- Wing Zero
Azrael -- Wing Zero

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Wing Zero (3 votes)

Aug 6 2013, 3:47 pm Raitaki Post #168

I vote Wing Zero.


Aug 6 2013, 3:49 pm Fire_Kame Post #169

wth is starcraft


Wing Zero -- Raitaki
Raitaki -- Wing Zero
Sacrieur -- Wing Zero
Roy -- Wing Zero
Azrael -- Wing Zero

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Wing Zero (4 votes)

Aug 6 2013, 6:15 pm O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #170

👻 👾 👽 💪

I vote Wing Zero.

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Aug 6 2013, 6:16 pm Fire_Kame Post #171

wth is starcraft


Wing Zero -- Raitaki
Raitaki -- Wing Zero
FaRTy1billion -- Wing Zero
Sacrieur -- Wing Zero
Roy -- Wing Zero
Azrael -- Wing Zero

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Wing Zero (5 votes)

Aug 7 2013, 4:09 am Fire_Kame Post #172

wth is starcraft


Peggy's man was no other than Phil. He spent most of the following day pulling out what he could of the bullet and bandaging me up, my only solace was in a bottle of whisky to drown out the pain and to keep from yelling too loud. I passed out shortly after he bandaged me up in their safe house, but I couldn't really call myself safe. I was in a den of lions but outside the down was a pack of wild dogs. It amazed me that I was hovering beneath the radar of the town, but I guess that's the way things go. Novice detectives always seem to have a sort of tunnel vision that clouds their judgement on these things.

I came to just as dusk was setting in to the sound of a riot outside the safe house. I tried to prop myself up but favored my shot arm a little too much, causing me to fall back down on the bed. Peggy waved me down and her man to the window. He approached it and looked out through a crack in the window, his gun ready. One voice rang out clearer than the others, pleading for his life. Asking the town what more they wanted other than his cooperation. The sounds of the riot faded as they continued down the street. "Just a mob, looks like the one they call the detective has his teeth in someone new," Phil said lowering his shotgun, "seems it has nothing to do with us." Peggy relaxed.

"How did you folks get mixed up into this anyways? Or maybe the bigger question is - why aren't you more mixed up?" I asked. Peggy gave me a placating look.

"The police would love to pin this one to us, wouldn't they? My men are scattered; the ones I could spare I sent to off to take a long trip away from the heat. Anymore it's just Phil and I and we do our best to stay out of trouble and have our alibis ready."

"The phone call yesterday," I said inside me clicked together, "I was just an easy alibi is that it?"

"I wouldn't call you easy," Peggy said with a smirk. I got up to put myself in a more threatening position but fell back down on the bed. The three of us sat in that little apartment in the stillness.

A gunshot rang out. The three of us ran out of the apartment, down the flights of steps and into the street. The mob was barely in view but in view it was. It appeared that they had managed to chase Wing Zero to the top of a building. Somewhere between trying to proclaim his innocence and pleading for his life he took a tumble down, killing him on impact. Few people pretended to be shocked now - many of them were cheering. Even the detective looked pleased. "The town just can't get enough, of this madness, can they?"

"It makes me sick," Peggy said, walking about to the safe house before any would notice her.



NIGHT 5 ENDS 8/7 10:00 PM MST

Aug 8 2013, 4:01 am Fire_Kame Post #173

wth is starcraft


The night was a sullen but tense one. The people of Sencity sat on edge, most in their homes in an attempt to ward off bad intentions. No one really knew how to properly respond to the death of Wing Zero. The town knew that they were beyond feigning sympathy or shock over these sort of things. The only thing they hoped for was perhaps this night would be a quiet one. But there would be no such luck.

Peggy and I thought to treat ourselves to some spaghetti and meatballs at a local diner just far enough away from the safe house so as to not arouse suspicion. It was a quiet night, we didn't expect many people to be out and about with the rash of murders and intrigue, and I found that if I covered my arm just right no one could tell it was wounded, but just to be safe I held it a certain way and wore a dark suit. We walked to make sure that it seemed like we were in the neighborhood, just a couple of friends having a bite. Phil followed behind us a good distance but he didn't exactly keep a low profile. I could hear his every footfall, his missteps and his changing of pace. It put me on edge. "Don't worry darling, he won't bite," Peggy said. "Besides there aren't many folks out tonight, it will be good practice for him."

"Isn't it best to house train a dog at home before letting him out to meet the neighbor kids?" I responded.

"I would but an intrusive neighbor keeps showing his face around my home. Besides," she added after Phil made a rather loud error in judgement, "I'm all out of treats for him."

"Alright we'll ask the chef for a bone and if he's a good boy we'll get him a doggie bag as well," I said. She laughed. Phil face planted in the street behind us. "I'll go get the puppy, you go ahead and get us a table."

I ran back to help Phil up, yelling at him, "Now get up. What's the matter with you?" He didn't respond. I rushed to his side, "Phil? What's the matter with you Phil?" I turned behind me and yelled at some passerbys trying to get into the restaurant "Call an ambulance, quick!" I felt Phil's pulse. Still alive, but barely. He seemed too young for a heart attack. Something here didn't add up and that tight feeling was coming back in my chest. I heard the sirens coming from one direction. From behind me, in the direction of the diner, I heard - no, felt - an earth shattering explosion. The glass windows hit the asphalt behind me and shattered on contact. Even the force pushed me so that I almost fell over; it was luck I wasn't looking at it, or else I might be short an eye. I dropped Phil's hand and turned to face the scene.

Nothing registered at first. The flames, the sirens, the people running like crazy to get out of the way. A few lucky survivors were able to find their way out. I suppose it was divine providence that Phil chose this moment to fall ill; the paramedics intended for him had already radioed in more assistance and were working in conjunction with other professionals to help those they could out of the building. After several minutes - or maybe it was hours - the paramedics and fire fighters extracted all they could from the area and placed us all in a secure location far away. I looked among the survivors - everyone was burned to some degree, shaken and scared. The original passerbys I had sent into the building were no where to be seen.

Neither was Peggy. I became hysterical. "Peggy? Peggy! Where are ya Peggy?" A police officer hailed me "This can't be all of them there must be more!"

"I'm sorry sir, these are the survivors," the police officer said. I tried to interrupt him, explain to him it was all a mistake, "perhaps you should check in with the hospital. They might have more in the way of information." He wouldn't take anymore from me, walking away.

I looked at the survivors, now mingling with onlookers. It looked like I wasn't the only one missing someone. I heard a young boy asking around for a man named Roy. I told him to slow down and to explain to me what he looked like, who he was. The name Roy sounded familiar. Perhaps someone at IsolatedPurity's office the day of the incident? It seemed like that had happened a lifetime ago.

"Sir! We found another!" A paramedic called from the building. A team ran over to help him extract a quivering body from beneath fallen cinder blocks. "That's him," the young boy said, barely above a whisper. He looked faint; I wish I had a flask of whisky for me, but I was fresh out.

With the positive ID out of the way, the quivering body stopped moving. A paramedic checked his pulse several times before shaking his head and looking at his feet. Roy was dead!




Aug 8 2013, 4:04 am Azrael Post #174

Thanks Mafia, you played into my final gambit. And thanks to Roy for his assistance.

I know the identities of the remaining Mafia. Let's wrap this up, shall we?

I vote for Sacrieur.

Aug 8 2013, 4:14 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #175

I vote for Sacrieur.


Aug 8 2013, 4:19 am Fire_Kame Post #176

wth is starcraft


Azrael -- Sacrieur
Leeroy_Jenkins -- Sacrieur

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Sacrieur (2 votes)

Aug 8 2013, 12:41 pm Sacrieur Post #177

Still Napping

Quote from Azrael
Thanks Mafia, you played into my final gambit. And thanks to Roy for his assistance.

I know the identities of the remaining Mafia. Let's wrap this up, shall we?

I vote for Sacrieur for pancakes.

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
I vote for Sacrieur for pancakes.


I also vote Sacrieur for pancakes. YOU CAN ALMOST TASTE THEM.


Aug 8 2013, 3:26 pm Raitaki Post #178

I vote Sac for death by giant man-eating pancakes.


Aug 8 2013, 5:45 pm Fire_Kame Post #179

wth is starcraft


Raitaki -- Sacrieur
Azrael -- Sacrieur
Leeroy_Jenkins -- Sacrieur

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Sacrieur (3 votes)

Aug 8 2013, 10:51 pm Generalpie Post #180

Staredit Puckwork

I vote for Sacrieur because bandwagon.


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