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Kame Mafia: "Kame Classic" Edition II
Jul 15 2013, 6:19 pm
By: Fire_Kame
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Aug 14 2013, 9:58 pm Azrael Post #221

Quote from Fire_Kame
This also could be counter balanced by not having an invincible detective - it would cause the detective to not want to claim straight out. In past games depending on who the nurse is they will be hesitant to believe that the first person to claim is in fact the detective.

Not when I have a unique Detective PM I can show people less than a minute after Role PMs are sent out. The problem here was the unique PM, and would have been a problem no matter what setup was used.

Quote from Fire_Kame
You also knew lil was a townie because less than a minute after I sent out Role PMs he sent his to you over skype.

Wouldn't have mattered if Mafia had Townie PMs, which was my natural conclusion. I operated on the assumption that he was a Mafia cooperating as a Townie, as I did with every unconfirmed Townie.

Quote from Fire_Kame
Like the opening post said, there were no clues in the posts. I'm sorry if you interpreted there to be clues in these posts, but there was not. You were "shot" to add color to the story.

Okay, well your color was very poorly used. We could say you "coincidentally" stated that I was shot, on the night I was actually shot, except it's not a coincidence because you knew I was shot. It was a very poor choice, intentional or otherwise. When "color" is representative of the actual events in the game, it's no longer just color.

Naming characters who haven't died is always a bad idea. Even if it hadn't been indicative of what happened, which it was, it can still influence the game.

Quote from Fire_Kame
Actually, I would rather believe that it was the invincible detective that caused this game to be a war of attrition.

Put simply, no. The invincible Detective is why the game was so close, which is a good indication of balance in the first place.

This game would have been horrifically Town-dominated if the normal Detective was used, since roles would have been revealed. I'd have claimed myself with the Detective PM, confirmed my identity enough to ensure the Nurse targets me. My identity would have been confirmed further when Inferno, my public ally, was killed. Knowing for a fact the identity of every person I killed would have given me a goldmine of behavioral analysis to use, as I couldn't be sure how many Mafia were remaining until we neared the end of the game.

The only way Mafia might have won is if they randomly hit the Nurse, in which case the game goes from being Town-dominated to Mafia-dominated. Since I'd have made sure the Nurse knew not to expose themselves to anyone else, it would have been completely random. Maybe Aristocrat would have randomly gotten Nurse, then Town lost. Maybe Leeroy randomly got Nurse, then Town won.

Taking a good deal of randomness out of which side wins or loses makes the gameplay more meaningful, and more importantly, more consistently balanced.

Quote from Fire_Kame
You claimed early on (via lil as proxy for a while) as detective, and as such people did not require any more proof.

Because of an obvious Detective role PM, and no Mafia counterclaims.

Quote from Fire_Kame
If there had been a nurse role, perhaps you would not have been so eager to claim.

I'd have been more eager to claim, I'd have been one of the first people hit no matter what happened. I'd have claimed myself and gotten Nurse protection.

Quote from Fire_Kame
You knew you could be reckless and get away with it because the town's strongest role would always survive.

Far from it, there was nothing reckless about my actions. I had to setup the entire reveal process through Inferno, to make sure my role was confirmed enough that Mafia couldn't get me lynched. If there was a Nurse, I'd have simply claimed myself out of necessity and brute forced the Mafia to death.

Quote from Fire_Kame
I almost rerolled stats right there.

That's why Devourer put a once-per-week restriction on the role generator, and created a log to show when people use it :P

Quote from Fire_Kame
I'd also like to add that I think the greatest problem SEN has with mafia games is that there is to large of a difference between player ability.

I agree, and to extend on that, the difference between how much players care about the game. Some people sign-up but go inactive, but there's also people who don't actually care about winning. For example, Wing Zero won't vote to lynch people he likes even if it's in his team's best interests. This detracts from the game, and ironically makes it less enjoyable for those same people.

If we can figure out a good way to play Mafia anonymously, it'd improve these issues to a considerable degree.

Quote from Fire_Kame
Sacrieur might have been able to pull off a fake claim on Azrael when he was put on the chopping block.

Impossible, since every Townie remaining had been investigated and was in communications with one another. They all knew who was Town at that point.

If the Mafia were going to get me lynched, they needed to do it early in the game. They had enough opportunities. If I had been Mafia, this game would have been over pretty quickly, as there were simply too many ways to exploit the heavily-inactive Town.

Once the inactive players had been eliminated, the Mafia had no way of stopping us.

Also, at the point Sacrieur was being lynched, there were 7 players remaining. If I had been Mafia, then we'd have won the lynch vote 4 against 3, since I wouldn't have killed any other Mafia.

Quote from Fire_Kame
From what I understand, right before Sac died he confirmed who the rest of the mafia were. :P

That never happened, I told him that I knew who they were, and named them. It'd be hard not to know who they are when I'd already investigated all the other players remaining.

Aug 14 2013, 9:59 pm Roy Post #222

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

The whole structure of the game is designed so that it would actually be disadvantageous for the Detective to claim publicly, because this effectively hands the mafia the following advantages:

1) They don't have to waste a hit on the Detective to find out who he is (this was remedied by using a proxy).
2) They can attempt to figure out who the Detective plans on verifying.
3) They can easily counter-claim either publicly or privately and get the Detective lynched.

The third point in particular stood out the most: Azrael couldn't find any mafia at first, so he was lynching townspersons. All the mafia had to do was wait for Azrael to lead a lynch against an innocent player and they have one free vote against Azrael, as well as being able to PM as many townies as they'd need saying they're the real Detective and they verified the townie's innocence last night.

There certainly was no verification that Azrael was the Detective; he could have used the exact same strategy as a mafia player and wouldn't have even needed to change anything he did until the day Sacrieur was lynched (because they would have won on that day by lynching a townie).

The game should have been over when the Detective was found so early on, as it's completely in the mafia's favor when they find out who the Detective is, unless the Detective already has a large network. This game should have been won by the mafia when they found Azrael on Day 2, and their lack of activity/organization is what made them lose, not the fact that this wasn't a Nurse-always-protecting-Detective setup as opposed to an invincible Detective.

If there were a Nurse and Detective on a no-reveal game and the Detective claimed and there was no counter-claim, it would have been the exact same play: the mafia won't waste a hit on the Detective because the Nurse will be protecting him.

Aug 15 2013, 2:24 am rayNimagi Post #223

I think that the game would have turned out differently if the mafia had counter-claimed detective early on. If that had happened, the townspeople wouldn't have known whether to trust lil-inferno (and Azrael) or not.

For me, I honestly wasn't sure if I could trust Azrael at first. But once lil-inferno died and the pastebin confirmed Azrael, I decided to follow Azrael's plan of laying low. If Azrael had not found me before the day he and Roy created the fake argument, I would have surely voted for one of them, drawing suspicion to myself.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Aug 15 2013, 2:55 am Roy Post #224

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from rayNimagi
If Azrael had not found me before the day he and Roy created the fake argument, I would have surely voted for one of them, drawing suspicion to myself.
Fun fact: that was a real argument. Azrael blindly accused me of being mafia, claiming he investigated me and got that result. I immediately concluded that he was mafia (because I knew he was lying about his investigation results) and we got into a legitimate tiff in the thread from there.

Later on, we had a conversation which convinced both of us there was a reasonable chance neither of us were mafia, so we backed out from voting on each other. The plan from there was to get me suspected of being investigated as town-aligned so that the mafia would eliminate me, which would prove to Azrael that I was indeed town-aligned as well as prevent someone actually in his network from getting eliminated.

Had the mafia actually approached me claiming to be the Detective before that conversation, I probably would have remained against Azrael and inadvertently handed the game to the mafia.

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