I have demon's blessing, see:

If someone else would like to go I will let them, on account that I went recently.
-No screenshots of your roles. God that caused hell last game. You can copy and paste or what have you your role information, but no videos, screenshots, or any of that crap.
-No cheating, no sharing accounts.
-This is only my second time hosting...so if you're going to become pedantic or bitch about something while I'm learning, I'll be liable to mute/kill you. I'll take feedback, just be cordial.
-Day and Night cycles are EACH 24 HOURS. There just isn't enough to do during the day or night to require more time.
-Regardless, days and nights will end 10:00 PM MST...that should be 8:00PM for west coast, and midnight for east, which is about when I've notice cycles end. (It should be notice that we usually work out abut 9-10, so I might not update until eleven or midnight, but any actions submitted after the 10PM mark will not count).
-I like creative writing. Keep that in mind.
-No clues.
-As I am a new host, I will answer some questions after the game starts, but I will not give any hints about town roles, PMs, possible clues, or any other information that can some how upset the balance of the game.
-Make your lynch targets clear, it will help.
-No speaking to people after you die, either in the thread, over PM, in the shoutbox, on Skype, etc. in a way that'll influence the game. If you want a "last will" I suggest you set it up with townsmember you trust before you die.
-I will allow people not playing to post, but don't be dicks and don't influence the game...same in the shoutbox. Otherwise I will request your comments be removed.
-Unlike last time, I'm going to try to do this alone. Although I did very much appreciate Roy's help last time around I think I'm ready to strike out alone!

I announce who has been killed. Town chooses a player to lynch. If there is a tie, both will be lynched. THERE IS NO "NO LYNCH" OPTION. There will be no role reveals during the game. The detective may be lynched during the day by the townspeople.
Mafia and Detective submit their actions to me. I will respond to them at the end of the night, and will update the following day any successful lynches. Detectives will receive either a "Mafia" or "Not Mafia" response from me, regardless of that member's activity that night (they could be inactive, wherein it would show they were at home, but the detective will know they are mafia). Mafia must come to a consensus on who they will hit. I would recommend that at the beginning of the game mafia choose a spokesperson and relay this information to me.
**To clarify what I mean by majority, here are some scenarios:
3 Mafia Vote for Sac, 1 Abstains: Sac Dies
2 Mafia Vote for Sac, 1 Votes for Azrael, 1 Abstains: Sac Dies
1 Mafia Votes for Sac, 1 Votes for Azrael, 1 Votes for Demon, 1 Votes for Aristocrat: First vote into me dies.**
As such, infighting and failure to work together on the mafia's fault will destroy their chances of winning. However, if Mafia chooses a spokesperson and it is clearly agreed upon by all members of mafia (last time, one contacted me, and I contacted all of the mafia saying "this person is spokesperson, correct?" and they all responded with yes), I will always go with what the spokesperson wants.
Townsperson: Witless and ignorant of the world around you, you have no abilities.
Detective: "A regular gumshoe," of excellent caliber, your skills and experience make you invincible at night. You use your wit and charisma to get information out of folks around town - bartenders, dames, you name it. Once a night you can use Investigate: [name] to find out if they are mafia. Your response from me will be "Mafia" or "Not Mafia."
Mafia: Who knows why you joined a life of crime? All you know is that the people of this town will pay - and will pay dearly. Once a night you can use the ability: Target: [name]. As stated above, the members of the mafia must come to a consensus about who to target.
ROLE PRIORITY: Mafia -> Detective.
The Detective does not die at night, therefore priority is pretty unnecessary. However, on the off chance the Mafia and Detective select the same player on the same night, the Detective will not get a PM response.
Role Ratio will most like be:
4 Mafia
1 Detectives
10 Townspeople
If an inordinate amount of people sign up, that will change.
The town wins when all mafia members are dead.
The mafia wins when they outnumber the town at the *end* of a day cycle (to clarify: if the mafia make a successful night hit and reduce the ratio to 4 mafia and 3 townies, the townies could still in theory...despite the odds... flip the tables by lynching a mafia, evening the ratio and allowing the game to continue.)
12. Azrael
Post has been edited 36 time(s), last time on Aug 14 2013, 4:52 am by Fire_Kame.