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Roy's Mod Mafia: Game 2
Aug 31 2011, 1:58 pm
By: Roy
Pages: < 1 « 10 11 12 13 1427 >

Sep 10 2011, 11:24 pm poison_us Post #221

Back* from the grave

Funny, I just thought about this. He acts the part, but logically he doesn't fit the role. Only one person visited Jack, and Jack died. The fool is able to visit, it's true, but since only one person visited...

Sep 10 2011, 11:35 pm DevliN Post #222


Rai could very well be the Fool, but...

Quote from Shoutbox
SmE(Raitaki -- Why surprised Devlin? You didn't realize it when I told lil off for exposing you my hitman? ;o

lil-Inferno -- I was going to collaborate with Raitaki and I was going to try to sway some votes off of him, but when I asked him his role he seemed quite unsure and said he was tracker (which obviously isn't true) so now I'm against him. ;o

...makes me think otherwise. If based solely on behavior, Rai has been backed into a corner and is trying to do what he can to get out of it.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 11 2011, 12:23 am Aristocrat Post #223

Changing vote to Raitaki to ensure he gets lynched. He definitely isn't the fool.

EDIT> Raitaki's godfather claim is completely false, because the Godfather lacks visiting actions. He is most likely a hitman.

EDIT2> Yeah, that's most likely the case. Considering no one counterclaimed the tracker/watcher or whatever it is that said Raitaki visited Jack.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 11 2011, 12:28 am by Aristocrat.


Sep 11 2011, 12:41 am The_UrChai Post #224

Changing vote to Rai cuz Devlin did and I'm a conformist. Also Rai is more likely Mafia than Voy.


Sep 11 2011, 12:49 am NicholasBeige Post #225

Why did the hipster burn his mouth on the pizza?

Because it wasn't cool yet.

Also, switching my vote to Raitaki, in the off chance that other mafioso have a last minute switch-a-roo planned.


Sep 11 2011, 12:50 am Raitaki Post #226

Aight. Looks like this is the end for me.

Quote from Roy
Pants on the ground
Pants on the ground
Lookin' like a Fool with your pants on the ground
Gold in your mouth
Hat turned sideways
Call yourself a cool cat looking like a fool
Walking down town with your pants on the ground
Get it up!

Characteristic(s) to help you know if you've been mentioned in a game post:
- Laughter or grinning
- Aggravating others
- Tasteless humor

I vote Raitaki

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 11 2011, 12:56 am by Raitaki.


Sep 11 2011, 12:51 am Riney Post #227

Thigh high affectionado

Quote from Raitaki
Aight. Looks like this is the end for me.


Giggity Bai

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Sep 11 2011, 1:03 am Mp)HellFire Post #228

I change my vote too Voy


Sep 11 2011, 1:06 am poison_us Post #229

Back* from the grave

Quote from lil-Inferno
No idea what basis people are voting Raitaki for
Quote from OlimarandLouie
I shall abstain, no reason in hopping on a bandwagon where no evidence is given.
Quote from Tempz
I don't understand why your all voting for Ray; there is absolutely no proof against him, if someone does show some convincing proof i will abstain instead making it a double lynch.
Quote from Aristocrat
EDIT> Raitaki's godfather claim is completely false, because the Godfather lacks visiting actions. He is most likely a hitman.
Does everyone largely ignore me, or am I just imagining it?

Quote from DevliN
Quote from Shoutbox
SmE(Raitaki -- Why surprised Devlin? You didn't realize it when I told lil off for exposing you my hitman? ;o
Re-reading that, it sounds a bit like he's trying to get us to think you're a hitman or something. If you add a comma, and you get
Quote from Shoutbox
SmE(Raitaki -- Why surprised Devlin? You didn't realize it when I told lil off for exposing you, my hitman? ;o

Sep 11 2011, 1:07 am TiKels Post #230

Oh sweet, that means we have a confirmed townie, devlin!

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Sep 11 2011, 1:08 am NicholasBeige Post #231

Quote from poison_us
Does everyone largely ignore me, or...

edit: Wrong thread...

On topic: Sounds to me like Tempz is either really stupid, or really mafia. Take it as an insult that I can't decide which.


Sep 11 2011, 1:31 am Roy Post #232

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Day 1 Voting Progress
Lingie : Raitaki
Riney : Raitaki
poison_us : Raitaki
Voyager : Raitaki
DevliN : Raitaki
lil-Inferno : Mp)HellFire Voyager7456 Raitaki
FaRTy1billion : Abstain Raitaki
Wing Zero : Raitaki
Tempz : Abstain Voyager7456 Raitaki
OlimarandLouie : Abstain Raitaki
TiKels : Abstain Voyager7456 Raitaki
xAngelSpiritx : Abstain Raitaki
Aristocrat : Voyager7456 Raitaki
shadow649 : Abstain Voyager7456 Raitaki
Cardinal : Voyager7456 Raitaki
Raitaki : Abstain Mp)HellFire Voyager7456 Raitaki (16)
Norm : Abstain Voyager7456
Mp)HellFire : Raitaki Voyager7456 (2)
Echo : Mp)HellFire

Currently up for lynching: Raitaki

Sep 11 2011, 1:41 am lil-Inferno Post #233

Just here for the pie

Just kill 'im already.

Sep 11 2011, 1:57 am TiKels Post #234

Most one-sided lynch ever?

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Sep 11 2011, 2:02 am Roy Post #235

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Final Tally

Day 1

It was noon, the time designated for hanging. Many of the townsmen were at first uncomfortable sending a man to his death, but in the end, only one remained that refused to cast a vote one way or another. While it was unclear at first who was going to face the rope, the townsmen gradually came to one conclusion.

Voyager7456 couldn't be happier with the final outcome, as not only did it mean he was going to live, but the man he accused of being guilty was going to hang today. Raitaki, on the other hand, felt just the opposite: he was fearful of his death. He grew sad, knowing the man he accused of being guilty is going to live another day. This sadness transitioned into anger. He was angry with the town's decision, and he was angry at his own inability to prove his innocence.

Two men escorted Raitaki, although he made no resistance. The noose slipped around his neck while everyone was convincing themselves that they are doing the right thing. These hangings are an essential part of saving the town; the Mafia must die.

"Any last words, Mafia scum?" shouted one of the townsmen in the crowd.
"Yes," replied Raitaki, not trying to hide his anger. "You're no better than the Mafia if you just kill innocent people!"
"Spoken like a true Mafia!"
"What a liar!"
"Hang him now!"
Raitaki laughed at the crowd's response. "What I didn't expect," he continued, "is that you would so easily turn your back on me." His eyes were fixed on one man in the crowd, but it was unclear as to whom he was looking at.
"Before you die," suggested someone from the crowd, "tell us your role in all of this; who are you, exactly?"
"I am a man of the night," Raitaki responded. "A man with his own personal brand of justice! While you all were cowering in fear, I was doing something!" He looked at those below him and drew a sigh. "Perhaps I was misguided."

The floor dropped, and with a swift jerk of the rope, Raitaki was the first to die by hanging in Kaeben.

Night 2 begins. Send in your actions before Sunrise (ETA: Monday 22:00 EDT).

Sep 11 2011, 2:07 am xAngelSpiritx Post #236

eternal lurker

So much for the Fool claim.


Sep 11 2011, 2:08 am Dem0n Post #237

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Do you guys not learn the role of the deceased or something? :O

Sep 11 2011, 2:10 am lil-Inferno Post #238

Just here for the pie

He stared at me. D:

Sep 11 2011, 2:22 am NicholasBeige Post #239

*waits patiently for Tempz to plod along, and analyse every piece of punctuation as a clue in Roy's latest post*


Sep 11 2011, 2:23 am poison_us Post #240

Back* from the grave

"I am a man of the night," Raitaki responded. "A man with his own personal brand of justice! While you all were cowering in fear, I was doing something!"
Oh, shit, looks like we lynched the boondock.

Doctor, don't worry about me then, I doubt mafia will try to hit me if I'm killing townsmen.

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