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Roy's Mod Mafia: Game 2
Aug 31 2011, 1:58 pm
By: Roy
Pages: < 1 « 12 13 14 15 1627 >

Sep 12 2011, 2:12 am Tempz Post #261

Keep the role playing to the bedroom and video games...

We need the mortician to check out Rai to see if he was innocent; and we need a way to start communicating with confirmed townies.
However I'd like to role claim as a normal townie with no powers.


Sep 12 2011, 2:36 am Wing Zero Post #262

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Nights are sooooo boring... hurry up and send in your night actions guys, I know I didn't :awesome:

Sep 12 2011, 3:17 am Raitaki Post #263

Quote from Wing Zero
Nights are sooooo boring... hurry up and send in your night actions guys, I know I did[colo=transparent]n't[/clor] :awesome:
YOU DIDN'T :wob:


Sep 12 2011, 3:32 am Riney Post #264

Thigh high affectionado

Quote from Tempz
Keep the role playing to the bedroom and video games...

Oh baby :awesome:

I put my wizard hat and robe on.

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Sep 12 2011, 3:45 am poison_us Post #265

Back* from the grave

Quote from TiKels
Eh, it was on a whim, at the very least you could have edited the objectionable material out
My whim and his. It contained no actual useful information, and was almost entirely a form of moderate flaming, at best.

Quote from Riney
Quote from Tempz
Keep the role playing to the bedroom and video games...

Oh baby :awesome:

I put my wizard hat and robe on.
Oh really? I've got my twelve-sided die and I'm ready to roll.

Sep 12 2011, 3:56 am Norm Post #266

^Wrong Roll, buddy.


Sep 12 2011, 4:17 am poison_us Post #267

Back* from the grave

Quote from Norm
^Wrong Roll, buddy.

At first I was like "oh my, am I really going to have to correct him for mistakenly correcting me?"

Then I lol'd.

Sep 12 2011, 6:26 am DevliN Post #268


Quote from TiKels
That's subjective, I thought it was fine.
I'm fine with the typical "Mafia scum!" taunting, but your insult seemed to have nothing to do with anything. If I took a more objective approach to it, I'd call it flaming and give you Severity. Instead I figured you were just joking around, so I got rid of it without the added Severity. Its not a big deal now.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 12 2011, 3:36 pm Lingie Post #269

I enjoy my typical "Mafia scum!" taunting. It adds flavor to the game. :wob:

Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Sep 12 2011, 3:55 pm Riney Post #270

Thigh high affectionado

MAFIA SCUM! :massimo:

Usually joking about it, leads to all caps, followed by an :awesome: a :massimo: or a :hurr:

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Sep 13 2011, 12:11 am Tempz Post #271

Quote from poison_us
Quote from TiKels
Eh, it was on a whim, at the very least you could have edited the objectionable material out
My whim and his. It contained no actual useful information, and was almost entirely a form of moderate flaming, at best.

Quote from Riney
Quote from Tempz
Keep the role playing to the bedroom and video games...

Oh baby :awesome:

I put my wizard hat and robe on.
Oh really? I've got my twelve-sided die and I'm ready to roll.

So Riney what do you use your magic staff for?... personally I'd use it to warm my soup.


Sep 13 2011, 12:18 am lil-Inferno Post #272

Just here for the pie

Quote from Tempz
Quote from poison_us
Quote from TiKels
Eh, it was on a whim, at the very least you could have edited the objectionable material out
My whim and his. It contained no actual useful information, and was almost entirely a form of moderate flaming, at best.

Quote from Riney
Quote from Tempz
Keep the role playing to the bedroom and video games...

Oh baby :awesome:

I put my wizard hat and robe on.
Oh really? I've got my twelve-sided die and I'm ready to roll.

So Riney what do you use your magic staff for?... personally I'd use it to warm my soup.
It's a bloodninja reference.

(I think.)

Sep 13 2011, 12:23 am Tempz Post #273

Quote from lil-Inferno
Quote from Tempz
Quote from poison_us
Quote from TiKels
Eh, it was on a whim, at the very least you could have edited the objectionable material out
My whim and his. It contained no actual useful information, and was almost entirely a form of moderate flaming, at best.

Quote from Riney
Quote from Tempz
Keep the role playing to the bedroom and video games...

Oh baby :awesome:

I put my wizard hat and robe on.
Oh really? I've got my twelve-sided die and I'm ready to roll.

So Riney what do you use your magic staff for?... personally I'd use it to warm my soup.
It's a bloodninja reference.

(I think.)
TBH i didn't know what bloodninja was til i google'd it.

Edit : Most amount of quotes ever.


Sep 13 2011, 12:29 am Raitaki Post #274

Quote from Tempz
Quote from lil-Inferno
Quote from Tempz
Quote from poison_us
Quote from TiKels
Eh, it was on a whim, at the very least you could have edited the objectionable material out
My whim and his. It contained no actual useful information, and was almost entirely a form of moderate flaming, at best.

Quote from Riney
Quote from Tempz
Keep the role playing to the bedroom and video games...

Oh baby :awesome:

I put my wizard hat and robe on.
Oh really? I've got my twelve-sided die and I'm ready to roll.

So Riney what do you use your magic staff for?... personally I'd use it to warm my soup.
It's a bloodninja reference.

(I think.)
TBH i didn't know what bloodninja was til i google'd it.

Edit : Most amount of quotes ever.
Rly? Even more than when we spamquoted payne's post and spamfix'd it?


Sep 13 2011, 12:43 am Tempz Post #275

I wasn't there for it =/ (and yes i ended the chain to prevent useless spam and trolling)


Sep 13 2011, 1:30 am NicholasBeige Post #276

Feel kind of bad for Roy's mafia game being just another null-spam thread.
Quote from Tempz
However I'd like to role claim as a normal townie with no powers.
That sounds to me like a mafioso trying to be inconspicuoso. If you catch my drifto.


Sep 13 2011, 2:00 am Tempz Post #277

Well why kill a useless player.


Sep 13 2011, 2:05 am Roy Post #278

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Night 2

Here's the spot. What a calm drive it was. The man pulls out a brass pocket watch, a trinket he's kept with him always. Looks like the lights are off; he's probably gone to sleep already. I guess that make my job easy. All I have- his passenger car door opens, and Aristocrat climbs into the seat.
"W-what are you doing?"
Aristocrat laughs. "I could ask you the same thing, being out here in the middle of nowhere. Anyway, you mind giving me a ride somewhere?"
The driver had another idea. He pulls out a gun and points it at Aristocrat. "How about I just kill you instead?"
Aristocrat laughs again, and he pulls the tip of the gun to make contact with his own forehead. "Go ahead. Pull the trigger. I dare you." His eyes remained locked on the man, not showing a hint of fear.
Is this man suicidal? No... maybe he's... I should know for sure before I shoot him. The man sighs and lowers his weapon. "Where are we going, then?"

A restless man sat on his porch, looking at the evening sky. "Man, I wish everything would go back to normal," he commented to himself. "I miss the old days, the days when the town was full and populated with happy people. There's nothing in this modern time that can compare with how things used to be." His idle chat was momentarily interrupted as he heard the roar of an engine in the distance. "It's almost one in the morning; who would dare roam these streets?" His eyes followed the passing vehicle; there were two people inside, and they seemed to be in a hurry. Despite the man visibly sitting on the porch, they didn't seem to notice him, perhaps because they were focused on something else. "Kids these days..."

Aristocrat was playfully changing the radio stations periodically. He would pause to listen to a song, laugh, and cycle through the static until he found another station.
"Would you stop that!" The driver more demanded than asked.
"Oh, come now, you have to think some of these songs are hilarious," replies Aristocrat. "What the hell is this one about? It's talking about Bruce Lee fighting Godzilla or some stupid shit like that." He busted out laughing as the song continued.
The driver turns the radio off. "You know, I'm only giving you a ride out of courtesy; I could very well kill you if you keep pissing me off."
Aristocrat nodded. "I know." He turns the radio back on.

Aw, hell, the bar's closed? What happened? Wait... I was here yesterday. The man stood in front of the bar, looking at the "Closed for the holidays" sign that was lazily put up, when in reality the building was being repaired from last night's damages. A car comes to a screeching halt behind him. Did they know him?
"What do you mean we've been going the wrong way?!"
"Hahaha, I totally wasn't paying attention. I didn't even know the street numbers went this high; this is East, right?"
"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" The driver immediately stepped out, a handgun gripped firmly in his hand. Aristocrat also stepped out of the car, looking first at the bar, and then the man standing outside.
"Excuse me," the man by the bar asked, "what is your name?"
"Oh hi; my name is Aristocrat," Aristocrat replied. "And this i-"
The driver rammed the butt of his handgun into Aristocrat's throat. "Nobody," he answered.
Aristocrat was wheezing. "That's what I was going to say."
The driver seemed to resolve his suspicions. "Well, Aristocrat, this doesn't look like it was the wrong direction, after all." He walked over to the front door of the bar and shot the lock off. He then grabbed Aristocrat and dragged him towards the building.
"What are you going to do, drink me to death?" Aristocrat laughed. "Now there's a way I wouldn't mind dying. It's on the house, right? Hey, since it's all free, none of that cheap shit, alright?" His rambling continued like this until he could not be heard through the building.
The man standing outside was not sure exactly what was going on. There was a moment of silence, followed by a gunshot emitting from the bar. A short while after, the driver steps outside, sweating, but relieved.
"I knew Aristocrat was bluffing."

Day 2 beings. Cast your votes before midday (ETA: Wednesday 22:00 EDT).

Sep 13 2011, 2:06 am Raitaki Post #279

Aristo, welcome to da dead club.


Sep 13 2011, 2:28 am Wing Zero Post #280

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Quote from Roy
Night 2

Here's the spot. What a calm drive it was. The man pulls out a brass pocket watch, a trinket he's kept with him always. Looks like the lights are off; he's probably gone to sleep already. I guess that make my job easy. All I have- his passenger car door opens, and Aristocrat climbs into the seat.
"W-what are you doing?"
Aristocrat laughs. "I could ask you the same thing, being out here in the middle of nowhere. Anyway, you mind giving me a ride somewhere?"
The driver had another idea. He pulls out a gun and points it at Aristocrat. "How about I just kill you instead?"
Aristocrat laughs again, and he pulls the tip of the gun to make contact with his own forehead. "Go ahead. Pull the trigger. I dare you." His eyes remained locked on the man, not showing a hint of fear.
Is this man suicidal? No... maybe he's... I should know for sure before I shoot him. The man sighs and lowers his weapon. "Where are we going, then?"

A restless man sat on his porch, looking at the evening sky. "Man, I wish everything would go back to normal," he commented to himself. "I miss the old days, the days when the town was full and populated with happy people. There's nothing in this modern time that can compare with how things used to be." His idle chat was momentarily interrupted as he heard the roar of an engine in the distance. "It's almost one in the morning; who would dare roam these streets?" His eyes followed the passing vehicle; there were two people inside, and they seemed to be in a hurry. Despite the man visibly sitting on the porch, they didn't seem to notice him, perhaps because they were focused on something else. "Kids these days..."

Aristocrat was playfully changing the radio stations periodically. He would pause to listen to a song, laugh, and cycle through the static until he found another station.
"Would you stop that!" The driver more demanded than asked.
"Oh, come now, you have to think some of these songs are hilarious," replies Aristocrat. "What the hell is this one about? It's talking about Bruce Lee fighting Godzilla or some stupid shit like that." He busted out laughing as the song continued.
The driver turns the radio off. "You know, I'm only giving you a ride out of courtesy; I could very well kill you if you keep pissing me off."
Aristocrat nodded. "I know." He turns the radio back on.

Aw, hell, the bar's closed? What happened? Wait... I was here yesterday. The man stood in front of the bar, looking at the "Closed for the holidays" sign that was lazily put up, when in reality the building was being repaired from last night's damages. A car comes to a screeching halt behind him. Did they know him?
"What do you mean we've been going the wrong way?!"
"Hahaha, I totally wasn't paying attention. I didn't even know the street numbers went this high; this is East, right?"
"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" The driver immediately stepped out, a handgun gripped firmly in his hand. Aristocrat also stepped out of the car, looking first at the bar, and then the man standing outside.
"Excuse me," the man by the bar asked, "what is your name?"
"Oh hi; my name is Aristocrat," Aristocrat replied. "And this i-"
The driver rammed the butt of his handgun into Aristocrat's throat. "Nobody," he answered.
Aristocrat was wheezing. "That's what I was going to say."
The driver seemed to resolve his suspicions. "Well, Aristocrat, this doesn't look like it was the wrong direction, after all." He walked over to the front door of the bar and shot the lock off. He then grabbed Aristocrat and dragged him towards the building.
"What are you going to do, drink me to death?" Aristocrat laughed. "Now there's a way I wouldn't mind dying. It's on the house, right? Hey, since it's all free, none of that cheap shit, alright?" His rambling continued like this until he could not be heard through the building.
The man standing outside was not sure exactly what was going on. There was a moment of silence, followed by a gunshot emitting from the bar. A short while after, the driver steps outside, sweating, but relieved.
"I knew Aristocrat was bluffing."

Day 2 beings. Cast your votes before midday (ETA: Wednesday 22:00 EDT).

Just posting this here so I don't have to go back a page and scroll all the way down to see the post.

The way this post was written suggests that aristocrat was either the fool and visited his killer or was the bodyguard and protected whoever was in the house. It's hard to tell for sure though so if anyone could confirm it that would be nice.

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