The second half was to tie into the idea that the shooter was on the players' apartments. "Readied" and "held steady" are words to describe the person as poised. Therefore, from the players' perspective, the shooter was "poised on us."
That's like having a post in which you use the word "red" and the clue is that since red is a color, it can be related to Farty, whose name is green, which is also a color.

But oh well. I'll be honest; I didn't really even read the posts after the first day.
I was doing other things after Aristocrat died. I was talking to Devlin a lot about stuff. Stop worrying so much about your anime boyfriend.
I didn't stop playing competitively. Like I just said 3 minutes ago, I was communicating with Devlin a lot, along with others. Just because I admit to not putting much thought into the posts (like anyone even did anyways) doesn't mean I wasn't competitively.
*He stopped getting Azrael to write his posts for him after I was lynched.
You can vote for me, but all you're accomplishing is Aristocrat's goal to remove everyone that's on his hitlist from the game. I can tell you that I'm townie, as I almost always am in mafia. I'm not 100% sure that Aristocrat is Mafia, but the evidence is too good to just be a coincidence, and I highly doubt Roy would include red herrings (although that'd be lulzy as shit).
The only reason I'm accusing people who defend Aristocrat is because they provide no logical argument for his innocence and are just voting for other random people without any proof of anything.
If you defend Aristocrat, you're likely Mafia. If you're a townie, then you're just stupid. If Aristocrat is a townie, I'm sure the Mafia would love for him to stay alive so that he could get other townies killed in his murderous quest for self-righteousness. That's what I'd do, at least. Like I said before, his townie to mafia kill ratio is like 3:1.
I'm not sure what you mean by saying that I = Ray. Are you saying I'm throwing around random accusations without any proof? Because unless you're blind, you can clearly see my overwhelming evidence against Aristocrat. Do you expect me to be kind to people who defend a murderer? They're good as dead to me. The safety of the town is all I care about.
You're smarter than this, poison. Don't became a sheep to Aristoserialkiller like so many others have before.
Oh, my god. You guys -REALLY- need to learn how to read my posts. I've said COUNTLESS times that the only reason I'm pushing so hard for Aristocrat is because he's the only sensible lead we have right now. How many times do I have to say that, if you guys can find actual evidence against someone else, I'll possibly change my vote? I mean, seriously, I've said this at least five times in the thread. Please, read my posts for once.
You guys act as if I'm so evil for playing the game. I don't see any of you trying to do ANYTHING. If you think Aristocrat is innocent, find someone else to lynch, instead of just sitting here for 15 hours saying, "durr i think their both innocent but im gonna vote for them anyway."
Obviously written by the same person.
Azrael never wrote anything for me. Azrael did not talk to me about the game. Azrael had nothing to do with how I acted this game.
You mad that the town didn't fall for your bullshit and actually won without you, Aristo?
Azrael did not talk to me about the game.
Dem0n -- Azrael hasn't talked to me about mafia since half-way through Night 1.
If you're going to lie you should try and keep the same story.
It sticks out in my mind particularly because I
saw you two talking on about it.
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."
The posts contain nothing of value. Nobody found any clues. Nobody was relying on clues. The mafia we lynched were found guilty by the Detective's actions, not by anything written in the posts.
Azrael did not talk to me about the game.
Dem0n -- Azrael hasn't talked to me about mafia since half-way through Night 1.
If you're going to lie you should try and keep the same story.
It sticks out in my mind particularly because I
saw you two talking on about it.
The thought crossed my mind to say "Azrael did not talk to me about the game past Night 1," but I figured that since nothing he even talked to me about was even important, it didn't matter. Please, if you're going to dig through weeks of the shoutbox for small, worthless details such as that, stop posting in this thread. I'm not going to sit here and spam the thread trying to defend myself from the retarded logic that has overcome the anime freaks.
So you're trying to say that after aristocrat openly stated he wanted to kill azrael in this game, azrael (a player who is known for being effective at getting what he wants) contacted you to tell you nothing and not give you advice
Sounds legit

Come on town, you guys should know better by now than to look past that kind of obvious lying
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."
poison PMed me his role yesterday. Theoretically I should say he's a confirmed Townie, but there were things that stood out that caught my eye, and things that have happened since that make me suspicious (i.e. a lack of hits perhaps in case I had him Investigated?).
Any Joe Smoe could have made a typo when sending out several PMs! I even had a typo in the intro post; I'm surprised you held that against him, but I guess it worked to your advantage. (In case you didn't know, the mafia were supplied with surplus townie role PMs so they could see my writing style for this game; I guess they were too lazy to write their own and just use the ones I provided.)
Actually, there wasn't a typo I'm aware of.The typo I was referring to was "Joe Smoe". That's what I was asking about in the Shoutbox when you died, before Azrael reminded me that you responding would be breaking the rules. Roy always seems meticulous in how he writes things, and I always want to believe that he plans things out incredibly thoroughly, so I assumed misspelling a variation of "Shmoe" was a mistake made in a fake role PM.
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.
So you're trying to say that after aristocrat openly stated he wanted to kill azrael in this game, azrael (a player who is known for being effective at getting what he wants) contacted you to tell you nothing and not give you advice
Sounds legit

Come on town, you guys should know better by now than to look past that kind of obvious lying
The only thing Azrael said to me was that he thought Aristocrat was mafia because of the hat drawing (raffle) mention. He didn't say anything else about the game after that, and he certainly did not write anything for me.
Unfortunately Azrael didn't trust her and so she became worthless as a confidante.
I want to quote this as the reason why I won't have Azrael playing my mafia game.
I had no intention of playing your Mafia game, but if you actually paid attention, you'd know he meant to say "Aristocrat", not "Azrael"

Also, suspicious as fuck when Az started backing you up.
Lanth: "I'm just screwing around."
Me: "Lol nice."
~ Later ~
Lanth: "I told Azrael earlier I was just screwing around."
Me: "That's true."

*He stopped getting Azrael to write his posts for him after I was lynched.
I didn't write anything for anyone. I never helped anyone. Aristoserialkiller is pretty good though, I like it.
I also like how when I'm not even part of the game, I'm still somehow the topic of conversation. You can stop making stuff up about my nonexistent participation at any time. I barely followed the game, never mind secretly playing it through someone else.
Azrael wrote all my posts for me, including my forged Doctor role PM that had a striking resemblance to my real Doctor role PM.
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
From a townsperson's perspective, the way I saw it, the kill had a hit that came from the town "not by the town's democratic choice". While looking back, it does seem a bit obvious that that's a stupid thing to say, but at the time it made sense that the way it was worded indicated it was from a vig hit.
If you're going to look at it like that, it clearly is a mafia killing the player, because it was "
not by the
town's democratic choice," and the Vigilante is part of the town, so it seems most reasonable that the mafia killed someone that the town didn't want to kill. In any case, though, that sentence just meant the person wasn't voted to be lynched, even though she's hanging on the gallows.
But oh well. I'll be honest; I didn't really even read the posts after the first day.

That hurts me on the inside. I worked pretty hard on making the story fun and interesting for this game.
Notably, the dark hallway with the recording: the "person" could see Pie, or whoever died, but Pie couldn't see the "person". Farty's avatar is a cloaked, recolored archon. That one was pretty obvious, and I had had a beer or two at the time I read it 
That wasn't even (directly) a clue!

Roy always seems meticulous in how he writes things, and I always want to believe that he plans things out incredibly thoroughly, so I assumed misspelling a variation of "Shmoe" was a mistake made in a fake role PM.
You think too highly of this Roy Shroy.

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
lol I'm confused now. Are you being sarcastic, Devlin? And how can someone confuse Azrael with Aristocrat numerous times in the same post? O.o
Well, doesn't really matter.
A word on the clues: Night 1-3 impossible to solve. Night 4. Uhm... dunno, possible, but still very hard. Night 5 was solvable.
It's actually good that clues get easier along the way when none have been solved yet, but I feel they shouldn't have started with such an insane difficulty. Might as well skip clues altogether if you're making them impossible to solve.
However, town didn't need any help, so I guess it was okay for that game. Just something to keep in mind for future Mafias.

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Well, if you want to get technical, I stated that both men were invisible to each other (the voice that was saying what Generalpie was doing was from a prerecorded message, because Farty already knew exactly how he would react). So don't be too quick to pat yourself on the back.