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Azrael's Mafia #1: Resident Evil
Oct 23 2011, 4:05 am
By: Azrael
Pages: < 1 « 17 18 19 20 2164 >

Oct 31 2011, 3:49 am Raitaki Post #361

Quote from TiKels
@Rai You would believe echo? His word isn't enough for me regardless of situation. I mean I'd consider it (I'm guessing that is what you're saying) but by no means would I ever vote on someone just by that.
I WAS only considering it. I labeled Sac as "possible zombie" not "check if this guy is zombie and lob his head off if he is" :hurr:


Oct 31 2011, 3:59 am Azrael Post #362

Day 1 Voting Results

  • Daddywhoo
  • Mp)HellFire
  • Mp)HellFire
  • lil-Inferno
  • Mp)HellFire
  • Mp)HellFire
  • Mp)HellFire
  • Dem0nS1ayer
  • Mp)HellFire (4)
  • EzTerix (1)
  • Mp)HellFire
  • EzTerix
  • Aristocrat
  • Daddywhoo (1)
  • Mp)HellFire
  • Dem0nS1ayer (1)
  • shadow649
  • lil-Inferno
  • poison_us
  • EzTerix
  • Daddywhoo
  • lil-Inferno
  • EzTerix
  • Daddywhoo
  • lil-Inferno
  • Abstain
  • lil-Inferno
  • lil-Inferno
  • Mp)HellFire
  • Abstain
  • lil-Inferno
  • Abstain
  • lil-Inferno
  • poison_us
  • EzTerix
  • Daddywhoo
  • lil-Inferno
  • EzTerix
  • Daddywhoo
  • Abstain
  • lil-Inferno
  • Abstain
  • lil-Inferno
  • EzTerix
  • lil-Inferno
  • lil-Inferno
  • Abstain
  • Daddywhoo
  • Mp)HellFire
  • lil-Inferno (12)
  • Abstain
  • Mp)HellFire
  • Abstain

Cast no vote: Observer12425, Wing Zero

Received most votes: lil-Inferno

Day 1

The voting began to turn sharply toward one person in particular, with fears of possible infection fueling the voting upset. It seemed there was no saving their chosen victim. As the vote came to a close, an icon on the consoles changed to indicate the weapon systems had been activated somewhere in the facility. It changed back at the same time lil-Inferno was listed as deceased.

Night 1 ends Tuesday, 9:00 AM (EST)

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 6 2011, 5:02 am by Azrael.Wrath.

Oct 31 2011, 4:02 am Daddywhoo Post #363

Weapons systems?


Oct 31 2011, 4:04 am poison_us Post #364

Back* from the grave

Quote from Roy
Quote from poison_us
I actually color and draw one piece.
I didn't know you were such an avid fan of an anime show.
Bleach and FMA: Brotherhood top the list, but yeah, I used to watch One Piece.

Quote from Sacrieur
Quote from Aristocrat
Quote from Sacrieur
The evidence against poison is far too shaky.
What evidence?

Gas mask.
And florescence.

As for the lynch post, I'd like to say the lack of appropriate spacing may be important, but I don't actually see any clues in there other than that. Still, that's to be expected since Azrael doesn't really like clues.

Oct 31 2011, 4:09 am ImagoDeo Post #365

It's a shame we don't know whether he was a zombie or not, but at least we can be reasonably sure Roy and Shadow are lying. Unless there actually were three.

Seems kind of unlikely.


Oct 31 2011, 4:13 am Azrael Post #366

Quote from poison_us
lack of appropriate spacing

Oops :awesome: Fixed.

Somehow I read it twice without seeing that.

Oct 31 2011, 4:15 am poison_us Post #367

Back* from the grave

Quote from poison_us
As for the lynch post, I'd like to say the lack of appropriate spacing may be important, but I don't actually see any clues in there other than that. Still, that's to be expected since Azrael doesn't really like clues.

Oct 31 2011, 4:18 am Mp)HellFire Post #368

someone do a Autopsy on lil-inferno to be sure he was a zombie.


Oct 31 2011, 12:45 pm OlimarandLouie Post #369

Stuff happened. Super Power roles being lynched. k.


Oct 31 2011, 3:45 pm ImagoDeo Post #370

Quote from OlimarandLouie
Stuff happened. Super Power roles being lynched. k.

No. We figured he was a zombie. If he actually did visit Echo last night, his original role couldn't have done that, ergo he's a zombie. Just waiting on the autopsy.


Oct 31 2011, 3:52 pm poison_us Post #371

Back* from the grave

An autopsy on Inferno would be wasted...

Oct 31 2011, 3:55 pm ImagoDeo Post #372

Quote from poison_us
An autopsy on Inferno would be wasted...
Confirmation that we killed a zombie and not a real functioning Project Director would be nice. Confirmation that Echo wasn't lying about lil visiting him would be nice. Confirmation that we're not screwing ourselves over would be nice. :<_<:


Oct 31 2011, 4:09 pm poison_us Post #373

Back* from the grave

Quote from ImagoDeo
Quote from poison_us
An autopsy on Inferno would be wasted...
Confirmation that we killed a zombie and not a real functioning Project Director would be nice. Confirmation that Echo wasn't lying about lil visiting him would be nice. Confirmation that we're not screwing ourselves over would be nice. :<_<:
Inferno even said that he visited Echo, unless I misread. Project Directors cannot visit, ergo he must be a zombie. Echo never trolls, let alone lying. And screwing ourselves over? Of course we are, this is a mafia game.

Oct 31 2011, 5:03 pm Norm Post #374



Oct 31 2011, 6:46 pm Dem0n Post #375

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Quote from poison_us
Quote from ImagoDeo
Quote from poison_us
An autopsy on Inferno would be wasted...
Confirmation that we killed a zombie and not a real functioning Project Director would be nice. Confirmation that Echo wasn't lying about lil visiting him would be nice. Confirmation that we're not screwing ourselves over would be nice. :<_<:
Inferno even said that he visited Echo, unless I misread. Project Directors cannot visit, ergo he must be a zombie. Echo never trolls, let alone lying. And screwing ourselves over? Of course we are, this is a mafia game.
lil said that he jokingly told Az that he would like to follow Echo and that Az actually said that he did follow him. I don't know if Az would actually do that, but maybe lil was telling the truth. ;\

Nov 1 2011, 4:12 am Azrael Post #376

It seems I need to make an announcement, which really should not be necessary.

This is and always has been in the rules near the top of the opening post:

Quote from name:Rules
Dead players and non-players cannot post while the game is running.

This does not mean "unless you really want to" or "if you just want to say one quick thing" or "you think it's really important". It means you lose the ability to post in the thread with no exceptions. However, everyone who has died thus far has broken this rule, some multiple times. We are lucky enough to have moderators participating in the game who can clean this up, but again, it should not be necessary.

I have PMed each person who died to inform them of this rule to ensure they did not violate it, but apparently sending the above quote is not enough to stress the point. I will continue to send such PMs to each person who dies, but hopefully this post will help alleviate the problem.

If you really feel the need to get the last word in, also note the additional rule which has also been located at the top of the front page:

Quote from name:Rules
If you wish to have a "last will," some final words you will share in the event of your death, then provide them to me via PM before the time of your death and I will incorporate them into the post.

This should suffice for parting words, you do not need to post after you're dead to convey a message. You are dead.

If you think you need to share some vital information, believe someone is breaking the rules, etc, there is still no need to break this rule. In situations like this you should be PMing me such information anyways, not posting it publicly.

Considering I'm literally PMing people with this rule when they die and they are purposely choosing to disregard it, it was clear something additional needed to be said. There is absolutely no reason to be posting in the thread from the time you die to the time the game ends. If you do not want to lose the ability to post, then try not to die.

I know that most of the players here wouldn't have violated the rule in question (especially after receiving the death PM about it) regardless of this post, but I felt I should make it anyways for the few who might somehow not fully understand the rule.

Hopefully the meaning of the rule is now perfectly clear ^^

Edit: I'll link to this post in future death PMs to make sure it's seen.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 1 2011, 4:39 am by Azrael.Wrath.

Nov 1 2011, 1:01 pm Azrael Post #377

Night 1

The flames were spreading through the hallway, being fueled by the spilled chemicals and bodies of the dead. The fumes were beginning to fill the man's room, and he knew he could no longer stay there. He grabbed a single document from the stack and ran out, then took one last look toward the approaching fire before turning away. Something had caught his eye though, and he quickly turned back to verify it.

As he had thought, there was someone on the other side of the flames, sitting with their face against their legs, curling up against the wall of the hallway. It was clear they would be dead within minutes, and it looked like they'd already given up entirely. The man couldn't simply walk away and leave them there though, it wasn't in his nature.

Running back into his room for a moment, the man used the sink in his bathroom to soak one of his coats with water, then ran back to the hallway. He threw the wet coat over himself, then dashed through the flames, bearing the heat and trying to hold his breath long enough to make it to his target. As he crossed the threshold into immediate safety, he took the coat off and put it over the shoulders of the person, who was still sitting here without any movement.

The man finally took a breath, and his lungs were filled with fumes and smoke. His eyes widened with shock at how thick the air was with poison, and it was immediately clear that the person in front of him could not be alive. Coughing and hacking, he reached forward to take his coat so he could attempt making it back out of the fiery inferno. As he reached forward, he saw movement through his watery vision. The person, still completely silent, had suddenly raised their head to look at him. The knife blade was thrust up simultaneously, almost completely severing the head of Wing Zero from his body in one deft motion.

Day 2 ends Thursday, 1:00 AM (EST)

Nov 1 2011, 3:03 pm Roy Post #378

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

I vote poison_us. There's enough references to toxic gases to confirm his guilt.

Nov 1 2011, 3:52 pm Excalibur Post #379

The sword and the faith

Well, I'm with Roy on this one. Poison_us it is.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

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Nov 1 2011, 4:07 pm poison_us Post #380

Back* from the grave

Yet the obviousness of the fire clues is also ignored. Whatever, vote as you wish.

I vote Echo.
Yes, there's a reason I chose that color.

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