It's a little easier to for upgrades test because each byte will only have a value of 1 (except for the few that have multiple upgrades), or perhaps will always be 1 or will always be 0. When heinermann first posted about these, he listed them.
first byte:
1, 257, 65537, 65793, 16777217, 16777473, 16842753, 16843009
2nd byte:
256, 257, 65792, 65793, 16777472, 16777473, 16843008, 16843009
3rd byte:
65536, 65537, 65792, 65793, 16842752, 16842753, 16843008, 16843009
4th byte:
16777216, 16777217, 16777472, 16777473, 16842752, 16842753, 16843008, 16843009
And there is a lot overlap, so you can test for each unique value and set appropriate switches for each upgrade (disregarding any that you don't care for).
(clearing all of the switches beforehand, or assuming that any not set are cleared in the same block):
1: Set 1
256: Set 2
257: Set 1, Set 2
65536: Set 3
65537: Set 1, Set 3
65792: Set 2, Set 3
65793: Set 1, Set 2, Set 3
16777216: Set 4
16777217: Set 1, Set 4
16777472: Set 2, Set 4
16777473: Set 1, Set 2, Set 4
16842752: Set 3, Set 4
16842753: Set 1, Set 3, Set 4
16843008: Set 2, Set 3, Set 4
16843009: Set 1, Set 2, Set 3, Set 4
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