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NORM Mafia #1 - Game over
Aug 16 2010, 2:50 am
By: Norm
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Sep 2 2010, 11:41 pm Generalpie Post #401

Staredit Puckwork

Quote from TiKels
Since I cannot analyze clues I am just going to give you all of raccoon's posts that I believe deserve inspection.

Quote from TiKels
'Coon is obviously trying to get you all to vote for him by manipulation. It's really basic stuff.
Quote from name:Raccoon
Mafia bandwagon happening right here.

Enough of this. 20 minerals for whoever votes me.

Quote from name:Raccoon
Anyone but Wing imo. The only people coordinated enough to all get voted on one person (Wing) must be mafia

It's all underlying signs that he is DESPERATELY trying to be mayor. Why? Because if the mafia is mayor, and the mayor is mafia, it's bad shit.
Later on... Aristocrat was currently unaccounted for in terms of voting, so raccoon
Quote from name:Raccoon
I vote aristocrat
And he also does this for zilean.

Quote from name:Raccoon
Well I'm outta here for the night. More votes on Zilean or Me would be nice.
Not sure what else to say ;)

Tikels if you are so sure that I am mafia then vote anyone else besides Wing because wing is the real mafia and you won't mind as long as I'm not mayor, right?

Quote from name:Raccoon
The chances of mayor getting a boondock saint instead of mafia are most likely to be 1/5, thats a good chance to take if we lynch that person. Mayor is the only one who can investigate, unless one of us steps up w/ the clues we won't get mafia. Sorry wing but your whole bandwagon + tikels defending you so much when you didnt even say a word = scummy IMO, but for all I know mafia are just too stupid to start a bandwagon on themselves and get elected mayor. Investigate me the first night if you think I'm mafia and we shall see the results ^^
He says this after the idea was shown to be a bad idea.

Quote from name:Raccoon
Quote from Norm
Wing Zero: "Yeah, and I figure that it should be pretty ez now that I'm a Mayor, LOL"
Just throwing that out there in case I'm a dead one tommorow.
After suspicion of him rises.

Its almost as if racoon is trying to take me with him :|


Sep 2 2010, 11:57 pm Roy Post #402

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from Wing Zero
Trying to defend myself seems to make me look more suspicious...
Exactly why I didn't comment on the Roy/EzTerix thing.

Quote from TiKels
... I cannot ... give you ... posts that ... deserve inspection.
Which is why I didn't read your post :awesome:

Sep 3 2010, 12:13 am Bar Refaeli Post #403

Quote from name:Zilean
Its almost as if racoon is trying to take me with him :|
I'm not going anywhere, but if you want to follow me to nowhere, be my guest. ^^


Sep 3 2010, 12:20 am Generalpie Post #404

Staredit Puckwork

Quote from name:Azrael.Wrath
Nasus, I'm not saying you're Mafia. I'm saying you continually point your finger at people who just lynched a Mafia. If you are a Townie, then your method for picking suspects is seriously misguided. You keep repeating one thing over and over, that Wing changed his vote at the end, to the same person you were already voting for.

Like I said, Mafia don't vote for Mafia, not on the first day anyways. Not even if they plan to change it at the last minute. If he's Mafia, he'd have just sided with you against Raccoon from the beginning, trying to start a bandwagon. There was absolutely no benefit for a Mafia to try to lynch EzTerix, even if they planned to change it later.

Nasus, what if the reason you wanted to kill Raccoon was because he voted to lynch EzTerix? That's all I'm saying.

Anyone can see my last post to read through the facts. I'm not saying you're Mafia, but considering you've been helping confirmed Mafia the entire game, and trying to kill those who lynched the confirmed Mafia, it doesn't exactly put you in the best light.

I seem to remember a certain mafia game where members of the mafia lynched other members :massimo:


Sep 3 2010, 12:45 am Aristocrat Post #405

coon is mafia!


Sep 3 2010, 12:47 am Generalpie Post #406

Staredit Puckwork

Good ol' aristocrat :awesome:



Sep 3 2010, 12:49 am Azrael Post #407

Quote from name:Zilean
I seem to remember a certain mafia game where members of the mafia lynched other members :massimo:

Not on the first turn lol.

Sep 3 2010, 1:02 am Apos Post #408

I order you to forgive yourself!

Quote from name:Zilean
Good ol' aristocrat :awesome:

And this is what follows Liberating, isn't it?

Sep 3 2010, 1:06 am Aristocrat Post #409

Quote from Apos
Quote from name:Zilean
Good ol' aristocrat :awesome:

And this is what follows Liberating, isn't it?


Someone has no sense of humor.


Sep 3 2010, 1:06 am OlimarandLouie Post #410

Huzzah. Raccoon is trollin/failin


Sep 3 2010, 1:22 am Azrael Post #411

I don't believe Raccoon is Mafia for a second, even if he says so himself :P

Sep 3 2010, 1:31 am Generalpie Post #412

Staredit Puckwork

Quote from name:Azrael.Wrath
I don't believe Raccoon is Mafia for a second, even if he says so himself :P
But Riney needs a scapegoat :O
And he could be doing reverse physiology. We know there is no fool this game :awesome:


Sep 3 2010, 1:38 am Bar Refaeli Post #413

Oh my.


Sep 3 2010, 2:19 am poison_us Post #414

Back* from the grave

Quote from name:Zilean
And he could be doing reverse physiology. We know there is no fool this game :awesome:
I really hope he's not doing reverse Physiology. Reverse Psychology might be better for his internal organs staying internal.

Sep 3 2010, 2:21 am Apos Post #415

I order you to forgive yourself!

Quote from Aristocrat

Someone has no sense of humor.
I had to choose my side. ;D

Sep 3 2010, 10:09 am Norm Post #416

Guys, c'mon... That's way too much spam.


Sep 3 2010, 8:27 pm Bar Refaeli Post #417

Quote from Norm
Quote from Norm
o.O Things gettin pretty damn intense in here...

Night 3 will end @ 10am tomorrow. (eastern time, subject to be postponed)

Night 3 will for sure end at 4:30pm tomorrow, eastern time. Make sure you take care of business before then.
Postponed again? Or are you going to log on right now and write a huge wall of text in 2 minutes.


Sep 3 2010, 8:52 pm Norm Post #418

Night Three

"So, what brings you here so late tonight?" asked Derqua, leaning back in his chair.

"Running out of people that I can trust."

"I see. We've been good friends for as long as I can remember... It's funny how differently we live our lives." Derqua downed a shot of whiskey and closed his eyes for a moment.

"We're not so different," said the friend, "we're both protecting the town in our own ways."

Derqua laughed. "I suppose so, speaking of which -- I actually brought somebody who I'm pretty sure has ties with that mafia group into custody today. Do you want to come down to the station tomorrow morning to see who it is?"

There was a long silence.

"No," said the friend, "my list is already full, you'll have to take care of him by---" He paused, suddenly becoming alert of his surroundings. "Derqua, my friend, get your ass somewhere safe... someone is outside." Derqua stood up slowly, but stumbled for a moment. Perhaps the booze was starting to get to him. His friend looked over anxiously. "Come on man, what're you doing? Take cover now!"

It was too late. A shot came through the window and pierced his heart. Derqua was dead on the ground before he even knew what hit him.

"You god damn son of a bitch!" yelled the friend as he rushed the window. Without any hesitation he jumped through. His gun was ready for revenge. He saw a dark figure escaping into the woods and gave chase.

The killer was fast, but not fast enough to outrun one pissed off man who has just lost the only person he could even call a friend. Reaching the streets again, the killer climbed over a fence and started to reload his gun. Derqua's friend was right on his trail. Leaping over the fence like it was no big deal, he tackled his friend's murderer. The killer was pinned to the ground.

Despite the immense sadness he felt, Derqua's friend still managed to grin as he yanked off the killer's mask and shoved his gun into the man's forehead.

"You are one unfotunately piece of shit!" he yelled, pushing the gun harder against the murderer's face. "Killing my best friend was the last mistake you will ever make. You see, I, too, am a killer, but there's one big difference between you and me - I kill on the side of justice!"

With that being said, he was more than happy to splatter ToA's brain across the sidewalk.


A few blocks away, an old Veteran sat at his kitchen table. He was the father of the late Ezterix and had fallen into a deep depression after finding out that his son was not only a traitor, but dead as well.

"Yeah," he slurred. "nothin' to live for anymore." His only company was a half-empty fifth of scotch and a more-empty-than-that bottle of pills. A mysterious visitor was hiding outside - watching the old man through a window he had carelessly left open.

"Well, I guess that issue's going to solve itself... Unfortunately, I'll have to camp out to make sure he takes care of the job. It's probably better this way though: I don't like to get my hands dirty anyway."

was declared dead the next morning.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Sep 3 2010, 9:36 pm by Norm.


Sep 3 2010, 8:55 pm DevliN Post #419


I'm anxious to see if my AdminZombie power has to kick in. Y'know the one where if I die, everyone involved gets banned from SEN.

Yay, I guess I wont have to do some mass-banning today! ;)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 3 2010, 10:13 pm by DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 3 2010, 9:18 pm Apos Post #420

I order you to forgive yourself!

Quote from DevliN
I'm anxious to see if my AdminZombie power has to kick in. Y'know the one where if I die, everyone involved gets banned from SEN.
Fuck it! There's so much shit that pisses me off!

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