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Aristocrat's Mafia #1
Dec 5 2010, 2:46 pm
By: Aristocrat
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Piracy Mafia 16
Death Note Mafia 11
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Poll has 27 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Jan 21 2011, 12:01 am Roy Post #441

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

While you may not remember the past, you were an orphan adopted and raised by the royal family of Spain, trained with the sole purpose of becoming their greatest champion. From the age of five, you have exhibited extraordinary prowess with the sword, your talent and training culminating in your defeat of the empire's five strongest knights in a duel at the mere age of 16. Unsatisfied with the difficulty of your opponents, you abandoned the royal palace and sought out your own enemies on the open seas, eventually boarding the Poseidon and forcing its captain at swordpoint to accept you as the ship's elite SWASHBUCKLER.

Your pinpoint precision allows you to split a hair in half with your sidesword from a distance of two cubits, and as of today, you have not lost a single duel with an enemy. Yet, for some reason, you sensed an aura of killing intent as you disembarked at the port of Santo Domingo; you felt your sidesword and shrugged it off, knowing with confidence that you cannot lose.

Your Powers:
  • Passive: Swordsmanship Mastery - Every night, the swashbuckler is able to deflect a hit placed on him with his rapier and cutlass, nullifying the damage on top of stunning and disorienting the attacker, causing him to fail all night actions for the subsequent night. If he is attacked by multiple opponents at night, he will be slain if two successful hits are placed, but the debuff will still apply to every person who targets him.
  • Power: Vengeance - If the swashbuckler is lynched, he shall draw his dual blades in a fit of rage and eliminate the first person who voted for him during that very same day.
  • Power: Ghost Hath No Fury - Commits one person to memory during the night. If said person votes to lynch the swashbuckler during the day at any point, he becomes the nemesis of the swashbuckler, even if he changes his vote later. If he eventually dies of lynching, any person marked through this method shall be slain by the ghost of the swashbuckler the following night.

If I had to guess, my diary would be full of egotistical statements, such as "Today I was such a badass when I stood around on a boat."

Jan 21 2011, 11:10 pm ImagoDeo Post #442

Quote from Roy
If I had to guess, my diary would be full of egotistical statements, such as "Today I was such a badass when I stood around on a boat."

No doubt.


Jan 22 2011, 12:54 am Bar Refaeli Post #443

Man I had this game in my pocket. :(


Jan 22 2011, 1:01 am OlimarandLouie Post #444

Aristo we demand an explanation.


Jan 22 2011, 1:08 am Raitaki Post #445

Quote from Aristocrat's profile
Yesterday, 6:48 pm



Jan 22 2011, 4:29 am DevliN Post #446


I saw him in the "X members in this topic (italic members are currently writing a reply):" row of this topic, so I assume he's just avoiding it and trying to let it die.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Jan 22 2011, 7:21 am LoTu)S Post #447

So much for a ressurection :rolleyes:


Jan 22 2011, 11:42 pm Aristocrat Post #448

Quote from DevliN
I saw him in the "X members in this topic (italic members are currently writing a reply):" row of this topic, so I assume he's just avoiding it and trying to let it die.

I've had almost no time to even visit SEN, let alone write the mafia posts. You should have seen that I'm never on more than one or two minutes a day considering that all visits are logged. Since people actually posted their roles due to my apparent dead-ness, I'll post the turns that I compiled thus far from before.

- Phobos

You are a fairly average CREWMEMBER of the Poseidon, performing the daily tasks needed to keep the ship functional. You do not particularly dislike the captain, but you sensed that some people on the ship may have a poor opinion of him.

Your Hidden Powers: These powers that you possess are not known to anyone else.
  • Passive: Divine Raiment of the Dragon Fish - A rare artifact from the East that you had hidden away grants you one hit of protection; the first point of damage you take will be nullified.

- Changeling

You are a fairly average CREWMEMBER of the Poseidon, performing the daily tasks needed to keep the ship functional. You do not particularly dislike the captain, but you sensed that some people on the ship may have a poor opinion of him.

- Raccoon

You are a fairly average CREWMEMBER of the Poseidon, performing the daily tasks needed to keep the ship functional. You do not particularly dislike the captain, but you sensed that some people on the ship may have a poor opinion of him.

Your Hidden Powers: These powers that you possess are not known to anyone else.
  • Passive: Deception - You are able to appear as any role you wish when you are killed; the default choice is CREWMEMBER, although you may change this at any time prior to your death to any non-unique role through a PM.

- StarBlue

You are a fairly average CREWMEMBER of the Poseidon, performing the daily tasks needed to keep the ship functional. You do not particularly dislike the captain, but you sensed that some people on the ship may have a poor opinion of him.

- Riney

Once no more than a fresh pirate with a deteriorating sloop, your merciless plundering and raiding eventually paid off; you accumulated unimaginable wealth and rose to infamy as the CAPTAIN of the largest Man-O'-War ever to sail the Caribbeans, the Poseidon. Having earned the respect of almost all of your crewmen, you are invincible... That is, until your closest guards are eliminated.

- CecilSunkure

As the former captain of Faithful Jack, your first defeat came at the battle of Porto Rico. Your Galleon was sunk by the Poseidon after an extended battle that left both vessels seriously damaged, and you fell prisoner to the enemy ship as they boarded the sinking vessel and dragged away the crewmembers one by one.

When the captain of the Poseidon approached you, he made the surprising offer of providing you the position of MASTER aboard his ship. You agreed immediately, surprised by this turn of events, and soon became the second-in-command for what was now the most fearsome ship to sail the Caribbeans.

- Echo

If there was one thing you knew, it was your devotion to protecting the life of captain Riney. When you had nearly starved to death on the island of Curacao after your ship had crashed into the surrounding reefs, Riney saved both you and your friend Raitaki from the elements, on the condition that you repay the favor by becoming his personal guards aboard the flagship of a newly-formed fleet in the Caribbeans, the Poseidon. As a loyal QUARTERMASTER who has served for more than a decade, you will not permit anyone to make an attempt on Riney's life, not before he went through you first.

- Raitaki

If there was one thing you knew, it was your devotion to protecting the life of captain Riney. When you had nearly starved to death on the island of Curacao after your ship had crashed into the surrounding reefs, Riney saved both you and your friend Echo from the elements, on the condition that you repay the favor by becoming his personal guards aboard the flagship of a newly-formed fleet in the Caribbeans, the Poseidon. As a loyal QUARTERMASTER who has served for more than a decade, you will not permit anyone to make an attempt on Riney's life, not before he went through you first.

- OlimarandLouie

As an expert in firearms usage, you have always dreamt of ascending to the profession of piracy and putting your skills to the test on the high seas. When the Poseidon landed at Antigua, you confronted its captain and demanded to be accepted into the crew. While the captain was impressed with your marksmanship, he only offered you the pay grade of an average, unskilled BUCCANEER. While you were unsatisfied, you accepted the offer anyways, but this discontent eventually brewed into bloodlust for the lives of other crewmembers, whom you perceived as receiving excellent pay for little to no work.

- Roy

While you may not remember the past, you were an orphan adopted and raised by the royal family of Spain, trained with the sole purpose of becoming their greatest champion. From the age of five, you have exhibited extraordinary prowess with the sword, your talent and training culminating in your defeat of the empire's five strongest knights in a duel at the mere age of 16. Unsatisfied with the difficulty of your opponents, you abandoned the royal palace and sought out your own enemies on the open seas, eventually boarding the Poseidon and forcing its captain at swordpoint to accept you as the ship's elite SWASHBUCKLER.

Your pinpoint precision allows you to split a hair in half with your sidesword from a distance of two cubits, and as of today, you have not lost a single duel with an enemy. Yet, for some reason, you sensed an aura of killing intent as you disembarked at the port of Santo Domingo; you felt your sidesword and shrugged it off, knowing with confidence that you cannot lose.

- Jack

You have been hailed as a medical prodigy ever since you were young, having saved the lives of countless ailing men in your home city of Caraccas. When the port city was raided by a fleet of Man-O'-Wars headed by the Poseidon, the captain specifically sought you out to serve as the ship's head DOCTOR, promising high benefits and shares of plunder in addition to their sparing of the port city from artillery bombardment. To save the townspeople from injury, you reluctantly agreed to the offer, and now serves to provide first-aid to the crewmembers aboard the most fearsome ship to sail the Caribbeans.

Your Hidden Powers: These powers that you possess are not known to anyone else.
  • Passive: Herbal Preparations - Your natural medicinal talent enables you to aid people more efficiently than normal; your Reinforcement will last two days, and your Aid will protect from two simultaneous hits rather than one.

- Dem0nS1ayer

Once no more than a village doctor, you were captured by the Poseidon during a raid on your hometown of Trujillo. The captain noticed your expertise with medicine and forced you to become a resident DOCTOR for his ship, promising a share of plunder in return. Faced with no alternatives, you reluctantly agreed to the offer, and now provides first-aid to the crew using whatever little supplies you had aboard the ship.

- rayNimagi

As a friend of the Poseidon's captain, you could not refuse when he asked you to serve as a DOCTOR on board. While you aren't the best medical practitioner, you were able to get the job done regardless of conditions, having saved many crewmembers from death in the last few years. This recent voyage towards Santo Domingo, however, made you question the lifestyle of piracy; is it worth all the effort?

You shrugged it off and continued to amputate the necrotic arm of the newly captured prisoner, his screams echoing in the large operating chamber as he tried to break free of the restraints.

Your Hidden Powers: These powers that you possess are not known to anyone else. You may use them freely, subject to restraints.
  • Hidden Power: Poison - Instead of providing aid to a member, you poison them instead, resulting in their death the next morning. You must use this on top of an "aid" function, as follows:
    Aid: rayNimagi (Poison)

    This power may be used only once, as you only have one cyanide capsule. This will still protect them from night hits for the day, as "Aid" is still active. The poison is an additional step that occurs at the beginning of the next day.

- EzTerix

Born into a family of sailors, you were trained to possess extraordinary skill in marlinespike seamanship and eventually became selected as the head foreman of the fearsome pirate vessel Poseidon. As a respected BOATSWAIN, you are responsible for ensuring that the functions of the ship run smoothly, and thus you have developed the ability to discreetly observe the activities of the crewmembers for any wrongdoing.

Your Hidden Powers: These powers that you possess are not known to anyone else, and you may use them freely in addition to the visible powers you have.
  • Hidden Power: Broadcast - Anonymously report the results of your finding to the ship's crew. This will show up as a line at the end of the Night post. To use this power, title your PM in the following manner:
    Surveillance: EzTerix (Broadcast)

    If you do not want your results to be broadcasted, simply omit it from the PM title as thus:
    Surveillance: EzTerix

- Derqua

As an average priest employed by the Roman Catholic Church, you saw little advancement in terms of status over the course of your career. When your ship was boarded near Barbados by the largest ship in the pirate fleet, Poseidon, you were soon captured and it almost seemed certain that you were headed for the death row. Fortunately, however, the ship's master recognized that religious rejuvenation will likely boost the crew's morale, and you were spared a gruesome fate on the condition that you become the ship's CHAPLAIN and perform services for the crewmembers when necessary.

Your Hidden Powers: These powers that you possess are not known to anyone else; you may only use one power per night, hidden or not. If you Pray, you may not Preach, and you may not give a Sermon.
  • Hidden Power: Pray - Meditate in your room for prayer, preventing one night hit from being placed on you, You may not pray on consecutive nights. Simply title your PM as follows:

- LoTu)S

Once no more than an ordinary seaman in the Royal Navy, you became frustrated by the measly pay of 19 shillings a month and decided that you could do far better amongst the ranks of privateers. When the HMS Victoria landed at Freeport, you disembarked and deserted the navy at the first opportunity along with your companion, Rammus. The two of you joined the crew of the Poseidon and climbed the ranks of piracy until you eventually reached the seat of sub-lieutenant, where you would remain. While Rammus was satisfied with the rank for a while, greed dictated that you would not settle for this, and you eventually began to harbor ambitions for control of the ship as a TRAITOR. Soon, you convinced Rammus to join your cause, and the two of you searched the ship for suitable allies before coming across DevliN. Much to your surprise, DevliN informed you that he was well aware of your motives, and indicated his interest in joining the cause as your Spy. While you were skeptical of his loyalty, you had no choice but to accept his offer.

You approached the ship's explosives expert, poison_us, and asked for his assistance. While he did not disagree outright, you had to surrender a hefty quantity of doubloons before you could persuade him successfully. He would enter the group under the title of Saboteur.

You found another crewmember, ImagoDeo, and pitched the idea of rebellion to him. He instantly accepted, to your surprise, adding yet another member to your growing dissident group.

After briefly discussing a plan for the takeover, DevliN suggested that it would be impossible for the group to rebel successfully when you are outnumbered by the rest of the ship's crew. You nodded and determined that a successful mutiny would require the silent extermination of those who did not join your cause, one by one. You begin to meditate on your possible actions for the night.

- Rammus

Once no more than an ordinary seaman in the Royal Navy with limited medical knowledge, your companion LoTu)S convinced you that the measly pay of 19 shillings a month was far below what you deserved, and you decided that you could fare much better amongst the ranks of privateers. When the HMS Victoria landed at Freeport, the two of you disembarked and deserted the navy at the first opportunity. You joined the crew of the Poseidon and climbed the ranks of piracy until you eventually reached the seat of sub-lieutenant, where you would remain. While you did not mind it much, it was clear to you that LoTu)S had begun to harbor ambitions for control of the ship. You were eventually convinced by him to join his cause as a TRAITOR, and the two of you searched the ship for suitable allies before coming across DevliN. Much to your surprise, DevliN informed you that he was well aware of LoTu)S's motives, and indicated his interest in joining the cause as a Spy. LoTu)S grinned and accepted his offer, but you remain skeptical of the newly recruited Spy's loyalty.

Later that night, LoTu)S announced that he had found another crewmember, ImagoDeo, much to your surprise. This would add yet another member to the growing dissident group.

After briefly discussing a plan for the takeover, DevliN suggested that it would be impossible for the group to rebel successfully when you are outnumbered by the rest of the ship's crew. LoTu)S nodded and introduced you to the ship's Saboteur, poison_us. This convenient recruitment made you breathe a sigh of relief; the group would not go without allies. You determined that a successful mutiny would require a majority, and you realized that you could only acquire this by killing off those who opposed the plan. You begin to meditate on your possible actions for the night.

Your Hidden Powers: These powers that you possess are not known to anyone else; they do not interfere with usage of normal powers.
  • Passive: Aid - Your limited medical knowledge allows you to provide first-aid to any ally in response to an attack. The medicinal supplies you stowed away are limited, however, and only the first two hits dealt to the party of LoTu)S, Rammus, poison_us, ImagoDeo, and DevliN will be neutralized.

- ImagoDeo
You were only a typical crewmember of the Poseidon, but you harbored true ambitions. With your lack of specialized skill, however, you could not ascend the hierarchy, and you were stuck at the lowest pay grade available to crewmembers. Two dissidents, LoTu)S and Rammus, approached you one night and discussed the possibility of a mutiny, and you were convinced to join their cause as a TRAITOR.

After briefly discussing a plan for the takeover, the newly recruited Spy, DevliN, suggested that it would be impossible for the group to rebel successfully when you are outnumbered by the rest of the ship's crew. LoTu)S nodded and introduced you to the ship's Saboteur, poison_us. Your group only numbered five in total, and you determined that a successful mutiny would require a majority. You begin to meditate on your possible actions for the night.

- poison_us

You were endowed with a fascination for explosives and a family whose wealth was beyond imaginable. The alchemical labs situated on your parents' Spanish estate provided you free access to the plethora of chemicals stored in the compound, limited only by the times when the alchemist was not present. You soon discovered that the mixture of charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter created a powerful explosive, only to be informed by your parents that this was regular black powder. Enraged at their unwillingness to acknowledge your finds, you spent the next five years researching for a formulation of an even stronger explosive, to eventually succeed after mixing strong acids with a soap residue. Unbeknownst to you, you have successfully manufactured the world's first sample of nitroglycerin, although the only evidence of your work is a large hole in the ground and the disappearance of the resident alchemist.

You were eventually captured by the crew of the Poseidon near Belize after your ship was boarded at night. You impressed the captain with a demonstration of your new explosive, and received an offer to become one of the ship's mates. You were pleased with the offer, and accepted it without question. It would only take month before LoTu)S, Rammus, and ImagoDeo approached you with an offer to overthrow the captain. You were reluctant to agree, but bribery with doubloons from LoTu)S and promises for higher shares of plunder managed to eventually convince you to become the group's SABOTEUR.

After briefly discussing a plan for the takeover, the newly recruited Spy, DevliN, suggested that it would be impossible for the group to rebel successfully when you are outnumbered by the rest of the ship's crew. You determined that a successful mutiny would require a majority, and you realized that you could only acquire this by killing off those who opposed the plan. Fondling the vessels of nitroglycerin hidden in your clothing, you begin to meditate on your possible actions for the night.

SPY - 1
- DevliN

You never cared much for respect of privacy; you were naturally curious, and you hungered for information. Your efficient and clandestine operations ensured that mysteries and secrets would never fail to reach you. Through the manipulation of insider knowledge you acquired from befriending merchants, you slowly climbed the brutal hierarchy of piracy until you eventually found a seat aboard the largest vessel to sail the Caribbean Sea: the Poseidon. It did not take long for you to realize that two of the ship's sub-lieutenants harbored ambitions for control of the ship, so you were not the least bit surprised when LoTu)S, Rammus, and ImagoDeo approached you with an offer to join their resistance. They were quite shocked that you had figured them out so easily, but you managed to assure the pair that you shared their interests, and agreed to take on the position of SPY.

After briefly discussing a plan for the takeover, you suggested that it would be impossible to rebel successfully when you are outnumbered by the rest of the ship's crew. LoTu)S nodded and introduced you to the ship's Saboteur, poison_us. This convenient recruitment caused you to silently smile to yourself. You think to yourself, "this rebellion will be interesting to watch," and you begin to meditate on your possible actions for the night.



Jan 22 2011, 11:43 pm Aristocrat Post #449


You helped yourself to a beer at one of the local inns, exhausted after a long day of wandering through the port city of Santo Domingo. Although the beverage was far too light for your tastes, which were accustomed to the high-proof rum rations aboard the Poseidon, you did not mind it much. Just before the bartender manages to persuade you into buying another round of drinks, one of your shipmates dashed in and handed you a crudely handwritten note. It read:

"Arr, me hearty, ye captain seems t' want all o' ye t' report aft him for a head count! If ye be loyal to ye captain then ye better get yeselves up t' deck or we be keelhauling ye t' Davy Jones' locker in no time, so confirm ye presence at once!"

You contemplate the most difficult choice between dashing back to the ship and ignoring the request in light of the attractive barmaid standing before you. Do you wish to confirm your presence?


Moments before Dawn: Day 0

Clutching his left arm, Aristocrat fled for his life. He did not know what he was fleeing from, but his severely mangled limb told him that it was someone - or something - extremely dangerous. The bleeding had mostly stopped, but the excruciating pain made Aristocrat wince as he kept running forwards in the dark, aware that he would most likely fail to escape with his life.

Aristocrat knew that he was running into a dead end; the hall only extended so long forwards. He would need to either ascend the steps onto the deck where safe hiding locations are all but absent, or tumble downwards into the labyrinth-like cargo hull and risk being impaled by the abundance of meat hooks and broken shards of wood scattered across the entrance of the chamber. With his mind clouded by powerful, overwhelming panic, Aristocrat made the extremely poor decision to descend into the cargo hull. Much to his dismay, Aristocrat was only able to run a total of two steps before inevitably tripping over a crate, causing an adjacent shelf to collapse onto the right side of his body and impaling his right arm in the process.

Aristocrat cried out for help before realizing that he had just given away his location to the predator. The sound of footsteps steadily approached him, and Aristocrat shook with fear as the sounds drew near. Aristocrat panicked and attempted to reach for an object to throw at the intruder, only to realize that none of his limbs could move.

The anonymous figure stopped short of Aristocrat's collapsed figure. Unhesitatingly, he drew his dual swords and held their blades only an inch from Aristocrat's neck. He exclaimed, "I'm Lotus!", and in a swift motion decapitated Aristocrat with two simultaneous slashes. The figure released a bloodcurdling wail before screaming out, "Oh my God! I, Lotus, am definitely attacking someone!"

Even though no one was listening, the figure appeared unsatisfied with his remarks. He yelled out once more, "And my name is Lotus!", only to hear the sound echo twice within the chamber before it faded into the dead silence of twilight. Realizing that there were no witnesses to his crime, he angrily sheathed his weapons and departed the scene as the pool of blood continued to expand and soak into the wooden flooring.

Tsunrise: Day 0

"What be the meanin' o' this?!" Captain Riney exclaimed, infuriated by the scene presented to him only moments ago by a shocked carpenter, who had discovered the body of Aristocrat when he went into the hull to retrieve some tar. The crew lowered their heads as they mumbled amidst themselves, unsure of what to say. Unamused by this disrespectful display, the captain screamed out, "Belay the rabble, ye bilge rats! Do ye all think i' be funny when I find me best mate murder'd? I be thirstin' fer the scallywag's blood who kill'd him! Hark to me words, now: there be traitors amon'st us: an' I'd try the cat o' nine tails on ye worthless hide! Ye blaggards best learn ye place and 'fess up: who be the scoundrel responsible fer bringin' death on me ship?"

If any of the crewmembers knew the answer, they did not show it. But the men looked amongst themselves and nodded to each other before looking back at the captain, who was expectant of a response.

Dereset: Day 0

The motionless body of Norm hung from the bow of the ship as the result of an unanimous vote by the ship members, his limbs flailing like those of a rag doll. While no one had suspected him of any wrongdoing, every crewmember felt the urge to vote for Norm's lynching. A mysterious voice in their heads had vaguely informed them of a mafia; apparently, number 5, and Norm evidently had something to do with it. Mafias be bad, evil things, aye? With that connection made, the crew erroneously concluded that Norm was their best guess for the traitorous scum, thus thinning their dwindling numbers by one as the true perpetrators prepared for yet another night of bloodshed.

Night 1 has begun! Please send in all your night actions before 11:59 AM EST, December 29, 2010!


Day 0 Clues:
  1. "Moments before Dawn" references Dawn, the English name for the character portrayed in LoTu)S's avatar. "Dawn" is deliberately capitalized even though there was no grammatical need to do so. As Aristocrat, an innocent civilian, is killed during this time period, this hints to LoTu)S's affiliation with TRAITORs.
  2. The mangling of arms by an unidentified intruder points to the identity of one of the traitors. The only monster-like creature (who appears capable of mangling arms) in the avatars of the participants belongs to Rammus, a TRAITOR.
  3. A mysterious blade-wielding killer announced his name as "Lotus". This is not intended to be a clue against LoTu)S, but rather, a reference to this post. As the Swashbuckler is the only role depicted with an explicit affinity for bladed weaponry, this points to Roy's role as the SWASHBUCKLER.
  4. A "bloodcurdling scream" was released by the mysterious killer. The only avatar that depicts a character/figure/being capable of releasing bloodcurding screams belongs to poison_us, affiliated with the TRAITOR group.
  5. The crewmembers looked amongst themselves and arrived at a consensus, which resulted in the death of an innocent civilian. OlimarandLouie's avatar is the only one to portray two characters looking at each other. Boondock saints, vigilantes, and other kill-roles affiliated with the town in mafia games have a tendency to kill far more town-aligned roles than mafia; therefore, this clue reveals OlimarandLouie's role as BUCCANEER.
  6. "Tsunrise" and "Dereset" reference the Tsundere. "Tsunrise" is a rather transparent pun on "Sunrise", and my choice of phrasing is really just wordplay on how a Tsundere character starts out tsun tsun (tsun at sunrise) and eventually becomes dere dere (dere at sunset). Dawn is shown in a very tsun pose in LoTu)S's avatar, alluding to the fact that LoTu)S has a significant role, potentially a evil one, as tsun is generally perceived to be a negative characteristic by itself.
  7. Two hidden URLs to this video were placed into the Day 0 post immediately before the "Tsunrise" and "Dereset" lines. A dead body is depicted during each of these moments, hinting that the contents of the video points to a player affiliated with traitors. The video's emphasis on "desu" references this, alluding to LoTu)S's affiliation with the TRAITOR group.
  8. Additionally, the URLs point to two different times in the video, 1:20 and 1:22. A prominent view of Suiseiseki is shown at each of the two times. The most striking feature is that Suiseiseki's two eyes are of differing colors, red and green, Rammus from League of Legends is primarily green, with red eyes, resembling Suiseiseki's palette. This hints at the role of Rammus as a TRAITOR.

Night 1 actions:

Night Actions:

* Speed infinity - Ghost Hath No Fury [Kill Phase] (Swashbuckler)
* Speed 10 - Execution (Master), Ambush (Master), Sacrifice (Crewmember), Protect (Master), Snipe (Buccaneer), Follow (Spy), Swordsmanship Mastery (Swashbuckler), Mutual Assured Destruction (Saboteur)
- OlimarandLouie (Snipe), CecilSunkure (Execute -> LoTu)S)

* Speed 9 - Aid (Doctor), Guard (Quartermaster)
- rayNimagi (Aid -> poison_us), Jack (Aidx2 -> Jack)

* Speed 8 - Surveillance (Boatswain), Supervision (Boatswain)

* Speed 7 - Preach (Chaplain), Interception (Traitor)
- LoTu)S (Interception -> CecilSunkure)

* Speed 6 - Dodge (Crewmember), Evade (Quartermaster), Protect (Quartermaster)
- StarBlue (Dodge)

* Speed 5 - Shadow (Buccaneer), Assassination (Traitor)

* Speed 4 - Elimination (Traitor)

* Speed 3 - Reinforcement (Doctor)

* Speed 2 - Sabotage (Saboteur), Investigation (Spy)
- Devlin (Investigate -> Roy)

* Speed 1 - Visit (Crewmember), Sermon (Chaplain), Ghost Hath No Fury [Memory Phase] (Swashbuckler)
- Roy (Ghost Hath No Fury -> poison_us), Derqua (Sermon -> StarBlue)

StarBlue: Dodge

OlimarandLouie: Snipe
You lay in wait near the entrance of your room, but no one opens the door. You were unable to land a hit.

(Cancelled)Jack: Reinforcementx2 -> Echo

DevliN: Investigate -> Roy
You attempt to discreetly investigate Roy, but he does not leave his room, forcing you to resort to alternative methods of investigation. After much inquiry, you were able to deduce Roy's role as the SWASHBUCKLER.

*During your investigation, you found a box of surgery implements. You decided to take them with you. Would you like to examine the contents?

Roy: Ghost Hath No Fury -> poison_us
You commit poison_us to memory.

rayNimagi: Aid -> poison_us

poison_us: Take no action
You take no action. You become very bored.

Ezterix: Supervise -> Riney
You attempt to supervise the captain, but no one visits him during the night. You learn nothing of significance.

CecilSunkure: Execute -> LoTu)S
You draw your blades in preparation to execute LoTu)S if he dared to make a suspicious move, but the door of his room does not open for the entire night. You were unable to land a hit.

Jack: Aid -> Jack

Derqua: Sermon -> StarBlue
The Chaplain has read a Sermon to you at night, causing you to fall fast asleep; you will be unable to participate in the voting process during the day.

LoTu)S: Interception -> CecilSunkure
You wait in your room in an attempt to intercept CecilSunkure once you see him escape, but to your dismay, you do not witness him attempting any sort of evasion. You were unable to land a hit.


Night 1 actions:

Night Actions:

* Speed infinity - Ghost Hath No Fury [Kill Phase] (Swashbuckler)
* Speed 10 - Execution (Master), Ambush (Master), Sacrifice (Crewmember), Protect (Master), Snipe (Buccaneer), Follow (Spy), Swordsmanship Mastery (Swashbuckler), Mutual Assured Destruction (Saboteur)
- OlimarandLouie (Snipe), CecilSunkure (Execute -> LoTu)S)

* Speed 9 - Aid (Doctor), Guard (Quartermaster)
- rayNimagi (Aid -> poison_us), Jack (Aidx2 -> Jack)

* Speed 8 - Surveillance (Boatswain), Supervision (Boatswain)

* Speed 7 - Preach (Chaplain), Interception (Traitor)
- LoTu)S (Interception -> CecilSunkure)

* Speed 6 - Dodge (Crewmember), Evade (Quartermaster), Protect (Quartermaster)
- StarBlue (Dodge)

* Speed 5 - Shadow (Buccaneer), Assassination (Traitor)

* Speed 4 - Elimination (Traitor)

* Speed 3 - Reinforcement (Doctor)

* Speed 2 - Sabotage (Saboteur), Investigation (Spy)
- Devlin (Investigate -> Roy)

* Speed 1 - Visit (Crewmember), Sermon (Chaplain), Ghost Hath No Fury [Memory Phase] (Swashbuckler)
- Roy (Ghost Hath No Fury -> poison_us), Derqua (Sermon -> StarBlue)

StarBlue: Dodge

OlimarandLouie: Snipe
You lay in wait near the entrance of your room, but no one opens the door. You were unable to land a hit.

(Cancelled)Jack: Reinforcementx2 -> Echo

DevliN: Investigate -> Roy
You attempt to discreetly investigate Roy, but he does not leave his room, forcing you to resort to alternative methods of investigation. After much inquiry, you were able to deduce Roy's role as the SWASHBUCKLER.

*During your investigation, you found a box of surgery implements. You decided to take them with you. Would you like to examine the contents?

Roy: Ghost Hath No Fury -> poison_us
You commit poison_us to memory.

rayNimagi: Aid -> poison_us

poison_us: Take no action
You take no action. You become very bored.

Ezterix: Supervise -> Riney
You attempt to supervise the captain, but no one visits him during the night. You learn nothing of significance.

CecilSunkure: Execute -> LoTu)S
You draw your blades in preparation to execute LoTu)S if he dared to make a suspicious move, but the door of his room does not open for the entire night. You were unable to land a hit.

Jack: Aid -> Jack

Derqua: Sermon -> StarBlue
The Chaplain has read a Sermon to you at night, causing you to fall fast asleep; you will be unable to participate in the voting process during the day.

LoTu)S: Interception -> CecilSunkure
You wait in your room in an attempt to intercept CecilSunkure once you see him escape, but to your dismay, you do not witness him attempting any sort of evasion. You were unable to land a hit.


DevliN: After rummaging through the crate, you find 12 different items in the box. In the order that you retrieved them, they are:
  • A rusty saw.
  • A yellow-tinted magnifying glass.
  • A pair of scissors.
  • A polished scalpel.
  • A few bloodstained towel pieces.
  • A large dagger.
  • Three needles.
  • A large quantity of threading.
  • A large quantity of cotton.
  • A copy of the Holy Bible.
  • A metal plate of unknown composition
  • A diary.

You determine that it would take additional time to examine the contents further. You may forgo a night action to examine three items of your choice each night. You may also deliver any quantity of the items to another player anonymously.

Today, 12:34 am
Quote from rayNimagi
I vote Dem0nS1ayer!


Player to be lynched:
  • Dem0nS1ayer (P) (5): Raccoon, Raitaki, Riney, poison_us, Rammus

Accused Scallywags:
  • Raitaki (P) (4): DevliN, Dem0nS1ayer, Roy, Jack
  • Echo (P) (2): ImagoDeo, OlimarandLouie
  • HCM™LoTu)S (P) (2): Phobos, CecilSunkure
  • [Riney]:] (P) (1): EzTerix, StarBlue
  • Phobos (P) (1): LoTu)S
  • Rammus (P) (1): Echo
  • Derqua (P) (1): rayNimagi

Members who refrained from voting:
-Changeling, Derqua

Day 1:

Dem0nS1ayer stood at the side of the ship, retreating slowly towards the edge as the remaining crewmembers closed in on him. The captain drew his rapier, thrusting it towards Dem0n's neck and forcing him back even further. Dem0nS1ayer came to the horrible realization that he had stepped onto the wooden protrusion prepared for this occasion. Riney stared directly at the helpless man and spoke in a deep, grim tone: "I reckon'd ye'd be a good mate. I be as mistaken as a jackal. But I be findin' it in me heart to let ye walk the plank. Yer last wishes, mate?"

In a confused tone, Dem0nS1ayer cried out as he backed away, "Please, enough of this, Riney! I thought we were only roleplaying when we left shore! Aristocrat didn't really die, did he? Why are you doing this to me? It's just a game, right? Am I really going to die? I'm really going to die? I'll die! No!"

Veins popped on Riney's forehead. His character was clearly not amused by the unintelligible outburst, and the display of fear and weakness from one of his crewmembers was more than enough to induce a fit of rage. He thrust his rapier through Dem0nS1ayer's chest in an instant. As Dem0nS1ayer realized what has happened, his body convulsed and his mouth began to fill with blood. He managed to scream out one last sentence before he tumbled over the side of the Poseidon.

"Give me back my crate, you dumbasses!"

Dem0nS1ayer's body disappeared in a brilliant flash of light as it touched the lower boundary of the playing field.

Night 2 has begun! Please send in all your night actions before 11:59 AM EST, January 1, 2011!


Day 1 Clues:
  1. None.


Jan 22 2011, 11:45 pm Aristocrat Post #450


Night Actions:

* Speed infinity - Ghost Hath No Fury [Kill Phase] (Swashbuckler)

* Speed 10 - Execution (Master), Ambush (Master), Sacrifice (Crewmember), Protect (Master), Snipe (Buccaneer), Follow (Spy), Swordsmanship Mastery (Swashbuckler), Mutual Assured Destruction (Saboteur)
- CecilSunkure: Execute -> DevliN

* Speed 9 - Aid (Doctor), Guard (Quartermaster)
- Raitaki: Guard, Jack: Aid -> Jack, rayNimagi: Aid -> OlimarandLouie, Echo: Guard

* Speed 8 - Surveillance (Boatswain), Supervision (Boatswain)

* Speed 7 - Preach (Chaplain), Sermon (Chaplain), Interception (Traitor)

* Speed 6 - Dodge (Crewmember), Evade (Quartermaster), Protect (Quartermaster)

* Speed 5 - Shadow (Buccaneer), Assassination (Traitor)
- OlimarandLouie: Shadow -> Raitaki, ImagoDeo: Assassination -> StarBlue, Rammus: Assassination -> EzTerix, LoTu)S: Assassination -> OlimarandLouie

* Speed 4 - Elimination (Traitor)

* Speed 3 - Reinforcement (Doctor)

* Speed 2 - Sabotage (Saboteur), Investigation (Spy)
- poison_us: Sabotage -> Roy, DevliN: Investigate -> Echo

* Speed 1 - Visit (Crewmember), Sermon (Chaplain), Ghost Hath No Fury [Memory Phase] (Swashbuckler)
- Roy: Ghost Hath No Fury -> Echo, StarBlue: Visit -> Raitaki

poison_us: Sabotage -> Roy
Sabotage successful.

Raitaki: Guard
Your guard has shattered. You may no longer guard.

Roy: Ghost Hath No Fury -> Echo
You commit Echo to memory.

OlimarandLouie: Shadow -> Raitaki
Successful hit, but survives due to Guard.

StarBlue: Visit -> Raitaki
You were killed before you could visit Raitaki.

Jack: Aid -> Jack
You aid yourself. How selfish.

CecilSunkure: Execute -> DevliN
You attempt to slice DevliN in half as he leaves his quarters, but you hold back at the last second, realizing that his visit did not carry harmful intentions.

rayNimagi: Aid -> OlimarandLouie
You save Olimar from death.

(Cancelled)LoTu)S: Interception -> OlimarandLouie

ImagoDeo: Assassination -> StarBlue
Successful kill.

Rammus: Assassination -> EzTerix
Successful kill.

Echo: Guard

LoTu)S: Assassination -> OlimarandLouie
Successful hit, but survives due to Aid.

DevliN: Investigate -> Echo
With Echo holding his shield up in a defensive stance near the captain's quarters, you deduce with little effort Echo's role as QUARTERMASTER.

Derqua: Pray <Hidden Ability>


Night 2

The ship's Buccaneer was not amused at all.

He had fired a shot directly at his target, but all he heard was the sound of a metal shield shattering. He feared that his target may soon retaliate, and fled the scene almost immediately, knowing that the blast of his rifle must have attracted attention from people in the vicinity. As he turned his back, however, he felt the icy tip of a sharp dagger break his skin, piercing his side with a deep wound. As he collapsed on the floor, he heard the sound of jingling coins amidst the footsteps that faded away.

The buccaneer's consciousness slowly faded away as one of the ship's doctors arrived at the scene.

The Boatswain idly wandered the deck of the ship. After one night of fruitless investigation, he decided that any possible information he could acquire was not worth the effort of carefully monitoring a single fellow crewmember. Certainly, his character was supposed to possess extraordinary skill in marlinespike seamanship and discreet observation, but he heavily detested the expectations that came with the attributes. As a result, he idled away half of the night in frustration and insomnia, cursing the heavens for consigning him to such a fate.

Just as he was about to drift off into sleep, the boatswain noticed a shadowy figure creep up the trapdoor to his right. He immediately stood up and threw a nearby grappling hook at the silhouette, yelling out: "Which trait'ous dog be climbin' up at this time o' the night? Show yerself!"

Unfortunately, it was not very effective. The mysterious figure had anticipated the attack and taken a defensive stance. The rope curled around his arm and the grapple harmlessly dropped to the ground.

Before the boatswain was able to react, the attacker's masked face appeared in front of him. The boatswain looked down and saw the hilt of two massive scimitars emerging from his chest. With both of his lungs punctured, EzTerix was only able to mutter one phrase before the burden of a deteriorating consciousness dropped him to the floor.


StarBlue fled for her life. She had planned to visit her friend later that night, but a sharp pain in her left arm and the absence of feeling in the limb told her that something very bad happened. While the dismemberment was too much of a shock to register, the sense of danger nevertheless persisted as she scrambled through the dark interior below deck.

Suddenly, StarBlue felt as though she was flying. Her field of vision rapidly spun, and the sense of up and down disappeared as the world turned into a swirl of colored patches. As StarBlue's head dropped to the floor, she was only able to discern the rough image of a pair of black leather boots before her eyes closed for the last time.

Day 3 has begun! Please post all lynch votes before 11:59 PM EST, January 6, 2011!

(If you have run out of PM space, PLEASE inform me by posting in this thread! As a reminder to players, in the case of a vote tie, all tied parties are lynched.)


Day 2:

Currently up for lynching:
  • HCM™LoTu)S (P) (9): CecilSunkure, Changeling, Roy, rayNimagi, Derqua, Riney, Phobos, OlimarandLouie, poison_us

Accused Scallywags:
  • Raitaki (P) (3): DevliN, Raccoon, ImagoDeo
  • DevliN (P) (1): Raitaki
  • CecilSunkure (P) (1): Echo

Members who refrained from voting:
  • LoTu)S, Jack, Rammus

LoTu)S was surrounded on all sides by an advancing circle of enraged crewmembers; a sense of impending doom overwhelmed him. He had managed to secure a majority vote thanks to Changeling's unexpected fabrication, a clue conjured from thin air where there were none. He considered the act an ingenious accusation rather than misfortune, but the ultimate fate of death did not appeal to him one bit. As the captain's rapier neared his neck, LoTu)S screamed out:

"Ye fools! What confounded abomination of Davy Jones's Locker be a "Pokemon"? Why do ye all wish t' see me dead o'er it?"

A shiver ran down LoTu)S's spine and he trembled slightly. He blinked twice and looked around, regaining his composure. He clenched his fists in frustration and sighed lightly, managing to smile and look around as he raised his head, confusing the mob with the sudden change in disposition. He snickered and proceeded to laugh in a maniacal manner, only calming down after well over a minute.

LoTu)S turned his head to Changeling and spoke with an entirely different voice: "Well, three points is better than nothing; and there I was, thinking I would win like a naive fool. Of course, it's to be expected that you would bandwagon me to increase your own score, Changeling. Have fun winning wi-"

Before LoTu)S was able to finish, Changeling rushed towards him and revealed a large concealed mace. He swung the blunt mass over his head and prepared for a lethal strike before the surrounding crewmembers could react. LoTu)S looked up just as he finished his ?last word, showing an expectant and satisfied expression accented by his piercing look. "Come and get me," his eyes seemed to say. But Changeling ignored the taunt and swung his arm down.

Changeling used Pound.

It's super effective.

What remained of LoTu)S disintegrated as his mangled body hit the ship's deck. Changeling wiped the blood from his face and withdrew, leaving the remaining crewmembers to stare in utter disbelief.

Night 3 has begun! Please send in all your night actions before 8:00 AM EST, January 10, 2011!


Night Actions:

* Speed infinity - Ghost Hath No Fury [Kill Phase] (Swashbuckler)

* Speed 10 - Execution (Master), Ambush (Master), Sacrifice (Crewmember), Protect (Master), Snipe (Buccaneer), Follow (Spy), Swordsmanship Mastery (Swashbuckler), Mutual Assured Destruction (Saboteur)
- CecilSunkure: Execute -> ImagoDeo

* Speed 9 - Aid (Doctor), Guard (Quartermaster)
- Echo: Guard, rayNimagi: Aid -> OlimarandLouie

* Speed 8 - Surveillance (Boatswain), Supervision (Boatswain)

* Speed 7 - Preach (Chaplain), Sermon (Chaplain), Interception (Traitor)

* Speed 6 - Dodge (Crewmember), Evade (Quartermaster), Protect (Quartermaster)

* Speed 5 - Shadow (Buccaneer), Assassination (Traitor)
- OlimarandLouie: Shadow -> poison_us, ImagoDeo: Assassinate -> rayNimagi, Rammus: Assassinate -> Echo

* Speed 4 - Elimination (Traitor)

* Speed 3 - Reinforcement (Doctor)

* Speed 2 - Sabotage (Saboteur), Investigation (Spy)
- poison_us: Sabotage -> OlimarandLouie

* Speed 1 - Visit (Crewmember), Sermon (Chaplain), Ghost Hath No Fury [Memory Phase] (Swashbuckler)
- Derqua: Sermon -> Raitaki

OlimarandLouie: Shadow -> poison_us
You fired a shot at poison_us, but you miss.

Echo: Guard
Your guard has shattered. You may no longer guard.

Derqua: Sermon -> Raitaki
You read an excruciatingly painful sermon to Raitaki. He collapses from shock.

ImagoDeo: Assassinate -> rayNimagi
You successfully kill rayNimagi.

rayNimagi: Aid -> OlimarandLouie
You die. GG.

poison_us: Sabotage -> OlimarandLouie
You successfully sabotage OlimarandLouie; you were targeted by the ship's buccaneer,

CecilSunkure: Execute -> ImagoDeo
You swing your blade down as ImagoDeo exits his room, but you miss. You determine that it may have been a sign and leave him alone.

Rammus: Assassinate -> Echo
You shatter Echo's guard.



Jan 22 2011, 11:45 pm Aristocrat Post #451

That would be all. Sorry about the lack of formatting; it's copied as-is from the text file I had logged.


Jan 22 2011, 11:48 pm Raitaki Post #452

Quote from Aristocrat
[list][*]Hidden Power: Poison - Instead of providing aid to a member, you poison them instead, resulting in their death the next morning.
This power may be used only once, as you only have one cyanide capsule.

Non instant-kill cyanide? Me wanna! :hurr:


Jan 23 2011, 12:23 am Riney Post #453

Thigh high affectionado


I was seriously going to use my power to kill him the next day.

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jan 23 2011, 12:35 am Roy Post #454

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Lol! I completely forgot about that post in TKG. I'm glad nobody else found it, I suppose.

Quote from Roy
Quote from Aristocrat
He *did* say "I'm LoTu)S" ...
Quote from Generic Turn PM
Action: Say "I'm Lotus!"
Action: Attack someone
Action: Say "Oh my God! I, Lotus, am definitely attacking someone! And my name is Lotus!"

Jan 23 2011, 1:17 am Lingie Post #455

I was the most fearsome Traitor ever.

Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Jan 23 2011, 1:21 am OlimarandLouie Post #456

I was the most fearsome buccaneer ever.


Jan 23 2011, 3:22 am poison_us Post #457

Back* from the grave

I was the most honest Saboteur ever.

FFFFFFF-- I deleted my sent box :massimo:

Jan 23 2011, 3:37 am LoTu)S Post #458

BAM! Executed on 1st night. Called it!


Jan 23 2011, 3:49 am Raitaki Post #459

I was the most hatable Quartermaster ever. :massimo:


Jan 23 2011, 4:16 am rayNimagi Post #460

Quote from OlimarandLouie
I was the most fearsome buccaneer ever.
And I was right about that! :P

Win by luck, lose by skill.

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[05:47 pm]
Ultraviolet -- zsnakezz
zsnakezz shouted: ultra you have any thought or notes on undead invasion?
I still haven't gotten a chance to play it yet unfortunately. I just downloaded, but today I'm working on a project with a deadline so won't be able to play it today
[04:59 am]
zsnakezz -- >:)
[04:59 am]
zsnakezz -- :)
[04:58 am]
zsnakezz -- somebody gets it
[04:58 am]
zsnakezz -- and its not all just numbers in my file screen
[04:57 am]
zsnakezz -- thank you for your comment though, good to know some people out there tried my map out
[04:57 am]
zsnakezz -- just kidding
[04:57 am]
zsnakezz -- ultra you have any thought or notes on undead invasion?
[2024-5-31. : 2:36 pm]
Wing Zero -- Bop em
[2024-5-31. : 2:36 pm]
Wing Zero -- Mods
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