An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Co-hosting and banner by RoyGame Status: Game Over: Member Victory!

Game Concepts

Concepts:- Based on SEN and its operation.
- The setting will be on the forum itself and use such as context for the environment.
- Color reveal upon death. Roles share colors.
- Clues based on post number, member ID, avatar, signature, member history and behavior.
- Unique Role PMs.

1. All roles are assigned randomly. All role PMs are unique.
2. You may not request or volunteer screenshots or video of any PM sent to you by myself or my co-host.
3. The Watched are aware of each other.
4. Any attempt to ruin the game through exploitations of SEN or its functions will result in suspension or ban. Mafia or not, exploiting a bug rather than reporting it is a serious offense.
5. Any attempt to ruin the game through non-exploitative means will result in you being banned from future Mafias.
6. You may talk about Mafia in PMs, in the SB, on your TS, AIM, MSN, or wherever else you like. This is not Fight Club. But perhaps I'll do Fight Club mafia some other time.

All players will receive a unique PM for their role. It will include a hint as to how to use their role effectively.
Member Aligned
Regular - A Regular SENner.
-Dodge: Can be used at night, once per game. Avoids any action directed at you, positive or negative.
Veteran - A well known member of great experience.
-Forum Stalk: Shadows a player. You will watch what they do that night, and see anything done to them.
Elite - The Elites are a proud few who have seen it all in their time at SEN.
-Status (Passive): Elites are of the highest non-staff status on site. They take two hits to kill.
Moderator - Moderators are in charge of keeping order on the forums. They are vigilant protectors.
-Suspension: Keeps a player in The Void for the night. They cannot be touched.
Global Moderator - GMs are the keepers of SEN. They are not to be trifled with.
-Excaliban: Kills target player. If the GM kills a Town-aligned role, they will be demoted to Moderator status. Use wisely.
Distribution: 10+ Regular, 2 Veteran, 2 Elite, 2 Moderator, 2 Global Moderator.
The Watched Aligned
The Troll - The Troll knows what buttons to push, and when to push them.
-Troll: Target player is so aggravated by the Troll, they give up any night actions they may have used.
Devil's Advocate - The Devil's advocate is a top class rules lawyer.
-List Of Grievances: The DA may PM the host a list of names and roles. If they are all correct, all players listed die. If one is incorrect, no one dies. Must list at least five names. (Thanks to Az for this idea.)
Rogue Moderator - A Moderator who has abandoned the rules and crusades for his own purposes.
-Banhammer: Hits selected player.
The Unwatched - The Unwatched is a sly member on the border of being watched or just being annoying. He uses this blurry status to cause misinformation.
-Outside The Lines: Makes a target player appear as another color when killed. The re-color wears off after 2 night cycles.
-Misinform: Insert a clue against target player in next clue post.
-The Unwatched may use one of it's powers a night.
-Re-color information: Assuming Regular 1 is re-colored on Night 1, that re-color wears off on Night 3, unless Regular 1 was re-colored again on Night 2, which would wear off on Night 4.
Distribution: 1 Troll, 1 Devil's Advocate, 2 Rogue Moderator, 1 Unwatched.
Third Party Roles:
The Devilesk - The Devilesk is so evil a troll not even The Watched want anything to do with him. The Devilesk is a normal Regular, appearing as one in all ways, except that if he is the last Member standing, with two or less Watched alive, he will win the game. This is not a town victory. This is a Devilesk victory, the most heinous victory of all.
-Dodge: Can be used at night, once per game. Avoids any action directed at you, positive or negative.
-Devilesk (Passive): May only be killed by lynching. Will appear as a Regular to any investigative actions.
There can only be one Devilesk.
PLAYERS:6. xAngelSpiritx
rayNimagi P (Elite)
17. DevliN
Lanthanide P (Veteran)
19. Norm
Daddywhoo P (Global Moderator -> Moderator)
24. OlimarandLouie
P25. Leon-037
Lingie P (Rogue Moderator)
Riney P3.
Mp)Hellfire P (Elite)
Dem0nS1ayer P (Moderator)
Zycorax P (Rogue Moderator)
ImagoDeo P8.
lil-inferno P (Troll)
Observer12425 P11.
Wing Zero P (The Unwatched)
Raccoon P13.
Tempz P (Moderator)
poison_us P (Veteran)
Tikels P (Devil's Advocate)
Echo P21.
shadow649 P (Global Moderator)
Jack P (The Devilesk)
Azrael.Wrath P26.
Raitaki P
Post has been edited 61 time(s), last time on Feb 23 2012, 8:38 pm by Roy.
First, in.
Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.
Hi there. I need slot #7. Kthxbai.

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo
In, and I don't have the brass balls necessary to even joke about being co-host.
I'm In.
The Unwatched - The Unwatched is a sly member on the border of being watched or just being annoying. He uses this blurry status to cause misinformation.
-Outside The Lines: Makes a target player appear as another color when killed. The re-color wears off after 2 night cycles.
-Misinform: Insert a clue against target player in next clue post.
Does the re-color wear off 2 night cycles after death? Or is it that the target must die before the third night cycle for the re-color to have an effect on the story post?
Also, just out of curiosity, how does the co-host thing work?
Win by luck, lose by skill.
Probably something along the lines of one person handling all of the PMs/night actions, and then the other person makes all the day/night posts and stuff. I'd be up for something like that, but I have so much work to do it's ridiculous. I really do enjoy writing narratives for things like these, though.

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
My offer as co-host still stands. However, if I am to co-host, I'd appreciate it if the players could hold off the epic hub plans until next game (you know who you are).
My offer as co-host still stands. However, if I am to co-host, I'd appreciate it if the players could hold off the epic hub plans until next game (you know who you are).
EDIT: or vigilanates. forgot which part of the rotation we were on
I hope mine wins by default

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Just so Raccoon won't win by default:
Just so Raccoon won't win at all, I vote for Roy's banner.
Also, in.
Also, time to lynch Raccoon even though he's obviously not Mafia =3
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 14 2012, 3:31 am by Azrael.Wrath.
I'm In.
The Unwatched - The Unwatched is a sly member on the border of being watched or just being annoying. He uses this blurry status to cause misinformation.
-Outside The Lines: Makes a target player appear as another color when killed. The re-color wears off after 2 night cycles.
-Misinform: Insert a clue against target player in next clue post.
Does the re-color wear off 2 night cycles after death? Or is it that the target must die before the third night cycle for the re-color to have an effect on the story post?
Also, just out of curiosity, how does the co-host thing work?
Ideally your Unwatched would work with one of your Rogue Mods to re-color and kill someone on a single night.
Assuming Regular 1 is re-colored and killed on Night 1, the re-color would wear off on Night 3. If Regular 1 dies on Night 2, the re-color wears off on Night 3 as well unless The Unwatched re-used re-color on Night 2, which would make it wear off on Night 4. Hope that clears that up.
My offer as co-host still stands. However, if I am to co-host, I'd appreciate it if the players could hold off the epic hub plans until next game (you know who you are).
If you could inform me of the specifics of this hub thing you know of, that'd be great. I'd also love to have you co-host. Shoot me a PM.
Just so Raccoon won't win by default:

I do like this one better.

I would prefer a SEN-themed mafia banner since this is Staredit Mafia. Something like 'Ex's Mafia #1: Staredit Mafia.', but these work for now.
Adding players now.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 4 2012, 1:52 pm by Excalibur.