Grand Moderator of the Games Forum
ArrowsmithI finally unlocked the last Steam achievement. Would've done it several days ago if it wasn't for the bastard Clavicus Vile who tempted me with an axe that didn't count as a daedric artifact, instead of that shitty mask

Oh well, at least my Breton is now level 32.
I'm up to 127 hours played (minus an hour or two when I've been afk for dinner and stuff), so it's probably time to take a break
Wait, what mask? I'm doing that quest right now and I was just about to go get him the axe. D:

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[snip for the goodness of our ears
Reveeeeeeeeeeeeeerb. Shit
The Masque of Clavicus Vile gives improved Speechcraft and 20% better selling/buying prices if I remember correctly, heavy armour though. Speak to Barbas and one of the dialogue options basically explains that Clavicus doesn't want the dog back, he wants the Mace so that he can kill the dog and be free of it, since it is the only 'artifact' capable of banishing the dog for centuries.
However, if you return the dog and keep the mace - he doesn't give you the Masque (a much better item).
If you refuse the mace and return the dog, he gives you the Masque, presumably he kills the dog with the mace :3
Have any of you done the "Forbidden Legend" quest? If so, did it glitch for you in the final cave at the first door with the Emerald Claw? The damn thing won't open even with the right combination, and nothing seems to work. Has anyone been able to get it? D:

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
I've done the forbidden legend quest. The first door is not for the Emerald Claw, but for some other claw you have. Check the color of the claw you're using.
You could always brute force it if you can't figure it out.
I think it is the emerald claw. The claw that goes into the door has green claws, and the ivory claw has a dragon on it, but the first door doesn't have a dragon on any of the wheels. Also, I have it on xbox.

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
I got it backwards; the first door
is the Emerald Claw, and the next door is the Ivory Claw, so yes, you're using the correct claw.
After looking it up, it's supposed to be (from top to bottom) Bear, Whale, Snake, but what you're experiencing has happened to other players as well; it's likely a bug. Did you have an issue where the rings on the door wouldn't turn, and you had to re-enter the area?
Also, if you didn't know, you can rotate the claw in the inventory menu. I keep forgetting you can rotate items, so sometimes I'll have a really hard time reading what's on a claw.
If it really is glitching on you, you should try the unlock console comm LOL XBOX SUCKS FOR YOU. I don't know how you can bypass the glitched door. After a bit of searching there doesn't seem to be a solution for it. You could try leaving the area and coming back or something silly like that. There's also still the brute force option, in case the Xbox version accidentally has the wrong combination (3^3 = 27 combinations, so it's not too bad). Here's how I would use brute force:
1) Set all wheels to bear
2) Spin outer wheel through full cycle, testing on each unique combination
3) Rotate middle wheel by one
4) Repeat steps 2-3 until middle wheel has gone through full cycle
5) Spin inner wheel by one
6) Repeat 2-5 until inner wheel has gone through full cycle
If you end up on three bears again, that means there is no combination that will allow you to go through the door.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 4 2011, 6:32 pm by Roy.
am I blind or is Solitude really difficult to get into? I've been circling it but can't seem to get up the mountain. I'm out in front of the Solitude light house right now.
It's really annoying to find the entrance in. I found it by going west a long ways across the shore. Like a -really- long way. Eventually you'll pass one or two locations and you'll find a ramp up.
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."
You don't have to go up the mountain. There's a dock there, and against the mountain there are wooden doors that lead to Solitude. ;o
Found it, thanks

went the wrong direction.
Skyrim is exposing a neurotic side to me that I wish would shut up. I have too many quests in my quest log and its driving me batty! I haven't finished the first leg of the main quest yet because I keep accidentally talking to people with problems.

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Do yourself a favor and don't even bother looking at the "Miscellaneous" quests you have going. I tried cleaning that thing out and it just started multiplying. Worse yet, many of them actually become full-fledged quests when you complete the simple task specified in that section (i.e., "Talk to X" or "Deliver the X to Y" become things like "Destroy two Forsworn fortresses and seduce a Hagraven" or "Find 24 (yeah, that's right, 24) pieces of this set and return to X when you've found them. No, I won't show you on the map where they are. Go get 'em, kid.").
That's my problem...I want the misc quests to go away! I ended up in Markarth apparently because I was that drunk - that's how I found the city. Went to the town square, saw someone be murdered and its like WTF A QUEST?! I DIDN'T ASK FOR A QUEST! Accidentally walked by an abandoned house, go in with some priest guy and OMFG ANOTHER QUEST

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Accidentally walked by an abandoned house, go in with some priest guy and OMFG ANOTHER QUEST
By the way, Molag Bal is hilarious and awesome.
I nearly nerdgasmed when I started the Madness quest in Solitude.
That's my problem...I want the misc quests to go away! I ended up in Markarth apparently because I was that drunk - that's how I found the city. Went to the town square, saw someone be murdered and its like WTF A QUEST?! I DIDN'T ASK FOR A QUEST! Accidentally walked by an abandoned house, go in with some priest guy and OMFG ANOTHER QUEST
The mace you get from that quest is awesome. Twenty five damage to stamina and it fills a soul gem. :3

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.
Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer
That's my problem...I want the misc quests to go away! I ended up in Markarth apparently because I was that drunk - that's how I found the city. Went to the town square, saw someone be murdered and its like WTF A QUEST?! I DIDN'T ASK FOR A QUEST! Accidentally walked by an abandoned house, go in with some priest guy and OMFG ANOTHER QUEST
The mace you get from that quest is awesome. Twenty five damage to stamina and it fills a soul gem. :3
Yes, I use it, too. Also I feast on human corpses to boost HP, thx to that city. ;D
Also I managed to have 10-20 guard corpses lying around.

The drunk quest is funny, too. You can get a staff with a strong spell.
Also, how do I regenerate the energy of a magic item? my molag mar's mace is empty and looks boring again.
Soul gems. If you've been playing for at least like 30 hours, you should have plenty of them. That's what the mace does; it fills a soul gem with a soul. You use those gems to recharge your enchanted items.
If you're looking at the weapon in the inventory, there will be an option to "Recharge" the weapon if you have filled soul gems. I didn't realise I could do that for ages but now I use enchanted weapons (and keep a big stash of soul gems) all the time. If you're using a 360 controller, the button to recharge is RB.