Day 2
Night approaches. As the sun sets, we gather on the kitchen counter to discuss who will die. We thought our last execution would stop the violence, but we were wrong. We must continue killing until those
unjustified killings stop. We must win this battle, no matter the cost.
There is little debate this time. The faithful still push for the will of their god, but the rest of the town has mostly come together to choose a victim. Once again, our leader steps forward and speaks to us.
"I know we are all still fearful after the events of last night. Our public execution should have been enough to sway the minds of those ruthless bastards, but it seems they are more arrogant than we thought. But it does not matter. They will not keep us down. We will all rise up together, and rid this kitchen of them!"Signs of encouragement and hope sweep across the faces of the crowd. Many begin clapping and cheering.
"Once again, we come together to take evil head-on! This day, we sacrifice another for the greater good!"Once more, the crowd echoes a booming response.
"FOR THE GREATER GOOD!"Our leader nods to the executioner, and the brickfire oven is turned on. The one to be killed is brought forward by two large breads.
"Before we continue with this, however, there is another matter that needs to be taken care of. Many of you know of a rather large nuisance that has plagued our kitchen for some time. I, as well as many of you, believed we could ignore it and move on, but we cannot turn a blind eye to it anymore. To ensure the safety of everyone, this must be taken care of immediately. Bring forth the bratwurst!"Another large bread steps forward, dragging a fat, disgusting bratwurst with him. This is the kitchen outcast; he does not belong in our restaurant. No one wants him here. It's about time we dispose of him.
The executioner grabs a sharp blade and steps forward. The large bread tosses the horrific, nasty bratwurst forward, towards the executioner's feet. He looks up in horror, begging for mercy, but the executioner's face remains blank. He swiftly swings his blade, over and over, until the bratwurst is cut into dozens of pieces. Then, he motions to the large breads, and they pick up the pieces and toss them into the flames. It does not take long for the oily, mutilated pieces to turn to ash.
Our leader turns back to the crowd and addresses them once more.
"Now that that's been dealt with, we can return to more important matters. We are a resilient bunch, and we will show these other breads that no matter what they do to us, we will not back down! Executioner, carry out your duty!"The executioner drags the chosen bread to the oven and, just as was done before, tosses him into the fire. Once more, the screams pierce the ears of all the breads in the crowd, but after a few seconds, silence settles over the kitchen. The crowd disperses, and once more, a group of breads stay behind.
The parents of
Voyager7456 stare, in shock, at the charred remnants of their son.