Official Terrain Competition -- Round 20
KhaosKreator never made his own topic, so I took the liberty of re-booting the terrain competition, allowing terrainers to shine with a reason once again.
Topic -- Exploring Other Tilesets
That's right. In this terrain competition, no Jungle or Badlands allowed (no exceptions!). Let's take the time to explore the other tilesets available to you that contain so many untapped blends and concepts just waiting to emerge!
Tilesets allowed:
- Ashworld
- Desert
- Ice
- Installation
- Space
- Twilight
Due Date + Voting
Due date -- By September 7th, 2009 11:59 PM
(EST time
)Voting will take place one day after the due date
(September 8th, 2009
Thanks to r00k for doing a wonderful job in compiling this list:
See the + below.
Winners from the past
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 24 2009, 4:33 pm by lil-Inferno.
Topic -- Exploring Other Tilesets
I thought it was pretty clear.
Perhaps I'll make something on installation... I really have no motivation to map lately.
Is anyone else participating? I'd really like to restart these competitions but everyone seems to lack the ability to not use Jungle or Badlands.
I will be participating using the
Twilight tileset. Just, don't expect anything amazing - this is my first time.
How large should the scene/map be?
How large should the scene/map be?
Large enough to encompass the ideas you want to convey. Perhaps it's a small 10x10 piece, or an epic 256x256 map.
How large should the scene/map be?
There's no limit. It can be conceptual terrain or a large scene. Just make sure you can fit it in at most three screenshots.
Just here for the activity... well not really
Gay, Space terrain crashes on SCMDraft. :C:C:C
guy lifting weight (animated smiley):
"Oh, I see it"
Gay, Space terrain crashes on SCMDraft. :C:C:C
That's a bug that only happens when placing isometrical Space terrain. I would just make the basic layout in the classic editor and then extend all around that.
Im gonna be competing probably with desert, or installation or something... whatever.. im competing
Great. It's good to see that there are a lot of people participating so far.
Is anyone else going to be participating? You only have three days left.
I'm really freakin busy with everything, so I don't think I'll be participating.
Very nice. It has a great ambience to it. I can just imagine a zombie popping out of that open grave. It has an immense amount of sprites, but this isn't a "who can use the least sprites" contest. Good job.