Make a Movie Scene
closing Date: 31.07.2009
Voting: 03.08.2009
Try to bring a Movie Scene to life. In Game Sreenshots preferred. Donīt tell what it is, so People can guess which Movie you meant. You can use Display Text Triggers and Unit Names, to make it more easy. If you can do it without, even better.

terrain is nothing, just to show how it can be done.
01Submission One


- 1! Submission per Contestant. If you post more make clear which one you want in.
- The work must be done with a Terrain Editor, and must be playable in Starcraft.
- The work should be a Scenery, not just a piece of Terrain.
- The work should be done in the period of the submission.
- The work should show that you want to win.
- There is no Limitation about Units, Sprites, or anything else.
- Donīt Flame, or you get disqualified. Should be clear.
- If your submission is underqualified it will not get into the Votes.
The host of the round always chooses when it ends and if it should end in voting, they earned that right by winning the last competition.
Thatīs how it was, and how it will be. He also chooses the Theme, the Rules, the Font, the Alignment, the Colours, ...
If you donīt like that donīt join or win.
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 1 2009, 9:11 am by r00k.
Nice theme! Too bad my writing in english is very bad, but nevertheless I probably will submit something.
Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.
HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHHEEEEEE WOW this is gonna be fun matey. Im gonna make something great.
Cool idea. .. a bit ezier than the animal thing, but still requires some good skills
we can't stop here THIS IS KAKARU COUNTRY
I really like it, but if you want it in the Competition follow the rules.
"The work must be done with a Terrain Editor, and must be playable in Starcraft."
I'm entering for once.

ROFL I really lol'd

you done the lightsabres with picture editing or sprites?
Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.
AllStarEllis' submission made me laugh hard. Very good job making it seem as if it's hanging.
Ya, very good job.
Btw, to make it valid, use the sniper red dot for the sabre. Though, I can't think of anything for the green sabre so do both in red?
Bah that would ruin itt..
its not like its playable anyway.
Actually. just ignore the lightsabers and its fine :]
by the looks of this, ive won :]
No, at the moment you are not qualified, post the map like it is, and you might win, although i had to concede this:
If your submission is underqualified it will not get into the Votes.
Luke already had his wrist sliced off when that conversation was talking place, so you don't need his green light saber. Just use nuke target dots for the red one. Oh, and make Darth Vader black.
Oh and Luke was on the circle pillar thing
Also, Luke says "He told me enough... He told me you killed him." He being Obi Wan, not they; following Darth Vader saying "Obi Wan never told you what happen to your father."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6sj89xgnl4&feature=relatedOther than that, very good recreation
See if you can guess the movie.
See if you can guess the movie.

It looks a lot like transformers to me.
Ok im done, the terrain isnt much, its blocky but i think it adds a nice atmosphere. Try and guess it.


Its playable and there's dialogue and all that, theres sound effects, and music too. The files real big because of the music.
DOWNLOADEDIT dang son i guess i gave the movie away with the map name.
Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 30 2009, 8:40 pm by samsizzle.

Oh, I thought it was that scene with the Frenchman from Matrix