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Kame Mafia: "Kame Classic" Edition II
Jul 15 2013, 6:19 pm
By: Fire_Kame
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Aug 2 2013, 9:17 pm Leeroy_Jenkins Post #121



Aug 3 2013, 3:59 am Fire_Kame Post #122

wth is starcraft


Trying to sleep off the headache Peggy had given me seemed out of the question with so much work to do. I was amazed to find my wallet untouched in my pocket and my list of plausible suspects still crumpled in my jacket. My first thought was to find a way to protect myself, before this town had its way with me and I ended up worse off than the mayor. But as I visited the local shops I realized it could be months before I passed a background check, and at a time like this it would be nothing short of suspicious to start arming myself. I spent the rest of the day tracking down Ella but it didn't seem to go my way. If I didn't know better I'd say that she had gone and didn't want to be found, the least of which by me. I knew that like the rest of them I didn't leave on the best of terms, nor did my sudden absence leave some of my clients with more than a bitter taste. Even the mayor's office didn't seem able to give me any information, nor did they seem too willing to do so either. I left another message at her estate with the best ways to contact me, even gave her the phone number to Lou's bar just in case I dropped in when she got back.

It appeared that Ella wasn't the only one that had gone on the lam. Rumors that a local man named DevliN had also gone underground. It wasn't clear what he had to hide, or if he was even involved. From what I gathered it seemed that he was present the day of IsolatedPurity's death but beyond that it was hard to tell what more he had to do with it or what he had to gain from his death. With the crazed sickness that had started to overcome Sencity I wouldn't be surprised of others followed suit just like him. I knew that DevliN was my greatest lead, perhaps he may be one of the few responsible for the monstrosities. But I had no way to find him and I didn't have any friends to ask. The police would laugh me right out of the office and the townspeople all had their own crimes to hide. They didn't need me snooping around looking for trouble or any more of a reason to eliminate the shady outsider.

The fates have a funny way of making these sort of things work out. Not in the cleanest way by any means, I should say. The state police informed the locals that DevliN's body had been found in an otherwise abandoned house on the outskirts of town, just off Highway 9. He died via asphyxiation, but the police said it was too early to tell if it was linked to the other dead citizens of Sencity but I didn't see any further reason to deny this. They claimed the random crime angle, but Sencity for all of the town's corruption never struck me as a place where random crimes took place. Perhaps the police had wanted to bring justice to him before he got caught up in the judicial system. Perhaps the police had a role to play in this giant scheme and were covering it up. It was hard to tell what was what in this town. The only thing for certainty was that every day would claim another life of Sencity. The clock was ticking ever against us.




Aug 3 2013, 4:03 pm Fire_Kame Post #123

wth is starcraft

Azrael has filed a complaint with me on the basis that yesterday's day post was filed less than a minute a head of when voting was supposed to be completed.
Collapsable Box

You can see that Day 2 post was posted less than a minute a head of schedule because I updated the second post of the thread immediately after posting this one. If anyone would like to fight the Day 2 Results - including DevliN, even though otherwise he would be dead - and can prove that they would have switched their vote in the last twenty seconds please send me a PM and we will work this out. However, if no one comes forward I'll have no reason to believe that Azrael is doing anything but complaining. :P

Aug 3 2013, 4:33 pm DevliN Post #124


I know you said to PM you if anyone has complaints, but I'm fine with the outcome of the vote. :awesome:

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 3 2013, 5:32 pm Generalpie Post #125

Staredit Puckwork

I vote for... DevliN, I guess.


Aug 3 2013, 6:13 pm Fire_Kame Post #126

wth is starcraft

Too late sweetheart, he's already dead. :P

Aug 4 2013, 12:39 am Azrael Post #127

I don't think it was necessary to call me out, you could have left out my name and the quotes and still asked if anyone had been unfairly inconvenienced by the error. I didn't think it was a big deal this time, since it didn't seem to affect the game. It could have, of course, which is the reason I quietly informed you of the mistake, so you would be able to avoid it in the future.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 4 2013, 1:53 am by Azrael.

Aug 4 2013, 12:55 am Fire_Kame Post #128

wth is starcraft

It was said in the SEN Skype, where many of the players are, therefore I consider it a public matter. I felt the need to clarify this point and to make sure that everyone felt they were treated equitably in the matter. If you had sent me a PM or a message over a private instance of skype, not the main chatroom I would've left it to myself.

I did not mean to "call out" anyone, if that's how you felt. I am still a new host and I want to make sure any error in my judgement is dealt with fairly. If you did not want this action taken, though, why did you bring it up? I am confused why this and other things have been brought to my attention from you - you will notice those things are not discussed in this thread at this time, as they were over private chat - if you did not want action taken?

Aug 4 2013, 1:08 am lil-Inferno Post #129

Just here for the pie

Quote from Azrael
It could have, of course, which is the reason I quietly informed you of the mistake, so you would be able to avoid it in the future.
Most amateur hosts avoid that mistake because of laziness. Lulz.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 4 2013, 1:53 am by lil-Inferno.

Aug 4 2013, 1:09 am Azrael Post #130

Quote from lil-Inferno
Most amateur hosts avoid that mistake because of laziness. Lulz.

Of course :P They certainly aren't avoiding it due to skill.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 4 2013, 1:53 am by Azrael.

Aug 4 2013, 4:04 am Fire_Kame Post #131

wth is starcraft


You know that saying the squeaky wheel always gets the oil? That saying holds as true now as it ever did.

I was finishing off some fish sticks I reheated in the motel's microwave when I heard a ruckus outside the window. The one they call lil-Inferno was out canvasing the town for support. Even after it had seemed that Azrael had taken the heat off of him he was still out evangelizing on behalf of the town's self appointed leader. I went back to my soggy dinner. This was nothing new for Sencity. If it hadn't been lil-Inferno it would've been Father Someone-or-another, out heralding the end of times. It was in the best interest of those uninvolved to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear if they valued their livelihood.

The fishsticks were everything I had hoped for and more; sponge like on the outside, ice cold on the inside. The metaphors concerning the fishsticks and my life were endless. The way this town abandoned me, the way my wife took the kids and my dog and did the same. In the end I settled on comparing it all to my previous situation. I think I was just about ready to call the case cold, colder than these fishsticks, when the room phone started ringing. I put down my dinner and wiped my hands on the bottom of my pants, catching the phone on its third ring. "Yea?" No response "Hello, anyone there?"

"Oh good, I was afraid I got the wrong room again." There it was, the most beautiful voice I had ever heard, the one that first welcomed me into Sencity and the one that helped me in my most trying of time. "This is Ella. I understand you've been trying to contact me."

"Why yes I have been," I said pulling out my cigarette box and lighting a fresh one "you know people in this town have a bad habit of going missing. Many of the ones that do aren't heard from again if I have your understanding."

"Is that a threat?" Ella asked, her voice stone cold but with her trademark coy. She could make any man do horrible, devious things.

"Not against you ma'am, no way. Alright then Ella, I'd love to keep up the banter but I have a five star dinner waiting for me in the other room, served by a man with white gloves and a silver charging dish. I'll make this quick. I'd like to meet with you."

"So this is a dinner date, is it? My husband not even in the ground and-"

"Now Ella you know it is nothing like that. Don't you give me the slip again this is strictly business."


"Tomorrow morning will be preferable."

"Tomorrow afternoon is the earliest I can arrange it," she said. I didn't respond right away and gave her enough time to sigh and add, "do you remember that tea room the three of us would go to? Mrs. B's? I'll see you there tomorrow at 2."

"That's fine. Good night, Ella." I put the receiver down again and took along drag from the cigarette. I was about to turn back to the kingly feast I had afforded myself when the telephone rang again.


"Hello detective, you're awfully popular tonight I just tried to call you a moment ago." Another familiar voice.

"Former detective, Peggy, former," I responded. Peggy had a certain edge to her voice but didn't have the same coy attitude that Ella always had. Peggy could also make men do horrible things but under different context. "I what can I do for you tonight, Peggy?"

"I have some new information, did you want to hear it?" She asked.

"Of course."

"Well, this is about the man named lil-Inferno," she started slowly.

"Alright Peggy I see your game. Now quit stalling and tell me why-" I heard a gunshot, and then another. They were so close it interrupted my speech. "Peggy?"

"I'm still here," she said.

"Something's happened, I gotta go." I ran out into the sunlight and viewed the scene on the street before me. People were gathered around a scene, blocking my vision. I ran out to the mob and pushed people aside. Sitting in a puddle of blood was lil-Inferno. I felt his pulse; nothing. It would appear that lil-Inferno was shot in broad daylight, a stray bullet grazing the arm of an onlooked I recognized as Azrael who was bleeding generously. "Did anyone call the cops? How about an ambulance? Well go on!" But I knew that this wasn't more than a murder scene. lil-Inferno was dead!




Aug 4 2013, 4:35 am Azrael Post #132

Ah, now that Inferno died, his alignment is confirmed as Townie. I suppose now is a good time to point this out:

Quote from lil-Inferno
This may have significance later: tsqPw2

It does have significance, as it is a component of this Pastebin URL which he created in the event of his death:

Quote from lil-Inferno
Azrael is actually the Detective.

If you are reading this, then I was killed at night, which proves I am an innocent Townie. I can guarantee you that the real Detective is genuinely Azrael.

The now deceased lil-Inferno

So, while the Mafia thought it was a good idea to kill my proxy, they also served to augment my position in the Town. Thanks :)

Anyways, last night I confirmed the guilt of a Mafia suspect.

Quote from name:Investigation PM
Roy is mafia.

I vote for Roy.

Edit: I see Roy is viewing the thread, I'll be interested to see this response.

In the event he tries to spin this situation somehow, which he has almost no choice but to try to do at this point: Even if he's a Townie, he hasn't been contributing in any meaningful way, and even stopped voting. He made a single post saying that inactive players are suspicious, and then went inactive ever since, without even bothering to vote.

Not that it matters, since the Mafia have no method of screwing with my investigation results, there's no possibility that I received a false result.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 4 2013, 6:05 am by Azrael.

Aug 4 2013, 6:20 am Roy Post #133

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Holy shit, Azrael, this was the most elaborate setup you've ever done. Now the question is whether or not Inferno was mafia and you had planned a sacrifice from your team (because it wouldn't impact your voting power), or if you had just picked a townie to serve as a proxy. Since it was Inferno, I'm more inclined to believe he was a townie you just planned to use from the beginning, and had the actual Detective stepped up, it would be a townie vs townie argument, and Inferno (as well as the rest of the town) could be convinced that the Detective was just a mafia counter-claiming the other. If all went well, two townies would die and your name wouldn't have even been dropped.

Now there's the case of Aristocrat: he did everything he could to ensure that you would be the first person to die on Night 1, and yet you remained unharmed; in fact, the person trying to put attention on you died instead. Surely this raised some suspicions from the other players.

However, the real Detective never stepped up. Worse yet, your team accidentally hits the real Detective on Night 2. Fortunately you had set up your fake proxy from the beginning, and revealing this fit well enough into your plans. Perhaps you were even hoping the real Detective would reveal themselves at this point, so you could "checkmate" them on this night by killing Inferno and leading the lynch against them with the information provided.

But that leads down to one question: why lead a lynch against me, if you know who the real Detective is from the failed kill on Night 2? Perhaps the real Detective is inactive, so you don't want to bother with that when a more active player is still alive? That could be true, but I doubt you'd take the risk of leaving an invincible player alive when the opportunity arises to kill them. Maybe you did something truly unique: your team chose to not kill anyone to make it seem like the mafia failed to kill the Detective, thus solidifying the whole proxy suggestion. The only problem with that is that the real Detective is still out there, so when your team fails to hit again, you'll have to come up with something on the spot. I don't imagine you leave things up to chance, though, so I think you know who the real Detective is and choose not to pursue them because you've already dealt with him: DevliN was the Detective, so the only remaining high-priority targets are active players. I do hope this isn't the case, and it wouldn't make sense that DevliN would give up so easily with such an important role to defend.

To the town: watch carefully at the voting today, and take consideration. Azrael will likely PM-pressure townies to vote for me, and only have his team vote near the last minute if necessary to get me killed. Many of you have played previous games with Azrael where you felt like you were effortlessly winning the game only to find out you hadn't killed a single mafia. Don't fall into this false-sense of security again.

To the Detective (if you're still alive): Claiming publicly now would be a bad idea (as it has been since the beginning of the game), because the town could easily be turned against you. Feel free to contact me before I die if you want my advice on things.

I can confirm one thing: Azrael lied about my alignment, so I know he is mafia. Unfortunately, proving this is impossible, and the odds are against me. Fortunately for the town, I am not the Detective, so lynching me is not the game-decider.

I vote Azrael.

Aug 4 2013, 6:34 am Azrael Post #134

Hey, if anyone out there is the Detective, let us know. The fact no one ever counterclaimed was evidence enough that I'm the Detective.

Unless someone else steps forward, no one should be giving your story any credibility.

A confirmed Townie already guaranteed my role is legitimate, so your entire elaborate explanation is a bit farfetched. It's simpler that you're simply Mafia.

I like how you've been completely inactive, trying not to draw attention to yourself, and then you write a multi-page novel when you're discovered. Kind of super obvious.

Aug 4 2013, 6:39 am Roy Post #135

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from Azrael
Hey, if anyone out there is the Detective, let us know. The fact no one ever counterclaimed was evidence enough that I'm the Detective.

Unless someone else steps forward, no one should be giving your story any credibility.
You're basically asking for the Detective to announce themselves, so you can say "That guy's also mafia trying to save his fellow mafia!" and get the town's only hope killed along with me. Nobody would step forward because it would be stupid from either team, and you know that.

Quote from Azrael
I like how you've been completely inactive, trying not to draw attention to yourself, and then you write a multi-page novel when you're discovered. Kind of super obvious.
Inactive vs busy. I voted on Day 1, which is more than what some players can say, and I posted on Day 2 (though didn't vote because I didn't feel strongly about it), which is also more than what some players can say.

Also, up to this point I wasn't sure who was mafia, so there wasn't a need to voice much opinion. Now there's one staring me right in the face, so I'm trying to get him lynched. :P

Aug 4 2013, 6:50 am Azrael Post #136

That'd be well-and-good if I was actually Mafia.

Aug 4 2013, 7:03 am Fire_Kame Post #137

wth is starcraft


Wing Zero
Roy -- Azrael
Azrael -- Roy

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET:Roy and Azrael(1 vote each)

Aug 4 2013, 7:44 am Wing Zero Post #138

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I vote Raitaki for lynch.

Aug 4 2013, 7:53 am Fire_Kame Post #139

wth is starcraft


Wing Zero -- Raitaki
Roy -- Azrael
Azrael -- Roy

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET:Raitaki, Roy and Azraell(1 vote each)

Aug 4 2013, 11:49 am Positively Post #140

I vote WingZero for lynch


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