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Kame Mafia: "Kame Classic" Edition II
Jul 15 2013, 6:19 pm
By: Fire_Kame
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Aug 2 2013, 4:13 am Fire_Kame Post #101

wth is starcraft


I jotted down the names on a napkin of everyone I could imagine involved in some way with IsolatedPurity's death - 15 in all, 14 since the guy six feet under can't do much talking. My pancakes were cold by now, and the waitress was giving me that look that told me I had overstayed my welcome. Maybe it was the coffee making me jittery but I wasn't ready to leave yet. Call it a hunch but I felt like I was being watched. I let a few minutes pass and then a few more. That hunch wouldn't go away. I wolfed down the cold, gooey pancakes in an effort to give me strength, washed down with another cup of coffee and casually lit a cigarette as I walked out the door.

The night was crisp and silent, every echo could be pinpointed, every shadow accounted for. It was clear as day that I was being followed. The guy following me was young from the sounds of it - his shoes were new and he was clumsy walking like he was that even an old dog like me could trace his moves from behind. I gave him the slip and disappeared into an alley, relieved when he walked by none the wiser. I waited a fair few moments before stepping out again onto the sidewalk but had made it two feet when I heard the a gun being cocked behind me. "Hold it right there," a firm female voice said behind me. I knew the jig was up and I put my hands above my head. "Search him, Phil." The young pair of shoes came up behind me and around me.

"You won't find anything sweetheart -"

"Don't turn. Don't move a muscle," the voice became recognizable.

"So, is that little Peggy? And who is this guy, your new lackey?" I kneed the chap out of the way. He was young and inexperienced, it would seem, as he buckled back instantly and his face went bright read.

"I suggest you don't do that again, you're worth more to me alive than dead, but I won't hesitate to defend my own."

"He was giving a little too much attention to the inner thighs, Peggy. But perhaps we see that differently." There was no response, the boy went back to feeling my legs, "recruiting a little young aren't we? I didn't know that was your style, or is that something else we don't see eye to eye on as well?"

"He's clear, ma'am," the youngin' said.

"Alright turn around so I can see you," she said. I turned, as requested, taking in her figure. Her face had hardened with experience but her figure hadn't changed. Peggy might had all the right curves in the right places but she had a powerhouse of a brain behind it too. In fact when I had left town it was a result of her father - and the empire that she must be about to inherit. But this wasn't business I felt specifically inclined to follow up on. Sure, she might tell me what I wanted to know, but not before putting two bullets through my skull.

"I liked it better when I couldn't see you." She smacked me hard across the face.

"What is your business in Sencity? I thought we told you to get lost and not look back."

"You did, and I was going to, until a situation came up," I investigated her gun. "A 9 millimeter? That's what they're giving the heiress these days?" I asked, she smirked.

"Don't change the topic, slick. Get out of town."

"Alright alright, suppose I did get out of town. And suppose this mafia business goes rampant, then right? You're not fooling anyone Peggy. Maybe him but definitely not me. They're encrouching on your territory, and you're going to be wasting your time and bullets on a nobody like me?"

"What exactly are you getting at?" She lowered her gun but not her guard.

"Suppose I stuck around and I offered you assistance in this business. And when it is done, you can do with me whatever you want," I said, my hands lowering as her gun lowered. I reached into my jacket for my cigarettes and lighter, causing her hands to jerk back up. "Cigarette?"

"Alright, suppose I trust you for now, and I kill you later," she said, taking the cigarette and blowing a cloud of smoke in my face.

"Sounds like a plan to me."

"Suppose we shake on it, but I can't have you follow me back you understand," she said, nodding behind me. I had not noticed it but Phil's hands were high above me. He swung a club down on my head, and that was the last I remembered until dawn broke the next morning. I had been pulled into that alley near us and left there for dead. Perhaps that's what she wanted in the end, if the wild dogs of the night came and took me away all the better.

I spent a good deal of the early morning hours walking around town, seeing if any new news had hit the rumor mill. But the usual hubs of conversation were silent. For all intents and purposes it seemed like a quiet night. Perhaps the mafia had missed their mark, or perhaps they took the night off in a drunken slumber. The police were on publicly now looking for anymore clues, leads or suspects to the crimes that had been committed in Sencity. The effect this would have on the town, however, well only time would tell that.




Aug 2 2013, 4:43 am Roy Post #102

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Looks like the mafia tried to hit the Detective last night. Or they didn't submit an action (unlikely).

I'd assume the mafia is taking a stealth strategy right now. Pay attention to the players that haven't posted much in this thread for this lynch cycle.

Aug 2 2013, 5:01 am Wing Zero Post #103

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I vote Rai for lynch

Aug 2 2013, 5:18 am Azrael Post #104

Hey, Mafia scumbags :) Thanks for taking the bait. You've now wasted a night hit trying to kill me.

I am the actual Detective.

I didn't find anyone guilty last night, so we'll have to lynch someone based on behavioral analysis.

Quote from Roy
I'd assume the mafia is taking a stealth strategy right now. Pay attention to the players that haven't posted much in this thread for this lynch cycle.

I agree. I've noticed that DevliN has been active on the forum, and in the thread, yet hasn't made a single post. He didn't even vote, despite having been online.

Even if he is Town aligned, the fact he isn't voting (or even posting) means his death won't negatively impact us.

That being the case, I vote for DevliN.

Hopefully killing those who feign inactivity will force the Mafia to step into the light. Either that, or they'll simply die.

Aug 2 2013, 5:20 am Fire_Kame Post #105

wth is starcraft


Wing Zero -- Raitaki
Azrael -- DevliN

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Raitaki and DevliN(1 each)

Aug 2 2013, 5:37 am Sacrieur Post #106

Still Napping

Devlin is always mafia.

I vote Devlin since Az is detective and whatever.


Aug 2 2013, 5:51 am Fire_Kame Post #107

wth is starcraft


Wing Zero -- Raitaki
Sacrieur -- DevliN
Azrael -- DevliN


Aug 2 2013, 8:52 am DevliN Post #108


I also haven't really been posting much anywhere on SEN despite being online (not to mention I didn't even respond to the activity check until Kame texted me about it before the deadline). This has been a common thing for me for the past month thanks to work-related and personal life-related things. You guys make a compelling case, though. I vote DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 2 2013, 11:09 am Sacrieur Post #109

Still Napping

Err wat.


Aug 2 2013, 12:43 pm Azrael Post #110

Oh, coloring your own name green, how very Mafia of you xD

Aug 2 2013, 1:03 pm lil-Inferno Post #111

Just here for the pie

I vote DevliN for anal lynching.

Aug 2 2013, 1:55 pm Positively Post #112

Wat. I vote Devlin. I KNEW AZRAEL WAS DETECTIVE. How smart am I? :blush:


Aug 2 2013, 3:19 pm DevliN Post #113


Quote from Azrael
Oh, coloring your own name green, how very Mafia of you xD
Eh just using the color my role PM gave me.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 2 2013, 3:31 pm Positively Post #114

Quote from DevliN
Quote from Azrael
Oh, coloring your own name green, how very Mafia of you xD
Eh just using the color my role PM gave me.

Dang that reverse psychology.


Aug 2 2013, 3:34 pm DevliN Post #115


I'm a townsperson who isn't actively participating, so I'm just as useful lynched at this rate. It really doesn't matter.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Aug 2 2013, 4:21 pm NudeRaider Post #116

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

I vote for positively.

Aug 2 2013, 5:07 pm Fire_Kame Post #117

wth is starcraft


lil-Inferno -- Devlin
DevliN -- Devlin
Positively -- Devlin
Wing Zero -- Raitaki
Sacrieur -- DevliN
Azrael -- DevliN


Aug 2 2013, 5:56 pm Positively Post #118

I thought Nude voted for me :O


Aug 2 2013, 5:57 pm Fire_Kame Post #119

wth is starcraft

Nude isn't playing.

Aug 2 2013, 6:04 pm Positively Post #120

I'm an idiot, sorry. :bye1:


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