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Kame Mafia: Kame Classic Edition
Jan 11 2013, 6:28 pm
By: Fire_Kame
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GG 2
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Poll has 8 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Jan 21 2013, 6:06 am Observer12425 Post #81



Jan 21 2013, 6:27 am Sacrieur Post #82

Still Napping

I think it should be based on the 11-year solar cycle.


Jan 24 2013, 7:52 pm Fire_Kame Post #83

wth is starcraft

Alright so here's the problem:

I am quite a bit more sick than I thought I was and that's the cause for the hold up. So we can do one of two things:

Roy can start the game without me

You can wait until I start to get better.

I don't know how long until I start feeling better - it could be tomorrow (doubt it) or it could be several days if not more. To risk sounding like a hypochondriac I think my cold has developed into bronchitis (which is pretty common when I personally get sick) so keep that in mind.

The choice is up to you. Roy is aware of this arrangement and will follow whatever the players decide.

As for activity checks: it looks like the only person who hasn't responded is Lotus.

Jan 24 2013, 8:23 pm Lanthanide Post #84

Hopefully not too late for me to sign up?


Jan 25 2013, 12:18 am Roy Post #85

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from Lanthanide
Hopefully not too late for me to sign up?
It is, but since Lotus failed the activity check, you can take his place as player #8.

We've really broken down the scenario into three options:

Option 1: Start the game as soon as possible.
I would be able to pick the game up and hand out roles/post the introduction as early as tomorrow at 10:00PM MST (the cycle deadline time). The first turn will last 72 hours, and all subsequent turn cycles will be at 48 hours until Kame is able to take over (at which point they will likely run at 24 hours as per the results of the poll).

Option 2: Delay the game.
The game will move back into a sign-up status (in case more players want to join) for a few more days (Lotus will be removed due to inactivity, but he can sign-up again during this time). Sign-ups will close and activity checks will be sent again for all players. Turn cycles will be set at 24 hours from the get-go.

Option 3: Cancel the game.
The game will be canceled to give another member the opportunity to host. (Note that this is only really an option if someone is willing to host and unwilling to wait for Option 2.)

Let us know via this thread or by PM (if you prefer to remain anonymous) which you would prefer. Please only vote for an option if you are signed up to play (but of course, if you're someone that wishes to host that falls into the category described in Option 3, please PM us so we know you exist).

We'll go with the qualifying option that receives the most votes in the next 24 hours.

Jan 25 2013, 12:32 am Lanthanide Post #86

Start the game now.


Jan 25 2013, 2:39 am rayNimagi Post #87

I'd prefer option 1, assuming Kame will be able to write posts later in the game.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Jan 25 2013, 4:01 am Generalpie Post #88

Staredit Puckwork

I'd prefer #2, this /is/ KAME Mafia after all :kame:


Jan 25 2013, 5:51 am Observer12425 Post #89

I vote #2


Jan 25 2013, 7:12 am DevliN Post #90


I vote #2.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Jan 25 2013, 9:20 am Sacrieur Post #91

Still Napping

I vote with the majority unless my vote would cause it to have an odd number of votes. If there is a tie I vote for the lowest numbered option on an even day of the month and the highest numbered option on an odd day of the month.

In the event that the majority vote would total an odd number because of my vote, then I instead vote for the the option that has received the least amount of votes.

If votes are tallied on a day that begins with T, then I abstain.


Jan 25 2013, 11:13 am Observer12425 Post #92

You know Sac, you're kind of a dick.


Jan 25 2013, 2:15 pm OlimarandLouie Post #93

I vote for option one.


Jan 25 2013, 8:58 pm lil-Inferno Post #94

Just here for the pie

I vote option one because I'm not a poo poo head.

Jan 26 2013, 3:46 am omginbd Post #95

I vote to wait for kame. :3


Jan 28 2013, 3:53 pm Fire_Kame Post #96

wth is starcraft

Alright I'm well enough to host. You can look forward to the opening post today. Lanth I'll have you replace Lotus (unless someone has heard from him)

Jan 29 2013, 7:00 pm Fire_Kame Post #97

wth is starcraft


Welcome to Roy Heavy Industries. Only employees are allowed inside this facility.

There's only one place to work: the factory. There are no car dealerships, no commercial outlets, no grocery stores, no schools. All supplies, including food, come by train. The factory distributes the food to the workers. If the pay wasn't meager enough to make it impossible to leave, the unforgiving climate surrounding us would be. We're isolated. Alone.

Welcome to Roy Heavy Industries. Cellular devices are not permitted on company property.

It was only a matter of time before some of us got organized. We went on strike, following the leadership of Azrael. Azrael was an idealist, always pursuing to correct injustices around him. Most of all, he sought equality: somewhere, some executive was profiting off of our slave labor. While a lot of employees dared not to strike with us, we still had quite the following, and our strike slowed production enough to catch someone's attention.

Welcome to Roy Heavy Industries. Remember: a quiet worker is a happy worker.

I guess these "Sever Enrooted Transgressions" light-weight shock collars need to be in steady production. Rumor has it these Sever E.T. devices are bought in mass supply by owners of prison systems, though I can't imagine why there'd be a constant demand for them. Anyway, during our little stunt, the intercom came on, and instead of the prerecorded messages that usually play throughout the day, we heard an unfamiliar voice. He was giving instructions: new guidelines for running the facility.

"I've heard reports regarding the rebellious and dangerous nature of some employees here. At Roy Heavy Industries, we strive to create the safest environment as possible for our loyal workers. Unfortunately, we cannot monitor our employees to determine who among you need to be let go. Therefore, I'm delegating the power to fire an employee to a daily democratic vote between all members of our facility."

Getting fired. That's the same as murder in these parts: you're cut off from the food supply, exiled from the area, and left with nowhere to go. Letting the man hang is more ethical than throwing him out of town to slowly succumb to starvation, and that's exactly the conclusion he wanted us to make. The first one to speak out against it was our leader, Azrael. He was also the first to disappear, presumed dead. The next day was tense; the air was so thick with suspicion you could cut it with a knife. Employees had always had a suspicion that the company was in league with some shady characters - the disappearance of Azrael should have only confirmed their suspicions.

Welcome to Roy Heavy Industries. We strive for a harassment free work place.

It should have been clear what we should have done - we shouldn't let the executives win or allow them to play their silly power game with our lives. We should have banded together and weeded out the mafia influence systematically turning through the clues and layers of deceit. But we turned on each other. We threatened each other. A dropped apple in the cafeteria was a declaration of war.

Welcome to Roy Heavy Industries. Safety is our number one priority.

Something has happened to these people. The very people I grew up with, the people I work next to on a daily basis; these people killed everyone they could remember at the protest. Each day I watched as my only true friends were named to be "fired." There's only one hope for us: we have to kill them before they can kill us. Fortunately they're struggling to remember those of us strikers that remain, but we remember. We know each other by heart.

Welcome to Roy Heavy Industries. Welcome to Hell.


Jan 29 2013, 8:13 pm OlimarandLouie Post #98

Can I have a raise?


Jan 30 2013, 12:36 am Aristocrat Post #99

I demand a universal wage cut to increase the management profits.


Jan 30 2013, 3:17 am rayNimagi Post #100

Remember - only you can prevent fatal work-related injuries. Proper use and storage of high velocity tools is essential to survival.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

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