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force tame swap help?
Oct 5 2010, 3:51 am
By: SHANE-009  

Oct 5 2010, 3:51 am SHANE-009 Post #1

i try set p1-8 all ally on ums is for sc2./map-editor but 8 vs1 try too find how all this work but.. the players 1-8 tame are enemys player 9 is not showing as he need to be at, i do not no what is going on.. but i can give u map. the and u can help fix it? SOME 1 CAN PLZZ!! thx dl plz. or tell me waht too do. :)

8VS 1 cpu hard! GL.SC2Map
Hits: 0 Size: 324.34kb

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Oct 9 2010, 2:54 am payne Post #2


I can't understand you...
Please fix your grammar.


Oct 15 2010, 4:40 pm Azrael Post #3


I am trying to set players 1-8 to be allied, on a UMS map I am making with the SC2 map editor. I want the map to be 8v1 (players 1-8 against player 9). I am trying to figure out how to make this work, but the players 1-8 are all enemies, and player 9 is not showing up at all. I do not know what is going on, but I can give you the map, and hopefully you can help me fix it. Can someone please help? Thank you. Please download the map, or at least tell me what to do. :)

Oct 16 2010, 2:09 am Roy Post #4

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Here's the trigger for alliances:

        Game - Map initialization
    Local Variables
        insideCount = 0 <Integer>
        outsideCount = 0 <Integer>
        General - For each integer outsideCount from 1 to 8 with increment 1, do (Actions)
                General - For each integer insideCount from 1 to 8 with increment 1, do (Actions)
                        Player - Make player outsideCount and player insideCount treat each other as Ally With Shared Vision
                        Player - Make player outsideCount and player 9 treat each other as Enemy

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