Roy's Mod Mafia: Game 1
If your head doesn't hurt, you aren't playing correctly.
If your head doesn't hurt, you aren't playing correctly.
General Info

1. This is a legitimate version of Devilesk's Mindfuck game (with variations).
2. If fewer than 32 players sign-up, roles will be dropped in the order of my choosing.
3. Rules have been modified from standard mafia play. Please review and feel free to discuss them.
4. Each role has characteristics associated with it that may appear in night posts. For example, a certain player's character may be blind (better hope it's not Watcher). Characteristics will be included in the Role PM. Characteristics will primarily show at lynch time to help determine a player's role, but they may also appear for other reasons (see below).
5. For each night, I will pick three players at random. For each of those players, if they weren't originally going to be mentioned in the night post, they will be mentioned in the night post. For example, if a Townsperson is picked at random, but nobody targets the Townsperson for that night, there will still be information about the Townsperson character in the night post. This will help let you know what roles are still alive.
6. Finally, there are relationships that will be PMed after the Role PM. These provide exclusive information to certain players, such as who their friends are, or who works for them. These will be assigned randomly. Don't rely on this information; your best friend could easily be Mafia.
2. If fewer than 32 players sign-up, roles will be dropped in the order of my choosing.
3. Rules have been modified from standard mafia play. Please review and feel free to discuss them.
4. Each role has characteristics associated with it that may appear in night posts. For example, a certain player's character may be blind (better hope it's not Watcher). Characteristics will be included in the Role PM. Characteristics will primarily show at lynch time to help determine a player's role, but they may also appear for other reasons (see below).
5. For each night, I will pick three players at random. For each of those players, if they weren't originally going to be mentioned in the night post, they will be mentioned in the night post. For example, if a Townsperson is picked at random, but nobody targets the Townsperson for that night, there will still be information about the Townsperson character in the night post. This will help let you know what roles are still alive.
6. Finally, there are relationships that will be PMed after the Role PM. These provide exclusive information to certain players, such as who their friends are, or who works for them. These will be assigned randomly. Don't rely on this information; your best friend could easily be Mafia.

- General -
1. Players receive roles when the game starts.
2. Roles are assigned by
3. Mafia know mafia. Townsmen are ignorant.
4. The game alternates between day and night (game time, not real time). The intro covers the first day, and the actual game begins at night.
5. Players may communicate in whatever way they like. Feel free to lie, cheat, and trick people in order to come out on top.
6. Dead players and non-players may still post, but it's not recommended. If you are in this group and try to contribute clue interpretations or suspicions IN THIS THREAD, you will be put on a mental list of shame, and I may not let you play future games. PMs and the shoutbox are technically fair game. If you die, it would be best not to reveal your role to anyone for the spirit of the game (you'd make the Mortician role useless). In fact, if you lie about your role, that would help drive the remaining players crazy.
7. One may not request or volunteer screenshots, videos, etc. of another role screen or someone's password via the thread, a PM, or any other method. The game is intended to be won via behavioral analysis, special roles, and praying a lot. You will auto-lose if I find out you've been partaking in these ancient acts of evil. (For clarification, sending the text that your PM supposedly said is not in violation of this rule.)
- Night -
1. This is the time that Mafia are allowed to place hits.
2. If you have night actions, you may also use them at this time.
3. Night has a time limit set by the host. Once night is over, a report is posted.
Note: To send a night action, PM it to me in the following form:
[action name]: [action target(s)]
For example:
Hit: Your Mom
Please write the names fully and correctly; if the name contains any ambiguity, I won't count it.
Note: This is the order of night actions (Not necessarily reflected in game posts).
- Doctors protect, townies dodge/save, and other non-hit effects take place.
- All hits occur simultaneously.
- Investigations.
- Day.
- Day -
1. All players gather for a "town meeting" to discuss amongst themselves who might be Mafia.
2. Every player may place a vote to select a player to be lynched and killed off.
3. Players may abstain in order to be accounted for, but not vote.
4. You must place your vote in this topic. Please state it in "I vote X" or similar fashion and make it easily visible. And make it large. And colored brightly.
5. You cannot vote for dead people or people not playing.
6. If a tie happens, all tied parties are lynched.
7. You may change your vote until the day is over.
8. The lynched alignment(s) and role(s) are NOT revealed upon death. They will be revealed when the game ends.
- Victory -
1. The day and night cycles repeat until one side is victorious.
2. The town wins when all mafia have been killed.
3. The mafia wins when their votes outnumber the townspeople's max vote capability on any given day. For 1-to-1 cases, mafia wins.
4. The fool wins if he is lynched.
5. If the Amnesiac never claims another role, he wins if he is alive at the end of the game (Survivor).
- Signing Up -
If the game has not started, you may sign up by posting in this thread and I will add you to list. The max amount of players is 60, just because I know that it's a number that will never be reached.
Take note of the following:
1. A non-default avatar is required to play. If you wish to play, make sure you have chosen a unique avatar.
2. If you won't play without a special role, don't play at all. If you won't contribute jack shit to the town, don't play at all. Useless and inactive townies ruin balancing and ultimately the game itself.
3. If you plan on being away from the game for more than 3 days at a time during the game, it is better that you do not play and sit the round out.
4. Please note you will be restricted from changing your avatar and/or name once the game has started. You know who you are.
5. By signing up to play, you agree that you have read and understood the first post(s) containing the rules and setup of the game. Failure to show understanding of the information provided in the first post(s) at any time after signing up may result in a ban from the game.
If you have any questions, PM me or post in the thread.
1. Players receive roles when the game starts.
2. Roles are assigned by
3. Mafia know mafia. Townsmen are ignorant.
4. The game alternates between day and night (game time, not real time). The intro covers the first day, and the actual game begins at night.
5. Players may communicate in whatever way they like. Feel free to lie, cheat, and trick people in order to come out on top.
6. Dead players and non-players may still post, but it's not recommended. If you are in this group and try to contribute clue interpretations or suspicions IN THIS THREAD, you will be put on a mental list of shame, and I may not let you play future games. PMs and the shoutbox are technically fair game. If you die, it would be best not to reveal your role to anyone for the spirit of the game (you'd make the Mortician role useless). In fact, if you lie about your role, that would help drive the remaining players crazy.
7. One may not request or volunteer screenshots, videos, etc. of another role screen or someone's password via the thread, a PM, or any other method. The game is intended to be won via behavioral analysis, special roles, and praying a lot. You will auto-lose if I find out you've been partaking in these ancient acts of evil. (For clarification, sending the text that your PM supposedly said is not in violation of this rule.)
- Night -
1. This is the time that Mafia are allowed to place hits.
2. If you have night actions, you may also use them at this time.
3. Night has a time limit set by the host. Once night is over, a report is posted.
Note: To send a night action, PM it to me in the following form:
[action name]: [action target(s)]
For example:
Hit: Your Mom
Please write the names fully and correctly; if the name contains any ambiguity, I won't count it.
Note: This is the order of night actions (Not necessarily reflected in game posts).
- Doctors protect, townies dodge/save, and other non-hit effects take place.
- All hits occur simultaneously.
- Investigations.
- Day.
- Day -
1. All players gather for a "town meeting" to discuss amongst themselves who might be Mafia.
2. Every player may place a vote to select a player to be lynched and killed off.
3. Players may abstain in order to be accounted for, but not vote.
4. You must place your vote in this topic. Please state it in "I vote X" or similar fashion and make it easily visible. And make it large. And colored brightly.
5. You cannot vote for dead people or people not playing.
6. If a tie happens, all tied parties are lynched.
7. You may change your vote until the day is over.
8. The lynched alignment(s) and role(s) are NOT revealed upon death. They will be revealed when the game ends.
- Victory -
1. The day and night cycles repeat until one side is victorious.
2. The town wins when all mafia have been killed.
3. The mafia wins when their votes outnumber the townspeople's max vote capability on any given day. For 1-to-1 cases, mafia wins.
4. The fool wins if he is lynched.
5. If the Amnesiac never claims another role, he wins if he is alive at the end of the game (Survivor).
- Signing Up -
If the game has not started, you may sign up by posting in this thread and I will add you to list. The max amount of players is 60, just because I know that it's a number that will never be reached.
Take note of the following:
1. A non-default avatar is required to play. If you wish to play, make sure you have chosen a unique avatar.
2. If you won't play without a special role, don't play at all. If you won't contribute jack shit to the town, don't play at all. Useless and inactive townies ruin balancing and ultimately the game itself.
3. If you plan on being away from the game for more than 3 days at a time during the game, it is better that you do not play and sit the round out.
4. Please note you will be restricted from changing your avatar and/or name once the game has started. You know who you are.
5. By signing up to play, you agree that you have read and understood the first post(s) containing the rules and setup of the game. Failure to show understanding of the information provided in the first post(s) at any time after signing up may result in a ban from the game.

If you have any questions, PM me or post in the thread.

- Townie Roles -
Townsperson - A regular citizen of the town.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Elder - Like a Townsperson, but vote counts twice. Can PM the second vote if they want it to differ from their first vote. By default, their second vote will add on to their first.
Vote: A secondary vote used for that day. Will be used once per day.
Miller - A Townsperson that always appears guilty when investigated.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Doctor - Each night the doctor can choose one person to protect. Doctors may not protect themselves.
Protect: protects a person from one hit at night. May be used once per night.
Bodyguard - Each night the bodyguard can choose one person to protect. If the protected person is targeted at night, there is a 50/50 chance the bodyguard kills the attacker or is killed by the attacker.
Guard: guards a person for one night. May be used once per night.
Vigilante - Each night the vigilante can choose one person to kill.
Hit: kills a person at night. May be used once per night.
Bulletproof - Takes two shots to be killed.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once. Cannot be used when or after Save is used.
Save: Saves a person from one attack for that night. Can only be used once. Cannot be used when or after Dodge is used.
Tracker - Each night, chooses one person to follow and will know who that person visits. Will not see anything if the target does not go visit anyone.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Follow: Follows one person for that night. May be used once per night.
Watcher - Each night, chooses one person to watch and will know who visits that person. Will not see anything if the target is not visited by anyone.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Watch: Watches one person for that night. May be used once per night.
Detective - Each night chooses one person to investigate and that person's alignment will be revealed to the detective.
Investigate: Investigates one person at night. May be used once per night.
Mortician - Each night can find out the role of one person that has died.
Autopsy: Reveals the role of one dead person. May be used once per night.
Bomb - If killed, everyone targeting this person dies as well (includes doctors, watchers, Fool's visit, etc.).
Oracle - Each night picks one person. If the oracle dies, the role of the last picked person is revealed to everyone.
Observe: Picks a person. May be used once per night.
- Mafia Roles -
Traitor - Sided with the mafia, but does not participate in night meetings and cannot kill. Mafia and traitors do not know who each other are. Only wins if mafia wins.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Hitman - Part of the mafia. Every night, the Hitman can choose one person to kill.
Hit: kills a person at night. May be used once per night.
Hooker - Part of the mafia. Each night the Hooker may choose one person to hook, preventing that person from using their power.
Hook: Hooks one person for that night. May be used once per night.
Godfather - Mafia sided. Appears innocent when investigated. Has an extra night life. Gains the promote ability once all other Hitmen are dead.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Promote: changes the role of one mafia member to Hitman, including himself. May be used only when all Hitman roles are dead.
Lawyer - Mafia sided. Each night can choose one fellow mafia and make them appear innocent if investigated. Clues will be suppressed for the targeted player, but there's a chance that clues pointing towards the Lawyer may be present instead.
Clear: Clears the name of one person for that night. May be used once per night.
Framer - Mafia sided. Each night can choose one member of the town and make them appear guilty if investigated. False clues will be present for the framed player, but there's a chance that clues pointing towards the Framer may also be present within the framed evidence.
Frame: Frames one person for that night. May be used once per night.
Witch - Mafia sided. Each night can place a curse on a person. The cursed person dies if visited that night by someone not sided with the mafia.
Curse: Curses a player. May be used once per night.
- Third-Party Roles -
Fool - Not aligned with any side. If lynched, the game ends and the fool wins. May visit someone at night for fun.
Visit: Follows or watches one person for that night. Will see who they interact with, if anyone. May be used once per night.
Amnesiac - Can assume the role of anyone that has previously died. May only be used once.
Recall: Becomes the role of a dead player.
Townsperson - A regular citizen of the town.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Elder - Like a Townsperson, but vote counts twice. Can PM the second vote if they want it to differ from their first vote. By default, their second vote will add on to their first.
Vote: A secondary vote used for that day. Will be used once per day.
Miller - A Townsperson that always appears guilty when investigated.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Doctor - Each night the doctor can choose one person to protect. Doctors may not protect themselves.
Protect: protects a person from one hit at night. May be used once per night.
Bodyguard - Each night the bodyguard can choose one person to protect. If the protected person is targeted at night, there is a 50/50 chance the bodyguard kills the attacker or is killed by the attacker.
Guard: guards a person for one night. May be used once per night.
Vigilante - Each night the vigilante can choose one person to kill.
Hit: kills a person at night. May be used once per night.
Bulletproof - Takes two shots to be killed.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once. Cannot be used when or after Save is used.
Save: Saves a person from one attack for that night. Can only be used once. Cannot be used when or after Dodge is used.
Tracker - Each night, chooses one person to follow and will know who that person visits. Will not see anything if the target does not go visit anyone.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Follow: Follows one person for that night. May be used once per night.
Watcher - Each night, chooses one person to watch and will know who visits that person. Will not see anything if the target is not visited by anyone.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Watch: Watches one person for that night. May be used once per night.
Detective - Each night chooses one person to investigate and that person's alignment will be revealed to the detective.
Investigate: Investigates one person at night. May be used once per night.
Mortician - Each night can find out the role of one person that has died.
Autopsy: Reveals the role of one dead person. May be used once per night.
Bomb - If killed, everyone targeting this person dies as well (includes doctors, watchers, Fool's visit, etc.).
Oracle - Each night picks one person. If the oracle dies, the role of the last picked person is revealed to everyone.
Observe: Picks a person. May be used once per night.
- Mafia Roles -
Traitor - Sided with the mafia, but does not participate in night meetings and cannot kill. Mafia and traitors do not know who each other are. Only wins if mafia wins.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Hitman - Part of the mafia. Every night, the Hitman can choose one person to kill.
Hit: kills a person at night. May be used once per night.
Hooker - Part of the mafia. Each night the Hooker may choose one person to hook, preventing that person from using their power.
Hook: Hooks one person for that night. May be used once per night.
Godfather - Mafia sided. Appears innocent when investigated. Has an extra night life. Gains the promote ability once all other Hitmen are dead.
Dodge: Avoids one attack for that night. Can only be used once.
Promote: changes the role of one mafia member to Hitman, including himself. May be used only when all Hitman roles are dead.
Lawyer - Mafia sided. Each night can choose one fellow mafia and make them appear innocent if investigated. Clues will be suppressed for the targeted player, but there's a chance that clues pointing towards the Lawyer may be present instead.
Clear: Clears the name of one person for that night. May be used once per night.
Framer - Mafia sided. Each night can choose one member of the town and make them appear guilty if investigated. False clues will be present for the framed player, but there's a chance that clues pointing towards the Framer may also be present within the framed evidence.
Frame: Frames one person for that night. May be used once per night.
Witch - Mafia sided. Each night can place a curse on a person. The cursed person dies if visited that night by someone not sided with the mafia.
Curse: Curses a player. May be used once per night.
- Third-Party Roles -
Fool - Not aligned with any side. If lynched, the game ends and the fool wins. May visit someone at night for fun.
Visit: Follows or watches one person for that night. Will see who they interact with, if anyone. May be used once per night.
Amnesiac - Can assume the role of anyone that has previously died. May only be used once.
Recall: Becomes the role of a dead player.
A grayed name indicates the person is dead. No roles will be revealed until the end of the game.
03. poison_us - Hooker
05. Leeroy_Jenkins - Detective
06. OlimarandLouie - Framer
08. DevliN - Bulletproof
10. Dem0nS1ayer - Bulletproof
12. EzTerix - Hitman
16. LoveLess - Witch -> No-power Mafia (Inactivity)
22. Raccoon - Lawyer
01. Norm - Amnesiac
02. Aristocrat - Detective
04. ImagoDeo - Godfather
07. Wing Zero - Hitman -> Hitman + Witch (Night 3, LoveLess' inactivity)
09. LoTu)S - Mortician
11. Tempz - Tracker
13. Echo - Watcher
14. StarBlue - Oracle
15. Derqua - Bodyguard
17. Neki - Elder
18. Azrael.Wrath - Bomb
19. Artanis186 - Vigilante
20. NudeRaider - Doctor
21. Generalpie - Hitman
23. Ashamed - Amnesiac -> Detective (Day 1, Aristocrat)
Dropped roles: Townsperson, Miller, Traitor, Fool
A grayed name indicates the person is dead. No roles will be revealed until the end of the game.
03. poison_us - Hooker
05. Leeroy_Jenkins - Detective
06. OlimarandLouie - Framer
08. DevliN - Bulletproof
10. Dem0nS1ayer - Bulletproof
12. EzTerix - Hitman
16. LoveLess - Witch -> No-power Mafia (Inactivity)
22. Raccoon - Lawyer
01. Norm - Amnesiac
02. Aristocrat - Detective
04. ImagoDeo - Godfather
07. Wing Zero - Hitman -> Hitman + Witch (Night 3, LoveLess' inactivity)
09. LoTu)S - Mortician
11. Tempz - Tracker
13. Echo - Watcher
14. StarBlue - Oracle
15. Derqua - Bodyguard
17. Neki - Elder
18. Azrael.Wrath - Bomb
19. Artanis186 - Vigilante
20. NudeRaider - Doctor
21. Generalpie - Hitman
23. Ashamed - Amnesiac -> Detective (Day 1, Aristocrat)
Dropped roles: Townsperson, Miller, Traitor, Fool

Dimma Davidoff at the Psychological Department of Moscow State University, for creating the game in the spring of 1986.
Hajjhowe & Triple 6 @ PWA message board.
ToA for bringing mafia to SEN and Maplantis.
Dapperdan for major help along the way.
Mini Moose 2707 for hosting a lot of mafia games at SEN and being a major contributor to the development of the mafia game tradition here and at Maplantis.
Anyone else who ever or helped to run Mafia games on SEN or Maplantis.
DTBK For this epic template that I ruined. for role randomization.
Hajjhowe & Triple 6 @ PWA message board.
ToA for bringing mafia to SEN and Maplantis.
Dapperdan for major help along the way.
Mini Moose 2707 for hosting a lot of mafia games at SEN and being a major contributor to the development of the mafia game tradition here and at Maplantis.
Anyone else who ever or helped to run Mafia games on SEN or Maplantis.
DTBK For this epic template that I ruined. for role randomization.
Post has been edited 66 time(s), last time on Jan 19 2013, 7:57 pm by Roy.
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