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Azrael's Mafia #1: Resident Evil
Oct 23 2011, 4:05 am
By: Azrael
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Nov 2 2011, 1:42 am Aristocrat Post #501

Quote from Sacrieur
Quote from Mp)HellFire
k. I change my vote to Aristocrat again

You're a townie.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. No townie is this stupid.


Nov 2 2011, 2:19 am Roy Post #502

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Why hello there. I'm sure some of you have been eagerly awaiting my response, and a plethora of "Roy can confirm _________" has been posted already.

First, to those I have been willing to share information with, why have you shared it to others without asking me first? Why did you post it publicly without asking me? Most of this was performed at a very inopportune time, which is why we are so heavily debating the lynch candidate.

Second, I would rather you all vote for me if you think Aristocrat is mafia. Go ahead and switch it now. Here, I'll start: I vote Roy.

Third, I'd like to address the infection issue you all seemed to skim over. I will admit that I was infected at the end of the first night (Night 0; confusing, I know). However, I found two free Virologists (excluding the one protecting Echo) who had 50% of a vaccine each, and I had them both target me last night. The Hackers have not been cooperating with me after I connected them together, and their plan is likely to wall only themselves for the remainder of the game, meaning the rest of us do not have their protection. However, this plan helped ensure that both Virologists would be able to cure me on Night 1, which they did.

Fourth, among the players here, the one who seems to have been the most honest is Echo. Granted, some of his deductions are off, but he has been surprisingly one of the most useful assets in the game. He is still currently infected but not turned, thanks to another Virologist (and confirmed by the Pathologist).

Fifth, if Demonslayer is mafia, it is extremely likely that Excalibur is mafia by association. Excalibur only has general researcher clues against him, which is why that is not enough to demand a lynch against him at this time.

Sixth, all information Demonslayer posted regarding what AngelSpirit said, and what Angel's PM looked like, are accurate.

I hope that covers the basics. Here's a few things I feel like responding to:

Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer
I honestly wouldn't pick either. I'm almost certain that Hellfire is investigator. The clues against Ex are way too obvious in a game made by Azrael, imo. That date joined clue is one that I had in my game, and everyone found it in five minutes and successfully killed a mafia.
Interesting to mention this: if indeed a date pointing to one member is too obvious to be a clue, then it would make sense if the actual clue would be pointing to the person that has used such a clue in the past. It is quite abstract and clever, as I'd expect Azrael's clues to be. Good find.

Quote from DevliN
No offense to Tempz but I highly doubt he wrote that message that you were supposed to post.
It's not entirely impossible for the scenario where Tempz asks someone he trusts to write up an articulate post that would convince people that it is indeed impossible for him to be the Engineer. This of course implies that someone is working very closely with Tempz, but I find that scenario a lot less far-fetched than saying there's two Rogue Engineers.

Nov 2 2011, 2:48 am ImagoDeo Post #503

Quote from Dem0nslayer, in a PM addressed to me and Hellfire
Sorry for bugging you again, hellfire, but I gotta talk to you guys. You're both on a list of "most likely" mafia. Half the town believes this list to be true. If I die tonight, Aristocrat and the rest of them are going to lead bandwagons against you guys. I know you guys aren't mafia, and it'd be a shame to lose more townies than we already have. Aristocrat will probably constrain & kill one of you, and then vote for another during the day.

Think about it. You're going to let an irrational town-killer free so that he can kill more of you. He's hurting the town more than I am.

Quote from ImagoDeo
I've changed my vote to Abstain because I can't definitively say if either of you is mafia.

Quote from Dem0nslayer
That's better than nothing. But let me just say a couple things first.

Aristocrat asked AngelSpirit if my role PM was real or not. Angel lied and said no, and I'm not surprised. Less than two days after the game started, Aristocrat was throwing accusations all over the place, saying he was zombie and that we were all going to get bitten. After he found out that AngelSpirit lied, he killed him, instead of just leaving it be. He killed off one of the better mafia players for no reason at all.

When he constrained Angel, he tried to frame Tempz. Why? Rogue Engineer isn't a bad role; it helps the town. Why would he try to stay behind the scenes? After he was done with Angel, he moved to Observer, a random target who hardly posted anything. He said he would kill Observer for the purpose of one of the players involved in the lynching, but what would be the point of that. We lynch of his allies, and then he kills off Observer, yet another townie?

What happens when he no longer needs Observer? There's no way he's keep the same person constrained throughout the entire game; that'd be a waste of his ability. He's going to kill him off eventually, and then he'll come for someone else. Sacrieur's random list of mafia included you, excalibur, tempz, and hellfire. Hellfire is confirmed Investigator, tempz is almost definitely townie, and Ex hasn't done enough to become a suspect.

Aristocrat, along with Devlin and Lathanide are going along with Sac's list. They're going to vote for one of you guys on the next day, and you're going to die. If Aristocrat gets rid of Observer soon, one of you will be constrained, and most likely killed. There goes another townie.

He's doing more harm than good. He said lil-Inferno was zombie, but I'm not entirely sure if I believe that. He's killed off Angel, and he'll probably kill Observer. He's going to come for one of you, and when he does, he'll guarantee the town's defeat.

I change my vote to Dem0nslayer.


Nov 2 2011, 2:51 am Dem0n Post #504

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I can't see how that changes your opinion. But whatever. I was thinking of posting my thoughts in the thread anyway.

Aristocrat's killing off random people, and he's going to continue doing so. It's better to kill him and one other townie than let him live and kill a bunch more that he wrongly accused of being mafia.

Nov 2 2011, 2:58 am Daddywhoo Post #505

Quote from Daddywhoo
I change my vote to Dem0nslayer.


Nov 2 2011, 3:04 am Sacrieur Post #506

Still Napping

Hellfire isn't on the list.


Nov 2 2011, 3:05 am Echo Post #507

I change my vote to dem0ns1ayer so no one suspects me of being USS.


Nov 2 2011, 3:12 am Sacrieur Post #508

Still Napping

Quote from Echo
I change my vote to dem0ns1ayer so no one suspects me of being USS.

That won't save you. Nothing will. We are the Borg. Your technological significance will be added to our own. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.


Nov 2 2011, 3:13 am Lanthanide Post #509

Frankly Demon, I think you'd have to be paranoid to believe what you're saying about Aristocrat trying to kill the townies.


Nov 2 2011, 3:17 am Raitaki Post #510

My daily recap on shit going down plz :hurr:


Nov 2 2011, 3:18 am Roy Post #511

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Oh, I just found out that Investigators' shadow ability protects the USS from killing someone unless that person is a Zombie. So either Vrael was another Zombie, or Demonslayer's second investigation result is fabricated.

Nov 2 2011, 3:19 am Mp)HellFire Post #512

DemonSlayer = Accused USS (He's Investigator)
Aristrocrat = USS lynching town
Echo = Accused USS


Nov 2 2011, 3:32 am Lanthanide Post #513

Quote from Roy
Oh, I just found out that Investigators' shadow ability protects the USS from killing someone unless that person is a Zombie. So either Vrael was another Zombie, or Demonslayer's second investigation result is fabricated.
Ah yes, I forgot about the assassins still being able to kill if their target is a zombie.

However I don't think that's the case. We have 2 bite victims from Night 0, so we know there are at least 2 zombies. In Demonslayer's "investigation" report, he indicated that Vrael did not visit anyone. If we expect there are 2 zombies, in order to get 2 bite victims with Vrael being a zombie, he must have gone and bitten some one.

Alternatively there could be 3 zombies, and Vrael chose not to bite anyone on Night 0. This seems unlikely, because the zombies are in a race to convert more of the townsfolk to zombies before the USS or townsfolk can stop them, so I think all zombies will have attempted to bite someone on Night 0.


Nov 2 2011, 3:33 am DevliN Post #514


Quote from Raitaki
My daily recap on shit going down plz :hurr:
Dem0n sent a fake "Investigation" PM to a few players claiming that he followed Vrael on Night 0 and saw him get killed. It was obviously fake, so I posted it claiming he was lying about his role. Lanth then posted about how someone can't be killed if they are being followed, further proving that Dem0n was lying. Dem0n himself admitted to sending it earlier in the thread, and it is impossible for that PM to be a legitimate result. Vrael was killed, so he couldn't have been followed. He was not a Zombie, because based on the fake Investigation result, he was following me. There is no doubt that Dem0n is fakeclaiming.

Aristocrat is believed to be the Rogue Engineer who is controlling Observer. If Aristocrat is lynched, Observer will die as well. People keep throwing around the idea that Aristo is trying to kill Townies in order to get him lynched, but so far he has killed 1 Townie (Angel) because he lied about his role. Considering Observer is still alive, I think it is safe to assume Aristo is trying to scare people into roleclaiming so he can weed out the USS.

That's pretty much it.

Added more.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 2 2011, 3:52 am by DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Nov 2 2011, 3:49 am Norm Post #515


Nvmd, keep my vote as Aristocrat... I don't like this one bit.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 2 2011, 11:36 am by Norm.


Nov 2 2011, 3:49 am Raitaki Post #516

I see :hurr: I vote Demon


Nov 2 2011, 3:56 am Aristocrat Post #517

I believe those abstaining have more information on their hands than they'd like to share with us. Perhaps Dem0n is actually town-aligned, or the USS infiltrator?

It would make sense, strategically, for the USS to abstain on a vote whose outcome seems certain to lynch a member who will show up as town-aligned. They can use this information to their advantage and convince more townies to listen to them (as opposed to the actual townspeople) on the following lynch.

I change my vote to Excalibur. Dem0nS1ayer may just be a really, really stupid townie. In any case, ignore everything Dem0n says. Listening to them retards town progress.

I'll stay with Dem0nS1ayer. The risk of a three-way split is too high.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 2 2011, 4:02 am by Aristocrat.


Nov 2 2011, 10:54 am EzTerix Post #518

Night action, nothing juicy imo

Sexcurity Log


Nov 2 2011, 1:18 pm poison_us Post #519

Back* from the grave

Quote from Echo
I like how mafia moved the bandwagon away from poison_us to dem0n.
Me too. Though the mafia would have reason to not lynch a weak role like mine, so...

Quote from Mp)HellFire
k. I change my vote to Aristocrat again
Quote from Norm

Nvmd, keep my vote as Aristocrat... I don't like this one bit.
These two may be mafia. At this point, no other faction would change/keep votes on Aristocrat to try to get three people killed in one day. With that in mind, as well as the potential for the USS to control votes, I vote
Dem0ns1ayer. Nothing personal, but I simply can't allow three people to die rather than one.

Nov 2 2011, 2:48 pm Excalibur Post #520

The sword and the faith

First off, I'd like to say that any defense of Dem0n is because one, he's one of the few people I've been talking to and two it seems that he gets killed for little to no reason in most mafia games. To my knowledge he's innocent, but a lot of clues are beginning to get stacked up against him. I can't say for sure who I believe is mafia right now, because in my mind Poison still has a lot of clues against him, at least equal to the mounting evidence on Dem0n.

Second, I know I'm not all that active in this. The only reason I was somewhat active last Mafia was because of Jack. I work 32hrs a week, go to school for four classes, take care of my apartment complete with dog, and try to keep my girlfriend happy. This keeps me quite busy. Mafia is fun, but I do not have the time to be in here several times a day to post let alone a hub like Roy or something.

I'm changing my vote to Aristocrat for now simply because I am more sure of Poison's guilt than Dem0n's. I will vote to lynch Dem0n the minute someone can confirm beyond a reasonable doubt that he is mafia, or that Poison has been lynched first. If anyone wants to re-quote some evidence and such to bring to my attention due to my lack of time to go through it myself, please do.

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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
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Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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