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Kame Mafia: "Kame Classic" Edition II
Jul 15 2013, 6:19 pm
By: Fire_Kame
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Aug 4 2013, 12:59 pm Sacrieur Post #141

Still Napping

I don't know who to believe anymore.

Sure, Roy might be mafia. But I don't put Az past some elaborate mafia setup like this. He's fooled me completely in the past.


Whatever. I vote Roy. In the event Azrael is lying the ratio of town to mafia will be 5:4 after the night hit, but we'll at least know that Azrael is lying and mafia, it could be a strategy to hope someone is inactive and have the mafia overpower the town. But that doesn't matter. I don't think Az would put himself in that position of self-sacrifice (he'd put someone else up to it, though).

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 4 2013, 1:06 pm by Sacrieur.


Aug 4 2013, 3:01 pm Raitaki Post #142


I need some time to digest these new proceedings >_>
Also Wing nice tunnelvision hun


Aug 4 2013, 4:05 pm Fire_Kame Post #143

wth is starcraft


Positively -- Wing Zero
Wing Zero -- Raitaki
Sacrieur -- Roy
Roy -- Azrael
Azrael -- Roy


Aug 4 2013, 4:58 pm Roy Post #144

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Well, unfortunately our plan didn't work out, because nobody jumped on the Azrael bandwagon like we had hoped.

Azrael's done everything possible to prove he's the Detective, and there's no indication that another Detective claim even exists. The suggestion that Devlin was the Detective was a last-minute idea to try and bait the mafia into going along and getting Azrael lynched.

I think the issue was that the mafia know I'm not mafia, so they suspected something was fishy from Azrael's result claim; of course it's entirely possible most of their team is inactive and haven't noticed the one player they need to lynch is at risk.

The lack of discussion seems to indicate the latter, so we're going to lynch an inactive player instead.

I vote Zycorax.

Aug 4 2013, 5:00 pm Azrael Post #145

This is correct. At least we can eliminate another noncontributing player.

I vote for Zycorax.

The Mafia need to start posting and voting, or they're going to get lynched.

Aug 4 2013, 5:11 pm Sacrieur Post #146

Still Napping

I vote Zycorax.



Clever, Az, I didn't consider this possibility.


Aug 4 2013, 5:12 pm Fire_Kame Post #147

wth is starcraft


Positively -- Wing Zero
Wing Zero -- Raitaki
Sacrieur -- Zycorax
Roy -- Zycorax
Azrael -- Zycorax

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Zycorax (3 votes)

Aug 4 2013, 5:46 pm Positively Post #148

I GUESS I'll change my vote to Zycorax


Aug 4 2013, 6:03 pm Fire_Kame Post #149

wth is starcraft


Positively -- Zycorax
Wing Zero -- Raitaki
Sacrieur -- Zycorax
Roy -- Zycorax
Azrael -- Zycorax

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Zycorax (4 votes)

Aug 4 2013, 6:15 pm Wing Zero Post #150

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Quote from Raitaki
Also Wing nice tunnelvision hun

Aug 4 2013, 9:55 pm Raitaki Post #151

Hmm. I vote Zycorax then.


Aug 4 2013, 10:37 pm Fire_Kame Post #152

wth is starcraft


Positively -- Zycorax
Wing Zero -- Raitaki
Raitaki -- Zycorax
Sacrieur -- Zycorax
Roy -- Zycorax
Azrael -- Zycorax

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Zycorax (5 votes)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 4 2013, 10:48 pm by Fire_Kame.

Aug 5 2013, 4:11 am Azrael Post #153

I hope these last two lynches have sent a clear message to the Mafia: Until we've found a definitive Mafia, the people who aren't even voting are going to get lynched. If you think you can hide your identity by pretending to be inactive, you're sorely mistaken; all you've done is proven yourself to be useless to the Town.

Aug 5 2013, 4:25 am Fire_Kame Post #154

wth is starcraft


I kept my word to Ella and met her at the tea parlor at the prior designated time, leaving the town in an uproar over lil-Inferno's death. When I saw her she was little more than a faded memory of how I remembered her; lines of exhaustion lined her eyes and her skin had become quite pale. As I sat a server brought us a pot of fresh tea and one of those little trays with small treats on them. I ignored them and took my seat, lighting a cigarette. Ella was the first to talk. "I am pleased you were able to meet with me on such short notice. It was suggested that I lay low for a few days until things quieted down in town. I don't believe that'll be happening anytime soon though, do you?"

"Lay low why is that?" I asked her, ignoring the second half of her statement. She smiled behind her tea cup but didn't give me a response. "Alright then Ella I was going to ask you the questions but it seems you have something on your mind. Well then, on with it."

"When they asked me to come ID my husband they handed over some of his personal possessions. His keys, wallet, that sort of thing. I found this piece of paper inside it," she said as she handed me a worn out piece of paper. In pencil it read 250B, the script fading from time or wear. "At first I thought nothing of it, but while I was going through some of my husband's other things I found it inscribed inside a day runner, and then within his documents.

"Just a few numbers and a letter, Ella. Don't pay it any mind." I said, folding up the piece of paper and putting it in my pocket anyways. I didn't want to give her too much of anything to chew on. When dames are let in too close to the trail they have a habit of getting involved.

"I know what I know, detective," she said. It still made me cringe to be called that, "but if you really think it is nothing then I will leave it at that."

"It's nothing." I said, finishing off my cigarette and putting it out in a nearby ashtray.

"Than I suppose I should let you on your way. Have you visited the wounded man yet, Azrael?" She asked curiously.

"No should I?" I ask, fishing for another cigarette. I must have run out. Ella obliged with one of her own.

"Well, they say sometime this morning his wound became infected; he was in critical care this morning. Perhaps they downgraded his condition. He's the only man who could've caught a glimpse at the one responsible right now," she said. I nodded.

"Thank you for the tea and company Ella," I said getting up to leave.

As I left I thought it'd only be fitting to visit Azrael as he lay in the hospital. The whole we there I tried to unravel the mystery of 250B. A unit number, perhaps storage? A combo on a locker, or perhaps an apartment number? It wasn't much to go off of, but getting involved with Ella's personal affairs would mean professionally getting involved; something that I was always trying to convince myself I was not doing. When I arrived at the hospital it seemed that Azrael had indeed been downgraded and was staying the night for observation. The doc had said that although the bullet barely grazed him the man had been driven to mad ramblings, accusing one of his seemingly closest companions of foul murder and other unsavory things. The madness was catching and the rest of the town set out to accuse one another, no one with any more proof than the last guy. By the time I arrived at the scene it seemed that Azrael had calmed down quite a bit. Doc said he'd given him a bit of a sedative that should wear off in about an hour. I sat there and watched and waited for Azrael to come to and be ready to talk. It seemed a fair bit of the town was also hanging on his every word. His eyes flickered awake, his mumblings still delirious for several moments after. Only one word was clear, "Zycorax."

I guess someone in the town must have considered this a proper testimony because Zycorax was found dead in his apartment merely hours later, due to a fatal bullet wound.



NIGHT 4 ENDS 8/5 10:00 PM MST

Aug 5 2013, 12:52 pm Sacrieur Post #155

Still Napping

I vote Sacrieur for a flat cake cooked in a pan breakfast food.


Aug 6 2013, 4:33 am Fire_Kame Post #156

wth is starcraft


250B plagued my every thought, even while I slept all I could dream about was the combination of numbers and letters. What could it mean? Every time my mind seemed to be on the brink of figuring it all out I would jolt awake or be met with nothingness. Visions of Ella and Peggy kept me awake as well - Ella beautiful but anguished, Peggy cold and certain. The lights from the street lamps outside leaked in from the worn out curtains, every sound from the streets seemed amplified in the night, every car running over a pit hole sounded out like a gunshot. . I knew that sleep was out of the question tonight. As I sat up and buttoned my shirt a tight, constricting feeling flooded my chest with foreboding. This town was going to put me into an early grave if things didn't settle soon.

I was at the door, my usual vice in my hand waiting to be lit when the phone rang. There was nothing decent about a phone call at midnight. I let it ring and walked out to Lou's bar. The walk through the central park seemed a little quiet, like the town of Sencity had returned to a sleepy state. It didn't do a thing to help my nerves. By the time I got to Lou's things picked up a little but nothing outside of the usual nightlife of Sencity. I sat at the bar and waited for Lou to come over. "What'll it be tonight?"

"Just the usual, Lou," I said, keeping a close eye on those around me. The ones I perceived to be the regulars seemed to be giving me a weary eye. Well, let them. I would be doing the same thing if the roles were reversed. "Heard anything interesting lately Lou?"

At first he just gave me a look, one that said he knew no more than I did. "Lots of strange customers these days, always want the booth in the back," he handed me my drink and looked at the door, "doesn't look like that'll be the case tonight," he said just loud enough for me to hear. And then added a bit louder, "gentlemen, what can I do for you tonight?" Shady characters sat near me at the bar. I looked at them just long enough to see they were up to no good, no more and no less. One of them mumbled a drink order to Lou, who diligently made their drinks before moving on to his next customer. The shady characters seemed to be doing their best to keep their voices down until one of them drained his beer and slammed it down on the counter.

"That's crazy, don't you know. This city is locked down tighter than-"

"Enough out of you, alright? You're hear for one job and one job only - and you know what that is. Now is the...package secured?" One of them hissed back, piquing my interest.

"Yes yes, at the warehouse. We can go there tonight if you want."

"Maybe a little later," one of them said, "I don't have a good feeling about some of the folks around here."

For the rest of the night I did my best to keep my wits about me while trying to blend in with the regulars. In between sips of scotch I found myself commenting on a football game rerun Lou had playing on the bar tv. It was only minutes before midnight when the shady characters finally decided enough stalling was enough and slipped out the back of the bar. I gave them a few minutes of lead time before following them.

I kept a safe distance the full way. They led me to the industrial district of Sencity - or what there was of it. A few dilapidated buildings and a poorly maintained road led up to the Roy Heavy Industries plant, a tyrannical place that only the lowest of the low seek employment at. They disappeared into an alley and I almost lost them. Luckily for me one of them was dumb enough to turn on the lights to a nearby warehouse - warehouse 250B to be precise. "Ah shit, is this him?" One of them yelled, adding more vulgarities as they went. I sneaked in the doorway and hid behind some boxes, trying to keep a good view of the characters. Fortunately for me I had brought a little camera, and I knew I was going to need it for what came next.

"It was him," one of them said, a man that was kneeling, "he's dead." My view was obstructed, I couldn't see who "he" was. "What the hell did you do to him to cause this?"

"All I did was break his nose, he was trying to get himself free!" One of them said, backing up defensively. I pointed my camera and clicked a picture of the men and what I could now see was another man tied to a pillar. Unfortunately for me, I had left the flash on.

"What the fuck was that?" One of them said, drawing a pistol and turning my direction. The others pulled their weapons of choice as well. That's when I did something bold. I stood up, shot another picture and bolted for the door. I was almost out when one of them laid a shot into me, right in my arm. "Get him!" he yelled. I heard the men hot on my trail as I weaved in and out of the warehouses and buildings, finally losing them as I hit the main road back to Lou's bar. I slowed my pace, doing my best to blend with the nightly stranglers despite the blood pouring down my arm.

Car lights were on me and a horn honked; I must have stumbled onto the street in my delusion. The driver slammed the brakes and got out of the car at just the right time, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" She asked.

"Peggy, what're you doing out here? Don't you know it's a bad night to be out alone?" I said. It was the best I could muster before I slipped and grabbed the hood of her car for support. She ran to the pasenger side of her car and opened the door.

"I'll take you to my doctor but you need to tell me what you're doing, and why you're bleeding." She said. I pulled out my camera to review what photographs I could, "and if you don't mind please don't get blood on my car. I don't need this looking like a murder scene do I?"

"Sweetheart it'll only look like a murder scene if you kill me personally." The images flashed before me - five in all, three of which were blurry. I zoomed in on the picture of the man chained to a pillar. "Do any of these men look like yours?"

In between glances at the road, she looked at my camera. "No, but the one chained up looks like a man named Positively."

"Was," I corrected, "Positively is positively dead by now."




Aug 6 2013, 4:38 am Roy Post #157

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

I vote Roy.

Hopefully that vote will change.

Aug 6 2013, 4:45 am Fire_Kame Post #158

wth is starcraft


Wing Zero
Roy -- Roy


Aug 6 2013, 5:06 am Azrael Post #159

Well, someone who doesn't want to kill Roy must be Mafia.

Positively voted for Wing Zero before changing it to Roy.

That gives Wing Zero three times more motive than anyone else.

I vote for Wing Zero.

Aug 6 2013, 5:15 am Fire_Kame Post #160

wth is starcraft


Wing Zero
Roy -- Roy
Azrael -- Wing Zero

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Roy and Wing Zero (1 vote each)

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