Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Production > Topic: Undead V4.2 (Beta!) v-CK
Undead V4.2 (Beta!) v-CK
Jun 17 2013, 6:32 pm
By: SHANE-009  

Jun 17 2013, 6:32 pm SHANE-009 Post #1

Welcome to Undead, Beta! Version will be posted on the tile: if you see the Tile Version change. That means there been a update to the map!
About the Map: (How many players can play?) 6 Humans, 1 Undead. 1 Computer. There are 3 Teams, 1 for Humans, 1 for Undead, 1 for Computer.
What is this map about? (This map is about a Queen of the Undead.) aka: "Queen-Of-Undead" If she alive and kill all of the "Survivors" She will take over the world! (GG)
But if the Survivors win and kill her, she cannot- or no-longer take over the world with Undeads men/ppl- ..etc. (Just a little back story I made!)

Here some pics I have took so you can see what the map looks like:

This is where Undead Can pick Her: "I know how to play" Or "I know how to play!"

This is where the Undead can buy Her units!

This is where the Undead can buy Her units!

This is where Undead Can mass!

This is Revive When the Humans die! You can come back to life! 700 ore for normal Revive or 1400 ore for Army Revive! (You get men with you!)

This is the Brief of the Starting read it if you like... Most ppl don't so i don't care if you don't!

This is the 2x/4x mining(Why is it call that?) 2x means 2 mining for the miners, 4x is 4x the income. (4x 8 = 36) :O Justs letting you know!

This is where Humans can buy there Stuff! Men. Etc.

This is where Humans can buy there Stuff! Men. Etc.

This is where you can set your Unit mass up to 3x only! (Other versions may have 4 or 5. will see!)

This is where the Undead Starts! Has for now he/she starts up there 1 pic was at.

NEW! Added: Ban/Drop Zone, This will Make the player DROP from the game! :) But also-adds a ban to him! :O

Lite abit about Survivors and Undead. Survivors have 160HP Undead HP 440 HP.

(What does the map looks like?) well its Terrain Space. Size of the map. 256/256.

Find the newts Updates/Changes At bottom of this post!

And If you like to: you can, PM on here for bugs. E-mail me. Pm me on Sc1 UsEast! Username. Cool-Knight

Map is back. And the beta is now back online! I hoope YOU HAVE FUN! :)

Post has been edited 16 time(s), last time on Sep 24 2013, 7:10 am by SHANE-009.

New Username: Cool-Knight !
Please follow me on my site:

Jun 17 2013, 6:40 pm SHANE-009 Post #2

Team 1 Updates:
Changes to Version 1.9V: Added "Kill List" fixed a bug!

Changes to Version 1.8V: Added \logs and \testers
This will view all of the testers in the Tester List! :O
Changes to Version 1.8V: Nothing else more than that!

Changes to Version 1.5V: Added Random Spawn.

Unit Balanced by: Cool-Knight.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

Changes to Version 1.4V(has been skiped)

Changes to Version 1.3V Fixed few miners bugs. :)

Changes to Version 1.2V: Fixed 2x/4x mining.

Added; for all untis For Team 1. 3x buying or 1x "A" or 3""

Unit Balnced by: Cool-Knight.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

Changes to Version 2.4V I added more untis to Humans and Undead!
Fixed few bugs. :O + 2.4V No more testers!!!! Sorry GL HF!

Changes to Version 2.4V(2.0+ Has been Skiped!)

Unit Balnced by: Cool-Knight.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

Changes to Version 3.0V I added more sutff to Humans like more units to buy.
More stuff when your dead..add/remove somethings. fixed Random Spawn. :D
not much else. :)

Unit Balnced by: Cool-Knight.

Good Luck and Have Fun!


Now for Team 2 Updates. aka Undead.

Changes to Version 1.9V: Added "Kills List" fixed odd bugs

Changes to Version 1.8V: Added \logs and \testers
This will view all of the testers in the Tester List! :O
Changes to Version 1.8V: Nothing else more than that!

Changes to Version 1.5V Give undead bit more dmg.

Unit Balanced by: Cool-Knight.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

Changes to Version 1.4V(has been skiped)

Changes to Version 1.3V: Fixed few miners bugs. :)
Increased Spawns for these units.
These unit will spawn this much:
(Hydralisk. 12) (Zergling 32) (units)

Changes to Version 1.2V: Fixed 2x/4x mining.
Increased Spawns for these units (Hydralisk by 5+) (Broodling by 4+)

Changes to Version 2.4V Added more units to Undead Fixed some bugs, added more units to Humans!
few bugs been fixed! Gl Have fun! (No more logs of Testers!)

Changes to Version 2.4V(2.0V+ has been Skiped!)

Changes to Version 3.0V I change somethings around for the Undead!
Like..I removed the Mass spawn...since you have 3 to buy 3x more.. ya. (masser remove)

Added more units like 2 1 hero 1 normal. Umm nothing else..but I did fixed more,
stuff in Humans. I also remove ups too! So ya..You maybe have speed and stuff to buy
later on in other version will see about that.
Same for humans!


Thats all of the updates I've have made. So Far. XD
Hey I don't mind if I get more testers..long the away...And Ideas. AND NO!! NO UPS NEEDED! :) HP/Atk all been Balanced.

Changes to Version 3.7V: fixed player spawns, Fixed some unknown bugs! (Found some odd bugs) some odd bugs by me or map-editor. :O? )

Coming soon to, "Changes To Version 4.0V"

Fixed some bugs. Added more better info more for undead. "Help mode".
Added more stuff...Just a bit, removed some triggers. Added some more triggers.

That is it for now.

Changes to 4.0V Fixed triggers I did not save.. (Sorry!) I also fixed few more odd bug...Not much really. Added. Just bug fixes!

Changes to 4.2V: Fixed some bugs, added, More stuff: Like; Ban/Drop. More units to pick when you pick (Army) 2.

I also may add: Randomly pick a army. Maybe! Will see. That is it for now! Hope you like!

Post has been edited 8 time(s), last time on Jul 11 2013, 11:34 pm by SHANE-009.

New Username: Cool-Knight !
Please follow me on my site:

Jun 17 2013, 6:47 pm SHANE-009 Post #3

Coming soon to Version 3.2V
Going to add a Helper for the Undead. He/She, Can pick 2 things: "I am new to this map" Will help them learn to play the map!"
Other one: "I know how to play. (aka Pro)"
These will help Undead. If he/she is new to this map, this will help him or her out. :)
anywho that what will be coming to the Map! I hope you enjoy playing my newts map!! XD If anything..cuz i don't really come on here report any things for bugs to me:
My E-mail Address

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 18 2013, 5:27 pm by SHANE-009.

New Username: Cool-Knight !
Please follow me on my site:

Jun 20 2013, 6:04 am SHANE-009 Post #4

Updated map 2x.
Version 3.2V Was not much so I skipped some things! :)
Map Version 3.4V Fixed some bugs, added Help.
(saw few more bugs map change)
3.5V I added color to players now. Undead will have same colors now. :)

New Username: Cool-Knight !
Please follow me on my site:

Jun 22 2013, 7:57 am SHANE-009 Post #5

Version 3.6V: Fixed HUGE Bug. ....Fixed more bugs. Fixed undead-Storm powers increase Undead HP 440.
Fixed Terrain, for Human and Undead, More room to buy stuff; IF i add more. if not just for looks! :D I hope you like!

New Username: Cool-Knight !
Please follow me on my site:

Jun 22 2013, 9:12 am Gigins Post #6

What the fuck is this? :wtfage:


Jun 22 2013, 10:56 pm SHANE-009 Post #7

Quote from Gigins
What the fuck is this? :wtfage:

Hi Gigins, This is a Undead map. Have you played any undead maps? If so..this is lot alike but..its more of a Beta, can I can work on mostly every or every other day.

@all who see this; I Remove the Download for the Undead Map. Right now, Too many bugs..and I don't want them to be pub...very...Buggy I hope you understand!

What I am going to add soon is more info and stuff time being.

And if you don't think I put a lot of effort into this map? Then you are wrong I use my spare time on this map! So, indeed I do put work into this map!

New Username: Cool-Knight !
Please follow me on my site:

Jun 22 2013, 11:01 pm Gigins Post #8

Hi, please post proper information about your map and the map itself. So far it looks like random LOLCATZ crap with no actual map.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 22 2013, 11:05 pm by Roy. Reason: Removed flaming


Jun 22 2013, 11:09 pm Roy Post #9

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

I moved this to the Map Production forum because it's clear the map is still under production. Please adjust the topic to match the rules found in the topic. Also consider using a template for your topic. Templates for map production can be found here:

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