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Aristocrat's Mafia #2
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Nov 24 2011, 5:57 pm
By: Aristocrat
Pages: < 1 « 9 10 11 12 1316 >

Dec 4 2011, 3:04 am OlimarandLouie Post #201

Sac, I do fully believe what you say, but could you post how you knew you were targeted by the death note again for reference?


Dec 4 2011, 3:08 am Roy Post #202

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

I received the information Sacrieur has on being targeted, and I have to say it seems extremely likely to be factual. There are also details failed to be disclosed by a certain affected individual, quite possibly because they are not who they claim to be (which is the reason Sacrieur has not released this information publicly).

Dec 4 2011, 3:08 am Raitaki Post #203

Quote from OlimarandLouie
Sac, I do fully believe what you say, but could you post how you knew you were targeted by the death note again for reference?
Maybe his latest PM from Aristo said something like "before you can stop yourself, you eat all the ice cream in the fridge, then lock yourself in the bathroom for 2 hours" or something similiar :awesome:


Dec 4 2011, 3:46 am Bar Refaeli Post #204

To what extent can the death note make people do stuff before they die? Don't just quote this with a link to the rules about a death note.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 4 2011, 8:17 pm by Raccoon.


Dec 4 2011, 3:47 am Tempz Post #205

Yes I'm pretty sure it can becuase when i asked him about death note rules he said all of them apply... Rai posted a nice relevant DN rules list.


Dec 4 2011, 3:56 am Observer12425 Post #206

This is getting pointless; Lanthanide needs to be annihilated along with that post.


Dec 4 2011, 4:07 am Lanthanide Post #207

Considering that I'm W, and all investigators (including Kira) knows this, anyone wanting me dead is either ignorant, or anti-investigator.


Dec 4 2011, 4:08 am Raitaki Post #208

Quote from Lanthanide
Considering that I'm W, and all investigators (including Kira) knows this, anyone wanting me dead is either ignorant, or anti-investigator.
Or trolling. Can't forget trolling with 3 trolls onboard.


Dec 4 2011, 4:15 am Observer12425 Post #209

Where're those moderators when you need 'em?


Dec 4 2011, 4:37 am Sacrieur Post #210

Still Napping

It's a shame that the majority of the investigative team does not wish to communicate with me, despite having proved that I am L. It's truly remarkable that their logic skills could be so weak. But, allow me to elaborate.

I have found a way to verify my identity safely by sending a message from L through Aristocrat to each investigative member. In its contents I stated that I, Sacrieur, was L, and that I wished for each of them to submit their pseudonyms to me in a personal message. If all of the investigative members had done so, Kira's would be among them. Kira cannot lie about his identity because the other members would have no reason to lie.

Because I am L, they can safely entrust me with their identity. I am on their side out to catch kira. In fact, the only person who should be against this IS kira, but he can't exactly voice his concerns without drawing suspicion. Thus, he is forced to reveal his identity along with the rest of the team.

I will now explain how I know I have been targeted by the death note. I received this message from Aristocrat:

You are overcome with an overwhelming urge to Restrain Walter Hertel. You decide to handcuff him to yourself for the night.

When I tried to do something else, I received this message:

You attempt to restrain Benjamin Winston, but you are compelled to do otherwise. You refrain from doing so, and continue to target Walter Hertel as the Restraint target for Night 1.

I immediately deduced that the deathnote was affecting me. And because I had my name written in the death note, I am immune from any future effects from any death note.

I will at least die by day two, because that's how long the duration of restrain lasts.

So sadly, I'm forced to kill an investigator decided at random for not cooperating. Future investigators are encourged to cooperate with me, or risk having their pseudonym exposed to the general public under suspicion of being kira.

You were given a full twenty hours to respond to my confirmation of being L. There is no excuse for this negligence.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Dec 4 2011, 4:59 am by Sacrieur.


Dec 4 2011, 5:31 am poison_us Post #211

Back* from the grave

Quote from Roy
Also, I'm looking for a drug dealer (specifically, a local cocaine dealer). If you happen to be that drug dealer, please consider contacting me.
:teach: In real life, or in this game?

Dec 4 2011, 5:52 am Aristocrat Post #212

Day 1:

Journal of Kira:
These recent developments displease me. Though I have planned everything out, it is as if God is interfering with my plan to achieve victory. Perhaps he does not wish to see my ascension as the God of the new world, and has intervened to disrupt my success.

I will not stand for this. Not any longer.

Journal of L:
Foolish investigators; without cooperation, we cannot find Kira. My apologies, Frank Valdivia; I am not one to do this normally, but there is no other way.

On an unrelated note, it seems that by some strange means, I have been struck with this affliction that bends my actions against my will. Fortunately, this seems to only limit a few of my actions; this supernatural force is so strong that I am not capable of resisting it. What could the cause be?

Journal of M:
<no entry found>

Journal of N:
This is rather distressing. While my two most trusted agents have uncovered much, I fear that they may have unwittingly compromised my identity to others when they were performing covert intelligence gathering operations. This is most undesirable; perhaps I shall revise my plans.

Speaking of which, I must have Kugelschreiber fetch me some more cards. I'm nearly out.

Sakura TV, "Kira's Kingdom"
Everyone! I, Hitoshi Demegawa, Kira's greatest spokesperson, have arrived! Good news! We have almost reached our donation goal of one million yen, to construct Kira's shrine! Thank you for your support, everyone! As a bonus, we have a special guest with us today! Why don't you say hello to the cameras?

"Ah, hi! It is my pleasure to be here."

Now then, let's have my assistant Takada take over with the interview.

Thank you, Demegawa. Let's get on with the questions! So, honoured guest, why do you worship Kira?

"I don't really 'worship' him, *chuckle*, but I do believe that Kira is doing the world a favor. All the criminals are being executed, even ones who have eluded the actual authority. I believe Kira to be the vanguard of justice, carrying out judgment in lieu of the police, who cannot possibly catch everyone who commits a wrong deed. While I do not know of his methods or completely approve of the killing of criminals who have committed crimes too minor to deserve death, I believe that Kira's presence, overall, is beneficial to society."

But is it really fine to kill everyone who breaks the law? What if the law is wrong?

"Kira is the law, my friend."

Why do you say that?

"Those in power are the ones who write the law. Kira is more powerful than our government or police force right now; he exacts justice without relying on fallible methods to capture those who do evil. While Kira may have a power that the rest of us do not, I don't think he is God; Kira may be a person just like us, and I believe that he has reasons for his judgment."

What if Kira is evil? He is still killing people, despite the nature of those people who died.

"Then we wouldn't be having this conversation now, would we?"

Very good point. Do you, then, believe that Kira is an embodiment of justice?

"Yes, of course!"

So there you have it folks, Kira serves justice! It is always refreshing to see that another avid supporter of Kira has joined our ranks. Tomorrow, at this time, please look forward to our broadcast! We hope that more guests will participate; perhaps we may even glimpse the opinions of those who may have a different view of this issue!

When the show ended, Frank Valdivia barely had time to blink before he was handcuffed and blindfolded. He struggled and asked for help, but was shocked to hear familiar voices speaking to him.

"Sorry buddy, L's orders. You will be executed today under the suspicion of your identity as Kira!"

Riney's pleas of innocence went unheard as a lethal dose of Xeomin was injected into his bloodstream.

Night 1 ends December 5th, 23:59 EST. Send in all night actions before then.


Dec 4 2011, 6:11 am Roy Post #213

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Three years of German allowed me to immediately recognize the word "Kugelschreiber," which means "pen." WHAT COULD IT MEAN?

I have also proven my role as Negligent Civilian by appearing on Sakura TV.

From no entry from M, we can infer he was among those that didn't send in a night action last night.

Quote from poison_us
Quote from Roy
Also, I'm looking for a drug dealer (specifically, a local cocaine dealer). If you happen to be that drug dealer, please consider contacting me.
:teach: In real life, or in this game?
In this game, and it's actually quite important at this stage of the game.

Dec 4 2011, 6:23 am Tempz Post #214

In medical science amputation is barbaric act but a necessary act in some cases but when do we draw the line.

Sac you tactics will kill kira but I'm afraid your kamikaze strat will favor the mafia and m/n.


Dec 4 2011, 6:27 am Sacrieur Post #215

Still Napping

N is on my side, Tempz.

I had no choice. The negligent investigators were not cooperating when they had no reason not to.


Dec 4 2011, 6:29 am DevliN Post #216


[Post redacted]
Nevermind, I kept reading Sac's posts as if he was given the Note, not as if his name was written in it. :/

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 4 2011, 9:46 am by DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Dec 4 2011, 9:00 am poison_us Post #217

Back* from the grave

Damn, now I can't work with the Mafia.

Dec 4 2011, 3:05 pm Bar Refaeli Post #218

Update player list please. Do we know which pseudonym died?


Dec 4 2011, 3:07 pm Raitaki Post #219

Quote from name:Raccoon
Update player list please. Do we know which pseudonym died?
It says Frank Valdiva in the post :massimo:


Dec 4 2011, 3:21 pm TiKels Post #220


So in-thread voting, at this point, seems fairly irrelevant :bleh:

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


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Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
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Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
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[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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