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Azrael's Mafia #1: Resident Evil
Oct 23 2011, 4:05 am
By: Azrael
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Nov 16 2011, 2:10 pm poison_us Post #981

Back* from the grave

You successfully test Aristocrat's blood.

There is a high level of antibodies present in his bloodstream.

You notice trace amounts of an unusual substance in his blood. Upon further analysis, it appears to be the remnants of a complex cocktail of drugs. The components you are able to determine are sodium thiopental, potassium chloride, flunitrazepam, and atropine.

Quote from name:TL;DR:">]TL;DR: rapid-onset short-acting barbiturate general anaesthetic
Quote from name:It">]It is also used in medicine, lethal injections, scientific applications, food processing, and as a sodium-free substitute for table salt (sodium chloride).
Quote from name:a">]a potent hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, amnestic, and skeletal muscle relaxant drug most commonly known as Rohypnol.
Quote from name:Injections">]Injections of atropine are used in the treatment of bradycardia (an extremely low heart rate). Atropine blocks the action of the vagus nerve, a part of the parasympathetic system of the heart whose main action is to decrease heart rate. Therefore, its primary function in this circumstance is to increase the heart rate.
So he was numbed, lethally injected, sedated, and then brought back. I don't see any ability that even remotely comes close to being able to fake death, so I believe this is the work of the Beguiler.

Furthermore, I don't think Roy is USS. I specifically told him to ensure that Aristocrat and I would be placed together, so that I could blood test him. If he was USS, he could've just placed me, Aristocrat, and the Assassin in the same place, so that Aristocrat would have (then) a one in 4 chance of being able to prove his alignment, which would drop to a one in 8 if I was killed.

While this doesn't mean Roy isn't USS in a plan to get our allegiance, it does definitely count towards his innocence in my book. It's my personal suspicion that Aristocrat may be the Infiltrator, in some mastermind plan concocted with the Beguiler.

What's even more interesting is that we have only one definite USS killed, while three people instantly vote for Roy. And even better, shadow may have had two votes to his name, and was instantly killed when Aristocrat came back, to prove Aristocrat's "innocence". When he could've used the same tactic on an active player that he did on Observer, yet didn't, I find this very suspicious.

Nov 16 2011, 2:23 pm Azrael Post #982

Day 7 Voting Progress

  • Roy
  • Roy
  • Roy (3)

Currently up for lynching: Roy

Nov 16 2011, 3:35 pm poison_us Post #983

Back* from the grave

Actually, I vote Aristocrat.

Nov 16 2011, 3:42 pm Raitaki Post #984

Quote from Night 6
Unnamed, Science Fiction

They’d come and do strange things, such as abduct people seemingly at random, or construct strange, non-mechanical contraptions about the purpose of which they had been much guessing. They’d been given many names, such as “Martians”, “Celestial People”, and “The Magnus”. //All of their recent visits to mankind coincided with the end of each of the great ages of the history of mankind. Their appearances seem to grow further away from the end of each age as time grew, so many speculated that their visits were coincidental, random and that there were many more unreported visits. Others believed that they could see the end of mankind, and they are either working towards it or are trying to warn us and get our attention. Whatever the truth, people have been trying to make themselves the person who reveals it. Among those who ventured on the journey to unmask those mysterious being, perhaps the most celebrated person was Graham Morlington, who had went to great lengths to discover these:
It seems something is supposed to go behind the colons. Other Researchers post your documents to see if they connect :hurr:
Also it's interesting that 2 people would vote Roy because of a very personal suspicion from Aristo. For not now, I vote No Lynch.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 16 2011, 3:49 pm by Raitaki. Reason: Oops.


Nov 16 2011, 4:59 pm Roy Post #985

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Quote from Aristocrat
Like shadow, your role powers have not been confirmed yet. Please convince me that you are truly town-aligned and hold no secrets from me, or I will be forced to strike my vote against you.
Unlike shadow, an Investigator checked what I did on the first night, which was nothing. Unless you think I'm a different role that doesn't visit (which would either be Infiltrator before activation or maybe Beguiler depending on the ability). But let's step back a moment and examine our alliance history. In the history of our alliance, I have always been honest and transparent, whereas you've been deceitful and only revealing half-truths.

Quote from poison_us
You successfully test Aristocrat's blood.

There is a high level of antibodies present in his bloodstream.

You notice trace amounts of an unusual substance in his blood. Upon further analysis, it appears to be the remnants of a complex cocktail of drugs. The components you are able to determine are sodium thiopental, potassium chloride, flunitrazepam, and atropine.
Sounds like you have an unusual resistance to the T-Virus as well. Care to explain that?

Nov 16 2011, 7:29 pm Lanthanide Post #986

I Abstain.

Actually I wonder if this whole time since Aristocrat died, we didn't really have any USS left at all until he was resurrected, since it seems everyone left has fairly good claims on being genuine town. This would seem kind of unfair though, to have a USS who was apparently dead still preventing town from winning.

Oh, also, Echo said he administered 50% vial of vaccine to Aristocrat last night (I have no idea why he'd do this, but that's what he said) in case he was a zombie. That could explain the blood test results.


Nov 16 2011, 8:03 pm poison_us Post #987

Back* from the grave

Eh, that could explain it, but why waste the half vial? Seems like it wouldn't do anything, though it explains the additional antibodies. Still, it feels as if he's trying to get rid of as many votes as possible.

Nov 16 2011, 8:18 pm Lanthanide Post #988

Yeah, I have no idea either. But that's what he said.

I'll post the messages he sent me very shortly after I voted for him above (see where it says edited? I initially voted Echo, then changed my vote to Roy). Here's a straight copy/paste from my inbox history with a little clean up, so oldest message at bottom. Top message is my last reply to Echo.

PM message log

Also the chemicals in Aristocrat's blood are most likely pointing at the infiltrator, either Aristo being an infiltrator or having been suggested by one:
Quote from First post
USS Infiltrator - A cunning specialist devoted solely to the art of artifice, he has developed a powerful chemical compound that makes the human mind extremely vulnerable to suggestion for a short period of time. The target will not remember being dosed or that they received a suggestion. To make his infiltration perfect, he used the compound on the other USS operatives, telling them to forget his identity until they meet him again. He then used the compound on himself, with a recording he made instructing him to do the same.
Perfect Guise: This ability is passive. The Infiltrator begins the game believing he is a Survivor, and has the possibility of being any role. His true identity will never be revealed to the Survivors through clues, investigations, or even death. If he visits or is visited by a member of the USS, both of them will remember his identity. If all other USS die, the Infiltrator will remember his own identity. If the Infiltrator dies, all USS will remember his identity, although his Survivor role will be the one made public.

If he remembers his identity, the Infiltrator still retains any abilities he had from his Survivor role. On each subsequent night, the Infiltrator can visit the other Survivors and use his trusted relationships to surprise them with a hypodermic needle full of the chemical compound. They quickly forget about the encounter, and become momentarily susceptible to suggestion.
Suggest: Can only be used after remembering his identity. Targets a person at night, also stating a suggestion to provide them. The suggestion must be 30 characters or less in length, and cannot be written in abbreviations, misspellings, or other shorthand. This ability can be used on the same night as any ability the Infiltrator had as a Survivor. If the target is not a Zombie, they will be initially unaware of the suggestion, but will act on it accordingly. The suggestion can be changed by reusing the ability on the target. If the target is a Zombie, there is no effect, and the Infiltrator is informed of the target's role.

Could Aristo be Infiltrator, with the Beguiler having somehow faked his death or injected him with a resurrection chemical? It seems RE + infiltrator would be a ridiculously powerful combination, though.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 16 2011, 8:27 pm by Lanthanide.


Nov 16 2011, 9:42 pm TiKels Post #989

I vote aristocrap.


"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Nov 16 2011, 10:01 pm Aristocrat Post #990

Quote from Lanthanide
Could Aristo be Infiltrator, with the Beguiler having somehow faked his death or injected him with a resurrection chemical? It seems RE + infiltrator would be a ridiculously powerful combination, though.

Unlikely. If I am the infiltrator, I do not know about it at this point in time, and I'll volunteer to have DevliN ban me for a year in the case that I'm the infiltrator if you think I'm lying.

Quote from Night 6
Unnamed, Science Fiction

They’d come and do strange things, such as abduct people seemingly at random, or construct strange, non-mechanical contraptions about the purpose of which they had been much guessing. They’d been given many names, such as “Martians”, “Celestial People”, and “The Magnus”. //All of their recent visits to mankind coincided with the end of each of the great ages of the history of mankind. Their appearances seem to grow further away from the end of each age as time grew, so many speculated that their visits were coincidental, random and that there were many more unreported visits. Others believed that they could see the end of mankind, and they are either working towards it or are trying to warn us and get our attention. Whatever the truth, people have been trying to make themselves the person who reveals it. Among those who ventured on the journey to unmask those mysterious being, perhaps the most celebrated person was Graham Morlington, who had went to great lengths to discover these:

The last letter of the first sentence, the second-to-last letter of the second sentence, the third-to-last letter of the third sentence, etc. (ignoring the sentence commented out by //), spell out this:

Quote from Night 6
Unnamed, Science Fiction

They’d come and do strange things, such as abduct people seemingly at random, or construct strange, non-mechanical contraptions about the purpose of which they had been much guessing. They’d been given many names, such as “Martians”, “Celestial People”, and “The Magnus”. //All of their recent visits to mankind coincided with the end of each of the great ages of the history of mankind. Their appearances seem to grow further away from the end of each age as time grew, so many speculated that their visits were coincidental, random and that there were many more unreported visits. Others believed that they could see the end of mankind, and they are either working towards it or are trying to warn us and get our attention. Whatever the truth, people have been trying to make themselves the person who reveals it. Among those who ventured on the journey to unmask those mysterious being, perhaps the most celebrated person was Graham Morlington, who had went to great lengths to discover these:


I vote TiKels.


Nov 16 2011, 10:05 pm poison_us Post #991

Back* from the grave

Thing is, you've had it out for TiKels for a while. First actual interpretation of a research that seems legitimate, though. Decisions, decisions. I'll wait until I'm not thinking of puking my guts out to decide.

Nov 16 2011, 10:23 pm Lanthanide Post #992

These are very early posts in the thread, where Tikels was the first person to clearly indicate that all hackers had to co-ordinate their lists otherwise they wouldn't work.

I always thought having 5 hackers seemed a bit unlikely. It seems that Tikels was looking to fake-claim and so double-checked with Azrael the rules for hacker to see if it would act as a good cover for himself - he could always claim that some other hacker screwed up if the results didn't go as anticipated.

I'll have to let Roy and Poison, who know much more about the hacker activities than I do, to give their thoughts on this. If Tikels is the last USS, then obviously he can't kill anyone when he believes he's been walled off, because he'd blow his cover wide open.

Collapsable Box


Nov 16 2011, 11:35 pm Azrael Post #993

Day 7 Voting Progress

  • Roy (1)
  • Aristocrat
  • Aristocrat (2)
  • Roy
  • TiKels (1)
  • No Lynch (1)
  • Roy
  • Abstain

Currently up for lynching: Aristocrat

Nov 16 2011, 11:40 pm TiKels Post #994

I'd appreciate it if you didn't explicitly state my role in thread. I actually very specifically avoided doing such out of principle. It is not your place to do that. It seems kinda silly, but I didn't even want to say "daddywhoo is in my group, I'm really pretty sure he's innocent" (more fleshed out, but w/e), because I didn't want to reveal his role, because I knew a handful knew MY role.

That being said, I'd like to think that aristocrat's clue interpretation is a little too easy. Azrael expects way more work than that.

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Nov 17 2011, 12:20 am Lanthanide Post #995

Quote from TiKels
I'd appreciate it if you didn't explicitly state my role in thread. I actually very specifically avoided doing such out of principle. It is not your place to do that. It seems kinda silly, but I didn't even want to say "daddywhoo is in my group, I'm really pretty sure he's innocent" (more fleshed out, but w/e), because I didn't want to reveal his role, because I knew a handful knew MY role.
I don't think there's anyone who didn't know it at this point anyway. For you to be USS requires you to be fake-claiming your role and my evidence above requires me to state what your role is. If you are USS, then it very much is "my place" to present any and all evidence I have in this thread that you are USS. Public interest overrules your right to privacy.

That being said, I'd like to think that aristocrat's clue interpretation is a little too easy. Azrael expects way more work than that.
Perhaps, but it does make a lot of logical sense. If you actually read the text it goes along with the idea of us being rather scant on clues but also giving up on ever being able to decode one. Maybe Azrael just decided to throw us a bone and give us one that was a bit easier than others, because clearly we'd made no progress or even effort on the apparent number/math clues.

The only other alternative is that it's a pure coincidence that the letters line up in those sentences. Seems kind of unlikely, and the // on the sentence to ignore has no other obvious purpose or reason.

I vote Tikels, the lady doth protest too much.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Nov 17 2011, 12:30 am by Lanthanide.


Nov 17 2011, 12:49 am Aristocrat Post #996

So Tempz and EzTerix, would you mind posting your research from last night? I'd like to take a stab at them as well.


Nov 17 2011, 2:17 am Tempz Post #997

Price List

Study baseline: $52124
Vial of φ-sample: $47657
aVert system: $39959
λ-mapping data: $69768
Base pair mapping: $48298
Sequencing data: $112228
Par-L system: $56225
CrossGen M-sample: $68917

I vote tikels


Nov 17 2011, 2:34 am Aristocrat Post #998

Quote from Lanthanide
Public interest overrules your right to privacy.
Would you say the same thing about the real world? :lol:


Nov 17 2011, 2:41 am Lanthanide Post #999

Quote from Aristocrat
Quote from Lanthanide
Public interest overrules your right to privacy.
Would you say the same thing about the real world? :lol:
If there is legitimate public interest, then yes.

Note that "public interest" is actually a pretty tall requirement to meet. And I actually say this precisely because of a political scandal currently going on in my country where the prime minister claims to have had a "private conversation" in the middle of a political stunt that he specifically invited the media to during the election campaign and the conversation was accidentally recorded by the media.


Nov 17 2011, 2:43 am TiKels Post #1000

I just wanna point out a few things.

I was proven, beyond any doubt, to have the abilities of a hacker. This would mean that, if I am any sort of USS, I would HAVE to be infiltrator. If you recognize me as infiltrator, then you also recognize that previous players to be believed as infiltrator (aka hellfire, who, if you recall, suddenly shifted play styles upon being visited by a believed USS player, and, if I recall, blatantly lied against the best interests of the town) are actually completely innocent.

I have sufficiently convinced both poison and roy of my authenticity. This entire time everything I've done has been in the best interest of the town. Someone, namely a townie that has been resurrected and is completely not trust-worthy due to voodoo magic, puts out a clue interpretation that is too easy for azrael to have concocted. Azrael would not have made it that easy. He would not have "thrown us a bone". That would go against what he has talked about
Quote from name:shoutbox
Azrael.Wrath -- The host shouldn't act as a DM deciding who lives and dies by deciding who to reveal or which Townies to frame.
Azrael.Wrath -- It's just complete and utter bullshit.
Azrael.Wrath -- And if the Town is doing too good, then throwing out red herrings against Townies to trip them up.
Azrael.Wrath -- Like "okay guys, gonna try to help you out by handicapping the other team as tremendously as I can by revealing their identities".
Azrael.Wrath -- And the better the Mafia play, the more obvious the host makes the clues.
Azrael.Wrath -- Like when you used invisible text to post a post number in roman numerals that basically said "Demon is the Traitor", which is the same thing many hosts do, I don't understand it.
Azrael.Wrath -- Sorry but I don't believe the host should be telling the Town who the Mafia are. If you figure out one of my clues then you've earned it. Of course even then you have to factor in possible falsifying.

I need to defend myself.

I implore you to find holes in my logic. I BEG you to.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Nov 17 2011, 2:48 am by TiKels.

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


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terrible game
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