It always annoyed me when someone got stuck making a map because they didn't have an idea on what to do; whether this idea be the entire map's idea or a map function. I have a lot of good ideas in my head that I just can't leave hanging and I have to let go. I, most likely, will never use these ideas so they're free to the open public. If you think of an idea, post it in this thread and I'll gladly post it in this first post and give credit accordingly. I hope I and the community of SEN can conjure a great reference list for aspiring mapmakers to use for ideas. Anyhoo, here is the list so far:
Updated: 4/8/09 at 5:39 PM
Random Quest Generator: The random quest generator works by complete randomization (as you can tell by the name) of a number of variables. When the player arrives at an area that the random quest will be generated, the map will automatically randomize "Death Count 1", which will be the first variable, then "Death Count 2" and so on. The randomization of the death count can come in however many options you want for that variable (IE: When certain switches are randomized you set it to 1, 2, 3, 4...). Then, the map detects that variable one has been set and the second variable will be randomized. It works like a Mad Lib.
The process goes like this:
1.) (Objective) the (Noun [person]) in (Noun [place]) to (Action) and (Complete).
2.) Kill the (Noun [person]) in (Noun [place]) to (Action) and (Complete).
3.) Kill the Merchant in (Noun [place]) to (Action) and (Complete).
4.) Kill the Merchant in Tanyard to (Action) and (Complete).
5.) Kill the Merchant in Tanyard to steal his/her money and (Complete).
6.) Kill the Merchant in Tanyard to steal his/her money and return to me.
Of course, the entire quest would be given to you after the process, and not in bits and pieces. The Random Quest Generator could be great for making side quests in RPGs and such when players want to make some extra cash.
Jumping System: One thing I REALLY hated in zombie maps was when you would get surrounded and have no possible way of getting out because more and more zombies piled on you. This is a very, very simple system that solves that problem! When the player uses the jumping action, a burrowed zergling moves beneath them and unburrows, then gets removed. This could also be used to escape zombies by jumping over fences (Psi Emitters, perhaps?) and then leaving them in the dust. The cool thing is that you don't always make the jump, so it's realistic. You could even have a computer controlled ally able to do this action the same way a player does, and perhaps the scene would be set like this: Zombies are crawling into the alleyway and you and your buddy are unable to defend yourselves due to lack of ammunition, so you guys are escaping through an alleyway when a fence blocks your way... so your friend tells you to jump over and he tries to do the same. Maybe you make it over, but your friend doesn't and you have to watch him get eaten alive, or vice versa.
Cell Phone: This is a refined way of saying "Menu System", but it takes it to a whole new level. The player's mobile phone lets them access important features in the map. It's also perfect for drunk-dialing your ex at 3 in the morning. You navigate through the cell phone like you would with any other menu system, but here's the catch: You can also use the phone to call people via a system that uses death counts to find the digit used, and then goes on to the next one. The player is able to dial numbers this way. This could be used for cheats and even other little easter eggs. For instance, you can call 9-1-1 and a cop car will come to your location and see if there's any crime going on. If you find a phone number somewhere, then perhaps you could prank call it, who knows. Of course, the phone holds other little features, such as game options, contacts (for an extensive map with a plethora of characters), etc. It can also be used during a quest (or mission) that requires a player to dial a certain number and then chat with the person for information, or something like that. The possibilities are endless as long as you can think of some .
Dynamic Party: Instead of just one generic hero and maybe a pet in an RPG, it's like Final Fantasy and you have a party of people, depending on who you recruit into your party and they come packed with skills and items, could go insane and back stab, or are infected and don't tell you in a zombie map. Example being you recruit a Doctor, who can heal wounds and such, and maybe he comes with a shotgun too. But if you don't feed/protect people in your party no one will want to join, and they'll have mutiny on you. -Pigy_G
Laser Mine: Test Map. I was always bored with simple spells like planting a mine or two, so this enhances that. The Laser Mine allows the player to set down a mine which is then given to another player. If you set the mine, an invisible wraith will appear over it. Whenever an enemy walks by, the wraith will shoot at them and the mine will unburrow (in fact, it's more than one mine). When an enemy walks over the mine, it will explode and the wraith moves away (if every mine is destroyed). The laser mine is a cool way to add a little extra visual and gameplay effect to what could be a simple spell. Note that it can detect more than one mine, but this test map only detects up to 3.
Force Gun: Test Map. A little concept I was going to use in a map that was originally supposed to come out differently. It was good and bad that this came out because it was different than I was expecting. Press "W" near (and I mean right near) an object (Besides yourself and supply depots) to move it to your aiming spot. There is a small scenario in which you have to barricade a small fortress from zombies in the map or else all hell will break loose. You can move Zombies, Survivors, and of course, the Barricade. You can even do "knock back". If a zombie is attacking you, just move him / her away and they won't bother you. This would be perfect for barricading a house in a zombie map; perhaps for a mission or just for a free roam mode.
Gravity System: Test Map. The gravity system can be utilized to produce 2D side scrollers or GameBoy-like maps. The player can jump up and then fall back down, and if a wall is there, they won't fall any further. However, if a wall isn't there to curb their fall, they'll fall straight down. Classic Mario maps and such can be made using this system. The test map also allows the player to create their own map using the in-game editor that can place walls, a key, a door, and a starting location for the character, a nice feature that can be used to experiment and possibly be mass produced for multiple players so they can share their levels and play them together. Enemies like goombas could even be placed, falling off the edge when possible but reincarnating when there are no players in the level.
Block Forts:
Quote from MillenniumArmy
To me this would be a perfect mix of Risk and Zone Control. These block forts are simply large chunks of square terrain (zones) with floor traps(?) or cannons or sunkens along the perimeters. The defenses are invincible and belong to you if you control that "Fort."
- The arena would be a big 9x9 board. The "Forts" are every other 1x1 squares so each fort is surrounded by 8 blank 1x1 squares (These squares should be big enough to serve as fortresses.) So in total there would be 16 Block Forts. The size can be bigger or smaller depending on how you want this game to work.
- Haven't really thought this part out yet but these "Forts" can be strengthened, i.e. have stronger defenses (more floortraps/cannons? Or have a second layer of defense and etc?) The stronger it is the harder it is for enemies to take it over.
- Each fort (can) produce units. The types of units produced depend on the level of "strength" of each fort? Or each fort can produce its own unique units?
- You could have heroes if you want. But I think this game would fare better when you macro with your infantry.
- Goal would be to obviously conquer <insert number> of forts, or conquer them all. Can be FFA like risk or it could be teams. Again I haven't thought this part out.
- The arena would be a big 9x9 board. The "Forts" are every other 1x1 squares so each fort is surrounded by 8 blank 1x1 squares (These squares should be big enough to serve as fortresses.) So in total there would be 16 Block Forts. The size can be bigger or smaller depending on how you want this game to work.
- Haven't really thought this part out yet but these "Forts" can be strengthened, i.e. have stronger defenses (more floortraps/cannons? Or have a second layer of defense and etc?) The stronger it is the harder it is for enemies to take it over.
- Each fort (can) produce units. The types of units produced depend on the level of "strength" of each fort? Or each fort can produce its own unique units?
- You could have heroes if you want. But I think this game would fare better when you macro with your infantry.
- Goal would be to obviously conquer <insert number> of forts, or conquer them all. Can be FFA like risk or it could be teams. Again I haven't thought this part out.
Hostages: Basically, players can punch enemies to stun them, and then take them hostage, where the enemy (who will constantly move to the player) will absorb all hits that would've been directed to the player (until it dies, of course). The players would first have to be in close proximity of an enemy, then use the punch action, then a hostage action and then they use the hostage to their benefit. Of course, carrying a hostage will slow you down, so a burrowed unit will go under your character.
Post has been edited 9 time(s), last time on May 25 2009, 2:34 pm by lil-Inferno.