Look, I know I shouldn't rant, but I have sort-of lost hope of this country and it's people. Whatever you guys can say about this, post away.
How can Hilary concede from this election, of all the things she could've done!? Of all the things she's done, this is damn near the dumbest one she did so far!
She lost the election. Did you want her to throw a tantrum instead of conceding?
First, it's what you do. You concede victory if you lose the election, and she lost a wide margin of electoral votes. It's called having faith in the system.
Second, Al Gore asked for a recount in 2000 and despite everything Bush still won. Trump had been trying to set up states like Nevada for recount just in case and the courts denied him. Clinton has no recourse.
Even Obama has congratulated Trump and asked him to come over for a smooth transition of power. It's over. This is the American political process.
I'm not happy with the results in the slightest. But this is how it's done, how it's always been done.

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Just a reminder that this is in Lite Discussion: keep jokes/memes/hyperboles to the Shoutbox, or start another discussion in Null.How can Hilary concede from this election, of all the things she could've done!? Of all the things she's done, this is damn near the dumbest one she did so far!
Like others have said, Trump already had all of the electoral votes to win the election. Conceding is standard practice. What is
unorthodox is that Hillary did not give a concession speech yesterday night (she'll give one today instead); it's been rumored that her team did not have one prepared because they thought defeat was inconceivable.
It's pretty fascinating how far off the polls and predictions were this time around. Even Nate Silver, who is known for applying statistics to accurately determine the outcome for each state, was surprisingly inaccurate. I think the media demonizing/making fun of Trump created a bubble of voters who wouldn't interact with polling and other forms of media interaction, which created a more unpredictable/surprising outcome.

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum
Someone fed the troll and now look what's happened.
To be honest though, I doubt things will be as bad as people fear. As much as I dislike Trump, I don't think he'll manage to pull off as much crazy shit as he says.
To be honest though, I doubt things will be as bad as people fear. As much as I dislike Trump, I don't think he'll manage to pull off as much crazy shit as he says.
He probably won't pull off some of the crazy shit, yes, but with both the House and Senate being Republican, they'll be able to potentially repeal a lot of things that are important to
many people (Planned Parenthood, LGBT rights, ACA, etc). I think that's what most people are afraid of.

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum
To be honest though, I doubt things will be as bad as people fear. As much as I dislike Trump, I don't think he'll manage to pull off as much crazy shit as he says.
He probably won't pull off some of the crazy shit, yes, but with both the House and Senate being Republican, they'll be able to potentially repeal a lot of things that are important to
many people (Planned Parenthood, LGBT rights, ACA, etc). I think that's what most people are afraid of.
Isn't that something you risk every time the Republicans win though? As a rather liberal Norwegian, I find that party's popularity in a Western country in this day and age almost bizarre.
Just a reminder that this is in Lite Discussion: keep jokes/memes/hyperboles to the Shoutbox, or start another discussion in Null.How can Hilary concede from this election, of all the things she could've done!? Of all the things she's done, this is damn near the dumbest one she did so far!
Like others have said, Trump already had all of the electoral votes to win the election. Conceding is standard practice. What is
unorthodox is that Hillary did not give a concession speech yesterday night (she'll give one today instead); it's been rumored that her team did not have one prepared because they thought defeat was inconceivable.
It's pretty fascinating how far off the polls and predictions were this time around. Even Nate Silver, who is known for applying statistics to accurately determine the outcome for each state, was surprisingly inaccurate. I think the media demonizing/making fun of Trump created a bubble of voters who wouldn't interact with polling and other forms of media interaction, which created a more unpredictable/surprising outcome.
Huh, so that's how it works? Yeah, from that logical viewpoint, you're probably right. I'm just shocked Trump won after all the stupid shit he said. I guess I really can't complain too much. It's just, I'm still in shock.
Off-Topic - Also, I know this is diverting a bit, but something happened to StarCraft Legacy and I can't login to the site. Their servers are down and it's been apparently two days now. any ideas what's going on there?
He probably won't pull off some of the crazy shit, yes, but with both the House and Senate being Republican, they'll be able to potentially repeal a lot of things that are important to many people (Planned Parenthood, LGBT rights, ACA, etc). I think that's what most people are afraid of.
This. Also Congress (unless Congress == House, in which case, my statement is redundant).
But also the Supreme Court has a vacancy and possibly a second vacancy in the future. The first vacancy will obviously be Republican.
So, having control in Congress, Senate, and the SC, the Republicans can more or less do whatever they want federally, apparently.
On top of Trump's shitlord of a VP, Pence? Holy shit. Can the USA not be filled with so many pieces of shit? (Impossible ofc with so many fucking white racists and sexists dominating the polls. So, in a way, Trump's win is just the way the US has been going in general for a loooong time.)

Let me show you how to hump without making love.
He probably won't pull off some of the crazy shit, yes, but with both the House and Senate being Republican, they'll be able to potentially repeal a lot of things that are important to many people (Planned Parenthood, LGBT rights, ACA, etc). I think that's what most people are afraid of.
This. Also Congress (unless Congress == House, in which case, my statement is redundant).
But also the Supreme Court has a vacancy and possibly a second vacancy in the future. The first vacancy will obviously be Republican.
So, having control in Congress, Senate, and the SC, the Republicans can more or less do whatever they want federally, apparently.
On top of Trump's shitlord of a VP, Pence? Holy shit. Can the USA not be filled with so many pieces of shit? (Impossible ofc with so many fucking white racists and sexists dominating the polls. So, in a way, Trump's win is just the way the US has been going in general for a loooong time.)
You forgot Chris Christie is getting a cabinet position as well.
Be angry all you guys want. I for one am extremely happy. I hate social justice and I hate political correctness. I think social justice warriors, reddit, twitter, facebook, and the social internet in general deserves their collective feelings to be hurt.
I've taken the short end of the stick when it comes to social justice since I'm a white cis male. I've been target of institutionalized and systematic racism for being a white cis male. Never in my life have I never witnessed such racism against any other group of people, and happy the anti-patriarchy and anti-white attitude is taking a huge beating. I think the general social media populace deserves a large slap in their emotions, and Trump gave it to them fair and square.
Just sharing an opinion like the rest of you.
Encouraging further vengeance and racism only empowers the enemy. Trump will only validate the fears and race has against the middle aged white mail. The cycle continues and gains strength. Fuck Trump, and fuck the people who don't think we have the decency to choose someone better. FYI you can be politically correct, and actually correct at the same time. All of Obama's speeches are centrest, and extremely informative to the white houses perspective on any given issue. I've seen him lay things out step by step, give perfect reasoning for his policy decisions, yet somehow people think hes deceiving them. As far as speehes go, I don't think anybody could give a more comprehensive step by step process via speech as Obama did. Fuck Trump dude, hes far below the spectrum of Obama. There are other more intelligent, forward thinking business ceo's that could easily be there, yet here is Trump. What the fuck ever guys, its Trump.
I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.
Following the shoutbox shitstorm:
Seems like some take major offense to me wanting others to feel bad. Unfortunately I believe in morality, and when someone makes a morally poor choice, or an incorrect choice (by whatever standards we care about) then I think it's perfectly acceptable to expect said someone to feel bad. I believe one should feel bad for making poor choices. I don't think there's anything wrong with this. So feel bad racist SJWs. Feel bad.
I don't really have a lot to put in this thread, but I came across this link and I thought it was worth reading:
http://www.cracked.com/blog/dear-white-people-stop-saying-everything-will-be-ok/It only focuses on racial minorities; it should mention LGBQ+ and probably also women.
Go and read the comments from that article to get actual views from both sides.

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
@article: Okay, I'm not gonna say everything will be okay, but I will say that the things you're alluding to probably won't happen. I think this article comes from someone who hasn't understood why trump won. He didn't win "because democrazy worked" and everone is a racist. There's too many things to name why he won, but a big factor certainly is that he managed to make a certain group of people that are going through a rough path (I'm looking at you rustbelt) feel like he could change something. Those people are desperate and fed up and angry, that's why they voted someone who reflects that. Another big factor is because he pulled the right strings to eleminate his rivals, and Hillary, who had was too unpopular to be a good candidate, did the same.
It seems it's more like a strategic victory than anything.

Let me show you how to hump without making love.
It seems it's more like a strategic victory than anything.
I would call it a win by default, rather than a strategic win. Independent will never win so long as electoral votes exist and Hillary was far too unpopular even among her own party members.

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan
I voted for him. Glad he won, I think he'll be a great president.
@article: Okay, I'm not gonna say everything will be okay, but I will say that the things you're alluding to probably won't happen.
He has said that he'll appoint judges to reverse Roe v Wade (make abortion illegal). He has said that he'll try and get marriage equality repealed. Those are two massive topics for women and LGBT+, hence why I said the article should have mentioned those groups.
As for race-based stuff, I generally agree that he will probably do less legislatively than many people are fearing, but culturally, having an openly bigoted and racist man in charge of the country is going to embolden a lot of people to behave very very badly, in ways that they wouldn't have behaved if any other candidate from the last 20 years had won the race, even though they themselves would still hold the same attitudes, having a president "on their side" normalises their behaviour.
People are in general freaking out about Muslim immigration right now:
https://twitter.com/M_Ullah/status/796761799785934848. One thing I keep seeing is a strong collation between Muslim and race. As far as I can tell being a Muslim is about practicing/subscribing to Islam, which is currently regarded as a religion, i.e. decidedly not a race. A lot of republicans talks I've seen lately have the idea to label Islam as an ideology instead of a religion, such that it has no legal protection in the US (religions are granted a lot of legal benefits, whereas ideologies are not really legally recognized).
Just wondering if anyone here has any particular thoughts on the current uproar.