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[SOLVED] one kill one mineral
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Mar 8 2012, 2:45 am
By: Cadia-  

Mar 8 2012, 2:45 am Cadia- Post #1

what sort of triggers do i need so every kill the player gets, the same player gets a mineral?

please and thank you guys


Mar 8 2012, 2:49 am Sacrieur Post #2

Still Napping

Kills to cash.


Mar 8 2012, 2:50 am Dem0n Post #3

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Do you want each kill, regardless of unit, to give the same amount of minerals? If so, make this trigger:

  • Player 1
  • Conditions
  • Player 1 kills score is at least 1
  • Actions
  • Modify resources for current player: Add 1 mineral.
  • Modify score for current player: Set to 0 kills.
  • Preserve trigger.

  • Every time the player kills a unit, his kill score will increase, and when it's at least 1 (which is after he kills any unit), he'll gain 1 mineral and his score will go back to 0.

    Mar 8 2012, 2:51 am The_UrChai Post #4

    Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer
    Do you want each kill, regardless of unit, to give the same amount of minerals? If so, make this trigger:

  • Player 1
  • Conditions
  • Player 1 kills score is at least 1
  • Actions
  • Modify resources for current player: Add 1 mineral.
  • Modify score for current player: Set to 0 kills.
  • Preserve trigger.

  • Every time the player kills a unit, his kill score will increase, and when it's at least 1 (which is after he kills any unit), he'll gain 1 mineral and his score will go back to 0.
    What if a player kills 2 units at once? this won't work perfectly.


    Mar 8 2012, 2:55 am Dem0n Post #5

    ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

    If you have hyper triggers, the trigger will run so fast that, unless you kill two units at the exact same time, it'll run just fine. The only way I can think of two units dying at the exact time is by a nuke, so hopefully you don't have nukes. :crazy:

    Mar 8 2012, 2:57 am Sacrieur Post #6

    Still Napping

    Actually it's if you kill two or more units within two frames. Splash units can do this easily.


    Mar 8 2012, 3:00 am Dem0n Post #7

    ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

    Well, if you're only killing one type of unit (which I doubt is the case), you could just modify the trigger to subtract that unit's kill score each time instead of just setting the score to zero. For example, if you're only killing marines, you could just subtract the kill score by 100 each time, which is the marine's score. That way, if you end up killing like three marines at once, it'll subtract 100 three times, giving the player 3 minerals.

    Mar 8 2012, 3:03 am Sacrieur Post #8

    Still Napping

    And if he kills a unit worth 300 points?


    Mar 8 2012, 3:04 am Dem0n Post #9

    ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

    That's why I said if he's only killing one type of unit, but I doubt that's his case. It would make things very easy if he was though. >_>

    Mar 8 2012, 3:08 am Cadia- Post #10

    thanks for the help guys ill try this one out


    Mar 8 2012, 3:09 am The_UrChai Post #11

    Every method has a weak spot. The best way to determine the right method would be to ask yourself a few questions:
    How many units will players be able to kill at once? ( will he have splash units, or more than 1 unit?
    How many units could a player kill in an entire game? (usually infinite)
    How many different types of units are there to kill?
    How many computer (assuming your players kill computer units) players have units that the player is supposed to kill for points?

    Once we finish these questions we can make a good guess at what technique we should use. Macro triggering applications can help with very restrictive settings that involve a maximum of units dying.

    Other things that are easier to answer would also help as in:
    What type of map is this?
    Can players share kill scores? E.G. (only) Player 1 gets 4 kills, players 1, 2, 3, and 4 all get 1 point.
    How many players? CPU and Human.


    Mar 8 2012, 3:16 am Cadia- Post #12

    its better if its seperate there are 4 players 3 ally comps and one enemy comp, its a survival map


    Mar 8 2012, 3:22 am DevliN Post #13


    Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer
    That's why I said if he's only killing one type of unit, but I doubt that's his case. It would make things very easy if he was though. >_>
    So essentially


    \:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
    My Overwatch addiction.

    Mar 8 2012, 3:35 am The_UrChai Post #14

  • Player 1
  • Player 2
  • Player 3
  • Player 4
  • Conditions
  • Computer Player has suffered at least 1 death of unit (worth 50 score)
  • Current Player has at least 50 kill score
  • Actions
  • Subtract 1 deaths of unit for Computer Player
  • Subtract 50 score for Current Player
  • Add 1 mineral for Current Player
  • Preserve Trigger

  • You will need 1 trigger per type of unit.

    This will work beautifully as long as you aren't dealing with too many units.
    Say you used Infested Kerrigan, and broodlings.
    Broodlings have a very low score value (25), while kerrigans is very high (4000). There is almost no way that you can kill that many broodlings that the game would think you killed a kerrigan.
    To ensure this, have a trigger for when the player gets 10 kills, 25 kills, or 100 kils of broodlings, and make sure you subtract the correct score. There is a list of unit scores here:

    Now if you had vultures and marines, they have kill scores of 150, and 100 respectively. If you killed 3 marines, and another player killed 2 vultures, things don't work out. Hypothetically both players would get 1 kill of marine, and 1 kill of vulture with a leftover score of 50 for each player depending on how you arranged the triggers.

    What types of units the players can kill will influence you choice greatly as you can see.


    Mar 8 2012, 3:45 am Raitaki Post #15

    @UrChai: Your method risks giving minerals to a wrong player when another one when they both kill different units during 2 frames. For example, if P1 kills a kerri and P2 kills a broodling at the same time, P1 might be rewarded for a broodling kill, and both players would be left with extra kill score.


    Mar 8 2012, 3:51 am The_UrChai Post #16

    Quote from Raitaki
    @UrChai: Your method risks giving minerals to a wrong player when another one when they both kill different units during 2 frames. For example, if P1 kills a kerri and P2 kills a broodling at the same time, P1 might be rewarded for a broodling kill, and both players would be left with extra kill score.
    I might be wrong here but if you put the kerrigan trigger on top of the broodling trigger the kerrigan one will go before the broodling one right? Should have mentioned that. This does work right?


    Mar 8 2012, 3:53 am Roy Post #17

    An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

    Did any of you even look at this link? It contains all the implementations you've reiterated here plus more. If you want to get it down to a science, look at "Perfect Kills to Cash" and the "Possible Improvements" in the oldwiki.

    The implementation you want to use is dependent on your map. In the oldwiki, each implementation has a "recommendations" section to help you figure this out.

    Mar 8 2012, 3:55 am Raitaki Post #18

    Quote from The_UrChai
    Quote from Raitaki
    @UrChai: Your method risks giving minerals to a wrong player when another one when they both kill different units during 2 frames. For example, if P1 kills a kerri and P2 kills a broodling at the same time, P1 might be rewarded for a broodling kill, and both players would be left with extra kill score.
    I might be wrong here but if you put the kerrigan trigger on top of the broodling trigger the kerrigan one will go before the broodling one right? Should have mentioned that. This does work right?
    Well, that could work I guess, but in that case you'd need enough copies of triggers for kerrigan to subtract all the kerri deaths before the game starts handling broodling deaths.


    Mar 8 2012, 4:00 am ubermctastic Post #19

    One system I've used before (which i doubt will help, is using units with such large differences in kill score that the chance of the triggers being mixed up is negligible

    It was a zombie map using Infested Kerrigan: 4000 fenix Zealots 400: Zerglings:50
    You just put them in order of highest to lowest.
    Say a player kills 3 kerris 4 fenixes and 5 zerglings totaling 13850 score
    It subtracts 4000 for each kerrigan until you hit 1850
    then it subtracts 400 for the fenix zealots until you reach 250
    then it subtracts for the zerglings.

    This works up to 8 kills in one frame for zerglings or 10 kills of a zealot in one frame, but it's unlikely unless you're controlling large masses of units.
    You can also give different score for each of these units.

    Also if your survival map has rounds you can have each round have separate kill triggers based on whatever units are in that round :D


    Mar 8 2012, 4:03 am DevliN Post #20


    Okay, seriously people...

    Quote from Roy
    Did any of you even look at this link? It contains all the implementations you've reiterated here plus more. If you want to get it down to a science, look at "Perfect Kills to Cash" and the "Possible Improvements" in the oldwiki.

    The implementation you want to use is dependent on your map. In the oldwiki, each implementation has a "recommendations" section to help you figure this out.

    Now it just seems like everyone is posting just to gain minerals. If you have something legitimate to add that isn't explained in the link above (or in the "Perfect Kills to Cash" suggestion), then please stop posting methods that are already explained in detail in the wiki.

    \:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
    My Overwatch addiction.

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