Do you use sweetener in your tea? And how much?
Sometimes I sweeten hot black tea, but I never sweeten hot green tea or any iced tea.
Am I the only person here who doesn't like tea? D: It seems like everyone else is in love with it. O_o
Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer
Am I the only person here who doesn't like tea? D: It seems like everyone else is in love with it. O_o
I am a coffee man, myself. Even that I do not sweeten it.

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum
Warm tea with sugar and milk for breakfast 300-ish days of the year.
The only way I can enjoy black tea is straight, at room temperature. Enjoy drinking it, that is. The best part is dipping biscuits in it, however.
Pretty much the only kind of tea I drink is Arizona Lemon Iced Tea.
I sweeten some hot tea. I'll take a like... half a teaspoon of sugar for a big glass of black tea every now and then. Only very rarely though for black tea, so I'd say "not ever" for it.
Mcdonald's sweet tea is disgusting.
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."
Wheres the fucking "Tea is the most god damn nastiest drink ever made by man" option?
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Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.
lol@tea. I have, to this day, never made tea from a teabag.
Usually when I make tea, I take the actual herbs (I have a huge bag of them on top of my fridge), and let them steep in water for an hour or so. Then once it's done, I let it cool, then drink it straight up. It's really strong, but I like it that way.
No because I pretty much drink Arizona iced tea which is sugar within itself

Or that english tea, mmm hella good.
Or herbal tea when I'm sick lol
I'm from Canada where the only iced tea I can get is really fucking sweet. So much sugar!

Whenever I go down to the states I have to remind myself not to order iced tea.
I usually consume earl grey tea and don't put anything in it. Milk in earl grey is terrible.
Also: Who puts marshmallows in their hot chocolate? I only do if I remember to.
I think that putting sugar in tea just about ruins it.
But naturally it's the American way of bombarding one's palate with an atom bomb equivalent of corn-syrup. It would be a complete shame if anything actually had anything other than a saccharine flavor. This is supposing, of course, that one hasn't already obliterated his taste buds.
Personally, my favorite tea is green; it has a nice bold flavor that I find to be very satisfying, without the absurdly bitter taste characteristic of coffee. The stronger blends can be a bit bitter, but not overwhelmingly so.
Tea and coffee are both terrible. ;o I would never ruin my sugar by diluting it with such horrible things.
Tea just tastes bitter and disgusting, coffee tastes also bitter and disgusting.
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I've never drank tea before and don't plan to. I don't really put sugar in anything else, though.
Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.
Depends, hot tea usually not, only cold tea i ever have is arizona.

This topic is now about the epicness that is sweet tea. Feel free to discuss you're favorite purveyor of this most excellent beverage, or just about how awesome the South is in general. Blasphemers not welcome.
I rarely drink tea, but I tend to drink it the way it comes, sometimes it's sweet and other times it's not. I do not add stuff to my tea.