Let's say I wish to implement EUD conditions (HP detection in particular). Is there a way to detect the operating system so I can implement EUDs for both Mac and Windows?

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
Yes there is. At least you can check if the sc client is for MAC or Windows, but (probably) not which version. Many EUD triggers don't work for Mac or crash them, so you'll have to find one that doesn't crash when checked. Then compare the value with the expected value for Windows computers and you know if it's the Windows sc or for MACs.
Sorry I can't give a specific answer which values are stored at different memory locations.
Thank you guys!
Fox, I recall you've made some anti-hack with Tank a while ago, but never knew how you did it. What I have in mind is a virtual hitpoints system based on HP detection of a particular unit. I need to retrieve amount of damage unit suffers. I also want this to work for Macs. So the idea was to detect the OS of the player at start and then use one or another set of EUD triggers based on that information.
I also don't know if it's possible to detect unit HP on Macs at all. Please if this is possible and anyone knows the address offset of the units array for Macs it would be of great help for me!
Also, our wiki is wrong,

because Deaths data is synchronized (from my own experience), not each frame as the other data but quite often. One can only reliably store unsynched information between trigger cycles in switches.

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch
I also don't know if it's possible to detect unit HP on Macs at all. Please if this is possible and anyone knows the address offset of the units array for Macs it would be of great help for me!
HP detection on MACs works just like on PCs. Just use a memory viewer to search for the respective HP value. Check the EUD tutorials for the exact process. Requires a MAC, obviously.
This has been something I’ve been interested in implementing for a while (
http://www.staredit.net/topic/13582/), I don't own a Mac so I can't actively work the problem; but I did download a Mac version of StarCraft and used it on a friends computer, but without a effective RAM reader I’m basically lost, could only confirm the EUD's in question would drop Macs - and brute force values that have a 99.99% chance of failing in some map under some conditions

If you could help me find a good Mac RAM reader I could probably finish off this problem (some searching suggests this is nearly impossible). Otherwise, I’m currently working on building my own RAM reader/writer from scratch in Java for Macs, but as memory is very different and opportunities for me to test are rare, I don’t give it a good chance of working.
TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura -
githubReached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.
If you could help me find a good Mac RAM reader I could probably finish off this problem (some searching suggests this is nearly impossible).
http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&q=mac+cheat+engineAlso, easy way to detect what OS you're using:
Set deaths of whatever to "12fec6aa"
If the mac address for whatever is 12fec6aa, you're using a mac. If it's not, nothing happens, and you're using windows.
I can practically guarantee there will only be one 4 byte number which is 12fec6aa in SC at any given time.
"Parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Chairman - do we have to call the Gentleman a gentleman if he's not one?"
tyvm, found a link to "bit slicer" (googleable) - i'll try it out tonight
TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura -
githubReached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.
Why wouldn't you just design two of each EUD trigger, one mac, one windows, and have them side by side. I fail to see the need to detect operating systems.
"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Why wouldn't you just design two of each EUD trigger, one mac, one windows, and have them side by side. I fail to see the need to detect operating systems.
The EUD written for Windows may correspond to something else for Mac, i.e. Windows is detecting screen position, but a Mac might have that address represent the HP of a unit, therefore firing the trigger when it shouldn't fire. And vice-versa.
So i'm at friends house, in a hour or so i'll mine like 500 constants on Mac and cross test them on my laptop, i'll keep you posted.
as far as the need to detect operating system, i have a very unique case requiring them, I have to detect energy changes in order to solve CMMU / Firelag for dark swarms, it sometimes ruins games and causes confusion over if the player acctually had a "swarm glitch". However, despite the glitches critical nature, the glitch is quite rare and the game can continue despite it; therefore i want to disable the triggers when Macs are in the game so as not to drop them - which I would, of course, consider a more-critical problem.
and I would rather not cross-platform the fix as it takes 33 triggers (due to energy being a local value) increasing the memory burden of the map
Edit: So... he said i could use his computer but for abstract reasons wouldn't let me on all night, have nothin yet
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 28 2011, 3:51 pm by jjf28.
TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura -
githubReached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.