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New games
Jun 15 2013, 9:44 pm
By: Omegwavex  

Jun 15 2013, 9:44 pm Omegwavex Post #1

Well, i'm pretty bored of starcraft 1, and since i don't have a great computer, there arent a whole lot of games I can play. I need you guys to give me some old games that are still pretty fun. :)

I like almost any kind of game.

I would like some games that I can download ( Might have been on CD at one point, but it's like the downloaded version of starcraft broodwar by Moniken )
I remember i used to play Command and Conquer a lot, but i lost my zero hour CD, so if anyone can find me a working DL link for that, i'd be pretty thankful. Any other games w/ DL links are appreciated!


Jun 15 2013, 10:43 pm Roy Post #2

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

This site seems to have a lot of older games on it:

Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour isn't abandonware (yet?), so it would be illegal to download it (and therefore it's against Sen's rules to post a link) without buying it again. Here it is on Amazon (if they ship to your location). However, I found the original C&C here if you're interested.

Jun 15 2013, 11:38 pm Fire_Kame Post #3

wth is starcraft

I also think Origins (EA's downloader, a lot like Steam) has a way for you to download C&C games. I'm pretty sure that's how my fiance does it now...

As for Abandonware I find to be one of the more reputable places to get it from....but YMMV on what you find there. I also find a depressing amount of my favorite childhood games were never abandoned.

Jun 16 2013, 3:56 am Lanthanide Post #4

If you like RPGs, you should definitely play this:

Also System Shock 2 is very good if you've never played it. This fansite has gots patches and mods and things to make it better:


Jun 16 2013, 3:59 am rayNimagi Post #5

How old is your computer? I remember playing Civilization II on a machine running Windows 98 (or was it Windows 95?). Age of Empires II was also really fun.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Jun 16 2013, 3:30 pm Omegwavex Post #6

Quote from rayNimagi
Windows 98 (or was it Windows 95?)
One of dem. :P lol Think it's a 2001 XP


Jun 16 2013, 4:11 pm Sacrieur Post #7

Still Napping

GBA emulator and soooo much fun.


Jun 17 2013, 7:59 am NudeRaider Post #8

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Gonna list a few games I consider one of the best or fun games ever created:

Total Annihilation
The mother of all RTS. The engine, UI and unit autonomy favor massive battles over micromanagement and action over strategy. Nice prentation. Unique.

Warzone 2100
While offering a sub-par story and enemy AI the game shines thanks to its engine, removal of tedious base management (more focus on strategy and action) and ability to customize your units.

Combines RPG with RTS. Immersive story. Beautiful graphics. Simple yet fun strategy part. The more you RPG the easier the RTS part becomes. Different ways to win.

UFO - Enemy Unknown
Base management (including hunting UFOs and alien bases over earth) and turn based combat mixture. There's like 10 games in the series (if you include non-offical clones). I recommend the first (this one) and the 3rd (X-Com Apocalypse).
If you liked them you might also like these clones:

Not sure how bad you computer actually is, but if you can, TES III: Morrowind is a must play if you like RPGs. Huge world to explore, unique (at that time) leveling system and great item customization makes playing it a fun adventure you'll enjoy for its own sake. Hint: Become a vampire. ;)

Non-linear RPG with turn based combat. Fun, smart, excellent story and setting, and lots of stuff to explore.
Fallout 2 while still being 2D / turn-based ist just as good.
Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are 3D / 1st person and thus play entirely differently but stay true to the spirit to their predecessors but may not run on your computer.

Star Wars space combat simulator. If that interests you, play it, if not, skip it. That simple.
If you're still reading you might also want to try its predecessor X-Wing and/or the descendant X-Wing Alliance.
If you're still reading you could as well play the best space combat simulator (non-starwars) ever created:
Wing Commander Prophecy. Dark story, action-packed gameplay and phenomenal movie sequences make this a truly fun and immersive space shooter.

Honorable mentions:
WarCraft (series) -duh
Deus Ex (series)
Jagged Alliance
Star Wars: Empire at War
Knights of the Old Republic
Counterstrike (online)
or it's single player base game: Half Life
GTA: Vice City
Settlers (series)
Battle Chess :P

Jun 17 2013, 2:55 pm Dem0n Post #9

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Quote from NudeRaider
Total Annihilation
The mother of all RTS. The engine, UI and unit autonomy favor massive battles over micromanagement and action over strategy. Nice prentation. Unique.
BLASPHEMY! :massimo: :massimo:

Jun 17 2013, 3:41 pm Azrael Post #10

Quote from Sacrieur
GBA emulator and soooo much fun.

Emulators in general, check out CoolROM for some good stuff. There's a lot of great games for NES and SNES.

Jun 17 2013, 7:52 pm Fire_Kame Post #11

wth is starcraft

Yessss play tie-fighter. Most epic game of all time.

Jun 17 2013, 7:54 pm Pr0nogo Post #12

lol TA is just for retards who can't play SCBW, there's really no complexity to it. Just a-move to victory, kind of like SupCom and PA.

Jun 17 2013, 8:46 pm NudeRaider Post #13

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Pr0nogo
lol TA is just for retards who can't play SCBW, there's really no complexity to it. Just a-move to victory, kind of like SupCom and PA.
It might surprise you but there's actually people who don't play games for the challenge or test of skill but for it's presentation and like it when the game takes as much tedium as possible from them.

Also I forgot another must play:
If you don't know it yet download and play it right now. Be prepared for hilarious cutscenes and unit sounds and simple (but hard), fast paced RTS gameplay.

Jun 17 2013, 9:24 pm Azrael Post #14

Quote from NudeRaider
It might surprise you but there's actually people who don't play games for the challenge or test of skill but for it's presentation and like it when the game takes as much tedium as possible from them.

I'm not surprised, considering at least 80% of new games are casual. They're about as challenging as watching a movie, except less fluid.

I don't find it to be a very redeeming quality, personally. I think the point of playing a game is lost at the point you're not really playing.

Jun 18 2013, 5:47 pm Omegwavex Post #15

Keep in mind I am looking for some free games. o.O TA is $10


Jun 19 2013, 6:43 am NudeRaider Post #16

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Okay I get it I'm the only one liking TA and obviously for the worst reasons. What I don't get is how it seems to be such a big deal. I've posted plenty of other games and a good part of them are freely available for download.

Jun 19 2013, 4:07 pm Pr0nogo Post #17

I don't think you do get it, since I was the only one who put TA in a bad light. Azrael just talked about challenge in video games, and Omega just brought up the fact that he wanted free games instead of $10 games.

Jun 19 2013, 4:12 pm Fire_Kame Post #18

wth is starcraft

Quote from Omegwavex
Keep in mind I am looking for some free games. o.O TA is $10
Abandonia!! It's the happiest place on earth.

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[04:11 pm]
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