In the future, please title your night action PMs "Night 1 Action" or something. Makes it easier for me to compile. Also, the lateness can be attributed to the people who failed to send in night actions until right before the deadline. Blame them

Night 0:
Journal of Julius Gabriel:
It is said that fear of death is worse than death itself. I believe that witnessing the death of a loved one is worse still. To have experienced my soul mate's life slip away before my eyes, to have felt her body turn cold in my arms - this is too much despair for one heart to handle. At times, I am actually grateful to be dying, for I cannot begin to imagine the anguish of witnessing an entire population suffer amidst the planetary holocaust to come.
For those of you who scoff at my words, be forewarned: The day of reckoning is fast approaching, and ignorance of the event will do nothing to change the future.
Journal of Lewis Carrol:
What the fuck. What the fuck.
What the fuck.
What the fuck.
What the fuck. What the fuck.
What the fuck. What the fuck.
What the fuck. What the fuck.
Maybe I'm smarter because I know cats can be bats can be rats can be hats can be gnats can be thats can be thises. And that doors can be boars can be snores can be floors can be roars can be spores can be yours can be mine. I must be smart, for the interconnective system is very clear to me. Then why, or wherefore do people keep calling me mad?
Day 1 ends December 3rd, 23:59 EST. Send in all votes before then.

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
Aristo's late, as well. Nearly half an hour by my watch.
I'll say this as everyone forgets: submission deadline != game post deadline. If someone submitted something at the last minute that changes the whole outcome of the night, do you expect the post to be written in sixty seconds? Aristocrat could have just gone to bed and made the post the next morning and be perfectly justified.
I vote Lind L. Tailor. That man is a criminal sentenced to death anyway, and we don't need to bother using him as a pawn making localized broadcasts.
Also, Aristocrat said something about giving the town some sort of clue to work with before the first voting process, so keep your eyes peeled.
I am the mighty Kira. I want you all too message me your real name and a picture of yourself and some place to meet.

1870 Quaker Way
Marble Hall
Wilmington, OH 45177.IS THAT A FUCKING MOOSE xD
Also, Dat Pillow Pal
.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (
@RineyCat on Twitter
Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.
How very odd. You've just blown your cover in the mistaken belief that I'm Kira. Rather stupid of you, now you're going to die and it's not going to be my fault, but your own.
Apparently you haven't read my post well enough.
I am more or less already dead.
Either you've PM'd someone and told them something you should't have, and you're now on a death note, or alternatively by posting your pseudonym in this thread you will shortly be on a death note. Either way you're going to die, and it's not going to be my fault because I'm not Kira.
All you had to say in this post is that I was Kira. You didn't have to reveal your pseudonym. Now that you have, the real Kira (again, who is not me) will kill you.

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death
And my name is Lotus!
Sorry, little inside joke.
I don't know why you're so convinced you've been targeted by a death note.
Anyway, when this game is over you'll see how stupid you're being.
Or, actually, since I'm not Kira, whether you die or not has no bearing on me being "exonerated" or not.
Now now guys, we don't have to fight! No one has to die. Lets all work together to make sure we're all winners!