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Why do you believe?
Dec 31 2008, 11:27 am
By: Hercanic
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Why did you choose your particular religion?
Why did you choose your particular religion?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
It's what I was raised to believe. 3
I don't know much about other religions, so I default to what I know. 1
It appeals to me. 4
I had a personal experience that convinced me. 5
Faith. 5
______________. 9
N/A, I am not a theist. 45
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Poll has 72 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Jan 8 2009, 7:20 am Syphon Post #61

Quote from Kellimus
Quote from Centreri
The.. confusion comes from something existing and yet not having a beginning or an end. Humans can't understand infinity in non-abstract terms. Something not having a beginning or an end is an instance of infinity. You can comprehend that it has no beginning, but you can't actually think of it and understand it.

Theoretically the universe can be expanding in all directions at the speed of light, which would prevent you from ever reaching any corner of it and the best you could do is keep up - I'm pretty sure this is what the Big Bang theory entails.

What says the fastest way to travel in the Universe, is by light?

Nothing. Because anything with a mass cannot reach the speed of light. There are plenty of massless things that exceed C locally, the phase and group velocity of photons, Čerenkov radiation, etc.


Jan 8 2009, 11:20 pm Centreri Post #62

Relatively ancient and inactive

What says the fastest way to travel in the Universe, is by light?
Einstein, I believe. And we haven't found a faster way. Even if there are things like wormholes, my point holds - wormholes can't exist beyond the universe, so you can't 'teleport' beyond the universe, the best you can do is stay near the edge.


Jan 9 2009, 12:31 am Ultraviolet Post #63

It's what I was raised to believe. 1 ! 2%
I don't know much about other religions, so I default to what I know. 0 ! 0%
It appeals to me. 3 ! 7%
I had a personal experience that convinced me. 2 ! 5%
Faith. 2 ! 5%
______________. 2 ! 5%
N/A, I am not a theist. 31 ! 76%

I lol'd.

I don't believe in any religion because of all the conflicting views and lack of evidence. I figure that it's more likely that none of them are correct rather than one particular one being correct and the rest being wrong. On top of that, being told to have faith always seemed stupid to me. If it's really true, they should be able to back it up with some evidence.

Jan 9 2009, 12:38 am Centreri Post #64

Relatively ancient and inactive

Nerdy, your avatar is dancing rather well to the music I'm listening to...

Anyway, technically the lack of evidence and the requirement of faith is what shows God you deserve to go to heaven or whatever they teach. It's very annoying because of how it relies on faith.
Quote from Syphon
Nothing. Because anything with a mass cannot reach the speed of light. There are plenty of massless things that exceed C locally, the phase and group velocity of photons, Čerenkov radiation, etc.
You just made that heart above the C to look smart. Can't fool me. Anyway, practically, while nothing can reach the speed of light, it's possible to (somehow) reach almost the speed of light, which is essentially same thing. And irrelevant to my point anyway, since you have to surpass C to pass a theoretical universe's expanding borders.


Jan 9 2009, 1:03 am Syphon Post #65

Quote from Centreri
You just made that heart above the C to look smart. Can't fool me. Anyway, practically, while nothing can reach the speed of light, it's possible to (somehow) reach almost the speed of light, which is essentially same thing. And irrelevant to my point anyway, since you have to surpass C to pass a theoretical universe's expanding borders.

I made it because I always accent words that have accents. I'm something of a grammar Nazi. Also, while I do not know if/how it would affect it, but I do know that when calculated relitivistic speeds such as flying between the expanding edges of the universe, you'd need to use special relativity to calculate the speed, not Galilaean. The expansion is only faster than light when you aren't moving with it.


Jan 9 2009, 2:12 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #66

👻 👾 👽 💪

Quote from Centreri
The.. confusion comes from something existing and yet not having a beginning or an end. Humans can't understand infinity in non-abstract terms. Something not having a beginning or an end is an instance of infinity. You can comprehend that it has no beginning, but you can't actually think of it and understand it.

Theoretically the universe can be expanding in all directions at the speed of light, which would prevent you from ever reaching any corner of it and the best you could do is keep up - I'm pretty sure this is what the Big Bang theory entails.
I don't see how I can't think of it... It's not like it is exploding my brain imagining back as the cosmos go to gether closer, closer, and then assume what happened before the big bang... or imagine what happens later and later...

Also my hypothetical was like the universe was in a frozen state and you go to find the end.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 9 2009, 2:20 am by FaRTy1billion.

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Jan 9 2009, 5:56 am Madroc Post #67

Lol one.. two.. one.. three.. THIRTYFIVE MWAHAHAH

For me I was raised to be Jewish but I was never taught hardly anything from the religion. Honestly if anyone I liked and knew well tried to convert me, I would totally buy it. Lol my safta would kill me if she saw this
Then again anyone here could be my safta

Edit I forgot this was the strict serious discussion forum. plz no delete i did add something

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 9 2009, 6:56 am by madroc.


Jan 9 2009, 2:35 pm BeDazed Post #68

I wonder why this topic of 'belief' turned into discussion of 'faith' and then to 'how to find the end of the universe'. Hmm... fibulous.


Jan 9 2009, 5:59 pm Hercanic Post #69

STF mod creator, admin, staff

Quote from Centreri
Yep, that's one of the prime thoughts this thread is intended to evoke. Some people seem to take their faith for granted, not truly understanding their choice because they never bothered to know what all the choices are, let alone learn about them.
Essentially, all religions in some way humanize god. Those that don't it's useless to join, because that god doesn't require (or isn't able to accept) prayer or anything like that. That's my way of looking at it.
"Useless" is your own value judgement, based upon what you feel is the purpose of religion, but your view is not a universal constant. Why is a religion only useful if it has a God that requires or accepts prayer?

Religion was birthed from our earliest, most primitive attempts at science. It was our way of attempting to understand the world around us and why things happened. Lighting struck because Zeus was angry, for instance. With science, in its current incarnation, having displaced religion from much of the explanation of our physical world (though we still have remnants such as Creationism and Miracles), it has instead taken refuge in explaining abstracts beyond the physical. Namely, spirit (thought and emotion, basically, with the popular idea of it all enduring beyond the body) and death. At its core, religion is still just an attempt at explanation, with addons like morals and traditions.

A religion can be useful to an individual in several ways. It provides them with explanations that satisfy their curiosity and fear, and gives them a feeling of purpose. Prayer is just an outlet for our instinctual need to communicate and bond, but it is not essential to a religion to fulfill its core benefits.

Quote from Centreri
They believe that they are no better than the blade of grass that they slept on.
Define 'better'. I consider myself to be, for all intents and purposes, better then a blade of grass. Every comparison otherwise is essentially meaningless. That I can't synthesize energy from the sun doesn't make me inferior to a piece of grass. You can say 'we're equal' all you want, but if you start using that 'logic' to stop me from stepping on a blade of grass, I'd laugh. That 'comparison' is meaningless.

As for the universe always existing or being created, I don't know. It could easily have always existed, as that kind of infinite thinking is the same kind that lets the universe being essentially limitless. On the other hand, I can't comprehend something existing forever (I really wish humans were able to comprehend infinity properly...), so instinct fights it, saying the universe started at some point. I'd call the energy that started the universe god - and if that 's the energy that's now everywhere, then god is, for all intents and purposes, nonexistent.
Quote from Centreri
My way of looking at it is that while my role is as important as anyone else's role, all those roles are completely unimportant. Me = It = 0. Everything ends. It's a spiritual way to look at it - however, from a practical look, how it relates to my life, all those roots and animals are very minor. I like to think myself a practical person (which doesn't say I am, but I try), and I'm not going to waste time praying to a being I don't believe exists so I can talk about how, deep down, everything is equal (which is mathematically impossible anyway, since I'm made of a ton of cells, and I'm equal to a blade of grass, and a cell is equal to a blade of grass... etc).
Centreri, it is not a question of comparison, but of respect. We give thanks to the grass for softening our step, feeding the buffalo that feed us, and as such we do not needlessly destroy. We step on the grass because we must, but to tear it apart because we feel like it would be disrespectful to its role and importance in the great circle.

Quote from O)FaRTy1billion[MM]
Quote from Centreri
As for the universe always existing or being created, I don't know. It could easily have always existed, as that kind of infinite thinking is the same kind that lets the universe being essentially limitless. On the other hand, I can't comprehend something existing forever (I really wish humans were able to comprehend infinity properly...), so instinct fights it, saying the universe started at some point. I'd call the energy that started the universe god - and if that 's the energy that's now everywhere, then god is, for all intents and purposes, nonexistent.
I don't understand exactly what you mean here. I believe the universe has existed forever, will exist forever, and is an endless expanse of empty space in every direction with one or more giant super-clusters matter (i.e. galaxies and galaxy groups)... and I seem to have no problems with the lack of any starting point or any other inability to comprehend it... What I can't comprehend is it NOT being infinite. What is at the "edge"? Were the cosmos to stand still (to stop the "the universe is like an expanding balloon!" theories just for this hypothetical) and I was allowed the ability to somehow "walk" or otherwise move in a given direction at a given rate for an indefinite amount of time, I don't see how there could be any edge to that. Would I hit some sort of wall or barrier? As far as I can imagine, I'd just keep going forever. I'd probably stop seeing matter as I passed by, but I could still keep going. Maybe I'd find another 'super-cluster' of matter.
You could imagine the universe like a balloon, with 3D space existing on the surface of said balloon. Since humans cannot truly comprehend dimensions greater than our own, if we imagine our three-dimensions as a two-dimensional plane, a surface, and wrapped that into an expanding balloon shape, then the universe wouldn't have an edge or an end.

Instead, if you continued in any one straight direction, you would eventually loop back around to where you started, like an ant walking around a balloon, or a plane flying around the Earth. The universe could simply be a hyperdimensional globe, with galaxies being like continents. Just as our continents started together as Pangea and have separated, so too have the galaxies separated from the Big Bang. If the universe is without end, then perhaps as the galaxies expand outward, they are simultaneously flying toward each other, destined to impact one another and create a cycle of Big Bangs. The Pacific ocean is destined to strink while the Atlantic grows, all the continents slowly headed toward a collision on the opposite end of the Earth. Of course, this'll only create mountains, but all galaxies colliding will cause a very different type of reaction.

Scientific evidence is pointing toward something beyond the galaxies pulling at them, accelerating their speed, when gravity tells us that everything should slowly slow down and be pulled back together. A type of dark matter is theorized to cause the effect, a sort of gravity-inverse that gets stronger when matter gets further apart.

What if that distant force is ourselves? Our own gravity just around the hyperhemisphere? It would explain why this force would always win against our gravity, because it's the same force, but the direction we're travelling already has energy. If we're accelerating, that means we past the point of equilibrium (the universal equator, if you will), and that force will only get stronger from here on. *shurg* Just my own theory, though I'm sure a scientist somewhere has something like this published.


Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 9 2009, 8:40 pm by Hercanic. Reason: Typo

Jan 9 2009, 8:28 pm Hug A Zergling Post #70

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of The Force.
I beg to differ. The force CAN'T destroy planets. Therefore the DeathStar was built. So the force is weaker.


Jan 9 2009, 10:25 pm O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #71

👻 👾 👽 💪

Quote from Hercanic
(quotes omitted)
You could imagine the universe like a balloon, with 3D space existing on the surface of said balloon. Since humans cannot truly comprehend dimensions greater than our own, if we imagine our three-dimensions as a two-dimensional plane, a surface, and wrapped that into an expanding balloon shape, then the universe wouldn't have an edge or an end.

Instead, if you continued in any one straight direction, you would eventually loop back around to where you started, like an ant walking around a balloon, or a plane flying around the Earth. The universe could simply be a hyperdimensional globe, with galaxies being like continents. Just as our continents started together as Pangea and have separated, so too have the galaxies separated from the Big Bang. If the universe is without end, then perhaps as the galaxies expand outward, they are simultaneously flying toward each other, destined to impact one another and create a cycle of Big Bangs. The Pacific ocean is destined to strink while the Atlantic grows, all the continents slowly headed toward a collision on the opposite end of the Earth. Of course, this'll only create mountains, but all galaxies colliding will cause a very different type of reaction.
Why would you loop back? I think if you were to just keep going you would just keep going...
As to not go off-topic here, I think I'll start a topic about my specific question.

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Jan 9 2009, 10:26 pm Centreri Post #72

Relatively ancient and inactive

"Useless" is your own value judgement, based upon what you feel is the purpose of religion, but your view is not a universal constant. Why is a religion only useful if it has a God that requires or accepts prayer?

Religion was birthed from our earliest, most primitive attempts at science. It was our way of attempting to understand the world around us and why things happened. Lighting struck because Zeus was angry, for instance. With science, in its current incarnation, having displaced religion from much of the explanation of our physical world (though we still have remnants such as Creationism and Miracles), it has instead taken refuge in explaining abstracts beyond the physical. Namely, spirit (thought and emotion, basically, with the popular idea of it all enduring beyond the body) and death. At its core, religion is still just an attempt at explanation, with addons like morals and traditions.

A religion can be useful to an individual in several ways. It provides them with explanations that satisfy their curiosity and fear, and gives them a feeling of purpose. Prayer is just an outlet for our instinctual need to communicate and bond, but it is not essential to a religion to fulfill its core benefits.
You may have noticed that my example was a god that was just an energy source, and unlike many that thought does not necessarily fill me with a sense of purpose. This kind of shows that the way I see it, God is not something that can give your life a sense of purpose. And, yes, I was of course talking about my own views, not a greater truth.
Centreri, it is not a question of comparison, but of respect. We give thanks to the grass for softening our step, feeding the buffalo that feed us, and as such we do not needlessly destroy. We step on the grass because we must, but to tear it apart because we feel like it would be disrespectful to its role and importance in the great circle.
Respect is, I think, a human concept entirely. I don't see any reason to respect a blade of grass just for existing.


Jan 10 2009, 3:50 am ClansAreForGays Post #73

Quote from Hug A Zergling
Quote from Mini Moose 2707
The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of The Force.
I beg to differ. The force CAN'T destroy planets. Therefore the DeathStar was built. So the force is weaker.
Why destroy when you can control?

Jan 10 2009, 5:57 am JaBoK Post #74

I'm not religious, nor am I an Atheist, as I find the inherent Nihilism in materialism unacceptable, through whatever A Priori knowledge I believe myself to have. If god is just an energy source, then there is no use in discussing it, and if god defines explicitly the purpose of life, then life has no purpose, due to a complete lack of free will. Thus, I find the most acceptable belief to be that consciousness is the meaning of human life, as it is present nowhere else than human life, and all other senses can be replicated. As such, creativity and reason are to me the only "divine" concepts, for without either, consciousness is useless. I derive my morality from reason and the assumption that others share the same consciousness as I do, and nothing else.

That's probably about three essays worth of debate theses right there, but don't expect a full writeup, I find it reasonable to be concise.


Jan 10 2009, 7:06 am Alzarath Post #75


I believe in my religion because it is ultimately correct. Ido in fact believe an ancient and powerful being created us all... I also believe this being could come down and completely destroy all the atheists in the world. And I also believe it shall return to us and make us pure again. And through popular belief, I do in fact believe they created the Zerg as well. They are the most powerful beings in all history. Adun Toridas, I am the follower of the khala!

But seriously, I voted not being a theist. God is just in his current state unbelievable. They use al kinds of gay tricks to MAKE you go into religion. "JOIN OUR RELIGION OR YOU WILL SUFFER IN HELL". They use all kinds of bullcrap that can't be disproved or proved. It's annoying.


Jan 11 2009, 3:59 am lSHaDoW-FoXl Post #76

I my self don't really believe in god, because if you consider it if god created us, then clearly something would have to create him, right?

I my self believe life it's self is nothing but reproduction but on different levels and tiers >.>. Because if you look at it, what on this earth doesn't reproduce? Animals do, plants do, cells do, and I wouldn't be surprised if even planets were just atoms electrons in a bigger atom reproducing.

but, these thoughts aside I'm open towards peoples religion. That is of course as long as they aren't bigots and respect my belief and...preferences.

Furthermore thinking, Everything not only reproduces, but everything is dependent on each other. As that man said long ago, ''no man is an island.''


Jan 11 2009, 4:04 am lSHaDoW-FoXl Post #77

Apologies for being non relevant to the topic at hand, but damn! I'm intrigued by how literate everyone is!


Jan 12 2009, 4:15 am Syphon Post #78

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 19 2009, 9:13 pm by MillenniumArmy.


Jan 13 2009, 8:14 am TriggR_HappE Post #79

I was brought up as Christian in my family, but as I grew older I stepped back and noticed that this god figure and basically anything/everything religion revolves around seems to defy logic/reason/the laws of physics/etc. I was not going to live my life around such impossible, unrealistic ideas. Honeslty, I feel I'd have to be pretty stupid to believe such things. You say miracle, I say fairy tale.


Jan 14 2009, 12:04 am Kellimus Post #80

Quote from Centreri
What says the fastest way to travel in the Universe, is by light?
Einstein, I believe. And we haven't found a faster way. Even if there are things like wormholes, my point holds - wormholes can't exist beyond the universe, so you can't 'teleport' beyond the universe, the best you can do is stay near the edge.

Einstein only came up with Theories... Theories are not Law.


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