Impossible Ultraviolet

DOWNLOAD VERSION 1.22 HERE! now with music~!
- Dimensions: 192x192
- Tileset: Jungle
- Players: 1-6 (3+ recommended)
- Genre: Impossible Scenarios
- Size: 20.2 MB
- SC Version: Remastered
- Current Map Version: 1.22
- Missions: 5 + Final Boss Fight
- Heroes: 15 Selectable + 6 Secret
- Special Thanks to Azurez for hours of balancing and updates discussions
This is intended to be a spiritual successor to Impossible Cyrus. Players consist of a team of up to six players facing six impossible scenarios. It plays something like a combination between an Impossible map and an RPG. WARNING: It is hard. Teamwork and cooperation are required. Finally finished after about a year of development!
The first player on the team starts out by choosing one of four difficulty settings: normal, hard, insane or impossible. On normal difficulty all enemies have 1/1 weapon/armor upgrades, except scarab damage which remains at 0 upgrades. On hard difficulty it increases to 3 weapon/3 armor/1 scarab upgrade. This pattern continues up to impossible difficulty where enemy upgrades cap at 7/7/3. There's a hidden Impossible Plus mode, given as a game code for beating the game on Impossible difficulty which increases upgrades a final time to 9/9/4.
After this, all players on the team have opportunity to select one of 15 unique heroes. Only one of each hero may be selected each game. There is also an option to randomly select your hero. Players are awarded 2 starting bonus ore for going random as well as the opportunity to obtain a powerful (OP, even) exclusively randomly obtainable arbiter hero. All player selectable heroes have been enhanced in some way or another with EUDs to make them better than their original SCBW selves.
Once players have selected their hero, they are granted 5 lives, 25 starting ore and have the opportunity to select units to accompany their hero through the subsequent mission. Similar to heroes, only one of each unit selection may be chosen per mission. Once units are selected for the mission, your hero and units are moved to the beginning of the mission. Make sure to get all your preparation (ore spending) done before selecting your units. All upgrades have been scaled down to a simplified system requiring single digit integer costs of ore only. Gas is reserved as mana for heroes.
Players have available in the lower section of the map an upgrade area which includes a Gateway with casting options for heroes as well as hero upgrades. Heroes upgrades available at the gateway include Mana Cap upgrades (3 ore each, 10 total), Mana Regeneration upgrades (6+6 ore each, 3 total), and Hero Tesla Regenerator upgrades (2+2 ore each, 5 total). Building a Data Disc (A) displays helpful information about your hero. The upgrade area also contains a Comsat Station as well as buildings for upgrading all the weapons (3+1 or 4+1 ore per upgrade, 10 total) and armors (2+1 ore per upgrade, 10 total) available. There are some new upgrades available, such as the ability to upgrade the damage of Psionic Storm. Hotkeying your gateway and comsat station are highly recommended. I usually hotkey my hero 1, gateway 2, and comsat 0, leaving room for units and upgrade buildings to be hotkeyed inbetween; do whatever works best for you. The lower section finally contains a banning area for troublesome players, an emergency civilian which grants you an extra unit selection on a particularly tough round, a single use level skip usable by the highest numbered player in game (P1 first, P2 if P1 isn't in game, etc) and various storage locations for game maintenance.
Gameplay follows traditional Impossible Scenarios style, with six missions with many pre-placed units as well as ongoing spawns on timers and building kill retaliation spawns. One feature that makes this map unique from many other impossible maps is randomization of spawns. Each pre-placed unit has a category which has 1-8 different possible units it could spawn as for the mission. Timed spawns and retaliation spawns also generally have 2-16 different random combinations which might spawn on any given cycle. The idea here was to give players a feel similar to playing a game of Diablo where each playthrough, while similar to previous ones, is somewhat unique.
Players start with 25 ore. Each mission has several mineral chunks hidden around which when found by a hero will grant the team +2 ore. All players are awarded with +1 ore & +40 gas at 100 team kills, +2 ore & +40 gas at 200, +4/+40 at 400, +8/+40 at 800, and +16/+40 at 1600. Players are also awarded +10 ore at the end of every mission and +10 ore for killing the wandering Kakaru. In total there is 156 ore available on the map, resulting in the requirement of heroes to select certain paths or builds. A more recent addition is that for every player missing from the game, with maximum bonuses at 3 players, players get additional starting ore and ore per level (applies retroactively if someone leaves later on).
Given the combination of range of difficulty levels, randomization of spawns and many unique heroes with a plethora of upgrade paths, no game is likely to feel exactly the same as another, the goal of course being great replay value.

Gameplay Video:
- 01/11/21: Development thread started, version 0.48 released. Currently has 16 heroes with 5 of 6 missions completed.
- 02/03/21: Version 0.50 released, major update. Final boss fight (sixth mission with four unique bosses to challenge) implemented. Unfortunately, at this point the bosses are completely overpowered, making tackling them a truly impossible venture (and not in a fun way). Will be releasing an update to fix this soon.
- 02/09/21: Version 0.53 released. Boss fight significantly improved, winnable. Marshall (Marine) hero added, available through randomizer and game code given as reward for beating all missions
- 02/11/21: Version 0.54 released. Mech hero added. Marshall EMP grenade range increased. Fixed Engineer's constructs to work for newly added heroes. Added Arbiter construct for Engineer.
- 02/19/21: Version 0.55 released. Ranger hero added. Mech Tank damage decreased 50+6 -> 40+5. Reduced Ultrarbiter boss HP & SP regen from 25/s to 10/s. Attempted to fix randomly crashing bosses by changing building-based boss units to other units.
- 02/27/21: Version 0.56 released. Improved Commando Gravity Trap range, duration and mine spawns. Changed Ranger Ultimate Spell from permanent morph to 30s morph with greater stats and muta spawn at end of morph. Implemented several game codes to apply different effects to the game, beat the game on all difficulties (2 codes per difficulty, 4 for Impossible) to collect all the codes! Improved Marshall's Ultimate Spell, added marine spawns three times during spell. Reduced quantity of science vessels on fourth mission.
- 03/04/21: Version 0.57 released. Resolved crash related to selecting multiple mini-devourers with SD graphics. Removed Nuke Silo for Mech and Ranger heroes.
- 03/07/21: Version 0.58 released. Special Ops +1 Dmg/upg & +15s on shield generator with a random ghost or medic spawn at the end. Assassin +2 Dmg/upg. Fixed Mission 5 skip bug. Fixed Ultrarbiter boss not cloaking units. Fixed Engineer's Arbiter construct not being able to be built. Added Cyborg hero. Consolidated upgrade buildings, all terran upgrades are now on armory, zerg on evolution chamber, and protoss on forge.
- 03/09/21: Version 0.59 released. Added detection to Witch. Added Berzerker hero. Made Summoner's 40 spell spawn two zerglings instead of one.
- 03/11/21: Version 0.60 released. Fixed Berzerker's 1 ore full heal. Changed Cyborg's High Templar form to Dark Templar, reduced energy regeneration.
- 03/16/21: Version 0.61 released. Fixed Ultrarbiter's arena movement. Increased Ultrarbiter's unit spawn rate from one every 3s to one every 2.5s. Increased Ultrarbiter's rate of casting Mirror attack from every 60s to every 22.5-45s. Added Ultrarbiter's Mirror attack for Heroes 17-21. Fixed Guardian and Devourer requirements to remove Greater Spire. Fixed delay on Mission 5 attacks to make the initial phase more survivable (still tough).
- 03/16/21: Version 0.62 released. Fixed Ranger's Guardian form to restore negative status effects after spell ends. Fixed Ranger's Guardian holding area triggers. Changed Ranger Hydra form damage from 28+7 to 30+6. May further reduce DMG per upg in future. Made several heroes invincible during their spell morphs, with the intention of making it so if you morph while irradiated, your hero will be saved.
- 03/27/21: Version 0.63 released. Minor adjustments to Mission 3 & 4 spawns. Adjusted Engineer hero energy regen upgrades, now they give half as much gas regeneration, but each upgrade reduces construction time for all constructs by 10%. Made enemy hero units spawn as an orange-ish color as opposed to the standard yellow of normal units. Increased frequency of Azchon's Annihilate attack. Moved Mission 4 start location, hopefully this will make the mission a little less horrendously difficult.
- 04/04/21: Version 0.64 released. Added Irradiate to Mindflayer. +25 SP to Mindflayer. Added Irradiate to Support Drone. Made P5 salmon colored. Remove all heroes from enemy spawns, replaced with more normal units. Made Mission 5 easier. Changed Support Drone Lockdown to EMP. Changed Mission 4 patrols. Made Comsat Station upgradeable, starts at 0 energy. Made all mission spawns less when fewer people in game, 5P:-12.5% 4P:-25%, 3P:-50%. Added ore handicap bonuses when fewer players in game.
- 04/04/21: Version 0.65 released. Made Omnighost and Plibblisk bosses have Unit IDs <130 to avoid crashes. Fixed Comsat upgrades.
- 04/05/21: Version 0.66 released. Fixed Bomber unplaceables. Reduced strength of Ultrarbiter boss. Made bosses only regenerate HP&SP when >=5 players in game. Reduced Ultrarbiter HP&SP regen from 10/s to 3/s. Removed shield regeneration & decoys from Ultrarbiter's Mirror Image attack. Removed energy regen for bosses, always have energy set to 100% now (for feedback). Changed Spell Panel hotkeys to QWEASDZXC layout. Removed Azchon boss full heal spell.
- 04/12/21: Version 0.67 released. Fixed Omnighost & Plibblisk crashes (again, hopefully last time!) by changing their unit IDs to dropship and drone respectively.
- 05/04/21: Version 1.00 released. Fixed pre-boss fight message. Fixed Plibblisk HP (was set at 15000 instead of 8000 for some reason). Removed Plibblisk healing aura as it was suspected to cause a crash. Changed Ranger upgrades from zerg air to zerg carapace + missiles.
- 05/05/21: Version 1.01 released. Fixed Spell Panel name to properly display (A for Info) instead of (K for Info). Fixed Spell Panel Info strings to properly display new QWEA hotkeys. Changed Marshall's rank to Raynor. Removed detector from Berzerker hero. Reduced Berzerker's splash from 10/25/40 to 10/20/30. Made Mindflayer unit have Hero flag checked. Made Ranger spawn hydralisk instead of mutalisk at end of guardian form to reflect new upgrade scheme.
- 06/01/21: Version 1.02 released. Changed P5 color to cyan. Changed Commando upgrades to zerg carapace & missiles. Changed Hero Energy Regen upgrades to Tesla Regenerator upgrades, cost increased from 3+2 to 4+3 (this update reduced filesize by almost 1MB!). This update was done with the hope of reducing some trigger lag and making the map perform better on older PCs. Tesla regenerator upgrades restore hero's HP, SP & NRG to full every 7 minutes - 1 minute per upgrade. Updated info strings to explain Tesla Regenerator info. Made difficulty auto-select normal instead of hard when first player doesn't select difficulty in time. Increased bonus for random hero selection from 2 to 5 ore. Made changes to higher difficulty levels to encourage players to attempt them. Hard difficulty grants 25 bonus starting ore and subtracts 1 life, insane grants 50 bonus ore and subtracts 2 lives, impossible grants 75 bonus ore and subtracts 3 lives and impossible+ grants 100 bonus ore and subtracts 4 lives. Made all unit selections reappear once each round if previously selected. Fixed minor bug w/P2 comsat regen speed upgrade. Fixed minor bug w/P3 mana cap upgrade. Reduced Psi Storm upgrade cost from 4+1 to 3+1. Removed mana regen halving from Engineer's Artillery Mode. Added Assault Mode (120 spell) to Engineer which triples his stats for 30 seconds and spawns 3 vultures. Fixed Special Ops' Snipe spell to hit more reliably. Increased Engineer's damage from 10+2 to 15+3. Changed Engineer's HP/SP/Armor from 125/50/0 to 150/25/1. Increased Combat Medic's damage from 20+3 to 24+4. Increased Elite Ghost's damage from 25+3 to 25+5. Increased Elite Ghost's sight from 10 to 11 and attack range from 6 to 7. Changed some unit selections.
- 06/06/21: Version 1.03 released. Fixed bug with second unit selections on sixth mission. Removed shield healing from Azchon boss abilities. Added EMP ability to Special Ops. Added ultimate spell Armageddon for Phoenix hero. Changed Assassin's maelstrom to EMP. Changed Combat Medic's optical flare to lockdown. Changed Special Ops ultimate spell from Shield Generator to Energy Generator, Energy Generator restores both shields and energy. Slightly increased Phoenix's ground damage from 18 to 20.
- 06/09/21: Version 1.04 released. Added unused Venom attack to Summoner (set range to 6). +50 HP for Summoner. Changed graphics of Special Ops' Snipeshot to make it more apparent. Added archon attack to Mindflayer. +25 SP for Mindflayer. Added Mind Control (250) to Ultraviolet hero. Reduced duration of Special Ops' Energy Generator 30s -> 15s, removed random ghost/medic spawn at end.
- 06/20/21: Version 1.05 released. Reduced Mindflayer damage 40+5->20+5. Increased Mindflayer mana regen 0.25+0.25/upg->0.333+0.333/upg. Increased Mindflayer's Mind Control spell radius to 10x10 area (up from 7x7). Redid introduction, players now start centered on their Spell Panel (Gateway) to encourage newer players to use all the game's features. Changed Sorcerer's Ascension warning end to show up at 5s instead of 3s before. Increased Assassin's damage 60+10->80+20. Increased Assassin's mana cap 40+20->80+40. Improved Assassin's Execute from killing one enemy to killing all nearby enemies (no bosses). Increased Assassin's base armor 2->3. Increased Assassin's shields +25. Reduced cost of Maelstrom 100->65. Changed Mindflayer's Mind Control spell to work on ultralisks & BCs. Extended Mind's Eye duration 15s->30s. Reduced cost of Hallucination 100->65. Reduced Summoner damage 30+5->20+5. Took away splash from Summoner & Mindflayer's attacks. Reduced cost of Disruption Web 125->100. Reduced cost of Restoration 50->40.
- 06/22/21: Version 1.06 released. Corrected start message to say to select your hero in the bottom left (incorrectly said bottom right previously). Fixed Ascended Sorcerer's Psionic Shockwave text. Increased Bomber's damage 15+2->18+3. Bomber is now repairable. Increased Marshall's weapon cooldown 20->24. Decreased Marshall's damage 25+4->24+4. Modified difficulty scheme: comp upgs now go 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, etc and for every difficulty above normal starting ore increases by 5 but starting lives are reduced by 1. Doubled boss unit's damage per upgrade (except Ultrarbiter). Moved Comsat Regen Upgrade to Comsat Station to clean up Spell Panel slightly. Doubled duration and +50% range of Shadowcraft's Repulsion spell.
- 08/19/21: Version 1.07 released. Updated Engineer's mana bank 200+40->40+20. Updated Engineer's mana regen 0.5/s+0.5/s->0.333/s+0.333/s. Updated Engineer construct costs & times to better fit new mana model. Added ability for Engineer to produce bunkers and photon cannons. Added auto-ability for Engineer to convert 8 marines into an elite marine (max 3). Increased difficulty progression (computer upgrades) 1/2/3/4/5->1/2/4/7/11. Reduced duration of Phoenix's Armageddon spell 10s->8s. Changed Combat Medic's Summon Skip ability to Call Reinforcements (summon a small group of terran infantry units). Added auto-ability for Combat Medic to convert 8 marines or 8 firebats to an elite version.
- 09/09/21: Version 1.08 released. Added warning timer for Time Travel spell ending. Made UV hero repairable. Improved range of Commando's Gravity Trap 9x9->12x12. Balanced Combat Medic's Call Reinforcements ability. Increased ore cost of Nuclear Silo 1->3. Increased cost of Marine construct 20->25. Increased range of Combat Medic's Complete Restoration 7x7->11x11. Fixed bug not allowing certain heroes to be selected through the randomizer. Increased duration of Time Travel spell 15s->30s. Added heroes to UV's Time Travel respawn ability. Changed Berzerker's Shotgun weapon to Machinegun (armor piercing gauss rifle type attack). Berzerker's Damage 30+6(w/splash)->12+3(no splash), cooldown 30->15, range 5->6.
- 09/11/21: Version 1.09 released. Reduced Berzerker's damage 12+3->12+2. Reduced Berzerker's HP 275->225. Changed Summoner's 120 spell to summon 2 hydras instead of 1. Made Commando's Gravity Trap invincible. Increased Hunter Killer HP 160->240, damage 20+2->24+3. Increased Witch's HP 225->250. Added burrow to Ranger hero.
- 09/14/21: Version 1.10 released. Fixed Phoenix regeneration bug. Fixed Matriarch's Dragon Morph hallucination glitch. Fixed Sorcerer's Ascended Sorcerer hallucination glitch. Added level skip check, no victory codes awarded if level skip was used. Added auto-defeat if attempted to play in single player. Shuffled all victory codes since many of the codes were previously earned by people using cheat codes in single player mode.
- 11/23/21: Version 1.11 released. Too many updates for length of this post, see here: Updates v1.11-1.20
- 12/16/21: Version 1.12 released.
- 3/27/22: Version 1.13 released
- 4/8/22: Version 1.14 released
- 4/9/22 Version 1.15 released
- 4/10/22 Version 1.16 released
- 5/23/22 Version 1.17 released
- 6/26/22 Version 1.18 released
- 7/3/22 Version 1.19 released
- 8/27/22 Version 1.20 released
- 10/2/22 Version 1.21 released
- 10/17/22 Version 1.22 released
DOWNLOAD VERSION 1.22 HERE! now with music~!
Post has been edited 25 time(s), last time on May 28 2024, 5:59 am by Ultraviolet.
My Projects:
Impossible Ultraviolet | Impossible UV 2 | Impossible UV 3
Mercenaries 2020 | Mercenaries III
Squad Defense
Legacy Projects (No guarantee of functionality in modern SC):
Pixel Adventure 2 | Space Snipers | Control the Ball
Join me in Torn City
Impossible Ultraviolet | Impossible UV 2 | Impossible UV 3
Mercenaries 2020 | Mercenaries III
Squad Defense
Legacy Projects (No guarantee of functionality in modern SC):
Pixel Adventure 2 | Space Snipers | Control the Ball
Join me in Torn City