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Stacking scvs
May 18 2014, 8:31 pm
By: DoomDoomDoom  

May 18 2014, 8:31 pm DoomDoomDoom Post #1

Hello people of sen. I was just playing cnm the other day and someone stacked about 30 scvs in a stack and killed the cat (while sending even more scvs from all his bases). They were all stacked and attacked in a stack. How do you do that? I know how you mineral float but to get them to attack in a stack as well...? o.o Someone explain this to me :D


May 18 2014, 9:03 pm Roy Post #2

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

There's a trick where you spam right-click on a unrefined geyser and then queue an order (shift+click) and the workers will retain their stacked status for the order. It was one of the tricks you had to do on CAN YOU DO 25 REAL TRICKS where you had to send an SCV through a bunch of units even though the mineral patch is at the start. I forget the exact mechanics for getting it to work, but that's the basic idea.

May 18 2014, 9:04 pm NudeRaider Post #3

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

let them all mine on a single mineral patch. They will stack and move as a group. As soon as you issue an attack order they will start to disperse. But with good control you can get several hits off before having to restack.

Damn you Roy :P

P.S. Just watch the replay. ;)

May 18 2014, 9:59 pm DoomDoomDoom Post #4

Ah Ok thanks :D


May 21 2014, 4:05 am BloodyZombie117 Post #5

I have no idea what to put here... So I guess I'll just put this here.

I thought multiple units couldn't mine the same mineral patch, because when they try to, they head to a different one... Unless you mean just get them to stack like that (since they float towards minerals), but I've never tried to do that.

May 21 2014, 10:15 am NudeRaider Post #6

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from BloodyZombie117
I thought multiple units couldn't mine the same mineral patch, because when they try to, they head to a different one... Unless you mean just get them to stack like that (since they float towards minerals), but I've never tried to do that.
Refer to Roy's description which is more indepth: (Doesn't matter if you use gas or minerals)
Quote from Roy
There's a trick where you spam right-click on a unrefined geyser and then queue an order (shift+click) and the workers will retain their stacked status for the order.

May 21 2014, 1:00 pm Sacrieur Post #7

Still Napping

Quote from Roy
There's a trick where you spam right-click on a unrefined geyser and then queue an order (shift+click) and the workers will retain their stacked status for the order. It was one of the tricks you had to do on CAN YOU DO 25 REAL TRICKS where you had to send an SCV through a bunch of units even though the mineral patch is at the start. I forget the exact mechanics for getting it to work, but that's the basic idea.

D'awwww, I miss being able to stack hydras. :(


Jun 17 2014, 3:18 am NekoKyd Post #8

Quote from Roy
There's a trick where you spam right-click on a unrefined geyser and then queue an order (shift+click) and the workers will retain their stacked status for the order. It was one of the tricks you had to do on CAN YOU DO 25 REAL TRICKS where you had to send an SCV through a bunch of units even though the mineral patch is at the start. I forget the exact mechanics for getting it to work, but that's the basic idea.

Sorry for month-late reply. But what Roy said is mostly right.

The complete way to ensure scv/drone/probe stacking is to spam right-click any geyser that isn't built on. You do this until all your workers are stacked, then you hold SHIFT, and continue to spam right-click on the geyser. You keep this up for around 10-15 seconds. After that, you find the target to attack, and while SHIFT is still being held, you left-click the target you want to attack once and only once. (If you're trying to attack an ally or a neutral critter, I don't think the stacking works the same way.) After you have clicked your target, you then release SHIFT and after a 1-2 second pause, your workers should all go in a stacked line towards the target. And will attack it while in a stacked form. (I played "Can You Do 25 Tricks" waaaaaaay too many times)


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