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Kame Mafia: "Kame Classic" Edition II
Jul 15 2013, 6:19 pm
By: Fire_Kame
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Aug 8 2013, 11:27 pm Fire_Kame Post #181

wth is starcraft


GeneralPie -- Sacrieur
Raitaki -- Sacrieur
Azrael -- Sacrieur
Leeroy_Jenkins -- Sacrieur

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Sacrieur (4 votes)

Aug 9 2013, 12:25 am Sacrieur Post #182

Still Napping

I vote Azrael.


Aug 9 2013, 12:43 am Fire_Kame Post #183

wth is starcraft


GeneralPie -- Sacrieur
Raitaki -- Sacrieur
Sacrieur -- Azrael
Azrael -- Sacrieur
Leeroy_Jenkins -- Sacrieur

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Sacrieur (4 votes)

Aug 9 2013, 1:03 am rayNimagi Post #184

I vote for Sacrieur.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Aug 9 2013, 1:38 am Fire_Kame Post #185

wth is starcraft


GeneralPie -- Sacrieur
Raitaki -- Sacrieur
Sacrieur -- Azrael
Azrael -- Sacrieur
Leeroy_Jenkins -- Sacrieur
rayNimagi -- Sacrieur

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Sacrieur (5 votes)

Aug 9 2013, 2:23 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #186

👻 👾 👽 💪

I vote sacrieur.

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\:farty\: This page has been viewed [img][/img] times!

Aug 9 2013, 3:06 am Fire_Kame Post #187

wth is starcraft


GeneralPie -- Sacrieur
Raitaki -- Sacrieur
FaRTy1billion -- Sacrieur
Sacrieur -- Azrael
Azrael -- Sacrieur
Leeroy_Jenkins -- Sacrieur
rayNimagi -- Sacrieur

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: Sacrieur (6 votes)

Aug 9 2013, 4:07 am Fire_Kame Post #188

wth is starcraft


I went to visit Peggy in the hospital, stayed most of the night curled up as best as I could in the worn out chair, trying to hide my injury and not favor it too much. She was put into a room with many other victims from the bombing of last night, some I recgonized others I didn't. There was one man that seemed to draw a lot of attention though, a man named Sacrieur. He didn't seem to be in the worst of shape but it was clear that he'd be here for a few days. People filed in and out to see him, moreso than the other victims who had their loved ones nearby at all hours of the day, whereas Sacrieur's guests trickled in and out, none staying more than a few minutes.

The strangest thing about this was when I overheard some of the nurses talking about him. It seemed the entire town was suspicious as to who he was. None of them cared to get too close to them and even the nurses and doctors knew that the only reason they helped them was out of their oath. Many of the townspeople that seemingly visited him with sympathy left the room snickering, evil grins on all their faces.

It was near midnight at the end of the day when the whole thing went down. I was feigning sleep when the door to the ward clicked open and quietly clicked shut. I cracked my eyes open a little, and I could see that it wasn't one of the nurses come to visit their charge. It was a man wearing dark glasses, a long coat and and a pulled down hat. My ruse must have worked because the man didn't even to a parameter check before pulling on a pair of gloves and removing a syringe from his jacket pocket. He approached Sacrieur's bed. I knew what I was about to see was wrong, but at least it would go peacefully.

He pressed the syringe against Sacrieur's arm and injected him with what I could only guess at as poison. I heard his heart monitor flatline, and within minutes the room was swarming with activity. In the confusion to save his life the shrouded man was able to make his get away. The room was too crowded now and I couldn't so much as grab out to him to see who he was. It didn't take long for a doctor to confirm it - Sacrieur had died!



NIGHT 6 ENDS 8/9 10:00 PM MST

Aug 10 2013, 4:01 am Fire_Kame Post #189

wth is starcraft


Night 6 was the most difficult to get through I was drinking whiskey by the jug, waiting for news - any news. It had started to become apparent that the one they called detective didn't seem very interested in town preservation, only with winning. The madness of a case had taken hold of him and he wasn't about to let it back down gracefully. The game was in the bag he would say, and yet it didn't seem it was so by all accounts. Is this what he truly wanted? A war of attrition? To prove who had the least amount of respect for the townspeople's livelihood? Surely they were neck in neck with who killed the most of Sencity's population. Phil had been pronounced dead - complications from his heart attack; the doc suspected no foul play was involved despite the other deaths. Peggy was suffering, but mercifully still alive. Numerous other townspeople were still in the hospital barely strong enough to move.

One of the more unlucky souls was rayNimagi. He was discharged the previous day but asked to come back in for a checkup. All signs pointed to his wounds being superficial and his recovery normal. I saw him on the tube, the local news team was running a story on the miraculously recovery of some, the brutal deaths of others. rayNimagi looked healthy as a clam if you ignored a few scrapes and bruises. He cheerfully waved at the camera and got in his car. The news reporter finished her broadcast as usual. Right as she was about to sign off, rayNimagi's car exploded into a spectacle of a light show, all caught on type - albeit a little blurry - by the camera man.

I finished my whiskey and shut off the tube, laying down on the now all too familiar motel bed. It looked like no one else was hurt, but I think it was safe to say that rayNimagi was dead.



DAY 6 VOTES DUE AT 10:00 PM MST 8/10

Aug 10 2013, 4:02 am Azrael Post #190

I vote for FaRTy1billion.

Aug 10 2013, 4:03 am Fire_Kame Post #191

wth is starcraft


Azrael -- FaRTy1billion

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: FaRTy1billion (1 vote)

Aug 10 2013, 4:06 pm Generalpie Post #192

Staredit Puckwork

I vote for Farty.


Aug 10 2013, 6:45 pm Raitaki Post #193

I vote Farty.


Aug 10 2013, 7:20 pm Fire_Kame Post #194

wth is starcraft


GeneralPie -- FaRTy1billion
Raitaki -- FaRTy1billion
Azrael -- FaRTy1billion

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: FaRTy1billion (3 votes)

Aug 10 2013, 9:22 pm Leeroy_Jenkins Post #195

I vote for farty1blahblah... you know the drill.



Aug 11 2013, 3:06 am Fire_Kame Post #196

wth is starcraft


GeneralPie -- FaRTy1billion
Raitaki -- FaRTy1billion
Azrael -- FaRTy1billion
Leeroy_Jenkins -- FaRTy1billion

CURRENT LYNCH TARGET: FaRTy1billion (4 votes)

Aug 11 2013, 4:01 am Fire_Kame Post #197

wth is starcraft


I had a feeling Farty's death was a done deal long before this day came to pass. He didn't even put up a fight - didn't protest the accusations or beg for his life as some of the others had done. I didn't feel any sadness when the lynch mob arrived at his doorstep, waiting for their prize to come out and face the music. But in Farty's last few minutes of life he committed a final act. Instead of allowing the lynch mob the victory of his desk he swallowed cyanide pills and died what appeared to be very comfortably in his bed. As a formality the doc came by to pronounce him dead just minutes after midnight. It was confirmed then that FaRTy1billion had died!



NIGHT 7 ENDS 8/11 10:00 PM MST

Aug 12 2013, 3:43 pm Fire_Kame Post #198

wth is starcraft

**sorry, some technical difficulties kept me from posting last night. As such, this next period ends 10:00 AM MST, so that you still have the full 24 hours to vote. However, host notes might take a while to recover as the game is rapidly winding down, so even if the game ends my notes won't be readily available to me.**


By the seventh night I didn't have any trouble drifting off to sleep or staying that way. Sencity had become an old friend to me, its streets as familiar as the back of my hand. Albeit, it was a rapidly shrinking friend; most of the people involved with the murder of Isolated Purity were now dead, and anyone that could had left town and gave themselves as much distance as they could from it. The city was like a poison, so I couldn't blame them for packing up and leaving town. But like all good poison Sencity was a vice I couldn't quit.

I slept so well I awoke long before the sun came out. The rain was coming down in droves outside my motel room. I phoned the hospital to get a status update on Peggy - all signs point to a recovery "soon" whenever that is. I little a cigarette and puffed on it while pulling on my coat and hat, walking out onto the wet streets of Sencity. The difference between tonight and my first night here was stark - the people who had crowded these streets with hopes of entertainment were now all but gone. Even as I approached Lou's I could tell that this city will never again be what it was before.

The door to Lou's was ajar and it was eerily quite on the other side. I listened for activity, any activity at all - nothing. I threw open the door and witnessed a grizzly scene. Lou was slouched behind the counter, dead from a bullet wound to the heart. He still held on to a mug and rag, telling me it happened quickly. The place was torn to shreds as if someone was looking for something, but Lou's cash register remained full and intact. I went to the pay phone in back to call the police. As I waited on hold for someone to talk to me, I noticed a dark liquid streaked on the door of the men's room. In the dim light I couldn't be sure but all my senses told me it was blood. I hung up the phone and went to investigate. The closer I got the more I heard running water. I opened the door carefully. Slouched over a sink was none other than GeneralPie. "What're you doin here?" I barked at him, "and just what happened out there?" I shook him, "hey are you listening to me?!" He fell from his propped up position to the floor. It was only then I realized that his wrists had been slit. He must've been propped up like that for hours before I thought to come check on him.

Perhaps it was staged to look like a suicide, but I think I know better. GeneralPie had been murdered.



DAY 7 VOTES DUE AT 10:00 AM MST 8/13

Aug 12 2013, 3:53 pm Raitaki Post #199

Well. I guess Azrael's the kingmaker. Mutual vote tiem \o/

I vote Leeroy.

...When was the last time we have so few people left again? :hurr:


Aug 12 2013, 4:10 pm Azrael Post #200

To make this more interesting, I'll abstain.

Leeroy, the fate of the Town lies in your hands. Win or lose, it all comes down to you.

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