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StarCraft Fan Campaign Listing
Jul 12 2012, 10:49 pm
By: Jim_Raynor
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Apr 25 2019, 2:22 am Rawflesh0615 Post #41

Quote from Eredalis

PrOnogo was kind enough to inform me about your endeavor here in translating my projects.
Our beloved community member Church, who also has operated quite impressive over at, asked that question to me several years ago and to this day, I haven't changed my mind about translating any of my projects into the english language.

You see, all of my campaigns contains high quality voice acting. I have decided some months after releasing The Outworld-Saga not to translate them into english. You will surely understand the reason why: It was a challenge to find the right voice over artists for The Planetary Episodes - Volume 2, but for The Outworld Saga it was INSANE!!!

The Outworld-Saga contains nearly fiftheen voice actors and it took over six months to realize that whole thing. I was forced to sort out between people, AFTER they have invested time and commitment for my project, which was sometimes really, really hard. I was in contact with so many people simultaneously, and often they have to do lines one more time.

Furthermore, the Outworld-Saga would need female voice actors. Not few!
I know from experience it's hard to find good male actors, but good FEMALE actors... Needle in a haystack.

So, please refrain from doing any try to translate one of my campaigns, because I weren't happy with underdone versions floating around the internet.

One question, are you the creator who made this campaign? I thought you were retired from your old Starcraft campaign work?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 25 2019, 3:18 am by Rawflesh0615.


Apr 25 2019, 6:10 am NudeRaider Post #42

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Eredalis
You see, all of my campaigns contains high-quality voice acting.
So, please refrain from doing any try to translate one of my campaigns.
Welcome to our forum, Eredalis. I appreciate that you're being active and are taking the time to come and talk to us. I was browsing your website and I'm already impressed with the campaigns, just from what I'm reading there. I'm looking forward to be taking a closer look by playing them. If possible, (and if I happen to enjoy the campaigns as much as I think I will) I'd like to cooperate with you to do translations for it so a much broader audience can enjoy your work.

With that in mind, take note of our plan:
Quote from Pr0nogo
I don't think we'll be editing the voices, we'll leave those as-is. What I can do at some point is pull the strings and collate them into a mission script, and share it here for you to take a crack at. Then I'll put them back in once you've translated them and we'll have our translation.
We won't touch the voices. We'll be doing subtitles.

I'm aware of the responsibility to leave the original spirit of the piece intact. As a native German speaker and someone who appreciates finer points in a language, I feel up to the task to grasp most of the aspects the dialog is to convey. Also, I'm quite experienced in English, having spent 13 years on this site being active and writing almost 2 posts per day and watching movies solely in English for even longer. I'm so familiar with it, that at times I don't even notice when a video is in English because I don't need to translate anymore, I just understand - like everyone in their native language.
This makes me confident that I am able to do high-quality translations that do your work justice. If you're interested I can send you the translation before sending it to Pr0nogo for publishing. A proofreader is never a bad idea anyway.

So let me know what you think of that.

Apr 25 2019, 5:31 pm Eredalis Post #43

Quote from Rawflesh0615
One question, are you the creator who made this campaign? I thought you were retired from your old Starcraft campaign work?
Retired? Retired?? RETIRED??? I WILL NEVER RETIRE!!!

In all sobriety, yes, I am the creator of all these campaigns. As for all StarCraft: Brood War projects, none of them were created in less than several months. Both volumes of the Planetary Episodes were mainly solo projects, except for the voice acting part in Volume 2, which added a pool of guest actors. The Outworld-Saga on the other hand lasted nearly 3 years in general.
Now we have 2019 and the fire still burns. Although I am working hard on the completion of my awarded project for WarCraft III and the other (never-ending-story) project for StarCraft II during the last 9 years. It's got a strange kind of hobby, I guess... ^^'

Quote from NudeRaider
Welcome to our forum, Eredalis. I appreciate that you're being active and are taking the time to come and talk to us. I was browsing your website and I'm already impressed with the campaigns, just from what I'm reading there. I'm looking forward to be taking a closer look by playing them. If possible, (and if I happen to enjoy the campaigns as much as I think I will) I'd like to cooperate with you to do translations for it so a much broader audience can enjoy your work.
Thanks for the warm welcome! If I told somebody how long I've been active for the last three decades, their skin would turn to white snow because of the shock. I am old like a true protoss.
My website exists since 2007 and it's representing the haven of my personal campaign projects. As I wrote before this whole story became some strange kind of hobby thing, back then in 2007 I'd just wanted to wait for StarCraft II, actually.

As a native german you should take a look at the popular game magazine articles of PC Games & PC Action, both of them featured my StarCraft projects in their respective issues in 2009 and 2010. Look for the links within all Credits sections. (Buttons/Banners are clickable)

Regarding the translation: I've already posted my point of view to Pr0nogo. I don't wanna see a half-translated campaign. I've read all of your entire postings here and I'm aware of your plans, therefore I requested to refrain from doing a text-only translation.

Although I have absolutely no doubt, that your skills for the english language are nearly perfection, it doesn't change the fact that subtitles are NOT enough for my quality standards.
To force the way larger english speaking audience to read stupid texts and hear voices that they don't understand at all, would give me sleepless nights. (Although Protoss don't sleep) :awesome:

So in summary I can't agree to a text-only translation. Just like I wrote before: If, then full program. Pr0nogo is an excellent voice actor with an immense talent, I have watching his rise through the last 10 years with a smiling face. He would definitively getting more than one spot in a fully localized version of The Outworld-Saga. I'd also have some other people in mind to be in the line for such kind of enterprise. But sadly, there are not enough!

As I posted before, especially The Outworld-Saga simply contains too much characters, it would require over fiftheen voices. And yes, I have high standards in choosing a contempable speaker. I'd never engage a person which has literally no experience in that field.

So, I hope I could clarify some things. I had fully understand your plans here, now you should be aware of my point of view.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Apr 26 2019, 5:45 am by Eredalis.


Sep 30 2019, 3:58 am razorback9423 Post #44

C.I.S. Conversion Mod creator

Don't forget to put my mod campaign for the C.I.S. Conversion Mod: The Warmachines.

It's in my signature below.

I'm retiring from SC modding to focus on making games using the Unity engine.
YouTube channel:

Sep 30 2019, 5:56 am Pr0nogo Post #45

I'll add it when it's finished. As discussed before, I'm not posting unfinished campaigns to the main listing.

Sep 30 2019, 2:42 pm Voyager7456 Post #46

Responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast

Time to delete all of Desler's campaigns then. :P

all i am is a contrary canary
but i'm crazy for you
i watched you cradling a tissue box
sneezing and sniffling, you were still a fox

Modding Resources: The Necromodicon [WIP] | Mod Night
My Projects: SCFC | ARAI | Excision [WIP] | SCFC2 [BETA] | Robots vs. Humans | Leviathan Wakes [BETA]

Oct 1 2019, 6:59 am Pr0nogo Post #47

While that'd be pretty funny, I think it's reasonable to have an exception for old releases that most people consider complete, though a better argument for keeping them there would be that the content is nearly finished. All the unfinished campaigns I have consist of a scant few maps and total something like 20 minutes of gameplay each, so 'unfinished' is a fine label for them.

Nov 25 2019, 12:11 am Zincoshine Post #48

Your list is great but it lacks a quick way for people to know which campaigns people should actually play, I'm on a quest to fix that, a quest that I estimate will take me until summer or late spring to complete: Here's my list so far:

Quote from Voyager7456
Time to delete all of Desler's campaigns then. :P

"The fenix" is complete, as well as "Celestial Reverie: The Sweet Science".

Everything else though? unfinished. Most notoriously desler didn't even bother to complete the first episode of fall from grace and celestial irruption, it is quite debateable if those two should be on the list. Also, on that note, "the last cerebrate" by Oracle needs to be removed from the list. The last map was never finished/released due to drama on CC relating to its late entry into the 2009 contest, a real tragedy since that campaign would have been even better than vile Egression.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Nov 25 2019, 12:34 am by Zincoshine.


Nov 25 2019, 4:25 pm Rawflesh0615 Post #49

Quote from Zincoshine
Your list is great but it lacks a quick way for people to know which campaigns people should actually play, I'm on a quest to fix that, a quest that I estimate will take me until summer or late spring to complete: Here's my list so far:

Quote from Voyager7456
Time to delete all of Desler's campaigns then. :P

"The fenix" is complete, as well as "Celestial Reverie: The Sweet Science".

Everything else though? unfinished. Most notoriously desler didn't even bother to complete the first episode of fall from grace and celestial irruption, it is quite debateable if those two should be on the list. Also, on that note, "the last cerebrate" by Oracle needs to be removed from the list. The last map was never finished/released due to drama on CC relating to its late entry into the 2009 contest, a real tragedy since that campaign would have been even better than vile Egression.

Your making some reviews?


Nov 25 2019, 7:46 pm Zincoshine Post #50

If you mean I'm making more than the spreadsheet (like a video or small essay for each campaign) I am thinking of it. The problem is if I write a detailed review no one will read it because it is tl;dr. Making videos/streaming isn't an option in the case of many modded campaigns because it is virtually impossible to screen record starcraft prior to 1.15.1 so I would have to point a camera at the screen and record that and that would be ridiculously impractical. In any case, I won't be going back to make detailed reviews of what I reviewed in November, there is no way in hell I will put myself through the torture of going through the stratostygo campaigns again, there is so much other stuff to play! I might revisit T106 the battle of fort boralz though, it feels good to go to that stratostygo map when I feel angry at him. I recommend you check out that map and see exactly why I exclusively like that map out of all 200 maps stratostygo ever did:!q1AQ0L7K!dezQfjiXv7hNudfA7d27rQ?WlolwbrC


Nov 25 2019, 8:39 pm NudeRaider Post #51

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

just use wmode x2 and record the window. Haven't tried, but would be surprised if the capture software wouldn't be able to record that.

Nov 25 2019, 9:45 pm Zincoshine Post #52

You mean this thing?

That will work with the mods made in 2010 and afterwards as they all use starcraft 1.16.1 (or at least their version is close enough to 1.16.1 that Pr0nogo's patch can be trusted), but the mods before that need older versions of starcraft to run properly and some of the heavier mods must use the original exe and original starcraft version in order to run properly. This is especially the case for flame knives, legacy of the confederation, and Visions of the future, Pr0nogo's 1.16.1 exe cannot be used for those 3 and potentially many others although I have to use his patches for the oldest mods, with or without bugs, as they originally use stardraft which does not seem to be able to run on windows 10 for some reason no matter what starcraft version is used (it is supposed to work with 1.07). I would be so grateful if someone could find a way to open stardraft patches in windows 10 by the way.

So yeah, that may partially solve the problem, but some of the best mods will still not be able to be screen recorded. The only way to record a proper playthrough of those is by holding a camera and recording the screen.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Nov 25 2019, 10:02 pm by Zincoshine.


Nov 26 2019, 12:41 am Voyager7456 Post #53

Responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast

Quote from Zincoshine
Your list is great but it lacks a quick way for people to know which campaigns people should actually play, I'm on a quest to fix that, a quest that I estimate will take me until summer or late spring to complete: Here's my list so far:

Quote from Voyager7456
Time to delete all of Desler's campaigns then. :P

"The fenix" is complete, as well as "Celestial Reverie: The Sweet Science".

Everything else though? unfinished. Most notoriously desler didn't even bother to complete the first episode of fall from grace and celestial irruption, it is quite debateable if those two should be on the list. Also, on that note, "the last cerebrate" by Oracle needs to be removed from the list. The last map was never finished/released due to drama on CC relating to its late entry into the 2009 contest, a real tragedy since that campaign would have been even better than vile Egression.

I wouldn't call Celestial Reverie finished - it ends on a huge cliffhanger.

OK, a story can end on a cliffhanger and still be considered "complete" but the last 3 minutes of the campaign are pretty much the only story beat in CR. Everything else is time-wasting filler that sets it up.

I may have to give you The Fenix though, I don't remember anything about it other than the annoying redneck Templar.

all i am is a contrary canary
but i'm crazy for you
i watched you cradling a tissue box
sneezing and sniffling, you were still a fox

Modding Resources: The Necromodicon [WIP] | Mod Night
My Projects: SCFC | ARAI | Excision [WIP] | SCFC2 [BETA] | Robots vs. Humans | Leviathan Wakes [BETA]

Nov 26 2019, 4:24 pm Zincoshine Post #54

Quote from Voyager7456
I wouldn't call Celestial Reverie finished - it ends on a huge cliffhanger.

What the hell? Goddamn, Desler has an addiction to unfinishing things. I am removing it from my todo list, thanks a lot for the warning.


Jun 27 2021, 8:09 pm Call_to_John Post #55

Hello i'm new here

Recommend a good zerg campaign, preferably with a download link.


Jun 28 2021, 9:53 pm Zincoshine Post #56

Quote from Call_to_John
Recommend a good zerg campaign, preferably with a download link.

Uh.... it's literally in the sticky of this forum. The latest version of this list, V3, supports finding campaigns by both race and recommendation.

just click master list and pick any campaign marked green with a Z in the race column.


Jul 1 2021, 5:52 pm stalwart ghostess Post #57

Quote from Call_to_John
Recommend a good zerg campaign, preferably with a download link.

These two should keep you busy for a while:

Voices of the Swarm by Andrea Rosa

Inconsummate by Pr0nogo

Have fun! :)

~~~ Si vis pacem, para bellum ~~~

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