Originally posted by Church on CampaignCreations, and then the creator of V2 on staredit, the StarCraft Fan Campaign Listing boasts the most complete list of custom
campaigns created for SCBW in addition to up-to-date files, remasters where they exist, correctly designed and tested 1.16.1 mod patches where relevant and possible, and more.
Features a crude quality assurance for the vast majority of English language campaigns.
In addition, it features campaigns of all languages, not just english.
If you have information on any missing projects, please post below or send me a private message.
campaigns created for SCBW in addition to up-to-date files, remasters where they exist, correctly designed and tested 1.16.1 mod patches where relevant and possible, and more.
Features a crude quality assurance for the vast majority of English language campaigns.
In addition, it features campaigns of all languages, not just english.
If you have information on any missing projects, please post below or send me a private message.
Quote from Church
With the advent of StarCraft: Remastered, it is important for us to pay respect to the history of StarCraft's fan campaign community.
Every year since the release of StarCraft in 1998, at least one fan campaign project has been released for this game to this date. For
a game to receive such treatment even two decades later is impressive, but unfortunately, many of these campaigns have become
difficult to locate over the years. As more and more StarCraft fansites go down and forum attachments get corrupted, the years and
years worth of effort, passion, and creativity put in by campaign makers is at a risk of being lost forever.
Here, with the help of the community, I have compiled a year-by-year list of as many StarCraft fan campaigns as I can find. It is the
most complete list you will be able to find online. Take some time to peruse the list, try out a few campaigns, and experience some
of the richness of StarCraft's fan campaign history.
Every year since the release of StarCraft in 1998, at least one fan campaign project has been released for this game to this date. For
a game to receive such treatment even two decades later is impressive, but unfortunately, many of these campaigns have become
difficult to locate over the years. As more and more StarCraft fansites go down and forum attachments get corrupted, the years and
years worth of effort, passion, and creativity put in by campaign makers is at a risk of being lost forever.
Here, with the help of the community, I have compiled a year-by-year list of as many StarCraft fan campaigns as I can find. It is the
most complete list you will be able to find online. Take some time to peruse the list, try out a few campaigns, and experience some
of the richness of StarCraft's fan campaign history.
Thanks to the following contributors:
- Church: For making the first version of this and his amazing campaigns.
- adam nesico: For providing a huge amount of campaigns that were missing from v2, including 90% of all of the foreign campaigns
- NudeRaider, CaHek, Alevice, Thalraxal, Laconius, Krazy, Lavarinth,Shinok, Sodon, Lotharan, Naiiphs, noname, Roberto Crissini, shekralstic, tiferet, and Mithras Gnosis for providing many of the campaigns in V1 and V2.
- Andrea Rosa: For providing a shining beacon of high-quality campaigns since 2019.
- Eredalis: For links to his campaigns as well as for encouraging me on with this project back when it was just a QA sheet.
- RdeRenato: For providing me with the most in-demand campaign on my list, the early access release of Heroes & Silence.
- Arkanis: For providing me with all of the missing Drake Clawfang campaign files.
- Fabrice leonard: For bringing me back and finding countless foreign language campaigns that adam nesico had trouble finding.
- David Kang: For being able to find some of the most obscure campaigns out there via the relative popularity of his youtube channel.
- Vorgozz: For providing me the latest files for his work and making insurrection enjoyable.
- Zergy: For providing many more campaigns, mostly French ones, and for joining in the effort to find and archive campaigns.
- CaHeK: For providing several campaigns that no one even knew existed.
Q: I'm new to brood war, there are so many campaigns! Where do I start?
A: If you have finished installing starcraft via the classic installer provided on the archive then you are strongly advised to start with Fall from Grace. While it isn't the best campaign in terms of gameplay, it will give you an awesome preview of the kind of cool stuff that awaits you and you'll see just how easy it really is to get started with playing custom campaigns. The download for it is here: https://mega.nz/file/pI1THI5C#3VpOkBK0aTXuo43dfZ_6x7ilUFhR3WpVzH8ooF1Ytzo just double click and have fun!
Q: Why was this made when V2 already exists?
A: Around late 2019 I discovered that custom campaigns had built up a bad reputation for having low quality. One comment on reddit in particular really pissed me off as the commenter claimed that a list of campaigns with quality assurance would be completely empty. I decided to prove to myself that the author wrong by playing through some campaigns and then adding them to a quality assurance list for myself to enjoy with scores for all the campaigns. It was around 20-30 campaigns long at that point.
Later on, I decided to make it public and have it act as a complement to V2. When the pandemic hit I began adding more and more campaigns to the list as it became clear that I was going to have a lot of free time for this. However, at the beginning of spring, I began to notice serious problems with the V2 list. The files for campaigns were usually of the very first release, despite the fact that the original authors had provided updates for them. There were a number of campaigns listed that didn't include all of the files despite the missing files being still available elsewhere on the internet (the visions of the future listing is especially notorious for this). Many campaigns were incorrectly listed as having all files when in fact a number of them actually had missing files such as the Scion IV saga among others. The mod info was often inaccurate, even the release dates were sometimes inaccurate or missing (EDAST). Foreign language campaigns were not allowed on it apart from a tiny group. Finally in May 2020 remastered campaigns were banned and removed from the wiki list thereby pretty much invalidating its status as an archive. It was at that point I decided that V2 and the wiki list had run their course and that the old adage was true: "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.". I set about converting my QA list into a proper campaign archive, added all campaigns to it, and fixing all the issues that plagued V2.
Q: Why didn't you simply ask the creator of v2 to fix the various problems with the list?
A: I did. About 25% of the problems I mentioned to him back then did get fixed, but that percentage is far too little and it took too much time, time during which I would only find more and more problems. In the end, I found myself only using the old list for campaign names while relying on google to find the actual files and only using the list for download links as a last resort.
Q: Your scores are bullshit, can you remove them?
A: Well, no one is forcing you to use them, I have a tab where the campaigns are sorted by the score for those who want and one where they are sorted by year.
Q: Where are the files for Crossworlds saga, space hulk, etc?
A: If I had the files, I would upload them. They're grouped as missing for a reason. I don't have the missing files and if you have the files I would greatly appreciate it if you provided me with them.
Q: The primary mod file I downloaded for an old campaign named <insert name> from here is different from the one I downloaded on V2. Why?
A: Because I made a different patch for an old campaign than the creator of the v2 list did. Make sure you use mine unless you enjoy gamebreaking bugs or units without command buttons.
Q: I am deeply offended that you would try to make old campaigns playable in the latest version of starcraft and fix game-breaking bugs in five or so long-abandoned campaigns. How dare you!
A: This list is aimed at newcomers who might be interested in broodwar. It is because of these campaigns that broodwar is by far the best free game available. However, no one is going to be interested in playing these campaigns if all they find is either of terrible quality or something they can't run because they need to jump through hoops just to make the campaign run. I did only what was necessary to streamline the process for new player and nothing more.
Post has been edited 30 time(s), last time on Sep 10 2022, 4:16 pm by Zincoshine.