Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: [SOLVED] Neutral units energy %?
[SOLVED] Neutral units energy %?
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Feb 9 2012, 2:31 am
By: durka_jihad  

Feb 9 2012, 2:31 am durka_jihad Post #1

Is there a way to set the energy % of neutral units to 0? I get that action triggers don't really work with extended players... so how do I set their energy to 0% at the start without creating them with triggers? (I already used all of the locations to get rid of CCMU) =\

I would prefer not to have to use EUDs, but am willing assuming the triggering isn't too complicated. I have a few tools for such but I thought I'd ask first before shoving strange triggers in my already-prone-to-dropping-people map.


Feb 9 2012, 2:37 am Roy Post #2

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Actions do work with extended players! Who told you they don't? You just can't create units for extended players (have to create and then give), and extended players cannot own the triggers themselves (which automatically rules out any triggers referring to the current player, such as AI Scripts).

EUDs are not needed here. Just use the action "Modify Unit Energy."

Feb 9 2012, 2:44 am durka_jihad Post #3


well I did a modify unit energy trigger... i had something like:
for neutral players,
if neutral players brings any unit to location x
set energy to 0%


Feb 9 2012, 2:45 am Raitaki Post #4

If you want to preplace them with 0 energy, just place the units in your editors, go to their properties, and set their energy to 0.
No, do something like this:
  • Player 8
  • Conditions
  • Neutral Player brings any unit to Location X.
  • Actions
  • Modify Unit Energy: Set to 0.
  • Preserve Trigger.

  • Notice the player who runs the trigger must NOT be a neutral player.


    Feb 9 2012, 2:48 am durka_jihad Post #5

    wow herp derp...
    i kept selecting all the units (including a bunch without energy) so the energy % box would always appear faded....... bah i feel like an idiot
    thanks haha

    edit in response to your edit: what would be the advantage of a trigger rather than preplacing with 0% energy? I just don't want those units to be feedbacked and killed, otherwise their only purpose is to look pretty and get mind controlled (it's a diplomacy map)


    Feb 9 2012, 2:48 am Lanthanide Post #6

    Your trigger needs to be owned by one of players 1 to 8, or possibly Force 1 to 4 that contains players 1 - 8. The Neutral Players, Foes and Allies groups don't mean anything for trigger ownership. I'm not sure Neutral Players means anything anywhere; someone said it includes the group of P1-8 players that have their alliance set to Neutral rather than human/CPU but I've never used it myself.

    Then, the simplest trigger is:
    Set unit energy for [unit] owned by Neutral at Anywhere to 0%
    Preserve Trigger


    Feb 9 2012, 2:52 am Raitaki Post #7

    If you preplace units with 0 energy, they would still regain energy over time, and still be killed with feedback. With triggers you can repeatedly set their energy to 0.


    Feb 9 2012, 2:55 am durka_jihad Post #8

    ok well they will only exist for 30 seconds and nothing has low enough hp (lowest is 65 hp) to be killed by a feedback so i think preplacing will suffice. thanks guys

    Edit: actually i have another completely unrelated question that requires a really simple answer (i hope)
    I want to set player 11 to ally so that by hitting shift tab in game their units appear yellow rather than red... do i just do a trigger for force 1 (players 1-7) that is like:
    set players 11 to ally

    Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 9 2012, 3:05 am by Roy. Reason: Please don't double-post


    Feb 9 2012, 3:04 am Lanthanide Post #9

    You can't.

    Only p1-8 can be set to ally status within the game. When using triggers to set allience, they take they form "set Current Player to be ally with Player X" where X is 1-8. The Current Player part means that the trigger owner is the one that sets the alliance. Players 9 through 11, and also Neutral which is player 12, cannot run any triggers, therefore their alliance status with other players cannot be modified.

    Note that Neutral actually has special alliance behaviour with other players. When P1-8 leave the game, all of their units will be given to Neutral. These units that Neutral has inherited will maintain their alliance status will the remaining P1-8 players. Eg, if P4 is P1's enemy, when P4 leaves the game, P1 will remain hostile with the units that now belong to Neutral that originally came from P4. If P1 changes their alliance status with P4 (through triggers, I guess), then the units owned by neutral that originally came from P4 will also change to that alliance status; any units owned by neutral that originally came from P6 leaving the game would retain their alliance status with P1.


    Feb 9 2012, 3:05 am ClansAreForGays Post #10

    It's usually better to start another topic for a completely unrelated question.

    Feb 9 2012, 3:06 am TiKels Post #11

    But lanthanide, I thought minimap colors were altered by the player who OWN'S the alliance, and therefore p11 being unable to ally back would be irrelevant. You SHOULD be able to just do "set player 11 to ally".

    "If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


    Feb 9 2012, 3:07 am Lanthanide Post #12

    Well the fact is you can't do that either. Sorry. There exists no "set player 11 alliance status" trigger.


    Feb 9 2012, 3:07 am Roy Post #13

    An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

    Players 1-8 can ally with Players 9-11, just not the other way around. So yes, the "Always - Set Player 11 to Ally" would work.

    Feb 9 2012, 3:08 am durka_jihad Post #14

    so their units will always appear as enemy on the minimap? =\

    i guess i have another question which im sure can be answered by EUDs...
    the purpose of player 11 is to show you what special unit you get for having a particular capital city... is there a way i can have the unit be invulnerable but still show hp? it also shouldn't be susceptible to stuff like mind control, feedback, etc


    Feb 9 2012, 3:08 am Lanthanide Post #15

    The only way to make a unit invulnerable to spells is to make them Invincible. Invincible units never display HP (or take damage from any other sources). It is possible that with EUD actions you might be able to change this behaviour, but EUD actions are not supported on without the use of the EUD action enabler 3rd party tool (or similar).

    Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 9 2012, 3:22 am by Roy. Reason: Removed ally tangent


    Feb 9 2012, 3:09 am durka_jihad Post #16

    Quote from Roy
    Players 1-8 can ally with Players 9-11, just not the other way around. So yes, the "Always - Set Player 11 to Ally" would work.

    ok good, i was worried for a second


    Feb 9 2012, 3:11 am Raitaki Post #17

    You can always leave those units somewhere all players have map revealers at, but can't bring their units to. That way they can look at those units but can't use their own units to interact with them.


    Feb 9 2012, 3:11 am Roy Post #18

    An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

    Quote from Lanthanide
    Such trigger does not exist, Roy. These actions are via AI scripts, and AI scripts only exist for alliance status of P1-8 and vision status of P1-8.
    Nope, I'm right. See attached map if you'd like, but you're recalling incorrectly, Lanthanide. It's a "Set Alliance" action, not an AI script, and even so, Players 1-8 can run scripts. You're probably thinking of the "Turn On/Off Vision" AI Script.

    Feb 9 2012, 3:13 am Raitaki Post #19

    Quote from durka_jihad
    Quote from Lanthanide
    Such trigger does not exist, Roy. These actions are via AI scripts, and AI scripts only exist for alliance status of P1-8 and vision status of P1-8.

    The trigger that sets another player to ally is supposed to be run by players it applies too. Which means you have to run it for all players, not for P11.


    Feb 9 2012, 3:13 am Lanthanide Post #20

    Ahh, ok, yes, I am wrong there. I am right that the AI scripts only support P1-8, but there is also the separate alliance status trigger action that supports all the players.

    Edit: Actually there may not even be AI scripts for alliance status either. I might just be thinking of turn ON vision for P1-8 as well as turn OFF vision for P1-8. Nvm then.


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