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Jul 2 2010, 12:11 am
By: Program
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Jul 2 2010, 7:13 pm Fire_Kame Post #21

wth is starcraft

Get fresh pepper and sea salt that you grind tastes so much better

Jul 2 2010, 7:26 pm NudeRaider Post #22

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Yeah if you're going for eggs and nothing else, then you definitely need salt. And pepper is pretty much a given too for eggs.

Jul 2 2010, 7:35 pm Riney Post #23

Thigh high affectionado

Quote from BiOAtK
Uhh. Dark_Marine, I don't know how you eat chicken, but you never ever want chicken that's not completely done.

We're talking about strips of chicken, not the whole thing.

I probably should have mentioned that :awesome:

.riney on Discord.
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Jul 2 2010, 7:49 pm Roy Post #24

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

Chili is stupid easy to make, and it has nearly limitless potential as to what can be added and altered to change it.

- Ground beef (Optional, strongly recommended)
- Beans, be it chili, kidney, black, or whatever you choose (Optional, recommended)
- Onion (Optional, recommended)
- Tomato, fresh or canned (Optional, recommended)
- Chili Powder (Optional, recommended)
- Cumin (Optional, recommended)
- Mesquite (Optional)
- Bell Peppers (Optional)
- Celery (Optional)
- Corn (Optional and trivial)
- Cayenne (Optional, use if you want heat)
- Cooking Oil (Optional)
- Salt and Pepper, to taste (Optional)
- Bar of Soap (Optional, not recommended)

1. Dice or chop vegetables to satisfactory condition with a sharp knife. If you do not have a sharp knife, you may improvise with a dull knife.
2. Place a little cooking oil into a large saucepan or pot and heat the stove.
3. Place ground beef and/or other uncooked meat into the pan or pot. Do not place your flesh into the pan or pot.
4. Cook the meat until it is browned. Drain the fat if desired, but the difference is often negligible.
5. Add seasoning (chili powder, cumin, mesquite, cayenne). Do not over-season; you can add more later, but it's very difficult to remove, seeing as it's powder and all.
6. Add vegetables. If you have onion, you may want to add it first so it cooks longer. Veggies that don't require a ton of cooking, such as tomato or frozen corn, can be added later.
7. Add beans and the vegetables not added in step #6, if any.
8. Cook until everything has reached a consistent, desirable temperature. Serve over rice, noodles, toast, chips, tortillas, or by itself.

If you're not sure what you can make with the ingredients you have, and you don't want to run to the store to buy a bunch of other ingredients, there's a website that gives recipes from a list of ingredients. This is great when you have a bunch of food and you're not sure what you can do with it.

Jul 2 2010, 8:37 pm BeeR_KeG Post #25

Am I the only one who can eat eggs without salt and/or pepper? (Except the for ones at the university's cafeteria, those scrambled eggs are nasty)

Here's a few recipes pictures.

Hits: 76 Size: 455.27kb
Hits: 75 Size: 376.1kb
Hits: 75 Size: 938.13kb
Hits: 74 Size: 175.08kb


Jul 2 2010, 8:59 pm Fire_Kame Post #26

wth is starcraft

I like eggs with hot sauce, not salt and pepper.

Also, why do so many recipes contain bacon and eggs as 80% of the meal? All of you. That's gross >.<

Jul 2 2010, 8:59 pm Program Post #27

The first one looks fucking amazing. I HAVE to try that out.

edit: yeah, enough breakfast recipes, guys. :lol:


Jul 2 2010, 9:06 pm Fire_Kame Post #28

wth is starcraft

I think I'm going to coerce my boyfriend into making this tonight with me. It looks good...but I think I'm going to bake it if possible. :\ We have left over rice and beans from before, its a great way to use it up.

Jul 2 2010, 9:23 pm Program Post #29

Also, I think we're straying a little from the healthy criteria. :(


Jul 2 2010, 9:29 pm Riney Post #30

Thigh high affectionado

Fuck healthy. If it tastes good thats all that matters :awesome:

.riney on Discord.
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@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Jul 2 2010, 9:31 pm Program Post #31

Disregard above post, please. I run hard so I need to keep healthy.


Jul 2 2010, 9:55 pm Fire_Kame Post #32

wth is starcraft

Program, I'd look at the website I linked above. I get a lot of recipes from there. Sometimes the root recipe is hit and miss...but as you'll see, people review it, discuss substitutions (ie margarine for butter, skim milk for whole, depending on the recipe it works fine), and give tips to other cooks. They also have an option at the top (Ingredients) where you can search by what you want in the recipe and what you don't want...

Jul 2 2010, 10:03 pm Program Post #33

Quote from Fire_Kame
Program, I'd look at the website I linked above. I get a lot of recipes from there. Sometimes the root recipe is hit and miss...but as you'll see, people review it, discuss substitutions (ie margarine for butter, skim milk for whole, depending on the recipe it works fine), and give tips to other cooks. They also have an option at the top (Ingredients) where you can search by what you want in the recipe and what you don't want...

I prefer personal recommendations from people I know better (SEN), and I'm not a noob enough to have not googled that site. :P The recipes there seem kinda tough for me, and besides, I like the SEN recipes better. ;)


Jul 2 2010, 10:16 pm BeeR_KeG Post #34

Quote from Program
Disregard above post, please. I run hard so I need to keep healthy.

I run Track, and there's nothing you need to worry about really. Assuming you train twice a day from Mon-Fri, once on Sat and Sun is rest, with at least 3 gym sessions per week, you shouldn't worry about much. You'll burn everything pretty quickly and what you don't burn you'll build up as muscle. I've got a doctor in Sports Medicine who helps me out and what he told me is that the most important things are the times you eat, water and vitamins.

Let's say you train like I do.

Mon-Fri - 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM - Afternoon training
Mon/Wed/Fri - 6:00 AM - 7:20 AM - Light 15min run and weightlifting
Tues/Thur - 6:00 AM - Moderate 30~40min run.
Sat - 6:00 AM - Moderate 45~50min run.

So your eating should be a little like this:

5:45 AM - Snack. It has to be one serving of grains.
8:00 AM - Breakfast (Anything is good, try to mix up proteins and carbs). Take your multi-vitamin.
10:30 AM - Snack. It has to be one serving of fruit.
12:00 N - Lunch. (You can eat anything here)
2:30 PM - Snack. One serving of fruit and one serving of grains.
7:00 PM - Dinner. Take your multi-vitamin.

On average, one 20oz bottle of liquid per hour while you are awake. You will only drink water, juice and milk. Try to at least drink 64oz of milk per day. No soda, 1 alcoholic drink is permitted per week. Depending on you blood analysis, you will take different doses of B12 and Iron supplements. I take B12 every two days and Iron on Mon/Wed/Fri, both 15 minutes before breakfast.
He told me to try to avoid fast-food, but if there is no other alternative it's no problem. Anything else is fair game.
8 hours of sleep per day. Does not have to be consecutive hours. I personally sleep 7 hours and nap 1 hour.

I'd also like to ask what events do you run? I run 200m, 400m and 800m.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 2 2010, 10:21 pm by BeeR_KeG.


Jul 2 2010, 10:21 pm Excalibur Post #35

The sword and the faith

Quote from name:Dark_Marine
Step One: Grab a zergling, preferably a Darkling
Step Two: Preheat oven to 425°F
Step Tres: Cover zergling in ranch and bread crumbs
Step Foar: Put zergling on baking sheet and put in oven
Step Five: Cook for 30-40 minutes, depending on how well done you want the zergling.
Step Six : Enjoy

I know what I'm having tonight. ^^

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Jul 2 2010, 10:24 pm Program Post #36

Not necessarily worried about my weight, I just think all the bacon and egg recipes don't really provide for the vegetable/fruit/dairy food group. :lol:

But that's some good workout schedule advice there, I'll definitely try to retain something like what you do. Although the only nutrition advice I see is for the diet is for the snack. And I don't even really have a scheduled time when I snack.. lol

I'm a long distance runner, so XC and the mile. Since I'm moving up from middle school, there was no 3200 meter, but I'll definitely consider it.

Thanks man, those are some good advice.


Jul 2 2010, 10:37 pm Fire_Kame Post #37

wth is starcraft

Quote from Program
Quote from Fire_Kame
Program, I'd look at the website I linked above. I get a lot of recipes from there. Sometimes the root recipe is hit and miss...but as you'll see, people review it, discuss substitutions (ie margarine for butter, skim milk for whole, depending on the recipe it works fine), and give tips to other cooks. They also have an option at the top (Ingredients) where you can search by what you want in the recipe and what you don't want...

I prefer personal recommendations from people I know better (SEN), and I'm not a noob enough to have not googled that site. :P The recipes there seem kinda tough for me, and besides, I like the SEN recipes better. ;)

I suppose so. Then again, I found the simplest truffle, peanut brittle and fudge recipes there. XD

Jul 2 2010, 10:49 pm Program Post #38

:O Truffle?! I'll definitely look through the site again, then. :)


Jul 3 2010, 1:15 am Fire_Kame Post #39

wth is starcraft

Except I substituted part of the cream cheese for raspberry jam to make raspberry ones. I think it made the filling a little less workable but the end result was delicious!

Jul 3 2010, 1:32 am Demented Shaman Post #40

Quote from BeeR_KeG
Am I the only one who can eat eggs without salt and/or pepper?
No, I don't put salt and pepper on my eggs. I don't really put extra salt or pepper on anything I eat.


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