Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Mapmaking Assistance > Topic: UMS - Getting AI to Build?
UMS - Getting AI to Build?
Oct 7 2007, 9:13 am
By: ION  

Oct 7 2007, 9:13 am ION Post #1

Ok I've made a melee type of map, I need it to work on UMS setting. But I also need the computer to start building?
Without UMS on my triggers don't work, so.

I've placed the main buildings /commandcenter etc/ over the start locations and even gave them 4 drones/probes etc.
But they still just sit there, any advice? ty!


Oct 7 2007, 9:17 am Roy Post #2

An artist's depiction of an Extended Unit Death

I hate AI scripts...


  • Computer Player
  • Conditions

  • Always
  • Actions

  • Run AI Script "(Whatever you want them to do)" at "(Wherever you want them to do it at)"
  • (More AI Scripts if you want them to do more)

  • Getting AI scripts to work right isn't my sort of thing... I've managed to get 1 worker doing everything while the others idle by, awaiting my attack.

    Oct 7 2007, 9:26 am ION Post #3

    Well I was messing around with those, but in a different way, TY ROY!


    Oct 7 2007, 12:21 pm Doodan Post #4

    Make a location over the computer's main buildings, and then make that action "Run AI Script at location", and make sure it's the "(Race) Custom Level" script. This script expects to start with the main building, 4 workers, and 50 minerals. I imagine if you make any alterations, it won't work properly, although I've not tested it.

    Make sure the races are appropriate!


    Oct 7 2007, 2:03 pm ION Post #5

    I have 4 AI against me, I start them off with 20,000, 10 gatherers, Start Location w/ Main Building over top.
    Tried setting /Race Custom Level, but still doesn't seem to work. I had better luck with /Race Campaign Area Town.
    They instantly make 2/depots,pylons,overlords etc, and 2 Gas Buildings, but then just keep mining away, building nothing else?
    I've tried different AI settings, but cannot get them to build anything but that.

    Also, I have Brown as an AI in the middle, which is timed to blow up after 30mins, works great.
    Thinking that brown had so many pylons&cannons,
    They would have to harvest so much to get ahead,
    So I allied them all together but still nothing.

    Are there AI scripts I can download?
    Like a nice, super hardcore comp I can take on?

    Ty in Advance!


    Oct 7 2007, 4:04 pm XGuy Post #6

    Are there AI scripts I can download?

    No. Of what I know; you can only write your own scripts for mods.

    have 4 AI against me, I start them off with 20,000, 10 gatherers, Start Location w/ Main Building over top.
    Tried setting /Race Custom Level, but still doesn't seem to work. I had better luck with /Race Campaign Area Town.
    They instantly make 2/depots,pylons,overlords etc, and 2 Gas Buildings, but then just keep mining away, building nothing else?
    I've tried different AI settings, but cannot get them to build anything but that.

    Ok just do this: Put a location over the comps base. Then just use the "Expansion (Race) Campaign Insane" script. Also post your map, just in case.

    Thinking that brown had so many pylons&cannons,
    They would have to harvest so much to get ahead,

    Yeah no idea what your talking about there.


    Oct 7 2007, 5:09 pm ION Post #7

    Well sry to say I only have SC and NOT BW.
    So I'm not sure if it's still the same deal.


    Oct 7 2007, 5:14 pm DaMiNaToR Post #8

    You could start each one off with just 4 workers and 50 minerals to make sure the AI script is gonna work, then after a few seconds, use triggers to place the extra workers and give them the extra resources. I'm pretty sure that would work fine, although the new workers might not do anything, but it's worth a shot. I hate AI scripts.


    Oct 7 2007, 5:38 pm ION Post #9

    Ok thanks, great tip I'll try it out!


    Oct 7 2007, 6:31 pm fritfrat Post #10

    Damninator, that wouldn't make a difference.. the AI script would work fine with extra workers and resources. Campaign Insane actually adds 2000(?) ore to that player's supply when you run it.

    Just make sure that the computer's race is set to what the buildings and AI script are, and it should just work fine by running either Custom or Insane. Otherwise, you're doing something else to mess it up, so if it still doesn't work, tell us everything else you're doing that could possibly be the source of error.


    Oct 8 2007, 9:10 am ION Post #11

    I've had the best results on Insane. Although they still don't build Gas Refineries. Also placed 1 of every building they need.
    Think I'm just going to make it human vs human, even if I could get the computer to build and build right, they still won't be as strategic as a human.


    Oct 8 2007, 2:05 pm Conen. Post #12

    If you want the computer to wait before workin', set Conditions to: Elapsed time is # Game seconds.


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