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As a rule of thumb, if you're not fully vaccinated, you're likely to end up in a hospital.
Dunno if that's true. My gf, myself, gf's mom, and gf's sister all recently recovered from COVID with minimal difficulty, none of us are vaccinated. Had a few days of flu-like symptoms followed by a week or so of fatigue and minor other symptoms but no fever, then we were (are) basically back to normal. At first we didn't realize we were sick, then we just thought it was the flu but testing showed otherwise. None of us regret our decisions
I'm guessing Omicron then And I'm guessing your mom is healthy still.
Yeah I was thinking about editing what I wrote as Omicron is without a doubt the mildest variant so far. The only reason vaccination is needed for Omicron is because even though Omicron is so mild, it spreads so incredibly fast that eventually the math leads to too many people in the hospital, even if the percentage of people needing the hospital is way lower than for any of the previous variants. This is also why Omicron is going to end the pandemic and succeed in 2022 where the vaccines failed in 2021.