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[Source] GPTP - SC:V plugins.
Jan 3 2016, 4:15 am

Jan 3 2016, 4:15 am KYSXD Post #1


(First of all, sorry for my bad english :D )

With the most improved fork by (UndeadStar) of GPTP, i was working in many plugins (Like auto harvest on first frame, different larvae amount for zerg buildings, etc.) on my fork for my mod SC:V (no, it's not "5").

Many of them don't need extra changes on any SC files (warpGate plugin needs some changes on the button set, High-Dark templar merge need also some changes on firegraft). Other ones change the behavior of the SC calculations (speed now work in a BIG different way).

The main idea/request here is to share the on going work and ask for some advice to the modders here. There could be many improvements to the current code, and many other features could be done with the help of anyone here.

TLDR: Here's the repo for my own work. If you want to help, feel free to fork, or push your own work to the current one. Send your suggestions. Let's writte plugins! :D


Work done (16/02/2016):
•Starting workers set to 12.
•Workers will harvest at first run.
•Re-worked collision for workers while harvesting (SCII inspired).
•Window-mode (requires WMODE.dll and WMODE_FIX.dll).
•Changed harvest rates (and could be controlled separately).
•Changed unit-speed behavior and added speed modifier on creep.
•Changed cooldown behavior and added stim variants (this would allow other units to use stim for other purposes).
•Auto harvest on rally point.
•Auto enter-transport on rally point.
•Target lines.
•Idle worker count.
•Different larva amount (3 - Hatchery, 4 - Lair, 5 - Hive).
•Dark/High Templar merge (Twilight archon inspired).
•WarpGate plugin (SCII inspired).
•Increased regen to burrowed units (also, improved regen after upgrade).
•Decrease shield for unpowered buildings.
•Zealot's charge (SCII inspired).
•Different harvest rates for minerals (red, blue and yellow minerals).
•Improved shield regen (SCII inspired).
•Chrono boost (SCII inpired).
•Terran Reactor behavior (SCII inspired).
•Stalker's blink (SCII inspired).
•Adept's psionic transfer (SCII inspired).

If you want to see some of the plugins in action, you can see them on my Youtube channel


Now you can check the New wiki created to know how every plugin works (Still WIP).

Post has been edited 6 time(s), last time on May 27 2016, 8:39 am by KYSXD.

Jan 4 2016, 9:30 pm Corbo Post #2


I've seen most of your videos, your plug ins are insane!

Good work!

fuck you all

Jan 5 2016, 5:34 am Sand Wraith Post #3


Nice, these are really good.

Jan 31 2016, 3:56 am KYSXD Post #4

I edited the first post with the current work done.
Also, I will try add more info about the changes needed in .dat files, buttonSets and so to use some of the plugins properly.

Right now I'm trying to recreate the worker count of resource depots (like CC, Nexus, etc.) and the burrowed movement.

Any help, suggestion or advice is welcomed.

And... Should I move this topic to Modding Assistance?

Apr 7 2016, 1:01 am KYSXD Post #5

I have released the source of the Smart Casting implementation i wrote (inspired in the original implementation by RavenWolf, you can check it in this link. His work is amazing. Really, you should check it out).

You can find this source in this GitHub's Link.

I'm not planning to write a tutorial for this anytime soon, that's why release the source, maybe could be useful for experienced programmers.

Apr 10 2016, 8:07 pm Voyager7456 Post #6

Responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast

These really are a fantastic resource for people. Thanks for making them available, KYSXD.

all i am is a contrary canary
but i'm crazy for you
i watched you cradling a tissue box
sneezing and sniffling, you were still a fox

Modding Resources: The Necromodicon [WIP] | Mod Night
My Projects: SCFC | ARAI | Excision [WIP] | SCFC2 [BETA] | Robots vs. Humans | Leviathan Wakes [BETA]

Jun 11 2018, 2:13 pm KYSXD Post #7

For all people interested, I made available my Extended buttonset plugin implementation in the wiki.

Jun 12 2018, 5:26 pm UndeadStar Post #8

I remember when I made the buttonsets hooks, I tried opening lots and lots of functions to find what to edit to gain this "more than 9 buttons" feature, but most functions were unhookable and didn't seem relevant anyway, so it's good to see it working in an open source context.

Nov 7 2018, 7:25 pm Lagi Post #9

Quote from KYSXD
I have released the source of the Smart Casting implementation i wrote (inspired in the original implementation by RavenWolf, you can check it in this link. His work is amazing. Really, you should check it out).

You can find this source in this GitHub's Link.

I'm not planning to write a tutorial for this anytime soon, that's why release the source, maybe could be useful for experienced programmers.

The plugin code you post on your wiki, work like that (more or less): group of caster for first spell use smart cast (only one spell trigger), for next spell ALL casters launch their spells (so like in Vanilla BW). And it goes in sequence: one cast / all cast / one cast / all cast ...

I check SC Revolution and there smart cast work properly, always one cast.


Nov 9 2018, 1:26 pm KYSXD Post #10

Quote from Lagi
Quote from KYSXD
I have released the source of the Smart Casting implementation i wrote (inspired in the original implementation by RavenWolf, you can check it in this link. His work is amazing. Really, you should check it out).

You can find this source in this GitHub's Link.

I'm not planning to write a tutorial for this anytime soon, that's why release the source, maybe could be useful for experienced programmers.

The plugin code you post on your wiki, work like that (more or less): group of caster for first spell use smart cast (only one spell trigger), for next spell ALL casters launch their spells (so like in Vanilla BW). And it goes in sequence: one cast / all cast / one cast / all cast ...

I check SC Revolution and there smart cast work properly, always one cast.

I'll take a look on that.

Back in the day there weren't any order-trigger related hooks available. Maybe I could add that feature in a cleaner way.

Let me know if you have another problem with any of my sources.

Nov 9 2018, 9:58 pm Lagi Post #11

Quote from KYSXD
Let me know if you have another problem with any of my sources.

since you ask :rolleyes:
the rally plugin, starting harvest at game start. workers take suboptimal route.

I use your plugin with 12 workers. Many workers take one route, clog in one mineral rock, and then decide to go to the next one. Here they encounter again traffic and go to the next.

thing is, if I manually send some of them to free rocks, I improve the initial harvest. [i just check it again in your SC.V, if they work any different, but its the same].

personally for me its fine, I'm not competent player at all, I just enjoy the game. But for others maybe the point of the plugin is to automatically do things, as best as can be done.

KYSXD thank You for your tutorials & sources, they helping me a lot. And allow me to just enjoy stuff without doing the work or invent stuff :D

Biggest problem is that there is not enough ready plugins to copy-paste :lol:


Nov 10 2018, 6:11 pm KYSXD Post #12

Quote from Lagi

the rally plugin, starting harvest at game start. workers take suboptimal route.

I use your plugin with 12 workers. Many workers take one route, clog in one mineral rock, and then decide to go to the next one. Here they encounter again traffic and go to the next.

thing is, if I manually send some of them to free rocks, I improve the initial harvest. [i just check it again in your SC.V, if they work any different, but its the same].

personally for me its fine, I'm not competent player at all, I just enjoy the game. But for others maybe the point of the plugin is to automatically do things, as best as can be done.

KYSXD thank You for your tutorials & sources, they helping me a lot. And allow me to just enjoy stuff without doing the work or invent stuff :D

Biggest problem is that there is not enough ready plugins to copy-paste :lol:

First of all, I think that the SCV ai isn't a problem with my source. :bleh:

That aside, adding some... intel to the intel may be an interesting task. Let me check if I can do something about it.

Nov 11 2018, 6:08 pm Lagi Post #13

I check the burrow movement plugin,
nice but the burrowed zerg can not unburrow

zergling button set, double the "basic burrower" one. And he can not unburrow.

I believe zergling need to have properly set "stopReaver" command?

can you provide some tutor how the button have to be set in Firegraft?

I have add "stop reaver" command,

as well as unburrow with "Not burrowed" condition (for button to be visible when zerglin is unburrow)


Nov 11 2018, 6:21 pm KYSXD Post #14

Quote from Lagi
I check the burrow movement plugin,
nice but the burrowed zerg can not unburrow

zergling button set, double the "basic burrower" one. And he can not unburrow.

I believe zergling need to have properly set "stopReaver" command?

can you provide some tutor how the button have to be set in Firegraft?

I have add "stop reaver" command,

as well as unburrow with "Not burrowed" condition (for button to be visible when zerglin is unburrow)

If I understand, you already know how to add buttons to a command card. The missing thing is to enable those orders to work with the unit you want.
In firegraft, there's one tab in which you can set the requirements for commands/orders.

Look for "Reaver Stop" or something like that and add "unit must be Zerling" to the list. That should do the work.

If not, maybe I missed something when adding that plugin. Let me know.

Sorry if I'm not able to give screenshots or proper guide, I no longer have windows and I'm trying to remeber how the FireGraft's GUI looks like. :bleh:

Nov 11 2018, 6:40 pm Lagi Post #15

Thank you,
yes that was the issue.

in firegraft Dat requirements for Orders , need to add stopREaver also for zergling.

now I would like to have
1) those burrow movement available after upgrade.
2) remove the expendable button, when zergling is burrowed.

any advice?
[i know I'm shameless sorry :blush: , need to suck the knowledge]


Nov 11 2018, 7:00 pm KYSXD Post #16

Quote from Lagi
Thank you,
yes that was the issue.

in firegraft Dat requirements for Orders , need to add stopREaver also for zergling.

now I would like to have
1) those burrow movement available after upgrade.
2) remove the expendable button, when zergling is burrowed.

any advice?
[i know I'm shameless sorry :blush: , need to suck the knowledge]

To make the burrow available after an upgrade you could add a check for the upgrade you want in the initial 'if' statement.

To remove the button… that's another history. You could create your custom buttonset in the buttonset hook.
Right now I don't know a clean way to remove the button without making a big mess.

Nov 11 2018, 7:10 pm Voyager7456 Post #17

Responsible for my own happiness? I can't even be responsible for my own breakfast

Quote from KYSXD
Quote from Lagi
Thank you,
yes that was the issue.

in firegraft Dat requirements for Orders , need to add stopREaver also for zergling.

now I would like to have
1) those burrow movement available after upgrade.
2) remove the expendable button, when zergling is burrowed.

any advice?
[i know I'm shameless sorry :blush: , need to suck the knowledge]

To make the burrow available after an upgrade you could add a check for the upgrade you want in the initial 'if' statement.

To remove the button… that's another history. You could create your custom buttonset in the buttonset hook.
Right now I don't know a clean way to remove the button without making a big mess.

I'm having a hard time following, so I'm not clear on when you want this button removed, but the easiest way is to probably use the button condition hooks in interface\btns_cond.cpp.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Mar 29 2019, 6:03 am by NudeRaider. Reason: testing severity

all i am is a contrary canary
but i'm crazy for you
i watched you cradling a tissue box
sneezing and sniffling, you were still a fox

Modding Resources: The Necromodicon [WIP] | Mod Night
My Projects: SCFC | ARAI | Excision [WIP] | SCFC2 [BETA] | Robots vs. Humans | Leviathan Wakes [BETA]

Dec 1 2018, 1:41 pm Lagi Post #18

for the burrower movement plugin. I just try 2x on LAN game with other player:
As soon as Zergling going burrowed, come into see range of opponent units - both players are disconnected from the game.


Dec 1 2018, 5:03 pm KYSXD Post #19

Quote from Lagi
for the burrower movement plugin. I just try 2x on LAN game with other player:
As soon as Zergling going burrowed, come into see range of opponent units - both players are disconnected from the game.

Looking into it.

I may not be able to fix the current plugin. Writting a new one from scratch seems like the best idea.

The problem with this may be a desync caused by the graphic's scripts.

Apr 30 2019, 6:51 am lucifirius Post #20

How did you do the zealot charge?

EDIT: I found the code for it, and now I have more questions.

Where is the code for the stalker blink?
Where is the code for the psionic transfer?
What exactly is meant by "improved shield regen"?
What changes in Firegraft do I have to make to implement the charge, blink, and transfer?

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 1 2019, 10:12 am by lucifirius.


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