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SEN Arena 2
Jun 6 2015, 12:44 am
By: Dem0n
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Jun 8 2015, 2:27 pm lil-Inferno Post #61

Just here for the pie

Quote from Fire_Kame
When all you wanna do is cuddle and talk about your feelings but she just try'na fuck.

Azrael - He'll snap a nigga's neck real quick.
EzDay281 - EzDay281 assembles IKEA weapons.
Wing Zero - Crossbow OP.
lil-Inferno - Shield bashing.
BloodyZombie117 - Helmet bashing gets bashed.
Sacrieur - Sacrieur's a crazy motherfucker.
GeneralPie - Claymores work well in tight spaces. :teach:
poiuy_qwert - There's heat to cook up pain with.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 9 2015, 4:20 am by lil-Inferno.

Jun 8 2015, 4:29 pm A_of-s_t Post #62

aka idmontie

Oh_Man - those smoke grenades aren't going to do a damn thing
ShadowFlare - ShadowFlare would win with nailclippers, let alone a metal pipe
Devourer - Crossbow, duh.
Corbo - Sorry lil-inferno, but that umbrella is going to kick your ass
rayNimagi - I'm pretty sure a metal helmet is going to hurt if you hit someone with it
Fire_Kame - This one would depend on who had cute cat pictures to distract their opponent with. Since Kame always has cat pictures, I'm assuming she'll win.
Excalibur - It's Excal, duh. Although General Pie would put up a good fight with those claymores.
A_of-s_t - I win, poiuy_qwert loses, deal with it.

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Jun 8 2015, 8:53 pm Fire_Kame Post #63

wth is starcraft

2v3 for sacfaec and I :hurr:

Jun 9 2015, 1:19 am Generalpie Post #64

Staredit Puckwork

Wing Zero
I'm so edgy :awesome:


Jun 9 2015, 3:17 am Sacrieur Post #65

Still Napping

Wing Zero


Jun 9 2015, 5:02 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #66

👻 👾 👽 💪

Oh_Man - Baseball bat beats smoke grenades
EzDay - I just like the screwdriver better (sorry SF) :P
Devourer - Crossbow is obvious, but the butterknife makes me laugh ...
Corbo - Umbrella, obviously.
rayNimagi - Helmet visor counteracts pepper spray
Kame - Wire hangar can make a super effective cat-picture-mobile. Also I don't think brass knuckles stay well on paws.
Ex - 1 claymore, maybe, but 2 seems unwieldy.
A_of_s_t - poiuy is winning, Aofst needs some support too!

Quote from NudeRaider
All staff members except Ex and Devo have been eliminated.
Because we got shit like a small bit of rope, some string, or a flashlight.

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Jun 9 2015, 5:06 am Wing Zero Post #67

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

My Votes
Wing Zero

Jun 9 2015, 5:44 am Raitaki Post #68

Wing Zero


Jun 9 2015, 6:26 am Dem0n Post #69

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

The OP has been updated with the results from round 2. Some last-minute voting broke a few ties that would have been heartbreaking.

Round 3 has begun. Voting will end at 2:30 pm EST on Wednesday, June 10th.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 9 2015, 3:05 pm by Dem0n.

Jun 9 2015, 7:02 am Azrael Post #70

Azrael - Smoke Grenade (x2)
Oh_Man - Wooden Baseball Bat
The devout-looking man moved carefully through the dim cave, holding a baseball bat in one hand while keeping his fedora perfectly tipped with the other. There were sharp rocks everywhere, and the floor was easy enough to slip on; he couldn't risk dropping his guard for a moment, knowing his target could be anywhere.

He slowly took another step, when he heard a metallic "ting" sound on the floor behind him. Expecting that something had fallen from his bag, he turned back to pick it up. However, the item looked entirely foreign to him; it was some kind of metal canister. Suddenly, a cloud of smoke began to pour out of it.

"Oh!" he yelled out, quickly trying to move away from it. That's when he heard it: another metallic sound. In front of him, another cloud began to form, quickly filling up the enclosed space. He was trapped on both sides by smoke, which rapidly crept towards him as it expanded. It was only a moment before he was completely enveloped, unable to see anything.

"Oh", he muttered to himself as he realized his opponent's strategy. Lifting the bat up, he was ready to take a swing. His muscles tensed anxiously. As the seconds passed, he became more nervous. He could hear water flowing somewhere, a drip here and there... wait, was that a footstep? He couldn't risk it, and swung in a large arc around himself.

The baseball bat connected with nothing, and in that moment, something hit him hard in the stomach. The air left his lungs immediately, and he tried desperately to inhale; the noxious smoke was quick to enter his body. He could also feel the arms wrap around him as he began moving backwards, his feet no longer touching the ground.

For a few seconds, it felt like he was flying. And then it felt like he was falling. And then it felt like a sharp rock had impaled him through his backside and was now sticking out of his torso. He looked down, and saw the smoke he'd inhaled seeping out of a large chest wound, apparently caused by the pointy rock that was also protruding from it.

"Oh..." he managed to utter, as his body went limp. His eyes closed, and a strange warmth came over his cold body. Suddenly feeling refreshed and free of pain, he opened his eyes and looked around. He was standing on a brightly-lit cloud, with shining gates before him. A winged gentleman was there as well, motioning for him to come inside. Grinning, he took his first step towards eternal happiness.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 10 2015, 10:40 pm by Azrael.

Jun 9 2015, 4:22 pm BloodyZombie117 Post #71

I have no idea what to put here... So I guess I'll just put this here.

Azrael. His advantage lies in the fact that he has already fought two battles using smoke. The fog wouldn't slow him down, plus, he'd make more smoke everywhere!
Wing. He could dive under the water and ambush lil easily. Although it'd be hard for lil to even go near the water with a heavy shield.
BloodyZombie117. This is kind of hard to decide which weapon would fare well in this place. Just remember, pepper spray doesn't just blind somebody. But brass knuckles are made of enchindas. I just hope I don't face GeneralPie next round, I'd surely lose to claymores, unless I could trigger them with pepper spray. Two shots for them, and one for GeneralPie... I need some claymores for research.
GeneralPie. Claymores go boom. Conker's Bad Fur Day has taught me that explosives are more deadly than a frying pan.

Jun 9 2015, 4:24 pm Devourer Post #72


Crossbow unable to deal with a butterknife.
"Dark Cave" is exactly what I am used to; sitting in my dank dark apartment all day long.
What's next?
A dragon getting slain by a Moose? Me working on SEN? Worldpeace?

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Jun 9 2015, 9:54 pm Fire_Kame Post #73

wth is starcraft

Kame ran through the cavernous tunnels, her footsteps echoing off every nook and cranny the natural rock formations created. In the distance she thought she could hear the sounds of clashing metal and guttural screams of death, but she did her best to focus instead on the steady footsteps behind her.


Sacrieur's sure footsteps didn't seem to echo as much as hers, but perhaps that was from how hard she was breathing and how loud her heartbeat had become. She knew the minute she stopped it would mean her certain death, so she tried to navigate the twisting cave for a venue that would provide her with an advantage. But her luck had run out - the dead end she dreaded lay before her, and with his footsteps steadily increasing in volume she could tell she wouldn't have much time.

In a fit of panic, she hid behind an outcropping of rocks, pulling out her weapon and working the malleable wire into an appropriate weapon. She had learned from the last encounter that the wire would bend too easily against the pressure of clothing - it was out of luck, and Kevin's poor choice of weapon, that she was able to defeat him. This time she would need something stronger. But the metal would not cooperate; instead of forming a point as she wanted, it looped awkwardly. The tensile strength failed, causing it to snap into two, leaving her with an awkwardly shaped hook in one hand and a useless scrap in the other.

The footsteps stopped for a moment. Had he really been so close to hear her? She held her breath, but her heart continued to beat, deafening her ears even as adrenaline pushed her senses to their limits.

"Kame." The voice was quiet, controlled, and right behind her. She knew she shouldn't face it. If she just didn't look at couldn't harm her. Right? No...but it would be delaying the inevitable, and there was no use in that. She turned to face him, trying to take full control of the situation, but with him looming over her crouched position it was clear how big of a disadvantageous she had given herself.

Without a second thought his fist, clad with a brass duster, grazed her jaw, knocking her back against the outcropping. The stalagmites were made of a soft material, one that crumbled under her weight easily, sending a cloud of dust into the air. She coughed, pulling herself to her feet awkwardly, her jaw smarting. As the dust cleared she watched Sacrieur, who had not moved yet, waiting patiently for her to gain her bearings. "I don't need any sympathy," Kame spat out.

He didn't respond.

Was he waiting for her to make the first move? She wasn't so ready to run head first into her death - the brass knuckles, combined with his strength, would make short work of her; especially if she provided extra momentum with a horribly placed mark. She turned the broken hanger over in her hand, thinking her only hope would be to hit something soft and ill-protected, like his eyes.

The thought made her laugh; like hell he'd give her the chance to be that close. However...

She rushed him, the hand holding the hanger held in a wide arc, scraping the side of the cave as she ran. He braced himself, his eyes darting between the wire back to her occasionally, the clad fist ready to strike as she got into his range. At the last moment, in a move that could only be described as sheer luck, she diverted slightly, causing him to twist unnaturally to keep her in his sights. She whipped her hanger around, spraying his eyes with dust and rock, before kicking him below the belt. He fell to the ground. If she didn't know better, she'd say tears were welling in his eyes.

In her final act, she scraped the roof of the cave around him as she ran past, causing stalactites to crash down, praying that one would hit him in the head. She continued running, how much longer would she have to play this game?

The cave around her quieted. She slowed to a walk. Was she alone? Had she won?


She cursed, turning around to face him. The cavern walls here were very smooth; there was nothing to use and nothing for her to hide behind. Her bag of tricks had run out. Sacrieur was ready to go, his knuckles clenched tight. A great deal of space was still between them, and Kame was not interested in changing that anytime soon.

Having never been trained in proper defense, she put her hands up in a sloppy triangle, leaving one fist loose and the other with the hanger tightly gripped between two fingers. It was her last line of defense; and even though he might be able to push it aside, it might cause a temporary deterrent. She waited.

"Is this what you want?" Kame asked him. He didn't respond right away, cocking his head to the side.

"I'd like to survive." There was silence. "I don't like monologues - they waste time," he added.

Nothing happened.

"Come at me," one of them said, but by the time they closed the space between them it was impossible to tell who had said it.

They erupted into a flurry of action, Kame quickly browbeaten into the defensive, while Sacrieur's steady stream of offensive maneuvers sought to break down her minor defenses. She barely avoided a right hook, but the strike did succeed in knocking her weapon from her knuckles, sending it echoing across the floor from her. It shocked her so that she dropped both her hands for only a moment, but it was the opportunity Sacrieur had been waiting for. He punched her square in the face, her head snapping back in response, hitting the suddenly very close wall. Her knees began to give; it took all her strength - and the support of the cavern wall - to stay upright. She stared at him menacingly, searching for anything within him to bargain with. There was nothing. She was beat. Sighing, she closed her eyes. At least it was over.

"Take care of Quintet for me," she whispered.

A bone shattering crack resounded through the halls as Kame crumpled to the ground, leaving the victor to make quick work in finding the exit.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 9 2015, 10:11 pm by Fire_Kame.

Jun 10 2015, 2:11 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #74

👻 👾 👽 💪

EzDay - Smoke grenades add nothing to the fog, not to mention Ez is familiar with keeping to the shadows -- the fog does nothing to hinder him and, if anything, only strengthen him.
Wing - A heavy shield does not do well in the mud.
BloodyZombie - Pepperspray to disorient, push him in the water to drown (or to the things hinted at within).
Claymore vs. Pan is hard to decide -- Claymores are definitely more powerful and deadly than a frying pan, but in a muddy swamp it might be different especially with 2. Also both these weapons would be hard to keep a firm footing in the slippery mud.

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Jun 10 2015, 5:17 am NudeRaider Post #75

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from O)FaRTy1billion[MM]
Claymore vs. Pan is hard to decide -- Claymores are definitely more powerful and deadly than a frying pan, but in a muddy swamp it might be different especially with 2. Also both these weapons would be hard to keep a firm footing in the slippery mud.
Just mad up and use the claymores as double frying pan replicas :D
P.S. mad is actually a typo (should be man), but I like it so I'm keeping it. :P

Jun 10 2015, 5:57 am Wing Zero Post #76

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I fucked up this post. Please restore it if you can.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 10 2015, 11:57 pm by Wing Zero.

Jun 10 2015, 7:04 am O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #77

👻 👾 👽 💪

Are these claymores swords or are they mines? I didn't realize until the multiple references to triggering and explosions (and subsequently looking it up) that they were anything but swords. ;o

I guess having two mines makes more sense than two broadswords (which is why I kept saying it was unwieldy).

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 10 2015, 7:10 am by FaRTy1billion.

TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
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Jun 10 2015, 1:47 pm lil-Inferno Post #78

Just here for the pie

Azrael - He's used to smokey environments already. A screwdriver won't help when you can't see.
lil-Inferno - People are saying the kite shield would slow me down, but I've got muh gains and don't have to use it. Plus my agility is level 99.
Sacrieur - Sacrieur's a crazy motherfucker.
GeneralPie - He's a general.

Jun 10 2015, 3:50 pm Wing Zero Post #79

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

Quote from Devourer
Crossbow unable to deal with a butterknife.
"Dark Cave" is exactly what I am used to; sitting in my dank dark apartment all day long.
What's next?
A dragon getting slain by a Moose? Me working on SEN? Worldpeace?

To be fair, I once saw a dragon get rekt by a bear.

Quote from lil-Inferno
Azrael - He's used to smokey environments already. A screwdriver won't help when you can't see.

It would be difficult to make no sounds in this environment. Both of them would be able to figure out the position of the other from that.

Jun 10 2015, 6:14 pm Generalpie Post #80

Staredit Puckwork



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