Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 UMS Theory and Ideas > Topic: Death-Table-Addon EUPs
Death-Table-Addon EUPs
May 17 2014, 8:12 am
By: jjf28
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Aug 2 2014, 4:08 am trgk Post #41

oh shit.

If that's a fact, sorry for researching; though i haven't done anything important, i've somewhat contributed to;

We should release some kind of patch that sandboxes Starcraft.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 2 2014, 4:18 am by trgk.


Aug 2 2014, 4:19 am jjf28 Post #42

Cartography Artisan

A patch might be neat, though quite invasive

IIRC cinolt = yoon

Edit: I'm finally running executable code :)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 2 2014, 7:23 am by jjf28.

TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura - github

Reached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.

Aug 2 2014, 3:16 pm Moose Post #43

We live in a society.

Interesting. Given the development of such power, I'll drop in some historical notes. Years ago, someone made scripts to flood the public game list. Combine this with the fact that you can make entries on the game list that crash the game. At the time, I learned from one of the people who had it that there were only four people known to have such scripts. Regardless, controlled distribution did not stop from becoming nearly unusable for an entire gateway for petty reasons. Fortunately, people who still have the script are currently appeased and/or have left the scene. There was also a time when the best map unprotectors of their respective days were under controlled distribution but still managed to cause damage somehow. Though Oblivion and such tools are public now, it wouldn't surprise me if similar controlled distribution occurred with hacks and channel flooding scripts at some point as well.

The debate on whether or not maps could contain viruses, malware, or other malicious code is many years old. It took quite some time, but the capability seems to have manifested. Bans and controlled distribution may slow down the clock, but it's only a matter of time until this capability ends up punishing people, at least some of whom will be innocent. Maybe it will fall into the wrong hands. Maybe a malicious programmer will recreate it. Maybe someone trusted will turn out to be petty or bored or a troll. But mark my words, it will happen. Though in this case, it already appears to be happening. GL HF.

Aug 3 2014, 5:15 pm Zoan Post #44

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan

Oh goddamn it, I hate Cinolt. That totally sounds like something he would do too.
EDIT: Oh, yoon = Cinolt? :O I don't know what to think about that.

\:rip\:ooooo\:wob\:ooooo \:angel\: ooooo\:wob\:ooooo\:rip\:

Aug 12 2014, 4:55 am SHANE-009 Post #45

I don't get it- I think this is all lies! No way you can edit a game, sorry. But Nice lies! Don't trust any of you guys have to say about this shit. Its not possible!
And if you are telling the truth you would have that map up here already!
And if this was impossible hackers would of done THIS IN 2004-2007 THE HACKING DAY OF SC- I live it!

So take your lies and shit- and throw them away!

New Username: Cool-Knight !
Please follow me on my site:

Aug 12 2014, 11:56 am Cinolt Post #46

Lying is against SEN policy here, so it obviously couldn't be a lie.


Aug 12 2014, 1:23 pm jjf28 Post #47

Cartography Artisan

I think you're lying about thinking we're lying, perhaps we should go to therapy and work out these trust issues.

TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura - github

Reached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.

Sep 4 2014, 6:26 pm jjf28 Post #48

Cartography Artisan

Runs trigger cycles every frame (double speed of hypers): previous link

Edit: New link below

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Feb 19 2015, 8:05 am by jjf28.

TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura - github

Reached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.

Sep 5 2014, 7:22 am Sacrieur Post #49

Still Napping

Quote from jjf28
Runs trigger cycles every frame (double speed of hypers): Link
This is the last missing piece of the HT puzzle.

But wow! Looks like it has some problems to work out.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 5 2014, 7:33 am by Sacrieur.


Sep 5 2014, 1:53 pm jjf28 Post #50

Cartography Artisan

Crashes after playing? Doesn't happen on my setup.

TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura - github

Reached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.

Sep 5 2014, 4:05 pm Sacrieur Post #51

Still Napping

Quote from jjf28
Crashes after playing? Doesn't happen on my setup.

Yeah like a serious hardcore crash.

I'm running windows 7 ultimate right now. I'll try to do a clean install of SC and see if that changes anything. In the mean time, if anyone else is here reading this, if you could also test it to see if it is a common error or just me, that would be terrific.


Sep 5 2014, 7:10 pm O)FaRTy1billion[MM] Post #52

👻 👾 👽 💪

Nope, doesn't crash for me.

The only time it crashed for me was when I scanner sweeped the extended unit. :P

EDIT: Also that map can be compressed down to 21.9 KB, instead of 509. :P

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 5 2014, 7:52 pm by FaRTy1billion.

TinyMap2 - Latest in map compression! ( 7/09/14 - New build! )
EUD Action Enabler - Lightweight EUD/EPD support! (ChaosLauncher/MPQDraft support!)
EUDDB - topic - Help out by adding your EUDs! Or Submit reference files in the References tab!
MapSketch - New image->map generator!
EUDTrig - topic - Quickly and easily convert offsets to EUDs! (extended players supported)
SC2 Map Texture Mask Importer/Exporter - Edit texture placement in an image editor!
\:farty\: This page has been viewed [img][/img] times!

Sep 15 2014, 7:47 am Raygoza Post #53

Could I suggest 2 modders I really think can be thrusted, the ability to run mods with plugins trough a map means that a campaign can have a very big diversity because it would allow you to use all of the games resources for every map in a different way and having these things modified

Feb 19 2015, 8:04 am jjf28 Post #54

Cartography Artisan

Updated the single-frame hypers map, it's now much cleaner, more optimal, and doesn't crash windows 8/windows 10:

Single Frame Hypers

TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura - github

Reached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.

Mar 14 2015, 5:45 pm o0SkiPz0o Post #55

Is it possible with this to read memory addresses further beyond that of the normal EUD range? Or does it just allow for actions again? (not undervaluing this at all by the way) I'm asking because I was wondering if it's possible to detect modules than have been loaded by kernel & or by anything else that has a hand in loading modules into SC (urlmon for example); because this number is stored by SC, but is too far to reach.


Mar 14 2015, 6:46 pm jjf28 Post #56

Cartography Artisan

AFAIK EUDs can read from the full 32-bit address range (assuming StarCraft has access to the memory), the problem is rather that you can't be certain where the memory you're looking for is located if it's not on StarCraft's stack (that is it was allocated dynamically by StarCraft or belongs to another process), which is where we get the 'range' of EUDs.

As this seems to be the case i've made no attempt to look for more read-overflows, EUPs are all about finding controllable write overflows.

TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura - github

Reached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.

Mar 14 2015, 7:05 pm o0SkiPz0o Post #57

The addresses I'm referring to are always constant within SC's memory, but when trying to acquire the proper way to construct the trigger I have an issue as I'm using EUD Trig and it complains about the address.

Edit: I have been away from SC for a while so perhaps to re-format my question more to the point, is there a method to read values of higher addresses than was initially possible/available with something like EUD Trig, or has a new method and/or formula been constructed to aid in what I'm trying to achieve.

Thank you for your time.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 14 2015, 7:10 pm by o0SkiPz0o.

Mar 14 2015, 7:14 pm jjf28 Post #58

Cartography Artisan

EUD trig should suffice for 0x00000000 through 0x7FFFFFFF, what address are you trying to read?

TheNitesWhoSay - Clan Aura - github

Reached the top of StarCraft theory crafting 2:12 AM CST, August 2nd, 2014.

Mar 14 2015, 7:19 pm o0SkiPz0o Post #59

I can't access the list currently but I believe they were something like 76Exxxxx

I can edit this later tonight when I can tell you exactly.

Mar 15 2015, 5:09 am o0SkiPz0o Post #60

The address I'm trying to read is 0x76F50C08

Sorry for the double post but I wasn't sure an edit so late would let anyone know that I've added the address.


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